Millstone pivots on a dime

YHC waited patiently in the Veteran’s Parking lot thinking this may be a party of one and Omaha over to #TheFort to join the hype train down the street.  Needless to say, 3 min before the opening bell, Boss Hogg rolls up with 1 FNG (later to be named OTG – Oscar the Grouch) and 2nd time poster Osgood.  Also an interesting fact for those reading this, YHC knows this clown car on a personal level so let’s just say things got interesting in a good way (i.e. lots of mumble chatter throughout)!

A full disclaimer was given, with heavy emphasis on “modify as needed”.  We also spent a solid minute or so on the 5 core principals.  Given that this is Millstone, we did a quick inventory on ailments so YHC could modify and adjust…which we did!

Started with a short #Slowsey down and across the street where the parking lot with the wall, with nails sticking out of it, was located.  Circled up for some warmup which consisted of:

  • SSH x50 (yes, this is still a workout and YHC adjusted for the PAX who attended)
  • Low slow squats x15
  • Overhead claps x15
  • Imperial and hillbilly walkers x15 each
  • LBC x20
  • Flutters x20
  • Stretched, stretched and stretched!
  • Stretched arms, back, shoulders, quads, hamstrings
  • Superman and pulled the rip cord

Next we ran up the short path to where the smaller walls were at for the following:

  • 20 steps ups on the wall – each leg – with 1 squat after 1 step up set
  • 10 count
  • 20 derkins or 20 lunges (each leg) – when the 20 derkins were completed, we switched over to 10 lunges to stay moving and together
  • 10 count
  • 20 flutters
  • Rinse and repeat

On our journey over to WEP, yes, we went to WEP to hang out for a Bobber VQ b/c why not and supporting VQ brothers is what we should do, YHC decided that we’d #Slowsey over but that 1/2 way through, we’d do 20 lunges walks (YHC also knew that other #HIM would be there like Backdraft, co-Q, Slash, DOAH, Esso…not listing them all so go read that backblast if you’re interested, but they had a great group!).  After another 40 yards or so, we’d do 20 walking overhead claps.  As we approached The Fort crew, they were already knee deep doing a Dora 1-2-3 with cinderblocks in the wet gross Beacon burnt hotdog infested WEP grass (if you don’t know what this is, I’d recommend getting with Gears and getting yourself on the Slacklife, 2nd F channel #CrabCakesShoutOut) we felt it would be fun to join them…because what else would we do, just watch!

Rather than bother them and disrupt their mojo with their blocks, we joined the party and partnered up for what was already in progress, minus the blocks b/c we were sure they didn’t want to share.  We were in for about 10 min before we pulled the plug but this was a planned drive by.  Squats, overhead presses, running up and down the hill…about 10 min of that along with some words of encouragement, a few “hello, what are you guys doing here”, and some high fives.

Since the Millstone crew needed to get back in the direction of COT, YHC took them to the playground for some Dora Mary (yes, that’s a thing too).  We changed partners and did the following:

  • 100 American hammers
  • 200 flutters
  • 150 LBCs (we were running low on time)
  • Partner 1 did the exercise at one end of the playground, partner 2 ran to the other side of the playground and back and picked up the count where partner 1 stopped

Mosey back to COT with a few walking 10 counts on the way back.

Name-o-rama, FNG naming (OTG if you missed that in the beginning), announcements and prayer requests.  Boss Hogg took us out in prayer.

Note to anyone reading this, this AO is very much “play by ear” all dependent upon who shows up.  Today, YHC knew the PAX (even the FNG’s) abilities and ailments very well so we adjusted to the PAX as opposed to do what YHC wants.  While the weinke stayed pretty true to plan since there were multiple exercises depending on ailments, YHC still made some minor adjustments – up and down.  Knowing when to modify is important for the PAX, but when you have IR or even new’ish PAX, or even Cotter’s, modifying as the Q for them is equally important.  We know how important F3 is for all of us and getting them to come back out for 1st F and 2nd F is what the magnet and glue is all about.

A couple more lessons learned if you’re asked to Q, want to come support this AO from a 2nd F lens, or are interested to visit from a Cotter, IR or new’ish PAX perspective:

  1. Always modify if something doesn’t feel right
  2. Where a rucksack if you’re here to support and you want to push yourself
  3. Bring a FNG or a Cotter who keeps saying “I can’t do what you guys do” – this is a great place to start
  4. As a Q, plan to change, adjust, Omaha as needed by taking an inventory of ailments at the beginning of the workout and paying attention to the PAX during
  5. This is a 2nd F heavy AO so showing them that F3 is more than a workout, that’s part fun we all get to have!!
  6. YHC is always looking for feedback or ideas, so reach out to me (good or bad!)

Shady out!

TClap |

7th Year Convergence for The Fort

The 7th Year Convergence for The Fort followed an exhilarating Invergence from the night before.  Hoping to continue that acceleration, the 4 Q’s had a plan to talk about the 4 Skills needed for Virtuous Leadership: Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, Exhortation.

CakeBoss to start us out with Vision: Recognizing advantage and the movement required to achieve it.

Disclaimer and welcome
“Go Hard or Go Home!”

Take off for 100 yard mosey up path, Get in 3 lines – Indian Run across WEP

Break into 4 lines, 2 groups of seal teams -20 seal team sit ups in cadence

Back into 2 lines , Everyone plank – Tunnel of Love (25 guys per line) – Plank series while guys army crawling under

Crowd pleaser for sure!

7 Burpees for 7 Years!

Vision is what I spoke about and the men that saw the advantage of F3 and planted it (moved towards it) in Charlotte, the The Fort and we continued to give it away in Rock Hill & Lake Wylie.

Hand off to Maximus

Articulation: Describing vision to others in a clear manner. Being able to tell others where we’re going and being able to describe that vision to others.

So, with that said, we’re going over to the top of the big hill to start with drill bits:

½ the group goes one direction while the other goes the opposite way

At each white post (drill bit), 10 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)

10 Jump Squats

Mosey to the base of the other hill, the one with the statue on it:

NUR (backwards run) up the hill

3 Burpees at the top

Bear Crawl down

5 Burpees at the bottom

Hand off to Fun House for the “P”.

Persuasion – The initiation of first Movement.  Convincing people to move in the direction of advantage, abandoning their Status Quo,

YHC gave an awesome yet forgettable speech about Persuasion.  Then the Thang:

Circle Up – Duck, Duck, Goose – One guy runs around the circle the rest of us plank, the next guy goes when the running guy finishes.  Planking excercises were called out: High Plank, Low plank, Mountain Climbers….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/2 a lap around the circle of Pax….. Peter Parker, Parker Peters….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/3 lap around….. Mak-Tar-Jai, Left Hand High, Right hand high…..Done.  That took 10 minutes!  60 guys is a lot of guys to be running around in circles.

Stay in circle, 5 minutes left, Jack Webb: 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead hand claps.  We got to 8!

Hand off to Pusher for Exhortation!

Exhortation – Incentivizing The Breach Of Obstacles.

Burpees x 10 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
Mosey to a corner of WEP
Burpees x 9 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 8 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalita IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 7 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalitas IC x 10
Hello Dollies IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 6 OYO
LBCs IC x 10
Flutters IC x 10
Naked Moleskin – The name-o-rama took forever.  That is a good thing. When 60+ PAX post to celebrate something that has obviously changed their lives, then change is happening!  Thanks to Maximus who put this awesome weekend celebration together!  His leadership is not only Effective (Using VAPE) but he is a Virtuous Leader! (Check out the Q Source for the 5 C’s Virtues of Virtuous Leadership) Can’t wait to see what year 8 brings to The Fort!  More importantly, who it brings!  Time to go EH someone.  See you in the gloom.
TClap |

Millstone jumps out of the blocks

Backblast disclaimer: Strap yourself in because this is going to be a bit more detailed than my normal backblasts so this can be used for future reference as this AO gets off the ground…

5 gathered for the kick-off of The Fort’s first IR friendly AO.

  1. YHC gave a short disclaimer of “don’t get hurt more and MODIFY as needed”.
  2. YHC then took a quick inventory of current injuries so special attention could be addressed and quick weinke adjustments could be made in my little squirrel brain.
  3. Partnering and picking up the 6 were enforced out of the gate, and throughout, as this AO is also heavy 2ndF focused.
  4. If max heart rate is 220, we’re aiming for 50-60% for those keeping track b/c we want to get heart rate up so you break a sweat, but given the injury you may have, don’t overdue it and pay attention to your body.

I would encourage all future Qs and future attendees to pay mind to the above.  I think this will also support those headlock guys you’ve been working on forever (old, young, big, small, etc.) because the IR workout will/could require heavy modification, “you do you” mentality, but definitely 2ndF friendly to wet the FNG whistle for what F3 is all about.

After the basics were covered, we took off in a #slowsey fashion (slow jog / fast paced walk / you do you but pick up 6) over to the Founders bank parking lot for warm-up.

Warm up included:

  • front and backwards big arm circles 10x / direction
  • 10x windmills
  • 10x cherry pickers
  • back stretching led by Drop Thrill given his back injuries (which I liked this b/c it gives an IR guy a chance to do a stretch or exercise that helps them)
  • 10x squats, merkins, lunges (Boss Hogg modified the merkins for superman hold due to his IR shoulder)
  • More arm and shoulder stretching, quad stretches, hamstring stretching
  • Core work: 20 LBCs, 20 flutter, 20 freddy

I would say encouragement and incorporating IR stretching and warm-up exercises that cater to IR PAX is key here.  I also think that extra stretching and Core work are key to a good warm up for the IR crowd but paying attention to what the IR PAX can do and ensuring you are attentive to their injury.

Next we moved on to The Thang!  #Slowsey over to the small park where the #Millstone monument is located, only to find out many of the PAX didn’t know this existed so they got a history lesson as part of their #DRP.  PAX were then instructed to:

  • At own pace, up and down set of stairs 3x (or AMRAP for the 6)
  • #Slowsey to benches by the park where you did one or all of 10x dips, 10x/leg step ups
  • #Slowsey to small parking lot for core work 25x double count LBC
  • More back stretching and hamstring stretches while on the ground
  • #Slowsey down the sidewalk all the way back to Millstone for 20 calf raises (3x in all different calf raise directions) and/or 40 plank jacks
  • Rinse and repeat
  • Changes in the small parking lot for core work included 25x flutters, flipped over for superman and release 4x rounds, 10x gas pumpers or crunchy frogs depending on what you could do

As the PAX circled down the hill and faced Main St., the lovely aroma of BBQ took YHC’s attention to take everyone up Main St. to Pucker Butt where we did 30x squats, 30x merkins, 30x LBC (merkins were replaced with more core or more legs for Boss Hogg #Lucky).  Back down the hill and over to COT for some Mary.

Mary consisted of 10x American Hammers, 20x LBCs, 20x Flutters, and Protractor for the remaining min or two.

PAX then numbered off and name-o-rama.  YHC asked for immediate feedback from the PAX and the biggest takeaway for me was: pay attention to who’s in attendance, adjust as needed, make sure someone is with the 6 for encouragement / 2ndF….and if all else fails, have fun and most of all, don’t get hurt!  Had a great time, can’t wait for next week, we all broke a good sweat thanks to the push and the humidity.  Let’s keep this rolling and send me ideas, FNGs, don’t wish for guys to be on IR but if they are, send them our way!!

AYE!  Shady

TClap |

The Ballroom Gets Its Boogie On

25 PAX  turned out to the Ballroom and boogied down, not in the Boogie Down Bronx,  BUT in Da Gloom:


Warm Up at the B’ball court:

Lots of mumble chatter…….

SSH , Leg Extensions, Low Slow Squats, Arm Circles, Mnt. Climbers, Merkins & a little bit of BROGA!

Next we “boogied down’ to the walk bridge & sat on the People’s Chair for several sets of overhead claps, calf raises, arm dips & topped it off with burpees.

The Thang:

On the football field-25yd sprints in between bomb jacks & merkins 10x each. RINSE & REPEAT. Next CCD & Bobby Hurleys, 10x each in between 25yd sprints. RINSE & REPEAT. Gas pumps & grave yard diggers 5x each was added in because we were getting down to a such a nice boogie rhythm.

Back to COT was announced. PAX protest-We still have 10 more minutes to boogie!! AB LAB was announced back at COT. LOTS of mumble chatter……….

Indian run back to COT, column of 2s.

AB LAB-circle up. each PAX took the initiative & announced a series of box cutters, Freddy Mercury, Flutter kicks & some big boy sit ups to round it out by Little John.

Was so amped to Q I realized no cell phone on hand. Short Sale came thorough with his. Thanks!

Announcements. Prayers & Praises

Want to thank those that turned out to support & allowing me to leadl!  AYE!!


TClap |

New Stuff

Wow!! 20 at Slow Burn – AWESOME!!

The idea was to utilize string of pearls and always go back for six AND introduce a few “newish” exercises

After the mandatory disclaimers etc, the workout commenced with brief warm up:


10 Windmills, 10 LSS, 10 Merkins and Annies

Mosey to parking lot of Accounting Firm for:

First round of a string of pearls:  15 partner merkins, 15 Turkish Get Ups, 15 double count Gas Pumpers and 15 Merkins.  The stops were:  west corner of Lowe’s, east corner of Lowe’s, Lowe’s contractor entrance and back to the starting point.

Second round of a string of pearls:  same stops with 15 Superman Merkins, 15 LSS and duck walk to station #3, 15 Bomb Jacks and 15 Diamond Merkins

Final Component:  6 rounds of Jack Mary Web as suggested by Spitz, who was not present.



Based on comment from Renaissance, let’s all continue to, as Q Source envisions, getting “better.”


TClap |