Tabata Beatdown

WARMUP: Windmill and The Motivator

TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Sprints
40 sec. Squats 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min High knees and Nur
40 sec. Rear lounge 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Hello dollys 10 sec. Rest
2 min Bear Crawl and Mosey
40 sec. Mountain climbers 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Leg up downs 10sec. Rest
2 min Monkey humpers and Burpees

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Friday Push

WARMUP: Into and Disclaimer. Started mosey to the back lot and it was ripe this morning! Did a warm up at the back of the parking lot near the apartments.
MNC, Hillbilly Walkers, Produce pickers, Windmills, Plank, down and up dog.
THE THANG: Mosey to the hill to begin Tge Pendulum Work. Run up to the neighborhood and do 1 rep Wide Arm Merkin. Then back down the hil and up to tge Fire Station for 1 rep Plank Jack. Back down the hill and repeat to complete 7 rounds. End back down by the foundation for 7 Burpees OYO.
Mosey yo the apartments to the middle for 15 Monkey Humpers and continued up to the round about. Bear Crawl the curb stopping in middle for 5 Diamond merkins then finish the crawl. More of a side to side hand shuffle.
Finally, Mosey back to COT for some Ab work.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jagger and Rooster coming up. Bethel Shelter and blood drive.
COT: Prayers for a neighbors son and praise for a family helping out. Praise and pray for travel mercies for BW and prayers for Grassy’s M.

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Circle up for windmill x 15 and SSH x 20. Form a line and do toy soldiers and arm circles on the way to an area in front of HT. Circle up again.

After the disclaimer and a short warm up, we were greeted by two additional pax who joined the circle for a Tabata workout.

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 20 sec work, 10 sec rest.
The exercises we did today were:
1. CCD
2. Box cutters (tough)
3. Mountain climbers
4. Squats
5. Merkins (crowd pleaser)
6. Superman hold
7. Alternating lunges
8. Burpees
Finish with 90 sec body destroyer


I’ve done this workout several times and it’s very easy to plan, but a little tricky to execute. Keeping track of the exercises and the number of sets requires some concentration. With no cadence counting, it encourages a lot of mumble chatter and we had plenty of that today. Noteworthy was Slapshot, who welcomed our FNG with steady conversation for the entire workout. I tip my hat to him because while the rest of us were groaning on sets 7 and 8 of merkins, he kept the chatter going with little sign of fatigue or O2 deprivation. Well done!

Welcome Pongo who comes to us from North Charlotte (I believe). He brought along an FNG who we dubbed Gremlin. Welcome, gentlemen! Love getting FNG’s on the weekday workouts. It was a great morning with the fine gentlemen of the Fort and a pleasure to lead the group as always. Thanks for the Q nod, Slow Jams!

Dam2Dam race/fundraiser for Ft. Mill Schools in Feb. Read your newsletter.
Prayers: Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin, Pongo’s grandfather Warren, kids returning to school.

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WARMUP: Hillbilly Walker, Windmill, and the Motivator

TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Bear crawl
40 sec. Squats 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Sprints
40 sec. High knees 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Hello dollys10 sec. Rest
2 min Planks
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Lbcs 10sec. Rest
2 min Crab walk

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The Motivator

TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Bear crawl
40 sec. Squats 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Mosey
40 sec. Cross Country Skier 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Burpies 10 sec. Rest
2 min Laterals
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Forearm planks 10sec. Rest
2 min Mosey

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STL Teams

Chilly morning so mosey over to medical offices behind bank at top of Dave Gibson to warm-up. Break out into teams of 4 or 5.
Laps are up Dave Gibson, down 160 to Arby’s, right into Earthfare lot, right on road that returns to start.
Hills are down Dave Gibson up to GHES and then back to start.
As a team complete the following as efficiently as possible:
6 Laps, 6 Hills, 50 Burpees, 100 HR Merkins, 150 Bomb-Jacks, 200 Mtn Climbers.
Every PAX had to run one loop and one hill. From there it was up to the team to figure out how to divide and conquer.
The goal was to get through this the first time and then challenge the teams to figure out how to improve their plan in order to reduce their overall time. Probably due to poor communication on YHC part, we ran short on time to complete the second round. Teams completed as much as time allowed on second round and then returned to COT. This was Wipeout’s second work-out so we went over the 5 core principals and then a quick summary of the 3Fs.

Lots of 2nd F events in the newsletter. Get out and participate!
Thanks Badlands for the Q opportunity!

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WARMUP: Imperial Walker, Hillbilly Walker, Cherry Picker, and Windmill

4 rounds of each
40 sec. Cross Country skiers . 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Sprints
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. 8 count mercans 10 sec. Rest
2 min Mosey
40 sec. Hello Dollys 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Mt Climbers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Bear crawls
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Lbcs 10sec. Rest
2 min Crab walk

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Tabata Beatdown


Hillbilly Walker, Imperial Walker, Windmill, and Side Straddle Hops.


TABATA: 4 rounds of each
40 sec. Mercs. 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Flutters 10 sec. Rest
2 min. Bear crawl
40 sec. High knees 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Rowers 10 sec. Rest
2 min Mosey
40 sec. Cross Country Skier 10 sec. Rest
40 sec. Hello dollys10 sec. Rest
2 min Bear Crawl
40 sec. Shoulder taps 10 sec. Rest
40sec. Lbcs 10sec. Rest
2 min Mosey

Last 10 minutes we did some Fire Hydrants, in and outs, and Planks

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Nostalgia and Fantasy Football

After a pseudo-disclaimer we took a nice
Mosey to Grace church
20 SSH
15 MNC
15 Seal Jacks
10 windmills
10 plank jacks
15 IW
15 HW

For the main part of the workout I channeled my first ever WO I attended at the GC 3 years ago.

100 Merkins
200 squats
300 LBCs
50 diamond Merkins.

It was here where Slow Jams and I lamented our FFB teams and how terrible waivers has been lately.

Next we ran to the wall behind the Oil Express where we did 3 rounds of :

10 irkens
10 Dips
10 derkens

Then ran to the HT wall. All pax did a peoples chair then one pax would run to the other side of the alley and do 5 HR Merkins. We did this for 2x

Ran to the Bubbles and Bows Parking Lot

Did 15 Hammers 15 Flutters 15 BBS and 15 In and Outs.

Got to COT in time for 15 burpees.

Great work by all!

Thanks to Slow Jams for the call!!

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Deck of Awesomeness

Mosey to FM Church of God…SSH, Low slow squats, seal jacks and Moroccan nightclubs. Mosey to FM Baptist rear parking lot.

Deck of cards: Hearts = Merkin. Spades = BBSU. Diamonds = Lunge. Clubs = Crab cakes. Joker = 15 burpees. 2s = Lap around parking lot. PAX made it through 90% of the deck before DOAH decided to “help” by selecting new cards for the remainder of the WO. As punishment for DOAH’s “help,” we pivoted to 7’s on the Withers St hill. Jump Squats at the bottom and merkins at the top.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many options for community leadership coming up in the next few months.


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