Tallawah the Bushwood

WARMUP: SSH, Merks, Squats. nightclubs, Dia Merks, Jump Squats,
THE THANG: Kettle bells – JackWebb style 1-7 rounds – Manmakers and Swings – 8-10 Thrust and Swings
Bootcamp – mosey with a ladder that started with Burps Donkey kicks dia Merks Bob Hurley Bigboys Shoulder taps
MARY: 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive , bethel men’s shelter, shield 5k, newsletter
COT: 👍🏻

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FOOPC at Bushwood 4 NextGen

The aim today was simple; remind men our mission never ends, what we PAX have is a gift to give, and looking around, there’s a legion of men we can give it to in order to amplify our impact and invigorate male community leadership in our very small corner of Fort Mill that has over 4,500 students.

We had an FNG (JCruises’) son with us., sophomore at Catawba Ridge Highschool, the NextGen.

Bandcamp had informed me of a region that starts its disclaimer by reciting our mission. That’s a best practice we should adopt to remind us why we are here. It’s even more critical when an FNG is present, you can get a good workout at numerous establishments including the comforts of your own home, what makes us different if it’s only a workout?

WARMUP: Run aimlessly to Forest Creek Middle School and do stuff while plotting a few tweaks to the weinke.

THE THANG: 5 stops was the plan with exercises in FOOPC order.

We commonly forget our 5 core principles or at least do not recall them in order (I still need to figure out why that may matter, but it does). We all love our acronyms; therefore, I dug deep into the exicon to arrange a workout based on FOOPC. I should of just asked @italianjob who quickly rattled off a number of exercises to pull from.

F – Free of charge
O – Open to all men
O – Held outdoors
P – Peer-led in a rotating fashion
C – Ends in COT

Stop 1

FCMS light posts 5,10,15,20,25
Flying Squirrel
One legged burpees
Peter Parker

Stop 2: Omaha to basketball courts with gorilla walk merkin across the court.

Stop 3: Run to the student parking area, repeat FOOPC with a couple exercises swapped.

Stop 4: Wrap around to our favorite hill by the football field, and repeat FOOPC up light posts. While en route, heckled by our Weasel Shaker to lead from the front and our FNG is not breaking a sweat. I expected nothing less from the source.

Stop 5: Arriving to COT, called Captain Therkin Webb, a complicated webb you call in cadence. Took a couple of rounds but think we synced up to 5 rounds

1 – BBSU
1- American Hammer (4 count is 1)
4 – Merkins


I came in today with a lot on my mind; conviction about the NextGen, F3 in our community east of the peachstand, and feeling spicy that we’re not doing enough and can do better.

Honored to lead 13 PAX this morning, a responsibility I never take lightly. That number should be the bar here at Bushwood, and the majority should reside within 3 miles. It’s a crime against humanity to have less given the thousands of men in close proximity who may be a Sad Clown, need us to lean in and ignite them so that they may in turn perpetuate the cycle and cumulatively, have a broader impact than any one of us will ever have on our own. These men need us, our community needs us, and most importantly the next generation needs us.

Our mission is clear so do for one what you wish you could do for many.

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Bushwood from Tennis Courts to Grassy Knoll

We had 8 at Bushwood for a morning that we talked about purpose… God’s purpose for our lives and how our purpose intersects with occupation (or if it does).

Warm up

Mosey to Tennis Courts for three rounds of

  • Derkins
  • Dips
  • Step ups

with a run in between

Mosey to the back wall to pass the coupon while the Pax performs wall sits and the mode of transportation is either a bear crawl or lunge walk

Final round was 7s with Bobby Hurley’s at the top of the hill and Donkey Kicks at the bottom.  The mode of transportation was bear crawls up and crawl bears down the hill.

Thank you for the fellow-ship and the opportunity to lead!



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Gambling is illegal at Bushwood sir

Warm: imp Walker, Freddie m, hillbilly w, travolta, LS squat, dying cockroach, monkey h, mtn climb, merkin, jump squat, LBCs, gas pumper, m night club, windmill

Running and doing stuff: karaoke l and r, toy soldier, bear crawl/merkins, broad jump/burpees

One man Dora’s (vis-à-vis pusher at the bubble), 3 times, LBCs, merkins, squats

Mahktar N’Diayes randomly included
Jack Webb was not

Variations of the assassin suicide included the following: flying squirrels, bomb jacks, merkins, burpees, squats, mtn climber, BB sits, plank jacks, side straddle hop

All PAX effort was equal to or great than the Q. For the most part, greater than

Short Sale made the drive with the premise of a money back guarantee

Fogerty celebrated minute 44 when he barely broke a sweat

Time Machine has now been to a Barry Manilow workout and knows who to avoid

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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4 Station Accumulators

Mosey toward tennis courts along back of campus, stopping periodically for:
– Imperial Walkers
– Mountain Climbers

4-station circuit set up that included climbing seating outside the tennis courts. Same exercise (or set of exercises) done at each station in the circuit. We did a total of 9 rounds:

Round 1- 1 burpee at each corner
Round 2 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks at each corner
Round 3 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch
Round 4 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins
Round 5 – 1 burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks (4-count)
Round 6 – 2 Donkey Kicks, 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 7 – 3 Run Stance Switch, 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 8 – 4 merkins, 5 plank jacks
Round 9 – 5 plank jacks

For the Larry Birds, box cutters were done at the end of each round until the 6 was in.

Thanks Fogerty for the opportunity to lead.

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Leg Day at Bushwood

When YHC realized I was on Q 4 times this week (that realization happened on Tuesday…..), I wanted to work to get other PAX involved. F3 is peer led in a ROTATIONAL fashion. Me leading 4 times in a week doesn’t feel rotational.

So, I passed the reins to Bounty Hunter (who posted for the first time in a long time at Block Party yesterday. Kudos to him for stepping up and welcome back Kotter)

WARMUP: he led that
THE THANG: he’d placed some weight plates down near the bus doors.

4 sets
10 deadlift
10 slow calf raise
10 quick calf raise

A break of pulse w/squats with a jump

4 sets
10 squat touch the bench and overhead thruster
10 boxer foot touch on curb

A break of pulse w/squats with a jump

2 sets
5 Bulgarian split squats
A break of pulse w/squats with a jump

Back to COT carrying two of the plates cause Bobber can’t follow simple instructions

Good to have Bounty leading today! Now if we could just get him into slack…..

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash Pickup is Saturday (7/22/2023) at 7:45am meet at Harris Street. Family help is welcome!

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We figured it all out

WARMUP: ran to the back entrance of the school, 20 SSH, 20 merkins, 10 low slow squats, 8 windmills, 10 cherry pickers.
THE THANG: sets of 4 on 3 exercises. Started with 20 step ups, 20 dips, 25 flutters – we did this 4x.

Then YHC discovered a new fence in the ROTC area but it had a gate where we figured out how to open it. Next set was 10 pull ups, 20 merkins, 20 squats – 4x.

Next was a run around to the bus lot for lunge walks, then more running, then 20 CDDs, 20 crunches…rinse and repeat with 20 lunges added in.

As we ran all over campus, we talked about new energy and new ideas for Bushwood – all things Fogerty is taking to the memory bank. And Old Bay has got some ideas!
MARY: a little round the horn for Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter topics like men’s shelter, HIM camp coming up
COT: CSPAN round robin from the 3 of us

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Q copy from DD

WARMUP: 5 burpees and run
THE THANG: copy DDs Q list. 3 exercises and then run. Burpees, bear crawl, OH Claps(10ea) run; hello dolly, dips, monkey humpers (15) run; plank jax, Amer hammers, squat jumps (20) run; seal jax flutters lunges (20) run ; CDD Mtn Climbers LBC (20) run ; squats merkins SSH (20) run back to COT 5 burpees. peachstand said we have 15 min. Let’s run another lap so we did another mile around the school. Inside voice came outside.
MARY: flutter Jax (ask Twister) gas pumpers, Freddie Mercury, LBCs and penguins with twister gas.
COT: love is work. Make it happen.

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The Slithering: Bushwood’s Finest

WARMUP: Mosey up bus lane, shuffle mosey shuffle mosey

Hillbilly Walkers, cherry (strawberry) pickers, sumo squats, monacan night clubs
Mosey to slight hill to loading dock
7s: Bombjacks/ Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to Band lot
Snaking through the lot with 15 pain station’s, in between moseying
5×15 burpees-75
10×15 Merkins-150
15×15 squats-225


ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM camp 🤨 sign up

COT: prayers for parents traveling, participating in HIM camp, my travel to NJ and my mother’s grieving loss of stepdad

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