600 lb Coupon with Better Music

Mozy round the lot.  Old man windmills.  Mountain Climbers. Merkins.  Diamond Merkins.  Wide arm merkins.  Low slow Squats.
Split up into pairs. One pair of PAX serves as the timer for a set of exercises. One PAX hops on and steers an ATV in neutral gear with no power while the other PAX pushes it down the parking lot for about 80 yards. At the turn around point, they switch places and race back to the starting line. Targeted average time is about 80 seconds. While the timers are doing their thang, remaining PAX are working a list of exercises:
KB Swings
KB Squats
Chest Press
Man makers
Triceps extension
Upright Row
Once all 4 pairs of PAX complete their turn as the timer, the PAX with the winning time planks while everyone else pays a 15 burpee penalty.
MARY: Dead bug, heel taps, LBC, box cutters, big boy sit ups and the finisher: Airborne’s hip exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2 CSAUPs coming in Sep and Oct.

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The Dirty 21s

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Merkins, Burpees, Hillbilly Walkers, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, and Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: 21s of Big Boy Sit Ups and Carolina Dry Docks with running in between; Light Poles: 5 Burpees then Lunges and Nur to next light pole and then 10 Squats then bear crawl to next light pole and run back to COT
MARY: Flutters until 6am
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP Relay Race and Check your bulletin
COT: Spectre buying a house and trying to get pregnant

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The Forts fastest AO

Tuesday July 12th seabiscuit becomes the Forts newest official AO. Join us in the parking lot of Blues smokehouse @5:15am at the corner of Doby’s bridge rd and the bypass. This is going to be a speed based running AO, geared towards improving overall speed. If you’re not fast, then this is for you. If you are fast, this is also for you. It’s kinda like Disney, there’s something for everyone.

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Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. and a pair of Jacks

– SSH x20
– Windmills x10
– Mountain Climbers x10
– Hill Billy Walkers x10
– Low Slow Squat x10
– SSH x10
Partner B.L.I.M.P.S. Round 1
1. B – Bomb jacks ==> Broadjumps
2. L – LBCs ==> Lunges
3. I -Imperial Walkers ==> High Knee
4. M – Merkins ==> Mosey
5. P – Plank Punches ==> Power Skip
6. S – SSH ==> Shuffle Left/Right

People’s Chair with Jack Reachers (2x)
Jack Webb 1:4 – to 10

Pax choice (American Hammers, Gas Pumper, Makhtar N’Diayes, Grave diggers, forgot the others)


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The Spirit of the AO

Merkins x 10
Donkey Kicks x 10 OYO
SSH x 34

THE THANG: Treehugger WOD – “Crossett Fit Games” honoring our fallen brother from F3 Lehigh Valley.

5 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 V-sits (ups)
30 Merkins
40 yd Broad Jump Burpees
50 yd Heart Chargers
1/2 Mile Run

Finished out with a few flutters at the end

Q Source Tuesdays – hit up Backdraft
Straight Up is tired of male apathy – and he’s doing something about it. Hit him up about raising strong sons and forming a strong male community around those sons.

Praise for Straight Up’s 2.0, Yoshi, going on his first mission trip
Praise for El Spaniard taking his family to visit extended family in Portugal for a month
Prayers for YHC (and all of us dads) for our abilities to connect with 2.0’s and lead right.

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THE THANG: (you know the humidity is high when you can feel it hitting your face while you run)
Shotgun hill – random facts on the signers of the Declaration of Independence mixed with exercises.
Mosey to the top of the hill on Main (Subway lot) for balls to wall crawls with low intensity shoulder movements during recovery.
Mosey to UPC for reverse burpees (BB situps with jump squats)
Power skip circle drive, merkin ring of fire, powerskip back
Mosey back to COT
MARY: LBC, Flutter, JLo, Superman flutters
COT: Welcome FNG (Kotter) SLV

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Hardest 24 minutes in all of The Fort…

WARMUP: Sasquatch ran the PAX to a lit area and instructed them to form 3 lines facing him (2 lines of 4 and 1 line of 3).  After some initial gloom-fogged math and logistics, he got to limbering up the PAX for the first 15 minutes.  Queue *SPONGEBOB VOICE* “21 minutes later” the handoff was completed to YHC (SkateOrDie)
THE THANG: Given that YHC was shorted 6 minutes, we had to forego the body destroyers and get after it… the PAX moseyed (alright, just short of dead sprint) around to the back of the school (NAFO) and found some picnic tables and benches.  The group performed step ups while 1 PAX ran around the outer sidewalk, serving as the timer.  Upon completion, the next PAX ran while the group did box jumps. Rinse and repeat 2 more times. The PAX then repositioned (again, just short of dead sprint) to the pull-up bars behind the JROTC building. Next up, the group completed 1 pull-up, 2 chin-ups, and 3 merkins, rinsing and repeating, while 1 PAX ran to the stop sign at the top of the hill as a timer. Repeato until the remaining PAX ran. The PAX again repositioned (yeah yeah dead sprint…blah blah) to the hill behind Sugar Creek Elementary School. After hearing some mumblechatter about the stupid things we do, YHC implored the PAX to realize that the “stupid things” we choose to do are preparing us for the “tough stuff” that we have to do at other points in our lives. Next up, Jacobs Ladder (1 big boy sit-up at the bottom, 10 burpees at the top). We made it through 4-5 rounds for each of the PAX before repositioning (“quickly”) 1 last time to the bottom of the hill back to NAFO. Once a 10-count was counted, jail break sprint back to the stop sign at the top of the hill and then back to COT for MARY!
MARY: Flutters and Hammers were on the menu, followed by… wait for it… THE BODY DESTROYER!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!
COT: 🙏🏻s for both spoken and unspoken items on our ♥️s. Thanks for the opportunity to lead gentlemen!!!

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Recess at Block Party

WARMUP: 10 Burpees OYO then grab bricks from DD’s truck and mosey to bank parking lot

THE THANG: Pax moseyed from bank to WEP and back to bank with a partner and two bricks for each pair of pax. One partner had the bricks and they were traded back and forth between partners after each exercise throughout the workout. We did all sorts of fun stuff, including:

Wide arm merkins
Seal jacks
Moroccan Nightclubs
Peter Parkers
Parker Peters
Plank jacks
American Hammers
Man makers
Pull ups (for Trucker)
Bear crawls
Crawl bears
Lap around the playground
Overhead presses
Boxer punches

MARY: Rebel finished off the pax with a bit of Mary in the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: QSource on Tue at Baxter Starbucks, Coffeeteria on Wed at Kingsley

COT: Great to have Cousin Eddie out for his 2nd post after FNG status last week. T-claps to Rebel for helping him launch well and to Cousin Eddie for giving Rebel some added purpose!

The workout today was inspired by Sprockets from F3Boone, who led a brick based workout 2 weeks ago. The intent today was to break out of our routine and to create an extra push and some accountability with a partner.

After 10yrs+ posting in The Gloom, I still find it tough to roll out of bed at 0430 most mornings. It’s easier than it once was but it’s NEVER easy! I know that I’ll get better if I post, but I’m also susceptible to the voice in my head saying “you need some sleep” or “you can still exercise on your own at 0600”. Either or both might be true on any given day, and when I’m focused on ME, then the odds of me giving into that voice are high. The key to rising early and posting with you, my brothers, is when I can focus outside of me and instead see YOU. I know how much I’ve needed you over the years, which reminds me that there are many mornings when you need someone else beside you in the Gloom. Making that choice to be that someone is always the extra push I need to get out the door. When I can surrender my self, my ego, my petty simple desires…that’s when I find that something extra — another gear, a purpose, inspiration, the Holy Spirit…whatever you call it for yourself. Surrender…give your morning for your brother…it’s a small sacrifice with a HUGE payoff.

Thanks to Kermit for the honor of leading the pax this morning!

Keep Posting!!!

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Omaha, Omaha! These streets have no name.


Got the WOD inspiration from Florida Georgia line day before while working the BoFlex. Board of Pain w/ acrostic SIMPLE.

Decided rk take 1 of 2 routes, hit WEP, run laps starting from playground OR run to QT and instruct the 12 to use discretion to stop, wait for 6 and execute BOP.

Rolling in and catching an earful of healthy mumblechatter, decided neither. We will run randomly to dimmly lit parking lots and execute BOP.

Ran up to the old Kimbrells for a little warmup.

– Low slow squat with a jump at the end. @darkhelmet informed me that it was called a squat jump

– imperial walkers

– shoulder taps

– stretches


An arbitrary count if 15 for each exercise.

Board of pain:

S Shoulder taps
I Irkins
M Monkey Humpers
P Plank Jax
L Lunges
E Burpees (burpee has an E in it)

Run to 1887 Brewery, BOP

Run to the government building on the left on way back, BOP.  After much debate, no one knew what building it was and we found ourselves back at Kimbrells.

By then we started to spread out, causing more chaos.

Run down, take left at Amor and hit parking lot on left, BOP.

Per Jihnny Utahs request, hit Litte Caesars, BOP.

Run past COT, on left side of street, hit parking lot with kong brick wall, BOP.

Head back to COT for some Mary.




Quoting ZBB “ I have everything I need, nothing that I dont” was a pleasant reminder on being content and thankful for your blessings. Happiness is fleeting but joy is eternal.

Rather quiet, everyone’s life must be perfect.


I explained this was a clear demonstration how not to Q a workout.

You need to be flexible and know your PAX but you must be able to articulate clearly amidst the chaos of the gloom especially with the strong mumbkechatter hell bent on throwing you off and distracting you.

I personally wouldn’t have it any other way and am thankful for the PAX that showed and their relentlessness. Blessed to have this brotherhood in my life and always am appreciative to serve at BP.

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white(snake)ville park

WARMUP: complaints about heat/humidity then pledge and then a slightly below average description of the workout (sorry backdraft and quack)

THE THANG: run to Whiteville Park neighborhood. snake/zipper through neighborhood starting out going left on Leroy to start. 10 wide arm merkins every left intersection/corner, 10 squats every center crossing (springs), 10 diamond merkins every right intersection/corner.

Then mosey back to CoT

average was about 70 reps of each exercise and 3.5miles

MARY: mostly dysfunctional

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Bday Jekyll

COT: praise to #thefort on bringing home the 2022 hog and coyote trophy

Thanks for the opportunity Jekyll, was an honor to lead the men this morning.

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