Like a Flock of Seagulls …

We ran.
Most ran past Hardee’s, some ran to Hardee’s.
Some ran all the way to Summersby & Unity.
One pre-ran the run.
17 out, 17 back.
Note to Olaf … the trees need trimming between launch and The Peach Stand.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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rucking up heart attack hill

WARMUP: plankitude
THE THANG: head towards the heart attack hill. Perform 5 ruck thrusters at bottom of hill. Take the hill.
MARY: we did some flutters with ruck press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sprocket is putting together football game picks with F3 integrated into the competition
COT: prayers for healing and thanks for family & F3

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Jamaica’s Independence Day Workout


8/5 1962

8 x 50m sprints
19 exercises – 62 reps (except burpees)
60 burpees to represent 60 years of independence.

1. 20 burpees
2. LSS
3. Merkins
4. LBC
5. HW (single count)
6. Row the boat (American Hammers)
8. Lateral jumps
8. OH Clap
9. Flutter Kicks
10. 20 Burpees
11. Lunges (single count)
12. IW (single count)
13. CDD
14. SSH
15. Freddie Mercury’s (single count)
16. Jump Squats
17. Calf raises
18. Penguins (double count)
19. 20 burpees

There’s a lot going on. Check your weekly newsletter. Also submit any announcements that you would want to be seen.

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dead end of suck

mumblechatter was pretty solid throughout but not much from YHC… was feeling rough this week after a late night concert Sunday- the early mornings this week just never came together.

Thankful to get the nod to Q here though as I have only been to a couple workouts over on this side of town.

WARMUP: Mosey past Teeter and Express Oil to Old Farm Dr. circle up and perform following IC: SSH, WM, MNC, Plank/honeymooner/down dog, Mtn. Climbers

THE THANG: 5 station ladder style Pyramid along Old Farm Dr.

5 stations equally spread along length of Old Farm Dr.

1) 15 Freddy Mercuries
2) 20 Merkins
3) 25 Jump Squats
4) 30 Wide Arm Merkins
5) 35 Imperial Squat Walkers

went up the ladder and back down for totals of:

120 Freddy Mercuries, 140 merkins, 125 jump squats, 90 wide arm merkins, 35 Imperial Squat Walkers

MARY: Mosey back to CoT for 3 minutes of LBCs, Leg Raises, American Hammers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Stuff the bus this Saturday, 9/11 workout pre-blast soon

COT: Gotta be there

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Meeting of the Minds

Mosey to the Kingsley traffic circle. Circle up – SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills.
Bear crawl around the traffic circle, then mosey to the end of the street. Next, run up to the top of the hill to the amphitheater, stop at each light pole, alternating exercises Merkins and Squats x10. Band Camp was checking form at each light post. Glad he did not have a whistle.
We finished with a plank painstation (Merkins, Peter Parkers, Wide-Arm Merkins, Parker Peters, and Diamond Merkins
Back to COT.

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Alcatraz Soup

15 IC – Side Straddle Hops
10 IC – Windmill
15 IC – Moroccan Night Club
10 IC – Cherry Pickers
15 IC – Merkins


Merkin Indian Run around Runde Park down hill and back up
A combination of Catch Me If You Can and a traditional Indian Run. The last person drops and does 5 Merkins, while the rest of the Pax mosey in a line. After completing the Merkins, the last guy runs to catch the group, tapping the (new) last Pax on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 Merkins, while the (former) last guy continues on to the front of the line. Continue until all Pax have performed a set of Merkins or until the Q calls it.

Charles Bronson on the Baseball Field
Performed exercises at entrance to baseball field, run to infield dirt/grass line. First round bear crawl, Second round walking lunge, Third round walking lunge. 50 Merkins, 50 LBC’s, 50 Jump Squats.

Partner D.O.R.A. run down parking lot and back.
100 – Merkins
200 – LBC
300 – Squats

ABC’s of Abs
Safe travels
Clarity on home buying process

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Over when we say it is!


Moseying around stopping to build the following sequence. Added an exercise at each stop:

1 burpee
2 bomb jacks
3 jump squats
4 jump lunges
5 Bobby Hurley
6 split squats
8 squats
9 monkey humpers
10 Bulgarian split squats

Paused for Dick Webbs got to 5
15 total pull-ups
60 total merkins

Bearpees also to 4.5

Flutters and flexibility to 0600

It ain’t over till we say it’s over!

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Pillar Pain

Lap around the car loop. Circle up for SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches
11s on the curb. Merkins, crabwalk, dips, bear crawl, rinse and repeat.
Next, Pillar work, Alternate exercises Squats and LBCs x 10. Run to the far pillar and back.
Finish strong, 10 merkins at each pillar, move to the next, rinse and repeat.

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pick it up, put it down, drag it all around

Warmup – SSH, Windmills, plank, merkins

Rucks on – grab sandbags/loose weights and take with for lap around campus- squats/merkins

Move to field – for spoke/wheel style workout using half field (50 yards between corners):

Corner 1 – swings
Corner 2 – OH press
Corner 3 – curls
Corner 4 – bent over rows

Center- man makers (always 5 reps)

Round 1 – suit case carry (5 reps each corner)
Round 2 – Bear Crawl ruck drag (10 reps each corner)
Round 3 – suitcase carry (15 reps each corner)

Another lap around campus with weights- merkins/squats

Announcements: lots of ruck opportunities coming this fall. 10 yr anniversary details to come

CoT: prayers/praises

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Trucker’s worst nightmare

WARMUP: poppins led off with 20 SSH, 10 WM, 10 Merkins (IC) then some honeymooners and downward dig

3 laps around the AO with 5 pain stations each lap (1st time through do exercise 1, 2nd time through do exercise 2, 3rd time through do both exercises)

station 1)
exercise 1: 5 burpees
exercise 2: 10 star sits

station 2)
exercise 1: 5 bomb jacks
exercise 2: 15 monkey humpers

station 3)
exercise 1: 5 jump squats
exercise 2: 20 merkins

station 4)
exercise 1: 5 jump lunges
exercise 2: 25 LBCs

station 5)
exercise 1: 5 knees Tar Jar
exercise 2: 30 plank jacks


un-BEAR-AB-le Ladder

cones at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 yards

bear crawl to first cone, do 10 American Hammers, crawl bear back to start

bear crawl to first cone, do 10 AH, bear crawl to second cone, do 20 shoulder taps, crawl back to start

you get idea… 30 yard mark was 30 flutters, 40 yard was 40 LBCs, 50 yard was 50 plank jacks

mosey to pullup bars – each PAX does 5 pullups calling up – other PAX perform merkins on the up call

Mosey to big hill and do Indian Run up and down hill while 1 PAX drops and does 2 burpees and sprints to catch line of runners.

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter Creole – first Thursday of August

COT: be there

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