Westward bound

THE THANG: 160 to dam rd, left into the backside of gold hill middle to Dave Gibson, right on 160 and pick up the Kingsley loop. About 6.25 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2 more years of trash pick up headed by @fogerty and next Saturdays Texas hold”em tournament at the Springfield CC

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Going To Feel It In Those Weird Muscles Later

SSH, IW, Merkins, upward dog, downward dog, left and right legs high, lunge stretches.


Unilateral Total Body Work

Starting with one side of your body:
– One arm bent over rows x8
– Reverse lunge x8
– High pulls x8
– Farmer carry up hill to stop sign and back
Repeat for other side
That’s 1 round.
Repeat for 4 rounds

Stabilizing Core Work

Starting with one side of your body:
– Rack KB on shoulder for KB March x10 (Double count)
– Suitcase deadlift x10
– Regular Freddie Mercury’s x10 (Double count)
Repeat for other side
3 rounds


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Poor planning? Doubtful

WARMUP: Pledge
THE THANG: Site Q, YHC, forgot that Harry Carrey had rejected the invite to Q due to travel. SO….. Mosey to church intersection. Intersection is pain station 10 hand release merkins, 15 squats, 20 SSH. Run the hills. Pain station. Run the flats. Pain station. Rinse and repeat.
COT: Healing, marriages, children

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Death by 1000 reps

WARMUP: Spectre led us out in a slight warm up as YHC was a couple minutes late


Squat press
KB Swings
KB Swings
WW2 sit-ups w/ KB
KB Swings
Clean Pulls
KB Swings
Bicep curl to tricep extensions
KB Swings

10 reps for each exercise

Repeat for 10 rounds


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School Yard Laps

WARMUP: Some guys preran a few miles
Ran down to Dolby’s Bridge Elementary, and did laps around the school. 3 laps at a comfortable pace, 4th lap at a fast pace. Complete as many laps as possible till 06:00.


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Tallawah the Bushwood

WARMUP: SSH, Merks, Squats. nightclubs, Dia Merks, Jump Squats,
THE THANG: Kettle bells – JackWebb style 1-7 rounds – Manmakers and Swings – 8-10 Thrust and Swings
Bootcamp – mosey with a ladder that started with Burps Donkey kicks dia Merks Bob Hurley Bigboys Shoulder taps
MARY: 3 mins of Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive , bethel men’s shelter, shield 5k, newsletter
COT: 👍🏻

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Death by squats

SSH, IW, Merkins, and Plank kick throughs


Partner up with mode of transportation being nur to the end of the parking lot and mosey back.

Using Cindys,
50 clean and press
50 Manmakers
100 Merkins (farmer carry the cinder block to the end of the parking lot and back instead of original mode of transport)

Switched to some Jack Webs:
Broad jump and squats; 1 broad jump, 4 squats. 2 jumps, 8 squats, up to 10 and 40.

Headed over to the playground for another quick Jack web.
Pull-ups and dips. 1 pull-up to 4 tricep dips. Went up to 5 and 20 before heading back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 activities and Dam2Dam sign up

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Tortoise and Hare (Slow and Fast Movements)

– Overhead clap tempo x 12
– Tempo merkins x 10
– Upward dog to downward dog x 2
– Repeat Merkins and yoga x2
– Plank kick through x10 (4 count)
– Low slow squat with coupon of choice
– Lunge with torso twist x5 each leg
– Karaoke

Exercise (10 reps each)
– Burpee deadlift
– Bicep curl
– Tri extension
– Squats

Mode of transportation for ~25 yards
– inchworm to frog jump
– Crab walk
– Duck walk
– Long jump

Using coupon of choice, conduct exercises. After completing the list, start with the first mode of transportation followed by a run around the big loop (~0.3mi). Repeat exercises then move to the second mode of transport. Keep going until all modes of transports are finished.

Had enough time to go back to the first mode of transportation. Followed with some cool down.

Cool down:
Michael Phelps x10
Itty bitty circles x10
Deep breathing

ANNOUNCEMENTS: IPX, 9/11 workout and 5K, shovel flag hand offs on Friday.

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Miles and Merkins

Muggy start to the week at Sweep the Leg

Ruckers rucked. The rest of us ran. Starting at the stop sign by COT we went all the way to the cul de sac past Thomas Gibson Rd. Planked for the 6.

1 by 1 each of us ran back to that stop sign by COT stopping at all subsequent stop signs for 10 merkins and 10 lbcs. We did this 3 times. After a brief recovery we did a pendulum at the top of the hill starting with 10 HR merkins, 3 burpees in the middle and then 10 4 Ct. Flutters at the bottom of the hill. Reduce the exercises at the top and bottom by 1 each trip down and back. Everyone got to at least 5 before heading back to COT where we had 1 minute left for 15 merkins, 15 Lbcs and 5 Burpees

All told 3+ miles and over 150 Merkins to start the day.

Thanks to Badlands for the Opportunity

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Omaha @ Tallawah

WARMUP: There was a significant emergency response at the WEP parking lot so we moved our kettle bells over to an adjacent parking lot. We moseyed over to the new playground which as we learned, due to the lack of pull up bars, is not as good as the old playground. We made due by doing some warm up exercises and made our way back to the bells. Now, due to a woman now working out solo by our kettle bells, we moved again to the long Springs parking lot.
THE THANG: Murder Bunnies 1/2 way down the parking lot (~25yds)
10 Clean & Jerk (ea arm), run to the light, 10 Burpees, run back.
20 Tricep Extensions, run to the Pike Electric parking lot, 20 Merkins, run back.
30 Upright Rows, run to the Massey St intersection, 30 American Hammers, run back.
40 Curls, run to the Main St intersection, 40 Flutter Kicks, run back.
Overhead Carry your kettle bell back to COT.
MARY: See above.
COT: Yes

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