Jaeger 2024


Sign Up

TL/DR details:

  • Time 0700-1100(ish)
  • Start: GHMS –> Finish: Print Shop
  • Teams of 4(ish)
    • 2 runners, 2 ruckers (recommended); but at least 1 rucker and 1 runner to form a team. (Optional: A team’s Runners & Ruckers can alternate/switch roles at each pain station)
      • runners stay together
      • ruckers stay together
    • Themed pain stations/team meet points for team challenges (stay tuned for exact route map)
      • Start/Station 1: GHMS (Chase)
      • Station 2: Catawba Park (Hunt)
      • Station 3: Allison Park (Kill)
      • Station 4: WEP (Carry)
      • Finish: Print Shop
    • Mileage – runners and ruckers travel different routes
      • Runners: slightly more than 14 miles
      • Ruckers: slightly less than 10 miles
    • Scoring the Race
      1. Team “card” to be time stamped at each pain station when team has
        completed the “team pain-station exercise”
      2. Time credit for overall scoring
      3. Possible…time credit for FNG / Kotter / Respectable / etc. per team?
      4. Teams will Sign Up!
      5. “winning trophy” = show to know
      6. “loser trophy” = show to know
    • Pain Stations:
      1. “faster” part of team can build up credit for other part of the team (e.g.
        ruckers can finish the exercises for the runners)
      2. Time goal for each pain station: 10 minutes (e.g. 8 min individual and 2
        min JOINT TEAM exercise)!
      3. Pain Station Q chooses WOD
      4. “JOINT TEAM exercise”: show to know! After this is completed the Operator will timestamp the TEAM card before departing

Coming in from out of the region? Have questions? Send a message to: jaeger.csaup@gmail.com


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What’s in a Name?

WARMUP: Mosey to Springs Global business parking lot next to WEP, SSH, deep stretches, downward digs, honeymooners.
THE THANG: Mosey to Fort Mill Pharmacy parking lot. Partner up, 100 push-ups, 200 lunges, 300 LBCs in rotating fashion. Mosey back to WEP. Each swing around the park was a designated pain station complete with F3 cards. Getting to know the origin of the Pax’ nicknames was worth the pain!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming Blood drive, Olaf’s open invite to serve the community.
COT: Prayers for Clickbait’s recuperation, Portal’s move & new employment, Culture Club’s daughter & newborn grandchild

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We should change the name of this AO.

WARMUP: Probably
THE THANG: We did some ill-advised stuff on a lot of hills.
MARY: No chicks.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.
COT: The 5th Core Principle.

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CrossFit Jealousy

WARMUP: It got warm… quick.

A solid hour of:
1. High Intensity Strength Training
2) Plyo
3) Mobility Training
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Potential Daffodil and Rocky Shoals Spider Lilly trips in March/May. Stay tuned…
COT: Parents, relationships, new beginnings.

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Competitor’s Coupons Accepted

WARMUP: Undoubtedly.

THE THANG: Coupon Heavy
1) Simple DORAs (Run-a-Lap y Farmers Carry)
-KB Swings – 200
-Goblet Squats – 100
-Man Makers -50 (ouch)
-Merkins – 200
-Squats -100
-Burpees -50

2) Not-so-Simple DORA (50/25 SSH; 50/25 Mtn. Clmb.)
-Shoulder Press – AMRAP
-Shoulder Extension – AMRAP
-Bent Row, Left – AMRAP
– Bent Row, Right – AMRAP

MARY: a la core movements
COT: Definitely.

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D2D Solidarity Run

THE THANG: 3+ Miles; Various exercises
MARY: Various exercises
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) My knees are paying for this… 2) Walker’s name is “Adrian”.

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Know what I mean?


– SSH x 20 (IC)
– Hamstring stretches (left, right, middle)
– Quad stretch (left and right)
– Yoga like movements


– Mosey from WEP to hill at Massey . Up and down the hill 3x. Burpees at top (15-10-5) and Merkins at bottom (15-10-5).

– Mosey to Print Shop. Pull ups, 3 rounds, max. One partner does pullups, other partners does step ups.

– Mosey to Hardees Parking Lot. 4 Corners Elevator. 10 Merkins, 20 LBCs, 30 Plank Jacks, 40 Shoulder Taps. Add an exercise each corner on the way through, drop an exercise at each corner on the way back. Pivot Squat, Bear Crawl, Backwards Run from corner to corner.

– Mosey to FM Pharmacy for a quick round of exercises while gathering The Six.

– Mosey back to WEP. PAX led Mary while gathering The Six.

– 10 minutes of F3 “Cube of Exercises”. PAX took turning rolling and performing determined exercises.

– Back to COT to finish up with Airborne Hip Exercises.

MARY: Some mixed in throughout


Trash pickup, Coffeteria, Murder Bunnie’s playoff game


Prayers family and friends close to PAX dealing with illness. Prayers for those suffering from mental illness and addiction. Prayers for leadership.

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7 Hills

WARMUP: Several dynamic stretches, including motivators
THE THANG: Hill #1 – Jacob’s Ladder – Burpees x7; Hill #2 – Wall – Muscle-ups & Derkins; Hill #3 – S White St Hill – Bear Crawls x 4; Hill #4 – Massey St – Big Boys x 70 (45 + 45); Hill #5 – Main Street – 70 Squats; Hill #6 – Print Shop – 7 Merkins, 7 Dips, 7 Pull-ups; Hill #7 – COT – Fire Drill-ish x1.
MARY: See Hill #4
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar, Bethel Men’s Shelter
COT: Yes

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Springtime Invergence

It’s that time again for an Invergence where we all can take the opportunity to accelerate all 3Fs.  All 4 workout options will be available so if you want to run, ruck, gear or bootcamp we will have a 1F option for you. Following the bootcamp you are all welcome to stick around and enjoy some 2nd and 3rd F as we discuss relevant topics that affect us in the gloom. More details to come in the next few weeks. Hope to see you all there!

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