VQ with The “Maupin” at the Honey Badger

It was a chilly Monday morning and halfway through “The Murph” with Maximus.  My body was hurting,  muscles wanting to shut down, my mind asking “why?, really ? On a Monday morning “?
I hear Wegmans ask “ Hey DeLorean, you want to Q next Monday ?”   Again my mind saying “ no because we aren’t going to survive  this workout, you aren’t ready,  I don’t feel comfortable doing that”     My response “SURE!”
It’s at these moments the real work and change is done…..so I’m learning.
Anyway…..let’s get on with it.

No Disclaimer 🤦🏼‍♂️

Warm up with some SSH’s, Mtn Climbers, Wind Mill’s. In something that resembles a cadence and I’m not sure what the counts were for each exercise because they were all different.  PAX were halting when I didnt want them to and it was because my tone during the cadence was very very pitchy.   I was planning on more warm up exercises but wanted this failure to end and move onto the main event.

Mosey over to the track and the whiteboard with the “Maupin” written out in detail.  Short explanation of who Army Staff Sgt Keith Mathew Maupin  was and why we are honoring this hero.   PAX held a plank position during this explanation but not because I told them to but wishing it was because I told them to.

Background: Dedicated to U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Keith “Matt” Maupin, 24, of Batavia, Ohio, who disappeared on April 9, 2004, when insurgents south of Baghdad attacked his convoy with small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. His remains were found on March 20, 2008. Prior to his disappearance, Maupin served as part of the 724th Transportation Company in Bartonville, Illinois.

He is survived by his mother, Carolyn; father, Keith; a brother and sister; and many other friends and family members.

4 Rounds of the following :

  • 800 meter Run
  • 49 Push-Ups
  • 49 Sit-Ups
  • 49 Air Squats

Mosey back to parking lot for COT

5 penalty burpees for Tootie being 1 minute late, which we all did together and burned up a couple minutes of time I had left because I was about to finish early.

Announcements:  Operation Love, Saturday convergence to honor Sean Kelly  “Shop Vac”

Prayers and Praises:  Wegmans- Prayers for his wife who is carrying their 2nd child.
Splinter- Prayers for him during this time of dealing with the loss of 2 of his friends and prayers for their families.

Thanks Wegmans for the invite and for good lessons learned.


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The MURPH done at Honey Badger

5 of us at Honey Badger to honor a hero, Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy by performing THE MURPH. A few had a little extra weight.

Head to the track for a few warm ups and stretches


Run 1 mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 mile

YHC was the six.

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How Much Time Will We Waste?

Last week a dear brother of ours passed unexpectedly. He was one of the good ones – and he taught me a most valuable lesson about time spent and time wasted. He fought his demons and let them reign supreme for far too long – but he eventually said “enough is enough” and overcame those demons. From then on he was the husband, father, and brother to those around him that lead from the front. It was in that moment that he became the man God designed him to be.

So, today, we won’t waste time in doing what we need to do.


56 x SSHs, Low Slow Squats, Overhead Claps

Mosey to Endzone on Field

Proverbs 6:9-11

How long will you lie there, you sluggard?

    When will you get up from your sleep?


A little sleep, a little slumber,

    a little folding of the hands to rest—


and poverty will come on you like a thief

    and scarcity like an armed man.

Field Work

Partner up, swap wheel barrow every 10 yards.

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7

10 – Donkey Kicks

20 – Hand Release Merkins

30 – Jump Lunges (each leg)

40 – Air Squats

50 – LBCs

40 – Air Squats

30 – Jump Lunges (each leg)

20 – Hand Release Merkins

10 – Donkey Kicks

Endzone – Burpee Broad Jumps x 7


James 4:13-15

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.”

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

Bear Crawl, Exercise

25 Yards

15 Bomb Jacks

25 Yards

15 Jump Squats

25 Yards

15 Bomb Jacks

25 Yards

15 Jump Squats



I’ll tell you this – I am a hypocrite. I have not been doing as I say here, but that is going to change. I am not going to be a man of inaction regarding what matters any more.

Dawson Trotman once said: “The biggest waste of time is the waste of time in getting started.”


Jack Webbs

1:4 to 10:40 on the field.

Mosey to Shovel Flag for COT.

Jack Webbs Cont’d

11:44-14:56 for Shop Vac

10 flutters to end it.

Final Thought

What do I need to do to stop procrastinating? What do you need to do?


Prayers for Shop Vac and Nugent’s families – both died unexpectedly last week under terrible circumstances.

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9/11 Stair Climb

Today 10 Pax did the Harder thing and climbed the bleachers at NaFo. The goal was climb the height of the Twin Towers… if we went up and down  the bleachers and all its steps we would have to do it at least 29 times. That would equal the amount of steps the first responders had to climb to help the civilians in the building. We honored all first responders especially PO Mark Ellis TD04 , PO Ramon Suarez TD04 and PO Antonio Rodrigues PAPD.

We started with a warmup of: WINDMILLS, MORROCAN NIGHTCLUBS, SSH and some stretching.

The WOD was the Climb….with 30lb rucks and some sandbags if you felt froggy.

Up and Down the bleachers….. when you hit the bottom you had 9 Merkins and 11 squats waiting for you….. 29 times up amd down with a total of 270 merlins and 360 squats. There was some mumblechatter amongst the Pax  and every man left it out there on the bleachers.

We ended with COT and prayer.




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End It Ruck


YHC is issuing a 21 day challenge (culminating with GTE24 on August 6th) for ALL PAX within The Fort. 

Beauty out of The Nation has created an End It Ruck challenge and I have felt the call to bring it to our region. The mission is to set fifty individuals free that are currently enslaved in the human trafficking industry. The cost of freedom for someone enslaved in this industry is $6,550. This provides the rescue, post-rescue housing, rehabilitative care, counseling, vocational training, and assistance with assimilation into society for those who have been set free.

The challenge: log as many miles as you can while biking, hiking, paddling, rucking, running, swimming, or however else you please.

The goal: pledge a monetary amount to each mile that you feel comfortable to donate at the end of the 21 days. It could be $.01, it could be $1.00. Whatever it is, let it be something you are comfortable with.

The kicker: YHC will match $1/mile up to 1,000 miles for our group. My M and I have prayed about this and feel this is something we need to be involved in.

You can log your miles here.

More info on End it Ruck here:


More info on the End it Movement here:


At the end of the challenge you can donate to the End it Ruck here:


This mission is something that weighs heavy on my heart, and my goal is to shine a light on this to The Fort. 

If you have any questions – hit me up on slack! Now get moving!

Punch List out. 

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1776 Patriot Games

8 men decided to do the hard thing Monday morning after celebrating the birthday of this great nation. Here’s what we did:

1776 Patriot Games

  • 1776 Yard Run (1.01 miles)
  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 LBCs
  • 100 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 100 Pullups
  • 100 Squats
  • 100 Mountain Climbers
  • 100 Lunges
  • 100 Overhead Claps
  • 100 Dips
  • 100 Leg Scissors
  • 100 Step Ups
  • 100 American Hammers
  • 100 Shoulder Taps
  • 100 High Knees
  • 100 Side Straddle Hops
  • 100 Yard Bear Crawl
  • 76 Burpees


We are blessed to have the opportunity to do hard things, not out of obligations to survive, but out of choice. Amongst many others, we have the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. We have the right to assemble in the Gloom and to close our workouts in a prayer of our choice. As we celebrate 245 years of independence from Great Britain, let us not forget who we are, where we come from, and the legacy we will leave behind. The average person will influence 80,000 people in their lifetime. That influence starts first in your home with your family, then your community, place of worship, workplace and so on. As this country was started with a declaration, make a declaration today to be a positive influence for the world…starting first in your hearts and homes.

Italian Job

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Escalation at The Hive

It was Kettle Bell time at the HIve but that doesn’t hold a candle to the 2 FNGs we had this morning. That’s right. 2 FNGs!!! However, at the start, we only had 1. How’s that, you ask?

One of them, now known in the gloom as Father Time showed up 12mins late. When you see him in the gloom, you should ask him how he got his name. Regardless, here’s what we did:

Warm Up lap that would become our lap after each set of exercises. Followed that up with some basic warmup exercises before heading into the following:

10 Lunges (ea leg) – lap
20 Man Makers – lap
30 Merkins – lap
2min Plank done together

40 “Real” Squats and the quotes are a reminder that we’re not doing half squats – lap
50 Mountain Climbers  – lap
60 Curls – lap
2min Plank done together

70 LBC’s – lap
80 Bent Over Rows – Lap
2min Plank done together

Flutters the way I now like to do them
Boats & Canoes


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Taming the Tongue (and the PAX)

YHC led off with a quick Bible verse.

James 3:3-5

When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

He do we talk to those around us? Our peers? Colleagues? M’s? 2.0’s? Do we treat those closest to us differently than say a total stranger?

Warm Up

Mosey/High Knees/Butt Kickers/Karaoke/Toy Soldiers

Al Gore hold while performing:

Moroccan Night Clubs

Lil Baby Arm Circles both directions

Squat Pulses to finish with a burn


The Thang

7 minutes of Chelsea to start

EMOM 5-10-15 Pull Ups – Merkins – Squats


Mosey to the track

Our thoughts ultimately come out via our tongue. If we think bitterly and assume the worst out of everybody in our lives, our tongue will be a strong

Burpee Chase – 

Sprint the straights, jog the curves. At each corner perform five burpees

Bear Crawl 100 yards in between each lap

Completed two laps

Back to the pull up bars

6 minutes of Chelsea

Jail Break to COT

Mary in Cadence

20 LBCs

15 American Hammers

10 Gas Pumpers


The tongue is something we cannot control – no matter how hard we try. The only true way to tame the tongue is by living in the Spirit. I have trouble with this myself. It is something that I just need to realize isn’t within my power to control. Once I relinquish said control to the Spirit, my speech ultimately improves.

How do we relinquish our tongues to the Holy Spirit? Well… there is no formula. But finding yourself in proximity to God more often tends to help. The more we approach the Lord via the Word, prayer, fellowship, and witnessing, the higher the odds are that our speech will be Spirit led.


Kaiser’s 10 year anniversary

Splinter/Point Break Home Schooling

YHC – the Holy Spirit helped me to let go of bitterness I was keeping toward my M – big praise!


Thanks for the tap, Kaiser. Always happy to serve.


Punch List out.

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One mile “Casualty” carrying

Last week of heavy training before Dirty Myrtle and I have 3 Q’s lined up back to back starting with this one.

7 Pax showed up for some Tinsel Utensils WOD; two multi-position ladders were used as stretchers with two sandbags each, main goal was to complete 1 mile “casualty” carrying around the school, ladders were loaded with sandbags and each PAX had a ruck on so off we went.

At minute 2 an alarm went off on my phone , drop the ladders and it was time for 5 merkins with rucks on, complete the task, pickup the casualties and keep moving towards our one mile goal, at minute 4 alarm went off again, drop the ladders and time for 5 more merkins, so we went tabata style and every 2 minutes we had to drop the load and do 5 merkins (about 145-150 merkins total) lots of mumble chatter.

Once we reached our one mile goal around minute 35 and we changed our transportation mode; we switched the ladders to the A frame position and two PAX will carry them while the rest will carry the sandbags.. and yes, Tabata was still present so every two minutes we dropped the loads, did 5 merkins and rotate weights.

Went around the field and the back of the school and reached COT with les than 5 minutes to spare, time for AB LAB, we did some flutters with ruck press and noneless we heard the alarm one more time so 5 more merkins (slick) it felt really good to not have the ruck on for these 5 last merkins, one more minute for more flutters and we hot 0600.

Thank you to all the PAX that showed up to do the harder thing, we had a visit from Royale and WIld Thing from Lake Wylie and I’m sure they “enjoyed” the beatdown.

Thanks to Divac for the opportunity to lead!!

Tinsel out… until the next day…

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Currahee 3.30.2021

Catch Up Backblast 2/5


Buy In 

5 Count Sandbag GTSS

5 Count Sandbag Clusters (Clean & Thrust)

5 Count BAD w/Sandbag

5 Count Sandbag Get Up


Coupon Ruck w/heavy sand bags and water jugs around the school.



25-yard Duck Walk (5 Spaces), Walk Duck back

20 Ruck Squats

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 push-ups

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 Ruck High Pulls

25-yard Duck Walk, Walk Duck back

20 4-count flutter kicks, Walk Duck back

25-yard Duck Walk

20 4-count mountain climber, Walk Duck back

25-yard Duck Walk


Cash Out

5 Count Sandbag GTSS

5 Count Sandbag Clusters

5 Count BAD w/Sandbag

5 Count Sandbag Get Up


It sucked. We spent time under the 120, and everywhere else. Olaf said something profound (he usually always does), which I was planning to make the title of the backblast… but YHC slacked and didn’t write it down quick enough.

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