Boot THEN Broga

WARMUP: SSH, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Plank Holds, Side Planks
Mosey to elementary school horseshoe.
Use awning poles as markers.
Bear crawl, stop and do 2 merkins at each
Lunge walk, stop and do 2 squats at each
Crab walk, stop and do 1 burpee at each
Squat and lunge iso holds plus pulses

Mosey to pull up bars.
5 – 10 – 15 Pull Ups / Merkins / Squats
Mosey down to stop sign and back
AMRAP 10 Minutes

Broga for fifteen
Chair, breathing cues, boat, pigeon.

MARY: Who?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 3 x Birthday Q at The Fort tomorrow!
COT: prayers for school picking back up, for our children to not be influenced by the wrong things.
For JB the AD at NaFo and his recovery from motorcycle accident.
Harry Carey’s 2.0 off to college – pray for he and his M as they deal with the change, too.

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Impromtu Q

WARMUP: 15 SSH, Windmills, and Moroccan Night Clubs. Run a lap around the campus.
THE THANG: TABADA of 1 minute AMRAP then 30 seconds rest. The order was Merkins, SSH, Squats, American Hammers, Suicides, Flutter Kicks, Burpees, LBCs, Knee Taps, Leg Raises, Low Plank, Left & Right Side Plank, High Plank. Rinse and Repeat until we ran out of time at the 2nd round of Knee Taps.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter b/c @fishstix couldn’t remember all of them as he was still trying to catch his breath.
COT: Prayers for schools as we head back on Monday. Prayers for YHC’s 2.0 as he switches elementary schools this year. Praises for 15 years of marriage for YHC and M. Prayers for @fishstix and his family as they approach the 1 year since losing his father.

Message of the day, always have a Q ready to go in case you’re called in to pinch hit when the scheduled Q no-shows. Great work today gents!

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The burn is good

WARMUP: 10x Cherry Picker, SSH, imperial walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs
THE THANG: 4 laps around the track with 4 pain stations 320 squats, 180 LBC, 80 merkins, 20 squats 7 & 1’s pull ups and bomb jacks
MARY: 15 Big Boys
COT:Prayers for JB motorcycle accident, teachers, marriages

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Tabatas w/ Cindy

WARMUP: BandCamp warmed us up well with Broga, so it was SSH in Cadence x 25 and we were ready.
THE THANG: Took the Tabata theme I Q’d earlier in the week @ Bushwood to Varsity. Sorry Bobber. Since we were at Varsity thought what the hell, let’s throw in exercises with Cindy.

1 Tabata Round = 3 different exercises, 2 sets of each exercise backtoback, and then 1 set of each exercise all the way through for a total of 9 sets. 30 secs on and 10secs of rest = 4 1/2 min of exercise w/ 1 1/2 min of rest.
In between Tabata rounds we went to the pull up bars to monkey around. The flow is below:

1st Tabata Round
1st Exercise: CurltoCleantoPress with Cindy
2nd Exercise: Dead Lifts w/ 3 Rows completed at the bottom of the dead lift before coming back up with Cindy
3rd Exercise: Alt. forward lunge with a full rotational twist ( twist to both sides while holding the lunge position ) with Cindy

1st Pull Up Bar Routine – Challenge to the PAX was to complete the routine without coming off the bar.
1 Pull up – 1 Knee to Chest
1 Pull up – 2 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 3 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 4 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up – 5 Knees to Chest
1 Pull up
Completed 2 Rounds of the above.

2nd Tabata Round
1st Exercise: Kraken Man Makers – Man Maker performed with 3 block merkins.
2nd Exercise: BigBoy Situp into an American Hammer with Cindy ( At the apex of your BigBoy Situp complete an American Hammer, then come back down )
3rd Exercise: Sumo squats w/ 3 pulses at the bottom with Cindy pressed overhead

2nd Pull Up Bar Routine – Challenged Pax to stay on the bar to complete 1 round.
3 close grip chin ups, walk hands out on the bar to shoulder width apart and then perform 3 reg. chin ups, walk hands out on the bar to a wide grip and then perform 3 wide grip chin ups.
Completed 2 rounds of the above

3rd Tabata Round ( only had time enough to complete 1 set of each exercise )
1st Exercise: Perform a Merkin but hold at 6 inches and complete a Peter Parker, then complete the Merkin.
2nd Exercise: KB swings with Cindy
3rd Exercise: Perform a straight leg lift and hold with legs at apex, with Cindy in hand perform a crunch in an effort to reach your toes, then lower and upper halves come back to rest position ( rest position for lower half is 6 inches – don’t let your feet hit the ground )

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Mens’ Shelter 8/4, Final Countdown CSAUP, and probably a few others I forgot
COT: All PAX were asked to give a praise, prayer focused on being grateful to the point that it impacts those around you.

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Who hates airlines? Apparently we all do…

WARMUP: Didn’t do that…

THE THANG: Laps around Kingsley with some lifting at the turn each time (sets of 20 each)
1st lap: Curls, Overhead Press, Squat
2nd lap: High Pull, Swing, Squat
3rd lap: Curls, Overhead Press, Squat

Then we wandered in circles like a dog looking to lay down so we could get to 3.0 miles

MARY: Nope

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PotHole’s event is tonight. Everyone go if possible

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Who is this DIEGO????

WARMUP: Broga with Bodywash
THE THANG: Started with a quick 5 “knee touch burpee’s” OYO to get the pulse going a bit. Then a quick mosey behind the building to grab some coupons for “THE DIEGO” which is 8 rounds of the following with a block and then a lap:
1. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
2. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
3. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
4. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, 25 Merkins. (lap around parking lot)
5. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, 25 Overhead Press, (drop Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
6. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, 25 LBC’s, (drop Overhead Press & Merkins) (lap around parking lot)
7. 25 Squats, 25 Curls, (Drop LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
8. 25 Squats (Drop Curls, LBC’s, Overhead Press, & Merkins)
(lap around parking lot)

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Broga amd a Beatdown

WARMUP: Sasquatch started with some Broga to warm us up
THE THANG: We had a choice of two exercises per round.
125 SSH and or Merkins
100 SQUATS and or Mountain CLIMBERS
50 Pull ups and or Knees to chest


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Beach Bod > Dad Bod

WARMUP: decided to push broga until the end of the workout which was a really good idea
THE THANG: all upper body…..pull ups, merkins, dips, chest press with Cindy, curls with Cindy, run down hill and bear crawl back, flutters with Cindy
MARY: finished with Broga – thanks to Bodywash and Straight up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check newsletter
COT: James 5 discussion – make your Yes be Yes and your No be No.

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Bobby Hurley Hell

We were joined by Deadbolt from the Raleigh area. Got to talk a bit before we started, but gave disclaimer at 0515 and got started.

Downward dog/honey mooner
SSH (IC – sort of…apparently I had inflection that made Poppins think we were stopping at 10).

Moseyed over to back of school, balls to wall while each person does 3 burpees
Then did wall squats while PAX ran around the loop (another Poppins shout-out, this HIM is sneaky fast #sprinter)

Next we headed over by the band room area. We got to see the horses and YHC learned that is why it’s called the Ranch (#themoreyouknow)

@bobber asked if we’d get to do Bobby Hurleys like I called at a previous Q…he was excited when he heard what I had next..a Dora with:

100 lunges (single count leg)
200 Carolina dry docks
300 Bobby Hurleys (audibled to 250 when I recalled how awful these were and my form was getting pretty bad)
400 Freddy Mercury
Bonus round of burpees for a few of us as the last group finished.

Headed to the playground for a Pull up/merkins series (5 OYO/6 IC, 4/5, 3//4)

Sasquatch led some mountain climbers at COT while YHC grabbed my phone from the car to do video namorama!

Announcements: read your newsletter
Prayers: lots offered up.

Thanks @poppins for the opportunity to lead

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Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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