Announcement: New AOs in the Fort….

Date update for Millstone – now projected to start on Saturday, Aug 24.

Minnow Pond details

  • Plan to stretch as much as you can prior to the beginning of the work out given the mileage
  • Plan on a minimum of 3 miles with boot camp baked into work out
  • 10 counts are not expected, you’re expected to push yourself and be moving
  • Idea would be .25-1 mile run, stop for boot camp, go again
  • Pretty much it…

Millstone details

  • Idea being more 2nd F with 1st F baked in
  • Going to be IR friendly
  • Stretching, light running / walking, core, modified boot camp exercises
  • Focus on what IR pains and aches and do the opposite
  • New PAX that may be older (neighbors, fathers or father-in-laws, etc.), this may be a good intro given the 2nd F component
  • This is not meant for existing older PAX (unless EH’ing new guys)!!!
  • Workout will vary based on IR as not looking to get hurt more


More details to come, but putting this out there for what’s coming to the Fort in early August.  Two different AOs so see below for both….

Name: Minnow Pond

Workout: Running with a mix of boot camp (high intensity)

Day / Time: Thursday’s, 5:15-6:00 am (first workout expected on August 1)

Site Q: Shady

Location: Gravel parking lot off 160 by downtown Fort Mill by the Flags (i.e. Veteran’s Park,  )

Basics / Purpose: Accelerate running and basic boot camp, goal is ~3 miles min, non-stop


Name: Millstone

Who: Guys on IR

Workout: Core, stretching, low intensity exercises

Day / Time: Saturday’s, 6:30-7:30 am (first workout expected on August 24)

Site Q: TBD

Location: Gravel parking lot off 160 by downtown Fort Mill by the Flags (i.e. Veteran’s Park,  )

Basics / Purpose: Low intensity workouts aimed towards PAX on IR or entering the 4th quarter of life, trying to keep the 1st and 2nd F going for these PAX

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Baby Shark do do do do do do…..

Today we had 13 show on a very hot Monday!

After a disclaimer and a short mozy all pax gathered for a short warmup which consisted of 10 merkins, side straddle hops, and imperial walkers. We then grabbed our bells and sort of slowzied to another part of the parking lot to begin our routine. I instructed the men to partner up and I then handed out prewritten sheets of paper with two kettle workouts and one regular exercise written on each. I felt like it was a good day for music so I added roughly 10 songs (Rock N Roll) and each set of partners did the workout from each page for the entirety of the song. I assigned how many of each workout to do and after you finished your assigned number you would switch the exercise. After the song finished the groups would rotate so that all men could complete every exercise. I also randomly added the instrumental version of baby shark onto my music playlist and when that would come on we would sprint the length of the parking lot and return just in time for the song to be over and would resume our regular routine with the next song. I felt like that was a good time to run since nobody wanted to hear that song! I added pistol squats to one sheet of paper and those are quite difficult (unless you’re Tesh) and I don’t think I want to do those again! We stopped about halfway through and I told the pax that I would like for them to take the time this week to compliment folks around them. When you compliment someone, it can really have a profound effect on their day and selfishly it makes you feel good as well so it’s a win win. At around 3 to 6 we took a mozy back to COT where we did a quick mary and then circled up to finish our workout. I did hear some complaining which is always good and it means that the pax is suffering a bit so I felt successful! Big thanks to J-WOW for the opportunity to serve and I look forward to doing it again!


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Independence Day Pre-Blast

What:  July 4th Convergence

Where: The Hive – Fort Mill High School

When: 0515 with 2nd F afterwards at Kingsley Panera

Spread the word PAX!!

Keeping with Independence Day tradition, we will be closing AO’s in the Fort and Lake Wylie to converge and celebrate the gift of our independence.

There will be options for boot camp, run, ruck or kettlebell to be led by one of the Thursday AO site Q’s.  Who will lead which workout you might ask?  Show to know.

The theme of our workout will be, appropriately, independence.  SYITG!

Cyclops, Gekko, Jiffy, Peg, Beacon, Royale, Atlas, Birdcage


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June Birthday Q at Laces In – Act 2

Shady and Deacon kicked off June at Laces In with a dual Q that left little time (if any) for mumble chatter (thanks Kraken Burpees).  YHC called his own number today to keep the birthday Q theme going and the number 45 was the goal with each exercise…..well mostly.

After it was declared there were no FNGs and disclaimers were voiced and assumption of risk delegated to all gathered, we moseyed off….sort of.

Many PAX were expecting a longer run to COP (which was later delivered) but before doing so, PAX stopped at the flag, recited the pledge of allegiance and gave tribute to all who serve that we may have the privileges our freedoms grant us.  After those few moments of thanks and gratitude….we were off past the Hive lot, the band lot all the way to the 21 hill for a little COP.

Morrocan Night clubs X 23 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 5/10

Windmills (Trucker approved) X 12 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 7/10

Imperial Walkers X 12 (I/C) – Mumble chatter volume 8/10

5 burpees OYO – mumble chatter volume 1/10

Mosey briskly to the main event: 45’s – mumble chatter volume: inaudible

YHC led PAX back to the band lot where cones suddenly appeared.  The prior mosey intentionally (YHC’s 2019 word) went away from the cones in the hopes PAX did not see them – mostly successful (I think).  Upon finding the cones in 4 corner format with one cone in the middle, YHC called out 10’s at each of the four cones (adding up to 45 for each exercise) – consisting of the following:

Cone #1 – 9 BB Sit ups, Lunge Walk to center cone, 1 merkin, run back to cone #1; 8 big boy sit ups, Lunge Walk to center cone, 2 merkins, run back to Cone #1, continue sequence until reaching 1 big boy sit up, lunge walk to center, 9 merkins and run back to cone #1

Cone #2 – 9 burpees, run to middle cone, 1 squat, Lieutenant Dans back to Cone #2, 8 burpees, run to middle cone, 2 squats, Lieutenant Dans back to Cone #2, continue sequence until 1 burpee and 9 squats were done.  Move to:

Cone #3:  9 Carolina Dry Docks, run to middle cone, 1 merkin, run back to cone #3, 8 CDD’s, run to middle cone, 2 merkins, run back to cone #3, continue sequence until 1 CDD and 9 merkins were done.  Lastly: Cone #4:

Cone #4: 9 flutter kicks each leg, lunge walk to middle cone, 1 heels to heaven, run back to cone #4, 8 flutter kicks each leg, lunge walk to middle cone, 2 heels to heaven, run back to cone #4 , continue until…..well you get the idea.

YHC had to call time at 5:57 – Straight Up was the king well into the sequence at cone #4, if not completed.  Many PAX had things to say about the number of lunge walks.  I don’t know why.

A run from the band lot back to the flag reconnected us with 3 Laces Out runners for COT

Announcements – Hog and Coyote this Saturday in Rock Hill. Straight Up leading a trail run at Crowders on 6-22, Read your newsletter, Spend father’s day with your M’s and 2.0’s – the golf course will always be there.

Prayers were lifted up for Gilligan’s recovery from surgery, High Stick’s daughter’s recovery, Trucker’s M and her upcoming interview and for all unspoken prayers held in the silence of the hearts of PAX.

NMM – The HIMs YHC has had an opportunity to be around over the past 6 months have truly helped personal acceleration and intentionality in my life.  Our greatest gift to one another is the ability to sharpen others and help transfer the habits that impact all of us leading lives of intentionally and virtue in all that we do. Here’s to another great year ahead for YHC and my sincere thanks to all the PAX who have helped shape and sharpen YHC.  Your work is appreciated beyond words.  Thank you brothers! I am 45, thankful and better because of all of you.



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A Hive workout with no SSH’s or Swings?!? It’s true.

17 #HIMs decided to follow the tweet of Band Camp (or decided on their own) and came out on a reasonably pleasant morning to lift and put down objects of varying weight numerous times.  YHC was honored to get the call (it’s always a privilege to lead – more on that later) and learned the night before that the deck of cards had not made its way to the Hive in some months.  Seemed as reasonable a time as any to bring them back.  So I did.  After the disclaimers were given and the traditional check for FNG’s came up empty this time around, we were off.

We moseyed with bells to another area of the parking lot (minimal running today – it is a kettle bell workout) and circled up for COP, which consisted of the following (yes – there were no side straddle hops, believe it or not):

Moroccan Night Clubs X 20 I/C – holding arms out after completion

Little arm circles  X 10 forward and backward keeping them held out in between and after

Overhead claps X 10 – after completion, arms at ease which were now warmed up for what was to follow

Imperial walkers X 15 IC

Low Slow squats X 20 (another precursor for future exercise)

Mosey with bells to the East side of the lot for the main event:  Out comes the deck

Spades = Goblet Squats, Clubs = Upright rows, Diamonds = Skull Crushers, Hearts = Hammer Curls

YHC was pleased by the mumble chatter and simultaneous effort and the PAX delivered so well, we made it through 1 deck and 1/2 way through a second time.  Upon completion of the first deck (which happened faster than anticipated due to efficient PAX), YHC was asked if a sermon was to be given.  When silence ensued in response, YHC smiled and promptly requested the PAX to sprint to the West end of the lot as fast as possible then mosey back – all obliged.  Following a few 10 counts and one round of 10 burpees (just because),  T-Square had to choose between one of two piles of cards as YHC had split the deck of cards in 1/2.  He chose the pile that ended up having a disproportionate amount of face cards – much to the pleasure of the PAX.  Mumble chatter increased as consecutive suits were drawn on multiple occasions citing a few accusations of a rigged deck and flush draws (fake news).  Nonetheless, all got better.

With 5 minutes to go, we moseyed to COT with bells in hand for…….a little ab work – but just a little:

All exercises were with bells and double-count:  flutters with the press IC x 20, LBC’s IC x 10, Hello Dollys IC x 10 and Rosalitas IC x 10.  This took us to 5:59:30.  A body destroyer was called, then a 10-count delivered from Trucker and lo and behold, 6:00 was upon us and the time came for COT and BOM.

Announcements – Convergence on May 24 at Harris Teeter Baxter – all 4 workout options available – KB, Ruck, Run, Boot Camp with 3rd F at Eternal Shack (behind Zaxby’s) following.

May 21 – one year anniversary W/O to honor Badger and his legacy at Golden Corral.  Wear red to honor.  Decibel on Q and Badger’s oldest 2.0 will be in attendance.

Read your newsletter.

Prayers – for teachers, for families, for our 2.0’s finishing school, for Mom’s – especially this weekend and for those working through strained maternal relationships, especially on this weekend.  Be a light to someone when you’re called – you never know what someone is gong through – No OYO.

NMM – YHC had stated in the past that serving in any position of leadership is a privilege.  No matter the opportunity, when called to lead a group of #HIMs, it should be taken as the blessing and opportunity it is meant to be.  And one of the greatest gifts we can pass on to one another through leading is the gift of sharpening, strengthening and honing ourselves – physically, mentally and spiritually.   To Band Camp, my sincere thanks for the opportunity to get out in front of such a strong group of #HIM’s this morning.  Every man gathered today made YHC better and, for that, I extend my thanks and gratitude.

Honored to serve,


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Diplomacy at Quagmire

It was a long drive from BFE to Lake Wylie, but I’ve wanted to make it to this AO for a while… so I answered Jedi’s call. By the way, I received my request to Q back in January! That is some hardcore planning by this HIM. I’m lucky if I get a month in advance at The Coop.

Also, due to the friendly banter back and forth between Jedi and the Badger… I had to bring the pain today to satisfy these Lake Wylie boys. The last thing I wanted to be was a terrible Ambassador of the Honey Badger Nation.

Here’s what we did.

400m run


Tempo Merkins – 11
Mountain Climbers – 13
SSH – 17
LSS – 19
Al Gore Night Clubs – 11
Yoga Flow

400m run


Wheelbarrow 25 yards.
Out, swap w/partner, back.
Squerkins – 1 Derkin in wheelbarrow position alternating while partner holds and does 1 Squat – Ascending to 5 (so 15 in total).

At this point Jedi told me to tighten my core, which I realized made wheelbarrows much easier. #ProTip

400m run

Wheelbarrow 25 yards.
Out, swap w/partner, back.
Squerkins – to 6 this time (so 21 in total).

400m run

Lunge 10 yards, do 10 squats, mosey back.
Add 10 yards each time until you get to 50 (so 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 – in total 150 squats and 150 yards of lunge walks)

400m run

Punch Webbs 1:4 – 10:40
Dive bomber Pushups + Burps/Ski Abs/Thrusts (whatever you want to call them!)
400m run
200m run
200m run

As we left and returned to our circle for the Webbs, the sweat puddles kept growing. It looked like an aftermath post from Jocko. We were all pleased. The run breaks were much needed, as my shoulders were pretty smoked. Cable Guy said his triceps were smoked. His form was better than mine!

Last Minute Mary
10xWWI Sit Ups

Side note – we also ran 2+ miles in the midst of all of that fun.

GORUCK DSM Custom event this weekend! Pray for us!
Monday’s at Sabor there is a bible study. I missed the full details so follow up with Cornhole for more information.

Pray for Duck Dynasty – had some shady business going on in his neighborhood and it was unsettling. Pray for the authorities to handle it the right way and DD to remain composed for both he and his family’s sake.
Pray for Jedi – big decisions to be made here and it could change what he currently calls his life.
Pray for me – I constantly lack patience with my daughters and I need to realize the impact this could be having on them and their understanding on love and leadership.

In all, it was a great morning to join up with my brothers that I don’t often see. Jedi, thank you for your leadership, your friendly banter on twitter, and for making us all want to accelerate. Finally, thanks for asking me to lead.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Fishing with Bass-oh-Matic

Celebrating Bass-o-Matic Birthday! 10 HIM came to the Ballroom for a cool 45 degree morning workout and a chance to get better.  No FNG’s, Disclaimer, and a question to all the Pax, Are you accelerating ???

Time to Mosey!  

Circle up for the most important 10 mins of the morning :  The Warm-up! (avoid injury)

SSH x 15, Moroccan NightClubs X 10, Imperial Walkers X 15, Merkins, X 10, LBC’s X 10,  Windmills X 10, Cherry Pickers X 10,  Hamstring Stretch (Right over Left)  – (Left over Right) Touch your Toes, HillBilly Walkers X 10, 2 Flying Squirrels  – Warm up Complete – Time to Mosey!

Start with some DORA  – Partner up! :  100 Bobby Hurley’s  ( Partner Plank ) X 20 :  200 Dips ( Partner takes a lap ) : 300 Step ups (Partner take a lap)  – modified to 200 Step ups.

Time to Mosey around the school to the Wall !  Pax immediately took their spots on the wall without hesitating, but the Q had to explain the Red Chair sitting empty.   Circled up the PAX for a quick Happy Birthday Bass-O-Matic salute, and explanation of the Red Chair that was RESERVED for the Birthday Guest!    Bass-O-Matic took his spot on the throne, Pax took their spot on the Wall for the standard Wall Sit with one Pax jumping out of line to complete an exercise that was instructed by Bass-O-Matic.  That’s right, the Q had been turned over to Bass who had full discretion for the reps and the exercise to be completed by the PAX jumping out of line.  We worked our way down the line with a big grin worn by Bass-o-Matic,  as he relaxed in the chair.  Recover!  Rinse and Repeat with Bass in full control of the Pax, but this round he completed the exercise he called out,  side by side with each Pax!  (Impressive!! – HIM)

Recover: Time to take a minute to Revisit the “Theme of the Month – “Being Still”  :  Time to Organize Personal Priorities,  What are your Strengths and Weaknesses, What Can YOU contribute, How can you become an Encouragement and Helper rather then a drag or disappointment. Being Still is an opportunity to see who “we” really are!  “Being Still” gives you the time and privilege of knowing who GOD really is……..YOU can lean on him, He can take away your  burdens, He can provide STABILITY in your life!  Offer God the gift of Stillness in times of Quietness!  Aye!

Time to Mosey!  We made our way up to the front of the school where 4 of the Light poles had cardboard signs beneath them…..words of encouragement!  We circled up at the first light pole and completed the words of encouragement with each Pax taking the lead for an IN-CADENCE workout.  We completed the set of 3 exercises at each of the 4 Light Poles before heading back to COT with 1 minute to spare:

1st Lightpole : Flutters x 15, LBC’s x 15, Shoulder Taps x 15

2nd Lightpole : Merkins x 15, Man Climbers x 15, Wide Arm Merkins x 15

3rd Lightpole  Low Slow Squats x 15, Sumo Squats x 15, Lunges x 15

4th Lightpole : SSH x 15, PlankJack x 15, and finally BombJacks (OYO X 15)

COT:  Reminder about Mental Health conversations and awareness!  Q Source, Prayers and Praises: Closed out.

Blessed for the Opportunity to “Q”  – Blessed for F3 and association with HIM!



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Demented Game Of Uno!

Today was another chance to cross state lines and spend the DRP at Mint Hill with some of my brothers.  I picked up this workout from a workout in Fort Mill by 3D.  It forever changed the game of Uno for us!

So after a little warmup the thang goes something like this.

Shuffle the deck of Uno cards and whatever the number is, you perform that number of reps with the exception of 0 being 10. The color of the cards determines the exercise.  You have to play your cards just like in Uno.  Color on same color, or same number on same number.

Blue = Kettlebell curls
Green = LBC’s
Yellow = Squats with or without bell
Red = Upright rows
Ø = Run a lap
+2 = Two of the last card/exercise drawn
+4 = Four reps of all four exercises
Reverse = Do the same exercise you just performed
Wild = Change color

Sounds simple right?  It is, until you get stuck on a color or number for a while.

The four of us worked hard and modified a few things since we only had two kettlebells amongst us.  Great life lesson, adapt when life changes up on you.  Don’t just run for the house.

Thanks Tough Skins for offering the Q to me.  Always an honor to lead.

Prayers for TS as he changes careers and leaves the corporate world behind for part time ministry and part time self employment.  Way to step up to be even more of a HIM (High Impact Man)

Prayers for Rick who has cancer surgery on 4/23.

DT out!


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2019 Cannoli Run Supporting the Children’s Attention Home

The 2019 Cannoli 5k Run and 1 Mile Family Walk is pleased to announce that 100% of this year’s Cannoli proceeds go to the Children’s Attention Home!!!

Support the race and your fellow PAX who are making outstanding efforts at CAH! Post early and you still have time to get the family to the family walk (8:30 am) or 5k run (9:00 am), then the St. Philip Neri Italian Festival after.

Bolt is race director (803-415-1946), Twister Exec. Asst. and NASA and ChickenHawk are your on-point PAX.

Saturday May 18….8:30 am 1 Mile Family ….9:00 am Cannoli 5k Run…ruck info TBA ASAP.

Cannoli Run and Family Walk.   

Children’s Attention Home 

Direct Donation to CAH (enter Cannoli under “organization gift.”) Donate Here.

Update 4-2-19. Our registration #’s are running a little behind. Get signed up!

Aye! Bolt

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Crossing State Lines

3/29/2014 was the first time I posted at F3 back at Ascent in Area 51.  I wanted to celebrate my 5th year anniversary by Qing in NC and SC to honor all those who have led me throughout my journey.

Saturday the 23rd I made it to Outland in Union County and did my best to lead the brothers as best I could.

We did a little warmup thang and then headed over to the tennis courts.

12 Days of  Christmas in March? Yep.

So this workout is simple and easy to Q, but not easy to participate in.  Just like the song, you repeat every number every time you go up the chain.  Here’s our 12 days:

1- Run (1 lap if you’re a clydesdale, 2 if you’re speedy)
2- Turkish getups
3- Jump squats
4- LBC’s
5- Diamond Merkins
6- Imperial Walkers
7- Rosalita’s
8- Slow flutters
9- Low slow squats
10- Lunges (each leg)
11- Merkins
12- Bupees

After Round 1 we caught our breath and went for Round 2.  Sadly we only made to about 9 again.  I know you were all disappointed.

We did a little stretching and a little Mary and we were out of there.

Thanks for the chance to lead.  Good to see some familiar faces and some I didn’t know until then.

Good coffeteria was had afterwards meeting up with Monroe.

Please lift up Rick from Mint Hill in your prayers who has cancer.

DT out.

TClap |