Scenes from The Walking Dead??

  • QIC: Sir Topham Hatt
  • When: 08/04/2015
  • Pax: Cable Guy, Crash, Carnival, Rio, Family Guy, Heisman, Gatsby, Trojan, FNG - Lab Rat, Sir Topham Hatt
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

11 Pax braved this hot and humid Tuesday and posted for some circuit training at the Golden Corral.  I could tell from the pool of sweat I left behind at the HT parking lot after COP, I knew the rest of the workout was only to get more painful…I mean better.  Welcome FNG Lab Rat!!

The Thang:

Mosey with some butt kickers and high knees to COP behind the HT

25 SSH, 10 Merkins, 15 IW, 10 Wide Arm Merkins, 15 Low Slow Squats, 10 Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers and hold for 10 more merkins (crowd pleaser)

Mosey to bottom of the hill for 4 circuits:

Round 1 & 2 – 10 Burpees, run to top of hill, 10 bombjacks, run to front of Oil Change, lunge walk across front, run around to back of oil change and bear crawl length of back.  Run back to bottom of hill. Plank for 6 for each round

Round 3 & 4 – Same as round 1&2 but OYO and add 10 CDDs after the bear crawl.  Planking and LBCs till 6 is in.  Thanks Crash for circling back for 6!

Mosey to wall for some wall sits.  3 rounds here with rounds 2 & 3 having pax from both ends perform merkins.  Immediately circle up for abs…LBCs, 6″ and Freddie Mercuries


As I was bear crawling with the FNG one of the cargo bays of the oil change opened up. We had a spectator wondering what was going on and promptly asked…”Is this the Walking Dead?”  I told him we had 25 minutes left and there was plenty of time to join us and get a good sweat.  He laughed but maybe we can EH him next time.

A couple of weeks ago the M and I were in NYC and visited the 9/11 Memorial.  As we relived the events of that morning that changed our lives forever, I couldn’t stop thinking about how precious and short this life truly is.  With the hustle and bustle of our everyday we can sometimes forget this. Be disciples of God and strive to be the best husband, father and friend you can be.

Prayers for all the unspoken prayer request.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead and challenge myself mentally and physically!

TClap |

Morning Inspiration

  • QIC: White Lightning
  • When: 07/14/15
  • Pax: Funhouse, Sasquatch, Jekyll, Royale, Family Guy, Mr Hand, Boeheim, Motor City, Decibel, Gecco, Fish Stix, Aquaman, and welcome Groundskeeper Willie (FNG)
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Last nights storms did not keep 14 men away from the buffet at Golden Corral this morning.

YHC’s challenge to the PAX this morning was to think of someone that has inspired you.  We are blessed to be able to get up each morning and work our bodies, minds, and develop lasting friendships.  On those days when you don’t feel like getting up, or life has landed a couple of punches, you have to lean on someone or something for inspiration.  One man that has inspired me over the past several years has been my friend, college roommate, and sister-in-laws husband, Todd Helton, (not the former Colorado Rockie). More in the Moleskin below.


Warmup lap around the perimeter

SSH x 14 – Mountain Climbers x 14 – IW x 14 – Peter Parker x 14 – Low Slow Squat x 14 – Parker Peter x 14 – Windmill x 14 – CDD x 14

The Menu

Indian Run around the perimeter

Mosey to the apartments – Lots of “I didn’t know this was here” chatter.

Serpent Plank up the sidewalk x 2

Mosey, (the long way), to Grace church

Jack Webb to 10, no make that 11.  Expect the unexpected.

Variety of belly exercises called and led by the PAX.


Three years ago this month, Todd was involved in an car accident that after several surgeries left him with screws to hold his shattered knees together and a metal rod as a femur.  Doctors told him he would never run again.  Todd has always been kind of stubborn and he did not listen.  Last week, he ran a 5K.

One year ago this week, Todd and his wife Karen, lost their 14 year old daughter Ellie to a brain aneurysm.  Statistics say that marriages crumble and faith weakens when something tragic like this happens to a family.  They didn’t listen.  While they struggle with grief and pain daily, their marriage is strong and their faith has grown incredibly.

My message to the PAX this morning was that we can’t do life alone.  When we need a little inspiration, we need to lean on each other, and have hope in something greater than ourselves.

If your interested – Todd and Karen are organizing a family friendly 5K run and 1 mile fun run to raise money for brain aneurysm research in the Raleigh/Cary area in October.  See the link below if you are interested in either running or sponsoring my families team, (Pink Power).


User error on my end with the recording, so I’m going to ask you to refer the weekly email for any announcements

I know August 8th is a big day and Decibel has already started soaking the brats for the Camp Care 5K this fall.









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Fitness Test 7/7/15 – WEP – Chasing LongShanks

12 PAX showsed to the Fitness Test to gauge thier progress.  Quick shout outs to LongShanks as he killed the 1 miler in 5:39.  BirdCage get the “Pom-Pom” Trophy as he shaved CHOPPED off over 90 seconds from his previous mile time!  Lots of improvement for the PAX this quarter. EVERYONE improved on the run, most improved on the rest!  Come out next time to see what you have gained!

  7/7/2015 3/31/2015 Jan-15
NAME 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups 1 Miler Push Ups Sit Ups Pull Ups
LongShanks 5:39 42 57 28 6:14 47 51 31 6:25 41 46 21
FunHouse 5:51 42 42 9 6:16 37 45 7        
Senator Tressel 5:59 44 38 22 6:20 53 40 20 6:18 47 37 20
MousePad 6:07 44 31 23                
Chaser 6:17 42 43 16 6:58 40 44 16        
CSPAN 6:29 50 39 13 7:00 45 45 8        
Boeheim 6:33 36 33 12         7:22 40 34 17
Repeat 6:35 55 40 18                
Dark Helmet 6:44 53 38 11                
Patent 6:47 41 41 5                
Javier 7:26 28 21 8                
BirdCage 7:58 27 21 2         9:36 28 30 0
TClap |

A Golden Tuesday Morning

  • QIC: Senator Tressel
  • When: 06/30/2015
  • Pax: Funhouse, Howitzer, Pugsley, Cable Guy, Rock, Family Guy, Flat Tire, Waldo, Spartacus, Motor City, Photo Bomb
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Eleven men answered the early morning dinner bell for another serving of the Golden Corral.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Light jog around the Harris Teeter lot and circle up  in front for COP:

All in cadence:  SSH x 40, merkin x 10, squat x 25, windmill x 15, Morrocan night club x 40, MC x 25, IW x 25, diamond merk x 15, Freddie Merc  x  20, one-legged staggerd merk x 10(LH) and 10(RH).

Line up in front of the store for 100 yard dashes/burpee ladder with ab exercises for recovery:

  1. Run to end of lot, do 10 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 LBC (IC)
  2. Run to end of lot, do 15 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 dying cockroach (IC)
  3. Run to end of lot, do 20 burpees OYO…20 Hello Dolly (IC)
  4. Runt to end of lot, do 25 burpees OYO…20 flutters (IC)

Mosey to the long wall along Harris Teeter:

Lunge walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall at the end, and wait until everyone is home and seated.

Bear crawl the full length of the wall back to the start, have a seat along the wall, and wait until everyone is home and seated.

Crab walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall at the end, and sit until everyone is home and seated.

Partner carry ½ the length of the wall, flapjack, finish to the end of the wall and mosey back for COT

We got a lot done today and didn’t have to use much of the Harris Teeter lot.  Great work by the group this morning!     Running  before and after burpees is always a crowd pleaser – tough to catch your breath for sure.     The ab exercises were meant to be recovery, but I doubt many felt that way this morning.  It was great to see a lot of new faces in our group , and  also see some that I hadn’t seen in a long time (Spartacus – with a name like that, you have to become a regular!).    It was a beautiful morning and a priviliege to lead such a fine group – always is.


Clown Cars to Crowders Mtn for BRR training this Friday.  Leaving from Starbucks in Baxter (check twitter)



TClap |

Inspiration will grab you when you aren’t looking

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • Pax: Pusher, Rock, Family Guy, Kaizer, Gecko, Cornhole, Howitzer, Boehiem, Tater (War Daddy, #Respect), Smuggler, Cable Guy, Rock (#Respect), Royale, Waldo, Spitz, Sweeper (War Baby), Aquaman, Jerry Lewis
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Ballroom

That’s what she said:

(Copy and paste the link in your browser if doesn’t take you there)

Naked Man Moleskin:

Started the day excited to celebrate my birthday by being amongst and leading the men I respect.  Ended the workout and day being inspired by one of our newest brothers Mark Nemitz (F3: Rock).  Blown away by his courage to speak up and out in COT regarding his current happenings, being widowed, parenting adult children.  Not the easiest of comfort levels to speak at COT, especially if you are new.  He needed us and we needed him.  #courage.  On the run to convergence, asked Mark how he got his name.  At his first post last week, the story was told of recent loss of his wife and how his faith and strength in God is carrying him through this.  F3 nickname: Rock. Inspired by the PAX and the meaning(s) of this name as I know it will carry Mark up and out of bed, to workouts to share 1st, 2nd, 3rd Fs and throughout his day.  I felt another step closer to God after my conversation with Rock.

Inspiration will grab you when you aren’t looking.

Mind Cake Boss’s insightful TFTD: Be real, no imitation.

Make it a great day!



TClap |

The Ballroom – Sneaky Convergence with Golden Corral

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 06/23/15
  • Pax: Change Order, McGruff, Chicken Hawk, Elmer, Sasquatch, Twister, Wheelz, Gridlock, Barry Manilow - +GC crew
  • Posted In: Golden Corral, The Ballroom

10 of the finest PAX arrived this morning at The Ballroom for a dance with Pain. What they did not realize is that their dance partners were a mile down the road.

YHC fresh off the Q at Tomahawk talked about being the example God wants us to be. Today I wanted to focus on not being a cheap imitation of what we think we should be or what others think we should be. Be the Real Man God made you into and live life with purpose and intention, not floating in space.

The Thang:

Mile Run down to Grace Pres Church on Gold Hill, with one stop to let 6 catch up and set of Windmills

Once arrived, YHC offered some cool drinks of water from the cooler conveniently dropped off there. Then the Golden Corral clan began to show up (1.1mile run) and a convergence broke out. YHC lead some COP while the PAX gathered in…..SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Squats

Jekyll arrives and takes the Q: few more SSHs, Mountain Climbers and count off into 4’s

4 groups to plank and do merkins while PAX does 4 rounds of bunny hops

Switch plank to dips 2 rounds of bunny hops for each PAX member

30 Seal Team sit ups and hand off to Cake Boss

Partner up for 2 rounds of 15 dips and 15 derkins and plank

Call PAX into Switzer – – Challenge PAX to be Christ centered and not World centered and show everyone what makes you different.

Run back to respective COT’s

Back at Ballroom, we did around the horn of ab lab before wrapping up.

Both AOs did 2 mile run with some shoulder work in the middle and some fellowship

Announcements: F3 dads, CAH events, Operation Independence (Gift Cards), August 8th World’s Largest Coffateria

Prayers: Pray for Sasquatch new marriage, families traveling, busy over worked schedules

Honored and grateful for the nod from Change Order…..thank you brother!



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“Operation Independence” – Gift Card Drive #HIM


As we approach Independence Day it reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices made to have freedom. Even once that freedom is achieved, the fight is not over and we must press on to preserve what was attained.

This life we live on earth is not easy and when you are behind the eight ball, it is even harder. Please read this message from Tinker Toy and the plan for assisting a young man, but mainly showing the example of a real man…..High Impact Man (HIM),

Hello friends!
We have a young man transitioning from foster care in York County to full time independence who is moving into his first apartment (we will protect his confidentiality by not providing his name).  We were hoping to collect some items to help him along in this journey.  This is a wonderful young man who works very hard and goes to college…he is striving to make very wise choices and seeking after the Lord.  Will you pray for our friend, for blessings, direction, and a heart sold out for the Lord.  Will you pray that God will provide abundantly for his needs and that he will know he is loved!
There are many household items that are being donated by church small groups and our orphan ministry at our church already.  Being on a tight budget, what he would need most from our F3 family is gift cards to/for:
Gift card can be brought to any workout and given to Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman. My wife and I will distribute the gift card to this young man as he needs them so he can start to learn how to budget. We don’t want to give everything at one time to avoid the temptation of spending where he doesn’t need to. He has never been taught the basics of adulthood so we want to make sure we help him learn how to best budget his finances now that he is on his own.
Thank you for your hearts and generosity for this young man.  A life without a family entering into adulthood can be very scary and overwhelming, so we are asking that the body of Christ overwhelm him with God’s love and bless him with a little of what we have been so richly blessed with ourselves as a demonstration of His love. 
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ESV)

In His Hands,

Sean Baxter (Tinker Toy)
So men, starting today through July 4th we will collect these gift cards and get them to the following PAX – Cake Boss, Tinker Toy, Padre, or Mailman.
Whatever monetary value to can do, no amount is too small as this young man has nothing but his future ahead.
Any questions, please reach out to myself or Tinker Toy.
TClap |

Attention to detail

  • QIC: WorldWide Leader
  • When: 06/16/15
  • Pax: Corruption, Spiderman, Funhouse, Family Guy, Supray?, Howitzer?, Cable Guy, Gekko, Royal, Tater, Adam Smith (FNG- Kiezer), Cinder Block, Waldo
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

14 pax posted in the pre 100 degree gloom at Golden Corral to make themselves and each other better today than they were yesterday. Welcome FNG Kiezer (Adam).

The thang:

Warm up jog over to YMCA soccer field, few laps around the field

Dynamic warm up, line up on the side line: Karaoke, shuffle, butt kick, high knees, toy solder, power skips

COP- SSH, squat, IW, wind mill, merkin, mountain climber

Line up for 11s- first set Merkins and squats

Ab lab- flutter kicks, protractor, freddy mercury, LBC

Now for the conditioning, run around the perimeter of the soccer flields, sprinting the short lengths, jogging the long lengths

5 minutes straight

Jog it into to COP, quick plank series before COP.


Prayers for Flat Tires’s wife, WWL’s grandmother, and Tater’s wife.

Hog and Coyote, 6am at Ballroom, bring water/fuel!

TClap |

Healthy Servings at the GC

  • QIC: Sir Topham Hatt
  • When: 06/09/2015
  • Pax: Lil E, Gecko, Royale, Flat Tire, Funhouse, Photo Bomb, Aquaman, WWL, Bubba Gump, SpiderMan, Family Guy, Dark Helmet, Rock (Respect), Wheezer
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Who said 4 trips through the buffet line is unhealthy?  15 Pax emerged from the gloom for some healthy servings on this pleasant Tuesday morning.  After a butchering of the disclaimer (I’ve yet to get this right) we were off to the lot behind the HT…


SSHx40, IWx20, Windmillsx20, Squatsx20 to People’s Chair, Parker Petersx20, WA Merkinsx20, Merkinsx20, Morrochan Night Clubsx30, Merkinsx20 to 6″

Mosey to soccer field by YMCA for four rounds of buffet..aka pain

Round 1- Bear Crawl to first corner, 10 Burpees, Run to second corner, 10 KneeTarji, Bear Crawl to third corner, 10 Burpees, Run to fourth corner, 10 KneeTarji    –   Plank up for #6

Round 2- Frogger to first, 20 Bombjacks, Run to second, 20 Merkins, Frogger to third, 20 Bombjacks, run to fourth, 20 Merkins  – Flutter kick for #6

Round 3- Duck Walk, 30 Plank Punches, Run, 30 CCD, Duck Walk, 30 Plank Punches, Run 30 CCD

Round 4- Run to each corner (for the sake of time) and 10 single leg crunches at each corner.

Mosey back for Abs – LBCs, Freddie Mercuries, Hello Dolly, Flutter kicks and 6″


I appreciate the opportunity to lead and want to thank all the Pax who I have stolen some idea from!  Considering that two pax stayed on their #6 during the sound-off of names means I have sufficiently done my work as Q.  I am humbled by the group of men that post to F3 The Fort.

Announcements: F3Dads, Hog & Coyote, CAH, and new AO at Tega Cay Elementary tomorrow.

Prayers for all the unspoken prayer request and always try to put God First in your life and decision making.

Aye!  STH



TClap |

Leave the Yard

  • QIC: Jekyll
  • When: 5/19/15
  • Pax: Funhouse, Aquaman, Gecko, Jerry Lewis, Royal, The Package, Stang,
  • Posted In: Golden Corral

Welp, when I say bring your running shoes, I mean it.  8 PAX left the comforts of our beloved Golden Corral campus and ran over a mile to and from the Tega Cay Elementary for todays installment.  The work put in by these men in between the runs was admirable.  Constant movement is the name of the game. Here is what we did.

Fast mile run to the stadium at TCES.

16’s (like 7’s and 11’s, only worse).  Start at bottom of stadium. Up the stadium with each of the 4 levels providing the exercise area.  run back around to launch. x 4 till complete.

Donkey kicks and Jumping Lunge.

Jerry Lewis led in flutters till #6 arrives.

sideways merkin crawl up the hills.  switch direction at each of the landings.  Rinse/Repeat X2

Fast mile run to GC.

Flurry of AB exercises to close.



Jerry Lewis works out, takes rip-fuel and hydroxycut, and is a stunt double for WWE.  Put your shirt back on.  We don’t need you outshining our #dadbods.  Oh, and JL gets the VT for being in the lead all morning.

Funhouse with the takeout





TClap |