Burpees for BBQ

We will converge on Peachland Polkton Elementary at 0630. Hour long beatdown followed by some delicious BBQ at Jon Gs BBQ. Plan is to be in the line waiting around 0800. Coffeteria to follow in the BBQ line. The place will have free beer for those interested and we will coordinate additional breakfast items for those that wish. Oh, and yes, there is a patch. This is definitely the most true definition of a CSAUP. Getting up super early to travel an hour to go get BBQ with a workout before hand.

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Broga amd a Beatdown

WARMUP: Sasquatch started with some Broga to warm us up
THE THANG: We had a choice of two exercises per round.
125 SSH and or Merkins
100 SQUATS and or Mountain CLIMBERS
50 Pull ups and or Knees to chest


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“Just the Facts, Ma’am.” pt 2.

It was a glorious 75 degree gloom today, complete with humidity and dew. The air was saturated from the storms overnight. Along the ride there was a Shield & Splinter sighting – running all the way from Regent Park. Animals.

YHC rolled into the AO in a good mood, made even better by the sighting of Dirty Harry waiting in the parking lot. To top it off, Albatross showed up the day after his FNG post. The man’s got gumption.



Disclaimer was disclaimed, then we walked through the 5 core principles. YHC was excited to deliver the pain this morning.



SSH x 34 IC

Merkins x 7 IC

Six Count Burpess x 5 IC

Jump Lunges x 8 Each Side



Quick mosey to adjacent lot.


1 Squat : 4 Squat Pulses up to 10:40. The PAX dropped it like it was hot.

Walk Like an Egyptian

This is a lunge hold Indian run. Take a step in a lunge, hold it, PAX in rear sprints to front. Step forward with other leg, hold while PAX in rear sprints to front. Repeat until you arrive at your destination.

Luckily our destination was only 50 or so yards… but the burn was felt.


1 6-Count Burpee : 4 Bear Crawl Steps up to 10:40. YHC called the cadence throughout to keep the PAX together.

Mosey to field to complete final iteration.


1 Merkin : 4 OH Claps up to 10:40. The shoulders were on fire for the duration of this iteration.

5 Min of Mary

Protractor into Rosalita’s x 10

Flutters x 10

American Hammers x 10

Gas Pumpers x 10 (at the discretion of Dirty Harry)



Today’s workout was pleasant – most would disagree – but the mutual suck endured alongside my brothers quickly became fun for YHC. I wanted to cut the movements short multiple times, but we don’t wake up at 0430 to half ass it.

I’ve been struggling to post as of late, and to be honest I am not happy with myself about it. I ran into Esso on Monday at Publix, and the camaraderie gained from posting quickly translates into the world a sense of community and belonging. He promised he’d come to my Q, and much to my delight, he did as he said. This community we have in F3 is not to be taken for granted, even by a kotter like myself. I am better when I post. Not only because of the 1st F. It’s because of the 2nd F that we all enjoy so much, followed by the 3rd F in putting our community and faith above ourselves. We push each other to be better daily. It starts with showing up.

Who is in your world that would benefit from this?



Bethel Men’s Shelter tonight – and every first Thursday of the month. Hit up Poppins for info.


Prayers & Praises

Larry & Patty Pettus

DH’s Father in Law – Roger

Splinter’s friend getting herniated disc surgery

Albatross’ weekend trip to Chucktown and him focusing on getting his thoughts straight


Poppins – thanks for bringing me out to lead at The Ranch.


Punch List out.

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SL Speed Work

Hot, humid, muggy, soupy, delightful morning. Thermometer said 75 when firing up the truck this morning. It’s gonna be a hot one. Best way to pay the man is to get it in early.

WARMUP: 1.5 mile run
THE THANG: 28 minutes of sprint repeats around the Kingsley Parking Lot
Prayers for DH’s father in law, Roger. He has a bad report from a biopsy indicating cancer on two organs.

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A new place for backblasts

WARMUP: Lap Around the lot
THE THANG: Sandbag/Ruck/Ruck Plate Upper Body WOD

4×10 Dive Bomber Push-ups
3×10 Kneeling Sandbag Curls
4×10 Ruck Front Raise
3×12 Ruck Plate Lateral Raise
4×15 Sandbag Strict OH Press
2×2 Min Max Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: What Happens in SL stays in SL

COT: Prayed together as a SL regarding current happenings in our lives.

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Simple – Gear, Burpees and Sprints at the Armory

Typos quite possible…

Armory for the kickoff of the month of Gear/May:

PAX brought a few sand bags, a ruck, plate carrier and kettle bells ranging from 20lb-60lb. Tesh would’ve blushed.

Disclaimer but hey, push yourself.
Carry the coupons to the near end of the large parking lot.
Mosey lap around then circle up for some warm up things (garden variety).

10 Burpees and sprint to the other end of the lot
10 Burpees and sprint back, partnering up with a coupon of your choice (it pays to be fast)

25 Squat Thrusters
25 Curls
26 Merkins (1/2 & 1/2)

5 Burpees, run 1/2 way and run back (had to start watching the clock) to the coupon of your choosing…unless you had no other options.
25 Flutters
25 Freddy Mercury’s
25 X’s & O’s

5 Burpees, run 1/2 way and run back
25 LBC’s
25 American Hammers
26 Box Cutters

5 Burpees, run 1/2 way and run back
25 Bent Over Rows (slow cadence)
25 Overhead Press (slow cadence)
25 Chest Press (slow cadence)

10 Burpees, Run all the way down and run all the way back

Carry the coupons back for COT

Until next time.

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3rd Manion WOD with the AKA crew

WARMUP: mumblechatter

Manion WOD
29 squats with ruck (with sandbags when available)
1/4 mile ruck (shared sandbags)
7 rounds

We did an extra rounds as time allowed for extra credit

MARY: mumblechatter
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sign up for blood donations🩸
COT: prayers for families, kids and teachers during the last stretch of the school year

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Brisket Block Party

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot across from police station. In cadence of brisket, ribs, chicken did windmills, hillbilly walkers, imperial walkers and burpees(OYO)
THE THANG: Made our way to downtown for the light poles. There are 16 light poles are you travel up Main St on the left hand side. First trip up was lunge walk with 2 squats with calf raise at first light pole. Then 4,6,8 etc until we hit 32 squats with calf raises.

Short mosey around to get back to the bottom of the hill and this time duck walk to the light poles with 1 hand release merkin at each light, increasing the number by 1 until the 16th light.
MARY: flutter kicks, big boy sit-ups, leg lifts, American hammers (in no particular order)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive coming up and convergence/invergence on 4/30 at WEP
COT: stays in COT.

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