Frosty’s Revenge: The Icebreaker Workout

BEFORE HAND: I ran out of the house to find my windshield completely frozen. I mean should I have expected when it’s 27° out. I tried to knock the ice off but with that I only made it to the stop sign at the end of Rd. As I started sweating bullets thinking I was going to be late just get my windshield clear so I can view the road. I made it with time to spare.

I proceeded to get out of the vehicle trying to get used to the bitter cold. Upon circling up we got a good amount of Pax which always ends up making for a great time.

WARMUP: 10 windmills
10 SSH
10 imperial walkers

Mosey over to the milestone.
Asked the Pax to think about what they are most grateful for this time of year and also what they are struggling with.

10 Merkins IC

I had two present boxes with several exercises and reps listed inside. The main box had exercises that would be done in the parking lot near spratt St. Where the playground is. The lower box had exercises with reps Had exercises with reps for us to be performed at the milestone near white St. and Main St. I had Pax pull from each one of the gifts to determine the exercise that would be performed. Here’s how it went no particular order.
Lower box
1. 15 – Mike Tysons
2. 15 – Mike Tysons
3. 20 – Plank Toe touches each leg
4. 5 – Plank Toe touches each leg
5. 20 – Plank Shoulder Taps each side
6. 20 – Dips
7. 15 – Mike Tysons
Main box
1. 20 – CDD
2. 20 hand Release Merkins
3. 5 – Fire Hydrants Each Leg
4. 5 – Wide Arm Merkins
5. 5 – Merkins
6. 5 – WW2 Situps
7. Last but not lease 25 – Kraken Burpees which for the sake of time I Omaha to 10 – Kraken Burpees

Mosey back to COT.

COT: Circle up C-Span style to review what each pax is most grateful for this time of year and what they are struggling with.
Health is the main item that came up to be grateful for.
Prayers and praises. Lots of announcements read your newsletter.

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Tour de force!

WARMUP: pharmacy parking lot- 50 SSH, plank focus

Mosey to WEP, 1/2 lap 1 burpee each bench increasing to 7 where we ended up at amphitheater, wall sits, pax take turns lunge walking to edge and run back, for last three pax we did balls to walls with push-ups

Mosey to Pike, bear crawl entire length of back parking lot under the awning, IFKYK

Mosey to half wall in front of PIKE, Derkins and dips

Mosey back towards downtown and sprint up hill towards Valero

Stop for 50 American hammers IC (2 sets of 25)

Mosey to print shop around to pull up bars, Jack Webb with pull ups and merkins up to 5

Mosey around long way to COT, almost got 3 miles

MARY: incorporated
ANNOUNCEMENTS: golf event, bethel, CSAUP
COT: prayers for patience, travels and keeping reason for season, Jesus

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Quiet Please……….

WARMUP: SSH (while waiting on Cubbie), mosey to Monroe & Acadamy. 10 Windmills, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Goofballs (for BL)
THE THANG: #The Pendulum
10 Bombjacks: run to stop sign at Confederate 20 Merkins
back to intersection: 10 Bombjacks: Run to top of hill on Monroe 20 Plankjacks
5 rounds
Thang #2
Four Corners:
Corner 1: 5 Merkins & 5 Bombjacks
Corner 2: 5 Merkins & 10 Monkeyhumpers
Corner 3: 5 Merkins & 15 CDD’s
Corner 4: 5 Merkins & 20 Mountain Climbers
Did 3 Rounds
MARY: Bandcamp led a few

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Rain and Angry Neighbors

WARMUP: Mosey to WEP bc it was raining like crazy. SSH, IW, HW, Wind Mills, Moroccan Night Clubs.
THE THANG: 10 exercises 12 reps, Bear Crawl from one side of stage and back. Rinse and Repeat 5 times.
Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips, Carolina Dry Docks, Lunges, Diamond Merkins, Hammers, LBC’s.
MARY: 1Mosey to Pike parking lot 10 Burpees and Abb work. Darkest of Helmets cadence woke up a neighbor but we said sorry. Mosey back to Veterans Park for 10 Merkins.
COT: prayers for Thanksgiving

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I think Beaker hit his head

0445 – 2 mile prerun
0515 – 31 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 8 Single Leg RDLs

1st circuit:
-10 squats
-10 lunges (SC)
-10 jumping lunges (SC)
-10 jump squats
up and down the hill twice.
x5 rounds

2nd circuit:
10 big boys
10 Peter Parker’s (DC)
10 leg raises
Up and down the hill

Ended the last 10 minutes with some kinda Broga and light stretching

MARY: check above

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Walk like your favorite Bear or Crab!

Ran up that big ole hill
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Run back down big ole hill

Part I: First Baptist Parking lot, stop at each island
Do this set 3x
5 reps burpees
10 reps merkins
15 reps jump squats
20 reps WWII sit-ups

Mode of Transport between islands:
1st time – Cubbie Crawl
2nd time – Crab Walk
3rd time – Lunge Walk

Part II: relay races
Team planks until your turn

Part III: Print Shop
Dora, 1 set
5 x pull-ups
5 x dips
1 trip down the monkey bars
LBCs until your partner returns

Plank out to Ram Jam with Merkins on “Bam-a-Lam”

Bourbon and BBQ this Friday
Convergence on Thanksgiving, 6:30 at the Ranch

Named Cobbler!
We recited the 5 rules of F3 for Cobbler’s (and some of our own) benefit 😀
I brought up how I’ve had a Whetstone for 3 months and it has really helped me find more consistency with posting. Can’t wait to dig deeper and keep accelerating!
Had a moment of silence so men could pray on their own.

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Halloween Fears

Kept ’em moving.
Used a pretty standard warm up:
Merkins – slooooow cadence
Some yoga

Stopped for pull-ups (Print Shop)
Stopped for wall pull-ups (Springs office building)

Did some unaided pigeon lunges

Made it to the WEP hill for 7s
Burpees and Bombjacks
Reverse bear crawl up the hill
Reverse lunge down the hill

This was hard. Dark Helmet bat flipped

Stopped for Bulgarian Split Squats (Pike Electric)

Asked guys during the workout what their biggest fears were. Among the answers were: not leaving a legacy for our family, recurrence of disease, mental health issues in our kids.

Love being in a space where we can work on being high impact men and share what is authentically on our hearts

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FNG x 3!!!

Nice Chilly morning here in the Gloom where we were blessed to have 3 FNG’s here at Block Party

Started the Disclaimer a little early but for the sake of the FNG’s it gave us an opportunity to go over the 5 core principles of F3.


5 MNC’s
25 Burpees (at this point Saw Dust rolled up)

Mosey to the First Baptist Parking Lot

Did 20 LBC’s IC while we waited for the 6.

Lined up facing the Church and did the following:

25 Merkins
25 Squats
25 Flutters
Run to the sign of the Church and back.


After we were all done we talked a little about Our Mission at F3 why it is we do what we do with a focus on our community leadership.

Moseyed up the hill over towards the print shop. Stopped on the road and did 20 Freddy Mercury’s while we waited for the 6.
Once they joined us we did 10 Imperial Walkers IC

Moseyed some more over the railroad tracks to the sidewalk where we waited for the 6 and did 15 HR Merkins.

Once they Joined we continued towards COT on the Sidewalk briefly stopping to do 1 burpee by the F3 Scarecrow.

Once we got back into COT. Did 10 Hillbilly Walkers until the 6 came in.

Talked about the Creedo of F3. Then we began our last major part of the workout.

10 Minute EMOM (with 11’s)

Every Minute on the minute we would do 11 reps of the following 2 exercies in this pattern:

1 Burpee – 10 Toe Touches
2 Burpees – 9 Toe Touches
3 Burpees – 8 Toe Touches …..
10 Burpees – 1 Toe Touches.

During our “rest” we went around the circle and talked about our names…why we got them then talked about how F3 has all made us better, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

This took us to 5:58 where I played a little bit of Superman/Bananna.

During COT we again talked about the meaning behind the Names we all get and what we keep coming back to F3 for.

Great to see the new faces and great to see this site accelerating!

Until Next Time!

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178 Year Anniversary of The Naval Academy

It was a cool crisp morning in the Fort but fear not, the mumble chatter kept us warm.

Quick warm up and we mosey 10 feet over to the field behind the AO.

Gave a quick history of the founding of the US Naval Academy by historian, educator, and secretary of The Navy George Bancroft. It was founded on 10/10/1845 in Annapolis Maryland to improve unsatisfactory methods of instructing midshipmen.

10 Burpees (October)/10 Flutter (10th Day)/18 Squats & 45 Monkey Humpers (year of pain). Mode of transportation was a Yog (Soft J).

We did:

– 80 Burpees
– 60 Flutters
– 72 Squats
– 90 Monkey Humpers

Moseyed across the street to the hill of pain for some 7’s with a bear crawl as the mode of transportation.

– 6 Kraken Burpees
– 1 V-Up

Back to COT for announcements, prayers, and praises.


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Worked to silence

– yes and various with some mosey
– jack webb: 1-4 push-up and LBC
– hill repeat dora: 100x big boy / 200x squat / 300x American hammer
– airborne hip flex
– read newsletter
– bier-ruck on 9/28: 6@6for6
– was held

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