11 years and still counting…..

WARMUP: YHC on Q. Circle up.
SSHx22, the following were in counts of 11.
Windmill, Squats, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial walkers, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, HillBilly Walker, Low Slow Squats. ends with SSHx22
THE THANG: 10 minutes of Merkins, then Wheel O Pain.
hand off to Senator. Longest Indian Run in The Fort. Stop and try to do some pull ups. Many others actually did them. Keep going to bottom of hill. 10 Bomb Jacks and then to COT.
MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, Fundraiser, Care Center, Bethel Men’s shelter
COT: Prayers for healing, saying goodbye to loved ones, safety of our children and community.

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Bord of Pain OG

Run to back of school mixed in a few butt kickers, toy soldiers and high knees

OG Board of pain with a twist. No one has ever and dare I say will never complete the board in 45 mins. With that being said, I cut all reps in half except for calf raises. With the at being said, no one finished, but Tesh was a couple exercises away.

50 burpees
150 calf raises
50 ski abs
50 merkins
50 squats
100 LBCs
50 CDD
50 American Hammers
50 Mac Tar Jai
50 Jump squats
50 Mtn climbers
100 shoulder press
50 Mary Catherine
100 hello dolly
50 wide arm merkins
50 squat jacks
50 nippler
50 burpees


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Wicked Pissah Bootcamp

WARMUP: MNC’s x 25, 5 “Clam Chowders “ (10 ct/IC), ChPick, 4CCs, Imp Squat-Walk, 3 CCs, Hill-Walk. 2CCs, Windmill, 1 CC
THE THANG: 7 laps around 3 Stations (finished 5 before time…), 25 reps all exercises, MOT changes each lap between stations, always slow Mosey from last to start. End each lap w/ SSH till 6

set timer & Music (VanHalen)

1: Shiko, Good-AMs, AirSquats, MOT= Nur
2: Step-ups, calf-raise (toes in/out (opposite Pax natural posture), side lunges, MOT=Toy Soldier
3: CDDs, shoulder claps, Mike Tyson’s, MOT=Carioca (R/L)
4: plank (25sec), Side-Rt, Side-Lt, MOT=full Mosey
5: Alt Bulg. Split Squats, Monkey-Humpers, Alt RDLs, MOT=mosey w/ butt-kickers

Mary: John Hancock’s, Pax Choice

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alcatraz Aniversary, Iron Pax, Fort 12th, Bethel, read newsletter…
COT: Patience & effective communication w/ M’s

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Next Play!

My SL bro had the Q stick for Soul2Sole this morning so we planned a mini convergence the night before…

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup including some mosey, some toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers

Then met with the Soul2Sole crew at entrance to football stadium and circled up for SSH, WM, IW, MNC, LSS all IC.

THE THANG: S2S brought their rucks and sandbags to the party so we utilized them in a mini-DORA.

5 groups of 3 PAX
50 burpees – while 2 of the PAX did overhead rifle carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
100 squats – while 2 of the PAX did farmers carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck
150 merkins – while 2 of the PAX did bear hug carry up the hill with sandbag/ruck

arranged into 3 groups of 5 PAX and rotated throwing the sandbag up and down the hill

S2S left back to Kingsley about 540 so I had 20 minutes left

Headed for the steep hill that leads to the handicap parking/entrance to the football field

mosey to bottom – crawl bear to the top – bunny hops to the bottom – 20 LBC IC – sprint to the top – bear crawl to the bottom – NUR to the top – 20 flutters IC

mosey back toward COT with a few stops:
1. curb work including calf raises, dips, and curb taps all IC
2. parking lot work including walking lunges, reverse walking lunges, burpee broad jumps
3. Wall work including wall sits with MNC, and toe taps

MARY: about 30 seconds of plank moves including left and right arms to sky, 6in, and honeymooner

ANNOUNCEMENTS: survey, convergence sept 28, IronPAX

COT: yup

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IronPAX week -1???

WARMUP: lots of stuff to get everyone loose
THE THANG: Cindies at the bottom of the hill by elementary school.
Called 11s on the hill with Manmakers at the bottom and Leg lifts over your head at the top while holding onto your block behind you for an anchor. 10 Manmakers at bottom to start so the bad stuff only gets less

Had to cut short around 3/8 or 4/7 for most so we could get back to COT and do about 8 min of cooldown and stretching.

We don’t stretch enough after working out. It would be one thing if guys hung out after a workout and stretched but we usually want to rush off or stand around and talk. Instead of trying to fill the last 5 min with random pain or Mary around the circle call some stretches. At most of our ages it probably would benefit more than the 5 min of exercises you squeeze in.


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Folds of Honor

WARMUP: Honored corporal Brock Buckner and the Folds of Honor Foundation. Got some work in with SSH, windmills, tappy taps, overhead claps, honey mooners, light merkins, etc
THE THANG: pull up work at the bars, then grabbed Cindy and headed to field. Combination of exercises while carrying Cindy to the 20-50-20. Curls, overhead press, merkins, dips, squats, swings. Run a lap after each 100 yard trek. Ended with 100 yard bear crawl and 100 yard rifle carry
MARY: Mary in between laps waiting for 6
COT: don’t get caught up in the fight this election season rather bring the light. Family, 2.0s

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Back to school

THE THANG: 3.4 miles down to Gold Hill Elementary and up the back hill towards Walmart. Turn around and take a more scenic route back.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, golf tournament
COT: prayers for my M and for me to remember that I need to focus on serving her through recovery and maybe even after.

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Get up stand up… Stand up for your rights

WARMUP: SSH x 24 IC, MNC x 24 IC, Windmills x 8 IC, Imp-Squat-Walkers x8 IC, Hillbilly Walkers x 24 IC

Plank Series (8 count holds once in position): Straight, Right, Left, Straight, So.Gentleman, No. Agressor
Finish w/ “John Hancocks”

THE THANG: Mosey to stairway & on up
24 dips on bench, 12 Irkins, 12 Dirkins
Down stairs, mosey to Picnic Tables, repeat 24/12/12

Over to Pavement track – Parnter Dora (1 moseys a lap/other exercises)
50 Plank-Jack Merkins
100 Am. Hammers
150 Get-up/Stand-ups
200 LBC’s
250 Gas Pumpers (where we cut it for Mary)
MARY: Hello Dolly x 24 IC, Heel Taps x 24 IC, Hello Rosalita x 24 IC, Freddy Mercury, Some other Bitcoin punishment I forgot
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Iron Pax, other stuff in newsletter
COT: Prayers for the recently departed (JCruise friend Tom) and being mindful/present when with family despite distractions

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Drive By Complaints

Mosey with dynamic warmup 5 min

SB OH Strict Press
SB Good Morning/Dead Lifts
SB Back squat
SB Clean

At end of timer, grab SB and move to field for second set of work.

Moving Sandbag Iterations w/Static Moves Between
Bear Crawl SB Drag across field
One Shoulder Squat x 10 each side
Clean and Toss across field
SB OH Hold for the six
SB Lunges in front rack position across field
SB over the shoulder (OTS)
Bear Crawl w/SB on back

Boogie Nights is apparently the only person who can successfully bear crawl while balancing a sandbag on his back.

Walk back to COT w/SB on one shoulder, flapjack halfway
SB Sit Up
Flutter with SB Hold/Press
Seated SB Twists
Have a nice day 30 seconds


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