“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Attention to detail

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 06/16/15
  • Pax: Corruption, Spiderman, Funhouse, Family Guy, Supray?, Howitzer?, Cable Guy, Gekko, Royal, Tater, Adam Smith (FNG- Kiezer), Cinder Block, Waldo
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

14 pax posted in the pre 100 degree gloom at Golden Corral to make themselves and each other better today than they were yesterday. Welcome FNG Kiezer (Adam).

The thang:

Warm up jog over to YMCA soccer field, few laps around the field

Dynamic warm up, line up on the side line: Karaoke, shuffle, butt kick, high knees, toy solder, power skips

COP- SSH, squat, IW, wind mill, merkin, mountain climber

Line up for 11s- first set Merkins and squats

Ab lab- flutter kicks, protractor, freddy mercury, LBC

Now for the conditioning, run around the perimeter of the soccer flields, sprinting the short lengths, jogging the long lengths

5 minutes straight

Jog it into to COP, quick plank series before COP.


Prayers for Flat Tires’s wife, WWL’s grandmother, and Tater’s wife.

Hog and Coyote, 6am at Ballroom, bring water/fuel!

TClap |

Healthy Servings at the GC

  • QIC: Sir Topham Hatt
  • When: 06/09/2015
  • Pax: Lil E, Gecko, Royale, Flat Tire, Funhouse, Photo Bomb, Aquaman, WWL, Bubba Gump, SpiderMan, Family Guy, Dark Helmet, Rock (Respect), Wheezer
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Who said 4 trips through the buffet line is unhealthy?  15 Pax emerged from the gloom for some healthy servings on this pleasant Tuesday morning.  After a butchering of the disclaimer (I’ve yet to get this right) we were off to the lot behind the HT…


SSHx40, IWx20, Windmillsx20, Squatsx20 to People’s Chair, Parker Petersx20, WA Merkinsx20, Merkinsx20, Morrochan Night Clubsx30, Merkinsx20 to 6″

Mosey to soccer field by YMCA for four rounds of buffet..aka pain

Round 1- Bear Crawl to first corner, 10 Burpees, Run to second corner, 10 KneeTarji, Bear Crawl to third corner, 10 Burpees, Run to fourth corner, 10 KneeTarji    –   Plank up for #6

Round 2- Frogger to first, 20 Bombjacks, Run to second, 20 Merkins, Frogger to third, 20 Bombjacks, run to fourth, 20 Merkins  – Flutter kick for #6

Round 3- Duck Walk, 30 Plank Punches, Run, 30 CCD, Duck Walk, 30 Plank Punches, Run 30 CCD

Round 4- Run to each corner (for the sake of time) and 10 single leg crunches at each corner.

Mosey back for Abs – LBCs, Freddie Mercuries, Hello Dolly, Flutter kicks and 6″


I appreciate the opportunity to lead and want to thank all the Pax who I have stolen some idea from!  Considering that two pax stayed on their #6 during the sound-off of names means I have sufficiently done my work as Q.  I am humbled by the group of men that post to F3 The Fort.

Announcements: F3Dads, Hog & Coyote, CAH, and new AO at Tega Cay Elementary tomorrow.

Prayers for all the unspoken prayer request and always try to put God First in your life and decision making.

Aye!  STH



TClap |

Leave the Yard

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 5/19/15
  • Pax: Funhouse, Aquaman, Gecko, Jerry Lewis, Royal, The Package, Stang,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Welp, when I say bring your running shoes, I mean it.  8 PAX left the comforts of our beloved Golden Corral campus and ran over a mile to and from the Tega Cay Elementary for todays installment.  The work put in by these men in between the runs was admirable.  Constant movement is the name of the game. Here is what we did.

Fast mile run to the stadium at TCES.

16’s (like 7’s and 11’s, only worse).  Start at bottom of stadium. Up the stadium with each of the 4 levels providing the exercise area.  run back around to launch. x 4 till complete.

Donkey kicks and Jumping Lunge.

Jerry Lewis led in flutters till #6 arrives.

sideways merkin crawl up the hills.  switch direction at each of the landings.  Rinse/Repeat X2

Fast mile run to GC.

Flurry of AB exercises to close.



Jerry Lewis works out, takes rip-fuel and hydroxycut, and is a stunt double for WWE.  Put your shirt back on.  We don’t need you outshining our #dadbods.  Oh, and JL gets the VT for being in the lead all morning.

Funhouse with the takeout





TClap |


  • QIC: Maximus, Cake Boss, DD
  • When: 05/12/15
  • Pax: Chaser, White Lightning, Cake Boss, Zima, Zoro, Funhouse, Axle, Double Check, Package, Jeckyl, Dark Helmet, Full Count, McGyver, DD, Cerrano, Spider Man, CSPAN
  • Posted In: Block Party, Golden Corral, The Fort

Several years ago, THE FORT started with only 1 workout on a Tuesday, and as of 0514 today, there were 3. These 3 have consistently entered the problematic stage which only means one thing, it is time to recon. So a recon team led by Cake Boss and DD decided to explore Gold Hill Middle School as a potential AO. And they needed a Q that lives close by. That’s where YHC comes into the conversation. When you are called to step up by the likes of these guys, one doesn’t turn it down.

So at 0515 today, May 12, 2015 the recon began and we quickly learned this AO has nothing but potential. Whether it be hills, playgrounds, walls, long straightaways, base-paths, soccer fields or curbs, they can be found. It also helps that we have an “in.” THANKS ROONEY. I did start off by breaking one of the rules, I forgot the disclaimer. Off we go with Maximus on the warm up Q:

Disjointed jog through some of the parking lots and circle up for the warm up
Wide-Arm Merkin
Slow Windmill – hopefully CSPAN did these right and realized the benefit
Low Slow Squat
Carolina Dry Docks (CDD)

Hand off to Cake Boss for a mosey to one of the several playgrounds
Split up in threes: 1’s=10 Pull Ups 2’s=10 CDDs 3’s=Swing Merkin-Crunches (Rotate through 3x’s)
Mosey to the baseball diamond and remember your number
1’s on first 2’s on second 3’s on third (Bear crawl to the next base and run to the next for two laps around)
Mosey to the hill and remember your number
1’s Run up the stairs and around the sidewalk back down to the starting location. 2’s Bear Crawl up the hill and jog down until the 1’s come in. 3’s Freddie Mercury until the 1’s come in. Everyone does this once.

Hand off to DD for the cardio portion (still a little foggy from this one so the details are spotty)
Suicides with a twist: Starting on the sideline, run across the field and up the hill then back down to the light post then back up the hill and back to the upright then back up the hill and back to the starting line. Plank for the six for a mix of sloooooow and fast counts.
Run to midfield for 10 Burpees OYO
Run to one corner for 20 Bomb Jacks
Run to another corner for something…can’t remember
Run back to midfield for something else…can’t remember that either
Run to the snack stand for a nice relaxing wall sit

Hand off to Maximus for a little ab work
Chop Sticks & Flutters and one more round of 10 Bomb Jacks

I was a little uneasy about taking this on after having 12hrs to think about it. Between impending work travel and wanting to keep my nomadic lifestyle of checking out the various Fort AO’s on Tuesdays, I liked my comfortable life. On the flip side, how could anyone but me be the site Q here; I live right here. We’re not called to be comfortable, we’re called to serve and lead. With that said, there really was no option, I’m in.

Some of us forgot how quick-witted our own Funhouse can be but he showed up this morning. Usually there are a few conversations, tweets and emails when deciding on the name for a new AO. We were maybe 10 seconds in and Funhouse throws out THE COLOSSEUM for obvious reasons. There were no second guesses, the AO has been launched.

So from now on, you can add The Colosseum to the list of Tuesday AO’s at The Fort. If you’re interested in Qing, let me know.

Announcements: 3rd F Convergence on Friday at the Eternal Church offices, Cannoli Run Saturday 0900, Winnsboro launch 5/23, MURPH at COOP 5/25 following normal workout – $10 donation, 6/20 CSAUP-read the email, F3 Dads on Saturdays in June 9:30-10:30

Prayer Requests: Jeckyl will be helping to launch F3 in Wilson, NC back in his hometown, Flat Tire’s M, Chicken Hawk’s leadership, Maximus’ conversations with men of his neighborhood with the launch of this new AO.

Honored and Humbled.

TClap |

Cinco de Mayo = The Pinata

  • QIC: FunHouse
  • When: 05/05/2015
  • Pax: Crash, Minute Man, Stang, Flatire, The Firm, Ceranno, Pusher, Santini, The Package, Maximus, Jekyl, Bolt, Spiderman, Zima, White Lightning, Cheddah, CableGuy, Royal, Private Ryan, Freebird, Aquaman, Dark Helmet, Jerry Lewis, Gecko, Waldo, Sir Topemhat, Carnival (FNG), Senator Tressel (LIFO)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

29 PAX with an FNG decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo Funhouse style. It went something like this:

Big Loop around AO

Perfect Merkins X 10
Mack Tar Jai X 25
Carolina Dry Docks X 15
Dips on curb X 10
Curb Climbers X 25

Knee Tar Jai X 25
Squat Jacks X 25
Calf Raises on curb X 25
Jump Lunges X 15
Wall sit with arm raises X 25

Slow Freddy Mercury X 25
Heels to heaven X 25
Reverse plank Leg lift X 25
Roll Ups X 10 OYO
V sits with arm pumps X 25

SSH X 50
Apollo Ono X 25
Flying Squirrel X 15 OYO
Mountain Climbers X 25
Frogger X 25

Crab Roll X 15
Jump Tucks X 10 OYO
Balls to the Wall
Body Builders X 10
Jack Webb to 6 (1 to 4)

Praises for Flat Tire’s wife second round of Chemo going good, and Maximus celebrating 1 year with adopted daughter from China!

Lots of announcements – Read the weekly e-mail

TClap |

Carry your weight!

  • QIC: Cable Guy
  • When: 4/28/15
  • Pax: Jerry Lewis, Waldo, Funhouse, Decible, Senator Tressel, Zima, Royale, Trucker, Package, Bubba Gump, Gecko, Aquaman, Taz, Major Tom, Crash, Boeheim, Weezer, Firewall, Luke Warm, Spartacus
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

21 Pax Gathered for fun and a little exercise of the body!

Mosie around HT Parking lot for a while


20 Chuck Norris Merkins

20 MC

20 Peter Parker

20 Parker Peter

20 SSH

20 Wide Arm Merkins

20 Carolina Dry Docks

20 Wind Mill

20 Diamond Merkins

20 SSH

20 Squats with Calf Raises

Mosie over to the Hill and partner up…Size Matters (regardless of what you’ve heard)

Partner carry to the top of the hill and both do 5 Burpees

run to bottom of hill each partner does 5 merkins

repeat sequence 5 times each (Spent….Gassed……Leg Burns…….NO mumble chatter!!!!)

Mosie over to the wall for some BTTW

10 Donkey Kicks

10 Burpees OYO

Mosie to COT

Thank God that’s over!!!!!

Thankful for Boeheim’s continued recovery, great to see him back!

No man left behind was the lesson of the day!

TClap |

“Wheel of Torture”-What weighs you down?

  • QIC: Tinker Toy and Mailman
  • When: 04/22/15
  • Pax: Padre, Shrute, Swamp Fox
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Hebrews 12:1-2 “What weight do you need to lay aside?”
Mailman opened by reading this passage and gave us all this question to ponder during the workout. What are things, relationships, ECT that hinders our walk with The Lord?

Warm up-in cadence
Mosey for 2 laps around property and go to the “Wheel of Torture”

We had a spinning wheel that had 12 exercises on it and the PAX
took turns spinning the wheel to determine what the next exercise would be. All the exercises happened to land on a “4 corners exercise where we did a certain number of reps for said exercise on each corner of the building until we ended back at the wheel for another spin. We then spun again and kept moving. Except for a brief 20 second recovery count, there was plenty of cardio to add to the craziness.

Here’s how it went down:

Spin 1-20 jump squat each corner
Spin 2-20 sumo squat per corner
Spin 3-Carolina Dry Dock-15 per corner
Spin 4-Carolina Dry Dock-15 per corner
Spin 5-Prison Cell push up- 5 per corner
Spin 6-Merkin-15 per corner
Spin 7-Burpee loop (5,10,15,20 on respective corners)
Spin 8-Monkey Humpers-20 per corner

Name O Rama
Hebrews 12:1-2 Tinker Toy had a follow up to Mailman’s question from the beginning with a brief explanation of the passage. In biblical times, Olympic athletes would wear many garments and weights prior to the race. When it came time to start the race, they would “lay aside” the weights and most of their clothing to allow them to be as light and fast as possible.
Application-We too have weights coming into the race of our spiritual life. They may include work, family, finances, hobbies, ECT. We have to make sure that we lay aside everything that keeps us from walking faithfully with Christ. If we have our relationship with Christ in order then everything else falls in place under His strength.
We then focused on verse 2 where we must look to or “fix our eyes” upon Jesus, who completed His race by conquering death and sin on the Cross at Calvary. Just as the Apostle Peter could walk on the water as long as he had his eyes fixed on Jesus, we too can accomplish His will for our lives (race) when we fix our eyes on Him. Also, just as Peter sank when he focused on the circumstances of life around him (waves, water, wind), he sank like a rock. We too will get off the race course if we focus on the circumstances of life instead of the “author and perfecter of our faith.” Nothing takes Him by surprise. We must trust Him completely.

PAX then shared some of their personal weights that they need to throw off so they don’t become “sins” that then entangle.
Mailman closed in prayer lifting up those requests to set aside our weights.

GREAT JOB MEN! It was a tough workout but everyone hung in there and finished strong.

TClap |

Way Too Many Swimsuit References

  • QIC: Maximus
  • When: 04/21/15
  • Pax: Sir Topem Hat, Rooney, Jeckyll, White Lightning, Gears, Jerry Lewis, Funhouse, Pusher, Royal, Package, Flat Tire, FreeBird, The Firm, Trucker, Menthol, Firewall, Cornhole, Weezer, Aquaman
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Fort

It is amazing what F3 has done. I go 4 days without posting and it almost feels like withdrawal. I’m not sure if it is the 2nd F or the 1st that I miss more, but to say I was antsy at 4:45am today is a slight understatement. The best way to knock the dust off is to Q, so with my weather-proof Weinke in tow, I made my way to Golden Corral.

To no surprise, I was one of the early arrivals but was surprised by the number of cars that followed me into the parking lot. They kept coming and what got my heart racing even more was that I recognized these cars and the drivers of these cars were members of the PAX I haven’t posted with in a while. Then there were a few that came on foot which was almost like saying, “I don’t need to conserve any energy, I’ll be fine.” With opportunity comes responsibility. In F3 words, this Q better be worth it.

So, after butchering the disclaimer we took off for a jog to the back of the HT and circled up:

SSH, Funhouse Windmills, 10 Burpees (just an appetizer of more to come)
10 Sec Holds: Low Squat, Diamond Merkins in down position, Left Lunge, Right Lunge
20 Sec Holds: Boat, Legs at 6″, Paratrooper
I was planning on repeating this until the obligatory Bomb Jacks were in order…fine by me.

Take off to the Oil Change Wall & 10 more burpees
50 Dips on the wall then 10 Jump Ups
Split the group in half (sort of) due to the size of the PAX…HIGH CLASS PROBLEM.
Each group will do a modified Indian Run, Gator Merkin style:
First man does the gator merkin/walk to the end of his group while the PAX holds a Decline Plank. Next man up and everyone goes once.
10 Burpees
All PAX reverse bear crawl the length of the wall followed by a healthy set of Carolina Dry Docks (Crowd Pleaser)
Take off for the BBQ parking lot:
10 Burpees, 25 LBC’s, Ab Roller (great for the knees), Slow Freddy Mercury, Sky Touches

Pick a partner, size matters a little.
Partner Wheelbarrows to the pizza trailer and each of you does 10 Wide Arm Merkins. Flapjack and bring it back.
Final 10 Burpees
Senator Plank series with Peter Parker, Grave Diggers, Dips, Grave Diggers
No better way to end this than by doing the good ‘ol Mr. Jack Webb 1:4 for a total of 10:40. Had to dig deep to finish this one.
We all thought we were done until I asked for a time check which revealed we still had 3mins. Remember that opportunity/responsibility comment. Combine that with Trucker looking to be teacher’s pet and he pulled out a trick we learned in Raleigh last week called the BLT. No clue how that name came about but we did our portion.

There were some awesome AO opportunities this morning in the Fort Mill region with crazy Q’s so I appreciate having 19 of you join me at Golden Corral.

Announcements: Gastonia Clown Car Saturday, 5/2 Rock Hill Convergence and all other Fort AO’s will be closed that day to support Rock Hill, Memorial Day Murph at NaFo after your normal Monday AO (all are open), Congrats to Red Banjo for crushing Boston in a pace under 7mins/mi in brutal conditions.

Prayer Requests: The Flat Tire family and the treatment tomorrow, Menthol’s sisters Father n’ Law had a successful cancer surgery yesterday…Praise God, Trucker’s M is holding the household down well with all of his travels, Prayers for Trucker’s housing situation and the impending move. Praise for an 8 y/o birthday in the Jeckyll house yesterday filled with Laughs and Legos, The Mission Trip PAX heading to Colombia, South American in September.


TClap |


  • QIC: Bubba Gump + Double D
  • When: 4/14/15
  • Pax: Package, Funhouse, Free Bird, White LIghtning, Santini, Menthol, Aquaman, Gekko, Jkyll, Royale, Firewall, Weezer, Spartacus, Lil E, Mr Clean, Pusher, Waldo
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

19 Pax posted to Golden Corral for some golf-themed abuse from Bubba Gump on his maiden voyage as Q.

The Thang (DD in lead)

Random run around parking lots to front of Yadkin Bank building (to recognize the deposit that Mr Jordan Speith was making after his performance in Augusta)

COP — Mtn climbers, Sumo squats, Peter Parkers, Moroccan nightclubs

Chariot Races (memorializing the high school freshman class homecoming races at Jesuit College Prep in Dallas, alma mater to both Jordan Speith and YHC)
+ Partner wheelbarrow around the entire bank
+ Stop at each corner for 25 Monkey humpers

Line up along curb in front of bank
+ Texas two step (Speith’s brief college stop for NCAA championship w/Longhorns):  continuous step  ups
+ Amen Corner: 11 Derkins w/lap around bank, 12 curb merkins R w/lap, 13 curb merkins L w/lap

Hand off to Gump

Mosey to HT parking lot for cycle of BLIMPS (recognizing Snoopy 1), marked by cones placed around lot
+ Burpees x5
+ Lunges x10
+ IWs x15
+ Merkins x20
+ Plank jack x25
+ Squats x30

Gather in groups of 3 for the Menage (in honor of Tiger W)
+ Partners 1+2 plank while partner 3 does SSH x30 (flapjack through 3 some)
+ Repeat cycle w/LBCs
+ Repeat cycle w/Dips

Another round of BLIMPS

COP — flutter kicks, Freddie Mercurys, Russian twist, gravediggers


Naked Man Moleskin

Congrats to BG on his first rodeo!  Still hard to fathom that he has been sweating and chattering for so long and has yet to be called out to Q.  Nice to have BG and his BS in the center of the pax going forward.

Nice showing among pax who posted to Muthaship the prior day.  That is quite a back to back beatdown!

S/O to Sen Tressel who is laid up with the sniffles opening the door to YHC and BG.  Hope to see you back in the gloom soon!

S/O to Funhouse for the steady leadership and enthusiastic spirit of GC — keep it rolling brother!

TClap |