Seneca’s 4 lessons

WARMUP: Bank parking lot – windmills, imperial and hillbilly walkers, 5 burpees, low slow squats with Moroccan night clubs while holding the squat, side straddle hops

THE THANG: 4 stations – 4 lessons
Station 1 – Partner Dora – 50 hello dollys and 100 4-count flutters

Lesson 1 – Associate only with those who improve you.

Station 2 – 7’s on the hill of WEP parking lot – H/R merkins at the bottom, squats at the top

Lesson 2 – Value your time more than your possessions.

Station 3 – The wall parking lot – 4 corners nurring or side shuffling between stations.
10 merkins, 20 LBCs, 10 diamonds, 20 box cutters – repeated the loop twice, b it bclock expired on the second loop.

Lesson 3 – we suffer more in imagination than reality

Station 4 – Parking Lot on the top of the hill across from COT. Fitting that a train whistle blew when we started this one.

7 minutes of burpees with breaks in between
13 – minute 1
12 – minute 2
11 – minute 3
10 – minute 4
9 – minute 5
8 – minute 6
7 – minute 7

Lesson 4 – The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

Mosey down the hill to COT.

MARY: no time – too busy finishing burpees


COT: Core principle #5 was executed

Thanks for the call out, Kermit.


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February fun w/VQ and bear crawls

THE THANG: 11s merkins, big boy sits. wall sits while partner does 10 of any excercise Line up along the fence line of field #1
Round 1: Bear crawl to end of field. Stop at light posts for 5, 10, and 15 merkins, run back to the start.
Round 2: Lunge walk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 squats, run back.
Round 3: Crabwalk to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 dips, run back.
Round 4: Run to the end of the field: 5, 10, 15 burpees, run back.

Mosey to the playground, split up into the 3 groups
Group 1: 10 pullups
Group 2: Reverse step ups until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 3
Group 3: Freddie Mercury’s until group doing pullups are finished. Flapjack with group 1
Rinse and repeat two more times, with group 2 changing to big boy sit ups and hello dolly
Mosey back to field #1 for mini-Mary:
Box cutters x 20
LBC’s x 20
End with the Body Destroyer.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check news letter, prayes for D2D pax
COT: we did it

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Do The work,” Be a Humble servant”

WARMUP: Mosey (.40)
THE THANG: 50 SSH, (run.40) 45 Merkins, (run .40) 40 Flutters (run .40) 35 Squats, (run.40) 30 CDD (run.40) 25 Bomb Jacks (run.40) 20 Big Boys (run.40) 15 Diamonds(run.40) ran out of time 3.5 Miles.
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam etc.
COT: Prayers for Ltrains wife’s grandparents, DD parents, Ld Prayed us out!

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NASCAR Loops at Block Party

WARMUP: Run up to Hardee’s for Jump Squats, Wind Mills, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, 5 Burpees.
THE THANG: Run down Tom Hall, L/T Unity, L/T Elliott, L/T Springs, back to Hardees for 10 Burpees, 20 Flutters, 30 Mountain Climbers.
Run down Main Street, L/T Academy, L/T Forrest, L/T Confederate, L/T Withers, run to the lot at the bottom of the hill for 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins and Bear Crawl the length of the parking lot.
Run up Williamson, L/T Patterson, L/T Academy, back to the same lot for 10 Burpees, 20 Dips and 30 American Hammers.
Run to the bottom of Massey across from COT. Run to the lot at the top of the hill for 20 Hand-Release Merkins & 30 Mountain Climbers. Run down the hill, back up the hill then back down to COT.
MARY: Done.
COT: Completed the 5th Core Principle.

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The Kitchen Sink – 01FEB2023

We stretched a bit, some windmills, light jogging, tappy-taps, some SSH, you get the idea…

Sandbags required. YHC had and recommended a 60lb, but no one was weighing anything…
– First it was a long, bagless loop around the parking lot/car loop with some stops to do things like Merkins, squats, and the like.
– Then we grabbed our sandbags and partnered up for a little catch me if you can from the flag to the top of Hubert Graham — 5 burpees while your partner farmer carried your bags, catch and switch
– At every manhole cover on the way down the hill (for 7 covers), do 5 manmakers
– On the way back up the hill, do 20 flutters (2-count) with press at each manhole cover
– Next round, 3 curls on the way down and up
– REPEAT as time allows… time didn’t allow…
– Back to flag for cool-down and Mary

MARY: No Chicks Allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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How to quiet a group of talkers by Anchorman


Mosey up to pharmacy, plank for 6.

4 or 5 exercises in and the mumble chatter was becoming a bit distracting.

5 burpees oyo to calm the conversations beast only seemed to inflame it.

So we headed to the adjacent parking lot to do 10 decline merkins in one curb, bear crawl across parking lot to the opposite curl to do 9 incline merkins then crawl bear back to other side to do 8 declines etc etc

Exuberance replaced by grumbling.


Run to top of Massey Street hill to parking lot to pair up for BOMBS…

Run to other end of parking lot while partner was knocking through a portion of 200 each…

Bomb Jacks
Overhead claps
Big boy sit-ups

Run down the hill to COT


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Hill repeat Monday

At 0515, YHC told the PAX there is no warm up we were ready to roll and headed out toward Gold Hill Middle. It was supposed to be a mosey, but was more running.

At the first parking lot we counted off and gave a very bastardized disclaimer- basically modify as necessary and you should read the disclaimer on the website.
From there I explained what the workout was,;
25 merkins at the school, then head up the hill to the bank, do 25 Freddy Mercurys (4 count- like in cadence), then back to school and rinse/repeat until 0600.

Most got in 4-5 rounds and all got in at least 3.5 miles.

COT: lots of announcements and prayers – I was oxygen deprived so I don’t recall them at this point 🤦🏼‍♂️

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From the transcript

WARMUP: selected from:
SSH, IW, HW, Flowing Yoga, Burpees, longish run, toy soldiers

10 Donkey Kicks
20 Hand release merkins IN CADENCE
30 Jumping Lunges
40 Squats
Ran around a bit to make this happen in different areas
Stopped at the pullup bars for
10 dead hang pullups
10 knees to chest
5 burpee pullups
Bear crawled 100 yards at one point

NMM: (Cousin Eddie has asked Qs to share a bit of their story)
YHC somewhat laments a bit that I’ve never had a road to Damascus moment to share in testimony. However, like many I assume, my baptism has come slowly like a misting rain. Where, every so often I notice myself a little more marinated in the Spirit.

An honor to lead. Thanks for the opportunity.

A poem from the slack transcript of today’s Name-o-Ramas in The Fort:

Yea, this is what you got.
45 years. Nice Work
Doesn’t matter
I am like pleasure

This is a bit of a mix up
Cousins, cousins, respect, respect,
Just the last hour hat on cue,
most of them ran

This is a bit of a mix up
respect mathematics respect
It was intense
This is a bit of a mix up

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Pigskin/Frozen Tundra

7 pax showed up to Alcatraz on a balmy Saturday morning. Alcatraz has been host to and launched a bounty one liners, inside jokes and laugh lines. Saturday was no different. We added one about a fishing tackle shop. Had to be there.

WARMUP: we took laps around the field with intermittent squat walks, lunge walks and bear crawls.

1. Up and Over: Wall sit, bear crawl, run to fence. Scale/climb/hop over, run up hill, 10 bomb jacks, rinse repeat
2. Touch football. 5 burpees if get scored on.
3. Mary
4. 70/80/90/100 sprints

D2D coming up.
Jager coming up and is not about the German Digetif that many of you are accustomed to. Sign up. Something for everyone l.

Great thought for the day-
Love Bears Fruit- Henri Nouwen

“Can I give without wanting anything in return, love without putting any conditions on my love?”

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