The Sweati Preblast

Date: 07/20/19
Time: 0530 Ruckers / 0600 Runners
Start: The Armory (Forest Hill Church: 2099 Carolina Pl Dr, Fort Mill, SC 29708)
Finish: The Armory
Route: You’ll get a directional card at the start of the event
Details: None (Workouts will be posted at each AO stop)

Seriously guys, you got to show to know!

Please be safe when you are rucking/running out there. Make sure you (or ruck) have something reflective. Ruckers should have headlamps to start. Runners should be okay, as sunrise is around 6:20 AM. Temps will be 76-82 degrees during the event, so please please hydrate throughout the event! We will have water at most of the AOs so there is no excuse. Like I always say, BE SAFE! DON’T DIE!

Q Source to follow with Barry Manilow on Q!

Anchorman and Zima

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Kettle Bell VQ for this Guy

8 Pax started the week off right with the DRP and came to an unknown KettleBell VQ from YHC. Rule 1: Running at a Minimum.  Ok, but leg day will not be skipped!

The Thang – 4 exercises, 45 seconds Go, 15 seconds stop, repeat 3 times. We have 3 sets…

Set 1 – Left arm bent over rows, left arm overhead press, right arm bent over rows, right arm overhead press

Set 2 – Squat, Squat with a curl at bottom and press at top, Tricep Press, Merkin with row (alternate arms on row)

Set 3 – KB swing, Squat with an upright row, Mountain Climber, Skull Crusher

That’s all.  Finished right at 0600.  COT

FH out

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Pillars of Pantheon – PreBlast


We’ve all joined F3 for various reasons; however the common theme is acceleration in each of the 3 F’s.  In the spirit of QSource, 43Feet, Roundtable and others we are launching a new and insightful discussion:  Pillars of Pantheon.

Pillars of Pantheon will be a quick two minute interview with the Pantheon Q of the Day to expand on these questions:

> Tell us about your own EH experience and induction into F3?

> How has F3 helped you accelerate your 3 F’s?

> What is one idea that you will spearhead to take F3 into the future?

The Pillars of Pantheon discussion will occur after COT and the Gloom Crue in attendance are welcomed to listen in and discuss with that day’s Q post recording.  The intent is to strengthen our 2nd F, tighten our Shield-lock and of course, sharpen each other.



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Conveyor Belt of Pain 2

YHC had just spent a stressful weekend in which we threw a birthday party for our eldest at Adventure Air (and the rest deep cleaning our house). They let me jump, and jump I did. So much so that my back was incredibly sore the day before my Q.  That just meant that everyone would need to do some more back stuff with me to help keep me in shape.  Thanks, everyone!

9 PAX gathered in the parking lot of the Armory.  Started out by dragging out the disclaimer while Tesh and River Rat pulled in.  Yet another PAX showed up at the last minute, but I don’t recall who it was..  Went for a quick mosey up the side lot and half way back to wait for… other guy… sigh… and got in a quick 20 SSH and some windmills to get us stretched out.

We then moseyed over to the bells and ran to the far end of the parking lot where some of the toys were arrayed, and chalk was drawn all over.  Stations were set up every 3rd parking space down the line, then at the end, over two rows, and back down the line forming almost three sides of a square.

The stations were as follows.

  1. KB Swings
  2. Upright Row
  3. 3/4″x72″ Black Iron Staff – Tip ups
    1. Holding the staff at least at half way, the more above your hand the harder it is
    2. Let the tip drop to parallel with the ground and use only fingertips and wrist strength to bring it to vertical.
  4. 3/4″x72″ Black Iron Staff – Rotations
    1. Holding the staff straight forward, rotate to the left and right
    2. Speed of rotation controls the work required to slow and reverse direction
  5. Box jumps (20, 24, and 30 inch sides)
  6. 10lb Training  Mace – barbarian swings
    1. Swing the mace to align it with the chest at shoulder height to the left and right, when the arm close to the ball crosses the body, it’s on the bottom.  When it’s on its own side, the top
  7. Kettlebell Pendulum Swings – R
  8. Pendulum Swings -L
  9. Deadlift
  10. Seated chest press
    1. Six on the ground, legs straight out, torso leaned slightly back
    2. Chest press while leaning back with legs not leaving the ground
  11. Standard Kettlebell Row

There is always a traveling PAX. Two PAX started at station 11 (Chicken Hawk and Shin Guard).  Chicken Hawk spent about 10 seconds doing rows and ran with his bell down the parking lot, turned 90 degrees and ran to station one.  Each PAX was to bear crawl with the bell to the next station, however after one round it was apparent that the timer was going to kill our ability to hit all the stations multiple times.  Changed it to a quick walk.

After the first complete round, we met in the middle and did about a minute of broga to stretch out the back and went back to the conveyor.  We made it half way through the second round before time was up and it was a quick mosey back to COT for announcements and prayer.

Everyone worked hard.  Everyone got better.

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The Armory: 20190617 Circling the Wagons

14 PAX for a humid day at The Armory. Working hard and starting the week off strong!!

We did a quick warm up and got loose

I showed the PAX my drawings on the ground of my Inner Stick Man and Outter Stick Man, talking about who we are on the inside versus the outside…….and making them one in the same!

Than Thang – do these exercises….most were 20 reps but too lazy to change below…..roll the dice of pain in between each move

10 Kettle bell swing
10  bent row
10 Goblet squats
10 Upright row
10 Lunge press
10 Sumo upright row
10 Curls L/R
10 American Hammer
10 Bench press
10 Plank Rows L/R
10 Tri Extension

10 Flutters
10 Hello dolly’s
10 Freddy’s
10 Deadlift
10 Sidestep upright row
10 Kettlebell Merkins

Line up for suicide runs and then back to COT

Thanks for the Q Jwow!! Awesome time as always!

TClap |

12 started their week at The Armory for some Workouts of the Day dedicated to the brave men who stormed the beach in Normandy. After a brief warm up we got to the heart of the day:

20 Minutes AMRAP

-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)

-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)

-44 American Hammers

-60ish Meter Suitcase Carry (switch hands midway)

-60ish Meter Bear Crawl/Bell Drag Back (switch hands midway)

-44 Burpees


Following this we had about 13 minutes so we adjusted another WOD

6 Minutes

-Ladder count up of curls, overhead press, goblet squat & high pull (1 of each then 2 of each then 3, etc)

6 Minutes

-Reverse ladder count from the amount you had completed previously of 4 count flutters and 4 count mountain climbers. The original weinke called for man maker burpees instead of the flutter kicks, but I decided to modify that…


Mosey back to COT for announcements and prayer.


Thank you for the opportunity to lead

TClap |

Kettlebell Flush Draw

Cherry Pickers
Imperial walkers

Play Some Cards – split deck from 2 to 7’s (lo’s) and 8 to A’s (hi’s)

Round 1:
Spades (hi) – lawnmower pulls, right arm
Clubs (hi) – lawnmowers pulls, left arm
Diamonds (hi) – Shoulder press, right arm
Hearts (hi) – Shoulder press, left arm
Jokers = 5 Burpees

Round 2:
Spades (lo) – shoulder pulls, right arm
Clubs (lo) – shoulder pulls, left arm
Diamonds (lo) – Shoulder extensions, right arm
Hearts (lo) – Shoulder extensions, left arm
Jokers = 5 Burpees

Round 3 (whole deck):
Spades = Swings
Clubs = Goblet Squats
Diamonds = Curls
Hearts = Rest/Count/Stretch
Jokers = 5 Burpees

May 13
The Armory

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Slow and Intentional now at Armory


Mosey around the full parking lot. Intermittently throwing in toy soldiers, high knees, and butt kickers.

Exercises not necessarily in this order:

Windmills, SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Mountain Climbers

The Thang-

Everything in cadence slow and intentional (except where noted SC).

  • Right arm curl 5x
  • Left arm curl 5x
  • Right overhead tricep extension 5x
  • Left overhead tricep extension 5x

20x SSH SC

  • Goblet Squat 10x
  • Right leg lunge 5x
  • Left leg lunge 5x
  • Calf raises 10x

5 Burpees SC

  • Merkin with bell in RH 5x
  • Merkin with bell in LH 5x
  • Bent over row RH 5x
  • Bent over row LH 5x

20 Mountain Climbers SC

  • Shoulder Press RH 5x
  • Shoulder Press LH 5x
  • Carolina Dry Docks w bell in RH 5x
  • Carolina Dry Docks w bell in LH 5x

A mosey around the parking lot

  • American Hammers 5x
  • LBCs 10x
  • Kettlebell lateral swings RH 5x
  • Kettlebell lateral swings LH 5x

Asked for a couple of favorites since we had time.  So we performed more LBCs and rows.

We all need to slow life down a bit.  Everything pulls at us from all directions.  Work with productivity/work efficiency, family, children events etc.  I asked for things that we do to slow it down a bit.  Moving appointment to avoid family time and putting down our phones was mentioned to help.

We finished with a Round of Mary


Count off


Praises and Prayers

Prayers for those on IR; Ruckers and their 24 hour event coming up, praise for healed collarbone.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q JWow

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Beep beep I’m a jeep, clank clank I’m a tank

17 strong at The Armory. The weather was great and the iron was aplenty.

Warm up

  • SSH 25 I.C.
  • Windmill 10 I.C.
  • Leg stretches
  • Merkins 10 I.C.
  • Mountain Climbers (foot all the way up to hands) 10 I.C.
  • Moroccan Night Club 15 I.C.
  • Imperial Walker 15 I.C.
  • Hillbilly Walker 15 I.C.
  • Mosey over to the middle of the parking lot

The Thang

  • 10 Man Makers
  • 10 Turkish getups (5 each arm)
  • Split into Teams Alpha and Bravo
  • 1st timing mechanism: mosey with bell while other team does exercise
      1. High pulls
      2. Curls
      3. Triceps
  • 2nd timing mechanism: bear crawl drag bell
      1. V ups skull crusher
      2. Thrusters
      3. Calf raises
  • 3rd timing mechanism: “Beep beep I’m a Jeep, clank clank I’m a tank” (“Jeep” is a duck walk with bell close to chest. “Tank” is a duck walk holding the bell out in front.
      1. Flutter presses
      2. Dead lift
      3. Around the world

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead and associate with such a great group of men. Good work today from everyone.

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Go quickly, go alone. Go far, go together.

YHC was called out of the bullpen this weekend and had to bring a W/O that would make all PAX better.  A little thinking from prior beat down kettle bell sessions triggered moments of past pain that merited being brought out from the archives, so our week started off on the right (or wrong) foot.

11 #HIMs came out on a much warmer morning than prior days brought.  Could it be spring?  An opportunity for perspiration surfaced in YHC’s mind so after all disclaimers were put out, an acknowledgement of the FNG was given and off we moseyed to put the bells in the middle parking lot and circle up nearby for COP:

COP (all in cadence)

Morrocan Night clubs X 15, forward little arm circles X 15 and backward little arm circles X 15

SSH X 30 – varying speeds

Imperial Walkers X 15

Low slow squats X 15

Merkins X 12

Honeymooner, Salutations right and left, 6 inch hold (a curiously slow 10 count was delivered by one of the PAX – crowd pleaser)

Mosey around the A/O and back to the bells for the next round:

Main Event

Part of getting better and sharpening involves pushing limits and stretching comfort zones.  Prior to the W/O, YHC sketched out 3 exercises that the PAX were to repeat, as many rounds as they could, for 10 minutes.   They were:

15 Swings, 10 Goblet squats, 5 shoulder presses per arm – chalk was generously provided (by YHC’s 2.0) for PAX to keep their score and track progress (more to come on that).  After 10 minutes of hard work, decreasing mumble chatter as time elapsed and more sweat than anticipated, PAX finished, YHC called for a few 10 counts and, together, we took a “recovery mosey (couldn’t let the heart rate drop too much)” around the A/O coming back to where we started for……..yes……round 2: U versus U.

Rinse and repeat for 10 more minutes, PAX were challenged to do better and all responded.  Sweating ensued and work was done – all in the name of getting just a little better than before.

When time was called, YHC called for a “recovery” bear crawl to the inner curb and a “recovery” crawl bear back to the kettle bells where PAX gathered their belongings and wobble moseyed to COT for a little ab work…………but just a little.

All I/C and with bells (except the protractor)

American hammers (D/C) x 12

Flutters (D/C) X 12

Protractor at varying angles (10 degrees was the crowd favorite) with a few 10 counts at different points…….but just a few.

30 second body destroyer to finish……just because.

Transition to name-o-rama and COT:

Announcements – Paradise reading center Monday & Wednesday of this week – 4:00 Bethlehem Baptist Church.  G-Fit this Saturday at 3:00 – Steele St. park.  If you feel called to serve – do it.  Read your newsletter.

Welcome FNG – Bo Knows

Prayers – For those traveling on spring break.  Slow down and let those in a hurry pass.  Stay present and safe in life’s harried moments.  It can wait.  For injured PAX and those on the road to recovery. For all unspoken needs known to the silence of our hearts and Sky-Q alone.

It is always an honor and privilege to lead a group of #HIMs in any workout.  YHC hopes the invitation comes around again as today’s 45 minutes were inspired by different #HIMs in YHC’s life who have made me better than I could ever be on my own.  Leading today reinforced, once again, that we all sharpen one another by pushing past our perceived limits and stretching our threshold for discomfort and pain and that the reward of improvement is well worth the work put in.  So…….DO THE WORK!

My thanks to JWOW for the opportunity.  Looking forward to getting better with all of you……one day at time.


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