Sink roulette deck of cards

17 eager and excited pax showed up. Some brought sand bags, some brought just their willing attitude which was quickly put on point upon the pile of sandbags awaiting them.

After a quick run around the parking lot, a few in cadence SSH, followed by burpees, and that repeated a few times, it was time for business.

Deck of cards was the game. Rules were simple. Follow the count on the card and suit to the key on the paper.

Here’s the extra kitchen sink rule: for the 4 cards laid out, 1 card was chosen by a pax to either pick red or black. If correct, follow the card suit/count. If incorrect, penalty was double the count.

All exercises were done with your sandbag.

– 2-7 diamonds manmaker
– 8-Ace diamonds squats
– 2-7 spades lunge
– 8-Ace spades merkins (just do regular merkins
– 2-7 clubs clean and press
– 8-Ace clubs flutter w/ a press
– 2-7 hearts chest press
– 8-Ace hearts curls
– Joker gear carry shuffle 100 yards and then 1 min sandbag toss over shoulder, 100 yard shuffle
– A few “breaks” were added which included some slick run cool downs and a few gear shuffles with no bag toss

For the record, there were some incorrect cards chosen which were a crowd favorite as you’d expect.

TClap |

Big Bermuda Triangle

WARMUP: None – This is Minnow Pond
THE THANG: Big Bermuda Triangle – Run to Fort Mill Pharm, do 15 Dry Docks, run to Town Hall, 15 Merkins, run to lot on top of hill, 15 squats. Rinse and repeat.
MARY: Some stuff was done. But the fast guys.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: May 4th Rock Hill, Trash Pickup, Christmas Party
COT: Prayers for healing, jobs, marriages.

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WARMUP: Always
THE THANG: Mosey to bottom of hill at gate
– On the way, 10 merkins, 10 squats, 20 2-count flutters at each light pole

5 cones up the hill
– Up two, back one
– 10 burpees at the front cone, 10 big boys at back cone
– Meet at corner by Ivybrook – partner up

Enter parking lot – look for chalk instructions:
– 10 patty cake/hand slap merkins
– Around the little lot alternate bear crawl and partner carry
– At the end of the exit line, 50 flutters (2-count)
– Up the hill and do it again

MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Coach’s Box – Whetstone

THE THANG: I deviated from my weinke as written, so I don’t have an accurate accounting of the activity…
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Armory 15APR2024 – Mog Mile

WARMUP: Not really. We lived.

THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile
– 4 Rounds for Time
– 19 Kettlebell Ground-to-Overheads (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups (each hand)
– 400-meter Kettlebell Run

– If you lose physical contact with your Kettlebell, you must start that round over.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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The Hammer route w/traffic pain.

WARMUP: run around the parking lot stopping at 5 stations to do exercises and show the PAX the exercises and stations to follow for the rest of the work out.
THE THANG: Five stations, 10 repeats per stations, with 5 different exercises. Between station 1 and 2 add a stop and make a burpee everything you get to a car running against the traffic, run faster to avoid or reduce the amount of burpees.
Station 1: Merkins
Station 2: Squats
Station 3: Mt Climbers
Station 4: Shoulder Taps
Station 5: Mike Tysons

MARY: a lot of complains about the amount of burpees, all the PAX pushed them selves to the limit.

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THE THANG: Dora hill runs with upper body at the top and lower body at the bottom. Run to print shop. Obstacle course on the bars. Lots of dips, pull ups and pushups.
MARY: 50 flutters with slow merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter
COT: praises for everyone coming out

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Burbee Broad Jumps & More

Warm-o-rama: SSH, Grandpa Jacks, Windmils and another exercise I can’t remember.

We moseyed over to the parking lot and got to work.

1st Thang
Burpee Broad Jumps for about 100 yards
Lunge Walks back down to starting point
Bear crawls for about 100 yards
Nur back to the starting point

2nd Thang

Moseyed back to the flag for a Bring Sally up push up challenge. We had a few minutes for a little Mary.

– Bethel Men’s Shelter this evening.
– Several others, please refer to the news letter
@Goose praises for 20years of marriage and prayers for safe travels.
Our country

As always it was an honor!!!

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Sloppy Sink

8 men got better and wetter at the Kitchen Sink Wednesday morning. Here’s what we did.

– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)
Sandbag march around school
– 10 Sandbag Bench (IC)
– 2 Minute Sandbag Wall Sits
– 10 Calf Raises (IC)
Bear Crawl Drags the length of the parking lot
– 10 Squats (IC)
– 10 Bent over Rows (IC)
– 10 Curls (IC)
Lunges Walk with sandbag
– 10 Overhead press (IC)
– 10 American Hammers (IC)
– 10 Manmakers
Loop the Lot
– 10 Plank Pulls Merkins
– 10 Big Boys (IC)
– 10 Flutters with a press (IC)
Long loop around the lot with Shuffle mixed in.

Two days later and I still hurt, Spidey’s sandbag has been laid to rest, and everything is still wet. I’d say that’s a successful sink workout.

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