#HillWork at the Abyss

I gave the Pax a warning the night before on twitter about the workout. We were going to celebrate 3 crazy years of F3 with some old school #HillWork. And Hill work we did, a lot of it.

5:15 hit and it was time to go. We had 20 Pax ready to get going.

We took a short mosey around the property and circled up in the back of the school for the warm-up:

  • SSH x25
  • 5 Burpees
  • Moroccan NC x30
  • 4 Burpees
  • Imperial Walkers X15
  • 3 Burpees
  • Low Slow Squat x10
  • 2 Burpees
  • Hillbilly Walkers x15
  • 1 Burpee
  • Mountain Climbers
  • 2 Burpees
  • Plank Jacks x10
  • 3 Burpees
  • Wind Mills
  • 4 Burpees
  • Potato Pickers
  • 5 Burpees

From there we moseyed to the bottom of the hill across from the school for the #HillWork:

2 Squat Jumps
2 Plank w\ Hip Touch
2 Merkins
2 Froggers
2 Squat Jumps

Run Hill 4 times.

4 Squat Jumps
4 Plank w\ Hip Touch
4 Merkins
4 Froggers
4 Squat jumps

Run Hill 3 times.

6 Squat Jumps
6 Plank w\ Hip Touch
6 Merkins
6 Froggers
6 Squat jumps

Run Hill 2 times.

8 Squat Jumps
8 Plank w\ Hip Touch
8 Merkins
8 Froggers
8 Squat jumps

Run Hill 1 time.

10 Squat Jumps
10 Plank w\ Hip Touch
10 Merkins
10 Froggers
10 Squat jumps

Quick 10 count and then:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 4 Backwards Hill Runs (THIS WAS PAINFUL)
  • 7 Burpees
  • 2 Backwards Hill Runs
  • 9 Burpees
  • 1 Backwards Hill Runs
  • 11 Burpees

2 Quick 10 counts and I gave the Pax the choice of more hills or something else. They picked hills (Choose the harder thing) and we did:

  • 10 push-ups, 10 squat jumps, 4 Bear Crawl up Hill/Run Down
  • 14 push-ups, 14 squat jumps, 2 Backwards Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 18 push-ups, 18 squat jumps, 1 Backwards Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 10 CCDs, 10 Bomb Jacks, 4 Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 14 CCDs, 14 Bomb Jacks, 2 Run up Hill/Run Down
  • 18 CCDS, 18 Bomb Jacks, 3 Run up Hill/Run Down

We ended with a fairly brisk Indian Run back to COT.

Thanks to all the Pax for showing up despite the warning of #HIllWork. I appreciate all the support and look forward to another 3 years.

Now back to the hunt…

TClap |

No Pity on the Fools at Quagmire

Jedi here, stepping in for Mr. T to get his backblast from April 1 posted…

Vinny was the scheduled Q, and even mentioned this to Mr. T Sunday morning. Much to Mr. T’s surprise, Vinny called him up late Sunday night requesting a substi-Q. This late change of plans caused for some confusion in the wee hours of Monday morning, but at 0515 Mr. T took control, gave a disclaimer (with some assistance), and off we went.

Mosey around to Sport Clips parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, and shuffles along the way. That was the warm up. For the rest of the workout, Mr. T rolled out the dice, of which there were four. Simple rules: roll the dice, he’d announce and lead the exercise to some pre-determined number that may or may not be a multiple of 10, rinse and repeat.


4 – low slow squats

5 – mountain climber

6 – Freddie mercury

7 – LBC

8 – You Call It

9 – Rosalita

10 – American Hammer

11 – Peters on the wall (Peter Parkers in BTTW position, not the other possible definition)

12 – People’s Chair

13 – You Call It

14 – Crab walk/bear walk the circle

15 – Run (to a new location; we did this a few times, ending up in front of Home Depot, outside Just Fresh, in front of Tuesday Morning, and outside Casual Pint)

16 – High Knee Skip

17 – Plank hip dips (on your elbows)

18 – Side plank, arm (and leg) high, both sides

19 – You Call It

20 – Plank hands to elbows

21 – Peter Parker/Parker Peter

22 – Hello Dolly

23 – You Call It

24 – Burpees

With four dice, you can assume most of our rolls ended up in the middle numbers.

Return to COT for number-o-rama, name-o-rama, announcements-o-rama (not actually a thing), and praises and prayers.

Welcome (no longer an) FNG, The Admiral.

Mr. T would like to thank Vinny for the opportunity. It’s difficult to tell if there was sarcasm in his text saying as much.

I would like to thank Mr. T for stepping up. I know it’s been hard for him to get out and post consistently lately, but it’s always good to see him. It’s probably especially difficult to come back and Q after not Qing for a long time. I think it was safe to say he was a bit nervous, but he still took control and led the PAX through a solid beatdown for a Monday morning. It was also great to see the PAX gather together and encourage him throughout the workout.

TClap |


3-26-19 Q at the Colosseum: “D-Day”

Normal disclosure and then a Straight Up! style warm-up (you’re gonna get movin’ . . .)

We then divided into 4 groups of personally-assessed fitness levels (no judgments):

a. Just getting restarted

b. I’m making progress, but man do I have a ways to go to meet my goals.

c. I’m not a FNG/newcomer anymore, but I have stagnated and am not at the echelon level yet. It may not be my goal, but I would  like to make a bit more progress.

d. I feel I am close to or already at an Elite fitness level for who God made me at this age. I want to keep pushing myself (some laughs on this one).

From here, I broke the groups generally up into groups of 3.

Theme: Growth

12 “D-Day” Stations. Today’s workout was in honor of my awesome now 12 year old: Yoshi:

Same general scenario throughout the workout:

  1. You are paired up with 2 other PAX. There are 12 stations.
  2. Each PAX takes a turn “leading” to the next station after the previous station has been completed with quality and quantity holding each other accountable. That includes the running pace to the next station and completing the exercises throughout the station.
  3. The “leader” of the next station reads the quote or question on the card and facilitates discussion as each person completes their 3 exercises if the exercise routines permit a discussion.
  4. If you finish an exercise before you transition to the next one at each station or you are waiting on another group to wrap up their station, you are to do “Flying Squirrels” as you wait. If you fail to do this your “leader” (at that station) will have to do 3X what you should have by himself. “Leaders” lead. Groups were asked to keep moving.
  5. If you are waiting on one of your partners to finish their exercise before you can use it (like dumbbells), do flying squirrels while you wait.
  6. You do not have to move to each station in order. Go to the available one as quickly as you can.
  7. If you finish all 12 stations, repeat.
  8. Returned at 5:52 to first bench area to complete 8 mins of Abs.

At Stations: from above do your appropriate group level a/b/c/d depending on which group you are a part of

Station 1:

Discuss your thoughts on this while you workout if your fitness level enables you to. is it right or wrong?

“In this world you’re either growing or you’re dying so get in motion and grow.” – Lou Holtz

“Every moment of one’s existence one is growing into more or retreating into less.” – Norman Mailer

Dip Bar: 8/12/18/36

Squats: 16/22/32/45

Broad jump (both legs at same time): 10/14/20/30

Station 2:

Discuss your thoughts on this while you workout if your fitness level enables you to:

“Progress always involves risk; you can’t progress to second base and also keep your foot on first.” – Christie Mason

The Donut: squeeze each with each hand one of these times: 30/55/70/90

Merkins: 20/34/48/65

Very high knees in place (each knee up is one): 40/60/90/150

Station 3:

Thoughts on C.S. Lewis quote: “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny.”

Wall bag squat thruster throws: 12/24/36/48

Step-ups (each leg): 8/12/16/22

Slow motion knees under hips flat back bear crawls: 6/12/16/24

Station 4 (Legs):

When you try to grow, do you write or journal your thoughts, challenges, experiences, . . .?

Box jumps: 10/15/25/40

Bear Crawls (1 full BC is both back legs move forward): 8/12/20/30

Bulgarian squats: 6/10/15/20

Station 5:

In your immediate surroundings during your week, how often do you crave feedback to improve or get better? Is is constantly, some, or not at all?

2/5/8/15 burpees then small sand bag carry 50 yards

Run to “the wall” and go over the wall (carefully) the number of times and run back go the station cone: 2/4/7/10

Plank with right arm high for 30 secs, Plank with left arm high for 30 secs

Station 6:

With regard to your craft, are you constantly pushing yourself to get better at your craft?

Wall squats: 30 secs/50 secs/60 secs/60 secs with one leg straight out for 30 secs each

Derkins: 8/14/22/34

Mountain climbers: 40/60/86/116

Station 7:

Run a lap at a ___% sprint: 30/50/75/90%

Station 8:

Are you one to set lofty goals, obtainable goals, or rarely set goals?

Run to behind the school to run hills: 2/5/7/12

Station 9:

Is this speaking to you today? “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy

Large sand bag carry: Walk/run 30 yards/50 yards/75 yards/125 yards

Kettlebell swings: 15/20/26/42

10 forward lunges then plank hold until KB reps are done

Station 10:

Thoughts on this quote? “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” – John Maxwell

Alligator walks: 10/20/30/40

Bomb jacks: 8/14/20/30

Bucket carry: Walk/run 30 yards/50 yards/75 yards/125 yards

Station 11:

Thoughts on this quote? “All the concepts about stepping out of your comfort zone mean nothing until you decide that your essential purpose, vision and goals are more important than your self-imposed limitations.” – Robert White

Curls (don’t change the weight): 8/12/16/22

Reverse Lunges (1 leg is one rep): 14/20/28/50

The worst merkin ever: 1 Wide-armed merkin, 1 standard, 1 diamond, burpee up and then down, burpee kick-out (each direction once), 1 ply-clap merkin: 1/3/5/9

Station 12:

Sprints from cone to your car and touch the back wheel and go back to cone: 2/4/5/8

8 mins Abs:

60 secs each:

Figure 8’s

Tuck Planks

Rest 30 secs

60 secs each:

Cross Hop Planks

Scissor “V” ups

30 secs:

21 Crunch

Rest 30 secs.

60 secs each:

Upper Circle Crunches -left

Upper Circle Crunches -right


COT: Announcement, PRAISES-GOOD ONES!, Prayers, Send off

Thank you Jekyll for allowing me to lead.  Lots of fun, men. Thank you for joining me.

TClap |

What….Gecko has a Ruck on?

20 PAX came to the Swamp this morning to push themselves physically, bond socially, and encourage each other into the weekend.  8 men chose the boot camp option and 12 chose an option to Ruck.  After the initial shock that Gecko was standing there with a Ruck sack on we divided up and began the workout.

Boot Camp

Warm up

Mosey to (future) Tuesday Morning Parking lot

  • Windmills
  • Sumo Squats
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Weed Pickers
  • Seal Jacks
  • Plank
  • Downward Dog….Honeymooner

The Thang

Using the red balls of Target I had placed a piece of paper with two exercises on them. The top exercise was done at the ball and the second was the mode of transportation to the next ball.

Ball One

  • Merkins
  • Bear Crawl

Ball Two

  • Squats
  • Lunge

Ball Three

  • Peter Parker
  • Crab Walk

Ball Four

  • Reverse Lunge
  • Broad Jump

Ball Five

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Crawl Bear

Ball Six

  • Sumo Squat
  • Reverse Lunge

Ball Seven

  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Side Shuffle

Ball Eight

  • Squat Jump
  • Side Shuffle (flap jack)

Ball Nine

  • Hello Dolly
  • Mosey (back to beginning)

3 Burpees

We repeated this cycle three times with increasing reps.

  • Round 1: 10 reps
  • Round 2: 20 reps
  • Round 3: 30 reps

Mosey back to COT for 4 minutes of Mary.

Joined by the ruckers and did Nameorama, Announcements, Prayers/Praises.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead!


TClap |

#F3MentalBattle at the Abyss

YHC came in hot, as I slept through my alarm and woke up at 5:13, but I wasn’t going to miss this one.   Thanks to Royale for taking over the warm-up run.
COP – IW x 15, MNC x 15, SSH x 25, Peter Parkers x 10, Merkins x 10
The Thang
Pax partnered up for Dora on the hill.   After Burpees were done, we each shared with our partner how mental health or suicide has affected us or someone we know.
50 Burpees
100 Squats
22 CDD for the 22 vets that we lose a day
Run a lap

45 merkins for comparison, the amount of homicides per day
Run a lap

96 flutters for every man that we lose a day
Run a lap
125 lbcs (I think I called out 145, sorry) for every suicide per day
Run a lap
Finished up with sharing my own experiences with depression.  Appreciate the Shield Lock… and then half a round of Jack Webs before COT, where we opened the floor for anyone to share.
TClap |

HIIT @Quagmire

Jedi put me on the Q schedule at Quagmire way back when we had a snow storm that paralyzed the Charlotte area. It has taken until Monday 25Mar for me to make my first appearance at Quagmire.  The night before, I loaded the ‘Yoda with coupons, made a playlist, and set my alarm for 0400.

I arrived early to unload my coupons and set up the pain stations just in case.  10 men had gathered in the Gloom for a Dirty Harry beat down. I tweeted that the workout would be post P200 friendly and that the PAX should bring foam rollers so they could stretch and roll their sore muscles. Everyone showed up empty handed. Good thing I brought all those coupons.  The disclaimer was given and off we moseyed to the adjacent parking lot for our warm-up.

30-SSH (never less than 30) thanks Pusher

10-Wind Mills

8-Imperial Walkers

11-Cherry Pickers

I checked my watch, it was already 0520 where had all the time gone? I’m used to badger time. I walked the PAX around and showed them the 12 different pain stations. I demonstrated a few exercises, paired my iPhone with the speaker, and got ready to start the timer. Today would be a HIIT workout with 1 minute at each pain station followed by a 15 second rest. The PAX chose thier station, I pressed start, and we were off.

Their Choices were:

Flutter Kicks

Rucksack Curls 35#

Bomb Jacks

Bear Hug Jug 55# (bear hug water jug while walking around traffic island)

Flutter Squats

O.H. Press with Ruck 30#

Bear Crawl 25yrd, Crawl Bear back

Farmer Carry Jug 55#

Inch Worm merkins

Bent Over Row 40# sandbag

High Plank

Man or teenager Makers 60#(man) 40#(teen) sandbags. All PAX chose to be MEN

When I pressed play on the timer, I was worried I had made things too easy. There was a lot of mumble chatter. But like a fine wine, a good beatdown sometimes takes time to mature and develop. Toward the end there wasn’t a lot of talking, we were all struggling to make it from station to station during our 15sec rest period. At least 2 of us looked like we had taken showers out there.  Jedi told me our time together was almost up. The PAX helped police up all the cones and coupons and back to COT we went. Monday was wear GREEN for Cerebral Palsy, several of the PAX did so. Thank you JEDI for the opportunity to lead the PAX.

TClap |

Quagmire Suicide Medley

Imperial walkers x 20
Burpees x 10
Hill Billy walkers x 20
Windmills x 10
Left legged Burpees x 10
Merkins x 10
Peter Parkers x 15
Right legged Burpees x 10
Low slow squats x 10
Moroccan night clubs x 20
The Thang
Pax mosied over to the old BAM parking lot and set up for suicide pyramids.
1.  1st cone (seal Jacks x10), 2nd cone + 1st cone (seal jacks x10 + planks Jacks x10), 3rd, 2nd + 1st cones (seal jacks x10 + planks Jacks x10 + bomb jacksx10), 2nd cone + 1st cone (planks Jack’s x10, bomb Jack’s x10), 1st cone (bomb Jacks)
2.  Crab walk to 1st cone and back (30 crab cakes), crab walk to 2nd cone and back (30 dips)
3.  Same as round 1 with squats/sumo squats/jump squats
4.  Same as round 2 but bear crawls and diamond/regular merkins x 15
Mosied back for 5 min of Mary before COT
Thanks Jedi for the opportunity to lead.
TClap |

I’ll take a number 5 meal, and make it a large (Farva)

A fairly chilly morning is upon us at the Abyss. Pre-workout mumble chatter included asking where the large crowds were. Perhaps PAX are preparing for a rucking event or this P200 thing coming up. Perhaps some injuries. Also Tesla asked who is on Q and I regretfully informed him it was me. YHC provides a brief disclaimer (no FNGs) and lets them know he had friends in from out of state all week and weekend. We had too many fast food lunches which was inspiration to lead the “combo meal” workout.

Mosey to back of the school for Warm-O-Rama:
-Peter Parker Peter x20
– Low Slow Toe Squats x10
– Smurf Jacks x10
– Flutter Kicks w/Simultaneous Arm Flutters x20
– Hello Dolly and Flutter Kick x20
– Hold Al Gore and Calf Raises x10

“Are you warm?”

Mosey toward front of school, stop at the wall:
– People’s Chair and Arm Flutters x20 (IC)
– BTTW with 10 Double Count Shoulder Taps (reminder to modify as needed) (OYO)

Mosey to front of school for the thang – Four Corners with Middle Pain Station:
– Start in the middle, burpee broad jump to corner one for Air Chair + Air Claps x15
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders (ten count burpee with a plank jack and a mountain climber after the merkin portion of the burpee).
– Burpee broad jump to corner two for Low Slow Jump Squats x10
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Burpee broad jump to corner three for Superman + Moroccan Night Clubs x15
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Burpee broad jump to corner four for CDD + Donkey Kicks x10
– Burpee broad jump to middle for 5 Body Bag Builders
– Enough burpee broad jumps. Duck Walk to corner one for Derkin + Shoulder Tap x10
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner two for Dying Cockroach + Flutter Kicks x20
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner three for Australian Snow Angles x10 (in superman pose)
– Duck walk to middle for 3 Body Bag Builders
– Duck walk to corner four for American Hammer + LBC x20

10 counts provided by Copyright and Royale

And now for the finisher of the shoulders, partner up, face each other with 8 parking spaces between. Each starts at one end and meets the other in the middle. While PAX 1 crab walks, PAX 2 bear crawls. Where they meet they do 20 merkins and head back in the same manner. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 werkins. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 diamond merkins. Flapjack method of transport. When they meet again, 20 ranger merkins.

At this point we are all smoked with 5 mins remaining. Ab Lounge to finish, each PAX got in an ab exercise which brings us to 0600 on the dot.

COT for announcements and prayers/praises which included Wild Thing entering the phase of building a new house, Mile High and his family, and one other that I cannot recall.

I’m going to be feeling this one tomorrow, but it is a distinct honor to be among such great #HIM, aye?!

TClap |

Being Vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength

P.S.A attendance is highly recommended. March 27th mark your calendars. F3 St. Louis very own Miyagi and Aerobie has brought light to a sensitive subject that’s right Suicide-mental health awareness. A subject we try and avoid talking about at all or till it’s to late. YHC will be on Q at the Panethon if you can’t make it to the west side of town Stang is on Q at Tomahawk and will also discussing the subject.

I am encouraging you to step up and share your experience. Whether it be about yourself or family member or even a friend. YHC will testify how this subject has effected my life. Please remember what we talk about in COT stays in COT it’s okay to be vulnerable. We are stronger together rather than alone.

Don’t be ashamed of your story it will inspire others. Author Unknown

“You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you.”

”I hide all my scars with an I’m fine.”

The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die. – Juliette Lewis

The world is a better place with you in it.

Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – unknown

TClap |

Tinsel’s Birthday month pain fest starts at the swamp

I had the opportunity to sub for Sasquatch, we had 4 bootcampers, 4 ruckers and 6 runners.

I kindly asked the ruckers to join the BC but they declined the invitation to our pain fest.

After a quick disclaimer, Mile High, Cha Ching, Copyright and YHC moseyed for about 1/3 of a mile and did the warm up:

Side straddle hops, windmills, moroccan night clubs,  low slow squats and some cherry pickers.

Following the warm up we moseyed to the stairs next to the back of Just Fresh where some props had been dropped earlier, we started the following with a run up and down the stairs after completion of one circuit:

8 Carolina Dry Docks

8 man makers w/block or weights

8 sledgehammer swing each side

8 worst merkin ever W-R-D

8 touch ground squat

8 biceps curls w/block or weights

8 shoulder tap each side

2 tire flips

After 3 circuits we took a “break” and run around the block were Omega sports used to be to comeback to the stairs and props for 2 more rounds of pain.

With 3 minutes in we found a grassy area for some superhero workout: supermans and the famous Captain Thor, lots of mumble chatter here, one PAX commented that it was the hardest mary he has ever donebut never gave up.

With two minutes to spare we run back to COT to meet the runners and ruckers.

We finished up with announcements, prayers and praises.

Great work by everyone!!

Tinsel out… until the next day


TClap |