Run, Plank, Exercise, Repeat: The ‘Are We There Yet?

YHC arrived 10 minutes early. As usual, Badlands was out for a Pre-Run.

– 5 SSH (IC)

The Thing
– Mosey 0.40 miles to the first Baxter entrance.
– Plank for the 6.
– 10 Low Slow Squats (feet together).
– 10 Merkins.
– 15 WW2 Sit-ups.

– Mosey 0.60 miles to the Sutton Rd 160 Intersection.
– Algore for the 6.
– Monkey humpers for active recovery.

– Mosey 0.50 miles to Flight Plan COT.
– 10 Lt. Dan’s (IC). Counting cadence was tricky, so we were off on the count.
– 10 Lunges each leg to make up for the Lt. Dan count.
– 10 Foxholes (WW2 Sit-up then flip over to a Merkin).

– Mosey 0.45 miles to Sutton Rd and Richards Crossing.
– Algore for the 6.

– Mosey 0.25 miles to the small hill on Richards Crossing.
– Plank for the 6.
– 3 hill repeats up to the sign and back.
– Basketball drill: side shuffle, bounce off the curb to the sign.
– Nur up to the top of the hill.

– Mosey 0.30 miles to the Mushroom Pool parking lot.
– Plank up for the 6.
– 7 Windmills (IC).
– 9 Chain Breakers (IC).

– Mosey to COT.
– With plenty of time left, we did 4 suicides in the parking lot.
– Still some time on the clock, so we did 10 Worst Worst LBCs.
– Attempted Imperial Walker Squats (IC) but messed up the cadence.

– Hog and Coyote next Saturday.
– The Sweaty Barry after that.
– Tortoise and the Hare.
– Jaeger.

Prayers & Praises:
– Suplex: Praise for finding F3 and absolutely getting after it.
– Punchlist: Prayers as he ventures out and builds a home in York, renting for a year.
– YHC: Asking the Pax to be more vulnerable in COT.

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To the Fort and Back

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: 3,4,and 5 mile option. 2 miles to Hobos and back, 3 miles to Poppy Seed and back, 5 miles with a loop around Academy.
Trail runners and ruckers participated too
MARY: none

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“Fun Workout Playlist”

Cherry Pickers
Mosey to back lot
2 separate AMRAP’s. 15 minutes a per.

50 SSH
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Plank Jacks
20 Leg Raises
10 Burpees

50 Step Ups
40 Overhead Claps
30 LBC’s
20 Dips
10 Bulgarian Split Squats

Mosey back to COT
Airborne Hip Exercises

5 minutes of rotating exercises

Summer CSAUP

Trucker’s mothers health, Barkley/Boogie Nights brother, mental health

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Running with Burpees…..among other stuff

WARMUP: The Pledge at 0514
THE THANG: Off to kimbrell’s lot for the beginning of ‘round the block.

Run the block with the following at each corner

5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 side straddle hops

3.0 miles – 80 burpees (meeting slapshot’s minimum requirement), 160 squats and 240 side straddle hops. Esso liked those the most – except that he couldn’t do them all in a row.

MARY: No time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call, Funhouse. :eye:

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Sweep The Leg

WARMUP: route was discussed 3.75 miles
THE THANG: Ran down 160 to Baxter, we ran a loop in Baxter going counter clockwise. Fist stop :octagonal_sign: sign we did three man- makers with cinder blocks, every other stop :octagonal_sign: was 3 Burpees and continued to run. = 3.75 miles once finished
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check portal for announcements
COT: Tiller had everyone talk about praise or prayer.

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Jason Richards “Falcon”

13 PAX + Falcon = 14. The same number of PAX that showed up in the gloom on 4/29/2024 when Falcon collapsed after his first workout. We are here to honor this man

9 motivators – a crowd favorite
Low slow squats with coupon
Low slow merkins

“Falcon Heavy”
14 SSH in cadence buy-in
4 rounds of 26 each with coupons. Only progress to the next movement once everyone except Cohiba is done
Flutters with press (the hard way)
American Hammers (the hard way)
Lunges (the easy way)
Overhead press
No rest Thrusters – if the coupon drops below your chest, 5 manmaker penalty for everyone. This was abused
Shuffle a lap with the coupon
14 SSH in cadence (called correctly)

We made 3 full rounds. Some would say we could have finished if we didn’t mess around with motivators during warmup. Scientists are now referring to these claims as “wrong”.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: loads of stuff this summer
COT: Lifting up Falcon’s family

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Attacking all angles

WARMUP: not necessary
THE THANG: loops at Brayden
10x merkins and squats at stop light
10x diamond merkins and monkey humpers at pool
10x wide arm merkins and sumo squats at top fo hill

MARY: ab lab for a few minutes led my Tesh


COT: yes

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4 corners, 3 times = 12 corners

Airborne stretch
Side straddle hop
Low slow squats

4 corners-Merkins-CDD-Flutters-LBC’s
Mode of transportation: Toy soldiers, 1 burpee in the middle

4 corners-Hand Release-B jacks-heals 2 heaven-hello dollies-1 burpee in the middle

4 corners- 5 burpees at each corner, 1 burpee in the middle
Mode of transportation: High knees

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Duda Right Thing

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, MNC
Buy-in 100 KB Swings
Murder Bunnies across the length of the HS parking lot

50 squats with KB
Walked the length of the parking lot while doing overhead presses – rinse and repeat with 50 squats

30 Curls with KB
Shoulder rack the KB and jog to the end of the parking lot – rinse and repeat with 30 curls

30 High Pulls with KB
Passthrough lunge the length of the parking lot – rinse and repeat with 30 High Pulls

Ran out of time to cash out

Tesh found a bracelet with the #Duda Right Thing printed on it

We went over the 5 core principles of F3

MARY: 8 KB merkins in cadence with each arm
COT: Closed in prayer

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