Another Round

WARMUP: Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Low Slow Squat, Mosey to location
THE THANG: Using light poles around the parking lot as locations, all exercises 18 count in cadence then (MOT) move to next location: Big Boy (Toy Soldier), Hello Dolly (Lunge Walk), Mountain Climber (Karaoke), Merkin (Karaoke-other side), Freddie Mercury (Bear Craw), SSH (Nur), Plank Jack (Toy Soldier), Flutter Kick (Mosey), Monkey Humper (walk back to location 1). Next, another round with 4 Burpees at each location with mosey to next light.
MARY: A bit
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gold Tourney, Convergence, etc.
COT: Prayers lifted

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Bord of Pain OG

Run to back of school mixed in a few butt kickers, toy soldiers and high knees

OG Board of pain with a twist. No one has ever and dare I say will never complete the board in 45 mins. With that being said, I cut all reps in half except for calf raises. With the at being said, no one finished, but Tesh was a couple exercises away.

50 burpees
150 calf raises
50 ski abs
50 merkins
50 squats
100 LBCs
50 CDD
50 American Hammers
50 Mac Tar Jai
50 Jump squats
50 Mtn climbers
100 shoulder press
50 Mary Catherine
100 hello dolly
50 wide arm merkins
50 squat jacks
50 nippler
50 burpees


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Hills, hills, hills

THE THANG: 10 Mike Tyson’s in bank parking lot, 10 bombjacks in elementary school parking lot. 3 burpees every time you pass through the gate on Dave Gibson
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax, ft mill care center, bethel

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Use your manners

WARMUP: mosey around loop with dynamic stretching at times.
THE THANG: ssh,alternating lunges, squats, 45 degree lunges, elbow to planks, walk outs with squat, burpees. Mosey in formation to back of school 7s squats and shoulder taps, mosey to hill burpees bear crawl burpees. All done while wearing ruck.
COT: prayers and praises

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F1/Nascar/IndyCar Inspired Racetrack

Mosey to Keller Williams lighted parking lot on the way to school

10 Windmill IC

Mosey to far end of school to start loop:
1. Walking Lunges to end of parking spaces
2. Bunny Hop back down parking spaces on other side

Mosey to next loop:
1. Spiderman Lunge to storm drain
2. Complete the loop

Mosey to final loop:
1. 10 Hand Release Merkins
2. Complete loop run back to start.

See image. Most completed 4 laps.

Final lap in front of flags:
10 Flutter IC
10 Hello Dolly IC
10 BigBoys IC

Mosey back to COT


Fort Mill Care Center
Iron Pax

Show To Know

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Back to School

11 studs went back to school at The Coach’s Box for 12 rounds of 12 exercises. Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 12 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 12 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 12 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
– 12 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey around the band practice lot

– 1st Grade: 12 Merkins
– 2nd Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats
– 3rd Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs
– 4th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins
– 5th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises
– 6th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers
– 7th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins
– 8th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges
– 9th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies
– 10th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins
– 11th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Jump Squats
– 12th Grade: 12 Merkins, 12 Squats, 12 LBCs, 12 Wide Arm Merkins, 12 Calf Raises, 12 American Hammers, 12 Diamond Merkins, 12 Lunges, 12 Freddies, 12 Ranger Merkins, 12 Jump Squats, 12 Boxcutters

Final count: 144 Merkins, 132 Squats, 120 LBCs, 108 Wide Arm Merkins, 96 Calf Raises, 84 American Hammers, 72 Diamond Merkins, 60 Lunges, 48 Freddies, 36 Ranger Merkins, 24 Jump Squats, 12 Box Cutters, and .84 miles

Throughout the workout, we stopped and talked about our favorite teachers throughout school. We talked about what made them great and how they shaped who we are today. Some leaders set the example for what you want to become, while others set the example of what to avoid. We have the same opportunity daily with our children. We should strive to be the best example possible. Keep pushing yourself for betterment and your children will see the example they should follow.


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The Toddler Carry

WARMUP: windmill, imperial walkers, low slow squats, SSH
THE THANG: 11s with squats and overhead press. 3(ish) “catch me if you can” laps around the parking lot with 3 Burpees for the chaser
MARY: 1 minute push up challenge (try to do one pushup over the period of one minute in continuous motion)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: tortoise and the hare this weekend, Golf fundraiser in October

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Bring em out bring em out

WARMUP: pre-run at 0445
THE THANG: braden loops – with 3 pain stations
stop 1 – 20 squats
stop 2 – 30 LBCs
stop 3 – 20 merkins

3 to 4 miles by all

MARY: a few core exercises


COT: yup

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