Punishment for missing free throws

WARMUP: the 0445 pre-run

Shuttle runs
Using the rows in the parking lot (~20m apart) numbered 0-5, starting at 0, shuttle run to 1, return to 0. Run to 2, back to 0, etc until Pax got to 5, then start over from 1.

First 3 rounds (1 round being shuttle run through 1-5)
Burpees everytime you came back to 0. The number of burpees were equal to the number of the row you ran to.

Second 3 rounds were jump squats following the same rules as the burpees but by a factor of 4.

Last 3 rounds were 4 SC mountain climbers x the number of the row you ran to.
Those that finished before 6, did shuttle runs with no exercises.

Every 3 rounds was just over 1 mile.


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Licked by Squatch

WARMUP: plank exercises (merkins, Peter Parker, mountain climbers) mixed in some upward and downward dogs
Tallawah BUY-IN: 100 goblet squats
THE THANG: 7 stations of tabata- 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
1. wall balls 20#
2. slam ball and catch 15#
3. Merkins with one hand on bell/switch at 20”
4. KB plank rows over edge of stage
5. KB manmakers
6. KB swings
7. Jump rope (2 burpee penalty for missed jump)
3.5 rounds completed
MARY: plank in a circle and slam ball rolls CW and CCW; seated in a circle with feet up with backs to one another and pass slam ball CW/CCW; flutters, low plank Parkers, LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster 3/4, Jaeger 3/11

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Could’ve Been Worse

SSH, Merkins, stretching

Moseyed over to the basketball hoops

Template goes as follows
Run to the end of the court and back (~150m)

Activities in order
20 burpees
50 squats
50 merkins
50 lunges (SC)
25 merkins
25 squats
10 burpees

Total of 60 burpees, 150 squats, 150 merkins, 100 lunges.

Ended with some flutters and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster and Jaeger

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A Simple Weinke

SSH, Merkins, Low Slow Squats

6 rounds of:
24 Merkins
24 LBCs
24 Squats
20 Yd Bear Crawl

20 min AMRAP
5 incline merkins
10 Big Boys
15 Squats
Jog small loop in parking lot (~50yds)


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Tour De WEP

5 minutes of Burpees

Round 1
Walk/shuffle around WEP stopping at each swing/swing structure for 15 KB Swings

Round 2
Walk/shuffle around WEP stopping at each swing/swing structure for 15 Goblet Squats

Just enough time for 4 ManMakers

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam 2 Dam, Rooster, Jaeger

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It was the Damn Sasquatch

WARMUP: carry something heavy (sandbags, slamball, rucks) with dynamic warmup (i.e. toy soldier, side steps, back steps)
THE THANG: 4 stations behind earth fare with 5th pax running ~100yds total to stop sign and back as the timer.
Station 1: Sandbag back squats
Station 2: over the shoulder sandbag toss (alternate sides)
Station 3: Slamball (20lb) thruster and throw
Station 4: plastic crate bear crawls/runs
Once everyone finished each station including run, ruck to the office for weighted pull-ups, modify as needed, then back to stations to repeat aforementioned THANG.
Last thang to travel back towards COT was sandbag and slamball Indian ruck- pax in front launches slamball forwards, pax in back has sandbag and drops it on ground once pax in front retreats to the back to pick it off the ground, the next pax in line gets slam ball and repeats- did this from behind earth fare to COT
MARY: circle up in plank position, pax roll 20lb slamball to a non-adjacent pax- rucks were on because that’s the manly thing to do. THIS TORE UP THE CORE! I forgot what we decided to call this… “plank potato?”
ANNOUNCEMENTS: some relay coming up soon
COT: Thanks to Olaf for the Q and for retrieving the great I left behind.
Saw Tsunami out for the first time in over a year, getting after it at STL!
Lifting up all thoughts and prayers to our wonderful and gracious Heavenly Father!

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BOSSmen Speed Work

1.75 mile Shuffle (Indian) Run where the last half mile we got faster and faster

Tabata Style Leg Work
60secs on 30secs off
115# Barbell Box Squats
~30inch Box Step Ups
Hip Thrusters w/ 20# Slam Ball
Apollo Ohno’s
2 rounds

Recovery Work:
Half Pistol Squat – 2×10 each leg
Standing Quad Stretch – 2x30sec each leg
Bird Dogs – 20 reps (single count)
World’s Greatest Stretch – 3 each side
Foam rolling/massage gun

COT: Preparedness. Do the hard thing now, so that life’s easier later on.

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Headbangers ball

20x IC SSH, 20x IC Moroccan Nightclub, 20x IC hillbilly walkers, 15x IC lss, 15x IC Cherry pickers, 15x IC mtn climbers. 10 count plank x3, 10 count hands to the sky, Honeymooner, down dog stretches
THE THANG: Mosey to curbs in front of school
7s w. Bearcrawl to incline merkin, crab walk to dip

Mosey to blacktop track for Dora, with laps between sets
50 burpees
100 side to side squats
150 lbcs

Mosey to small COT lot for AROD, with laps between sets
100 Superman’s
75 calf raises
50 cdds
MARY: box cutters, hello dollies, flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaegar 3/11, jump program for fngs
COT: prayers for a buddy’s new born with WHS, prayers for cornerstones and cubbies wives, praise for our lives and families and the things we do have

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The Finale




Use parking rows as pain stations
11 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel
Rounds 1 & 2: Lunge walk to each row
Round 3: Bear Crawl KB Drag

Stop 1
Kid Launch

Stop 2
One Legged RDL both sides

Stop 3
Tricep Extensions

Stop 4
Goblet Squats
Cossack Squats

Stop 5
KB Swings
OH Press

Stop 6
Burpee Snatch

We completed 2 and ⅔ rounds and headed back to start for some Mary

We did some
Twas the last post for SnakePit
Jaeger CSAUP coming up


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I Stole Boss Hogg’s Q

WARMUP: 5 Merkins, SSH and 7 Windmills
THE THANG: I stole Boss Hogg’s 10
Station Workout- cumulative 10 reps Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boy, Squat, Shoulder Taps, LBC, Flutters, Plank Jack and Lunges, running a lap after each station

MARY: None

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