Cold day at American Jackal

25 Side Straddle Hops
20 windmills

8 exercise from the bucket + 50 lb sandbag carry x 2

40 Burpees
60 Merkins
80 squats
100 LBCs
120 Side Straddle Hop


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DORAs at The Hive

DORA 1: partner run
– Man makers 50
– Goblet Squats 100
– Swings 150

DORA 2: farmers carry
– Burpees 50
– Squats 100
– Overhead clap 150

DORA 3: Bear crawl
– Bent row right 50
– Bent row left 50
– Curls 50

DORA 4: Farmers Carry
– Merkins 50
– Mountain climbers 75
– SSH 100

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Taking the Fishbowl Backwards

Academy St. to Monroe White St. stop at the intersection and the man with the bag walked backwards up to the top of the big hill to the abandoned parking lot entrance, then back down forward and go up the other side of the fishbowl backwards up to Confederate St, back down to the starting intersection to hand off the bag for the other man to repeat, then we walked down Academy to Country Club Dr, Howington Cir, Banks St, Phifer St, Allison St, Banks, 160, back down Monroe White St, up to Watson and back to COT.

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Ring around the Rosie

WARMUP: Broke the rules by adding a mosey to a kettlebell workout.
THE THANG: 7 minutes of 15 thrusters EMOM
2 Rounds of :
single leg Romanian Dead lifts
Curls for the girls
Bent rows each arm | Option to just bend
goblet squats
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Damn Bar, Mint hill CSOP / Welcome Brawny
COT: Stay safe

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Moon walk up Harris Street

11 men attended the weighted stroll this morning. We made our way around town finding a hill at the bottom of Harris. Backwards walk up the hill, trek around WEP and one last look at the downtown XMAS lights

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Birdcage is a slacker site Q

The workout Q was Ringer a slack less Kotter. Birdcage hasn’t done the BB in his place as a good site Q should so I’ll do it to keep BandCamp happy.

Exercise cones were set out in a large loop in the parking lot. KB were left a cones as needed. PAX broke off in two groups. Exercise at the cone as specified on the cone and run to next cone. Repeat until COT.

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Block Party with Cake

Block Party 2/18/20

Warm Up

  • Mosey to drill bits
  • 1st 5 burpees
  • 2nd 5 burpees 10 Merkins
  • 3rd 5 burpees 10 Merkins 15 overhead claps
  • 4th 5 burpees 10 Merkins 15 OHCs 20 squats
  • 5th 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 leg raises

Mosey to playground

partner up- 2-3 rounds of each

  • Pull-ups 10
  • Swing crunches 20
  • Monkey Humpers 30
  • Lap 

Stairway to Heaven

  • 10 Dry docks 2nd light
  • 20 V ups 4th light
  • 30 Sumo Squats 6th light
  • Until time runs out

Great group of PAX today. The mumblchatter was quality. Solid work by all. Thanks Esso for the Q!! Honored to lead💪🏻

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The Stairs at Footloose

18 PAX gathered on a sub-30 morning in The Fort. After some griping about how “moderate” YHC would make this, it was 5:15 and a disclaimer was spoken. We snaked around the main entrance to FBC and then went down to snake around the COG….as a bonus we also hit the big stairs leading to their fellowship center.

This is a moderate AO; YHC kept all counts to 10….except for when Spitz got me laughing and I went to 11 once….something about Christian Yoga with Senior Ladies…..hard to recall. Here’s a brief synopsis of what we did for the warm-up and subsequent leg sequence:

We headed back to the long FBC parking lot for some wind sprints. 50% (that’s an F in school), 75% (just a C), and 93% (cause at least you know your A would transfer if you needed it). In between sprints we, did a yoga series or a leg series. One time (at band camp), I went off books and did some derkins and dips against a retaining wall.

Yoga series got more grumbling. Basic outline was:

Updog–>Downdog—>R Leg high–>bent knee–>R foot between hands–>warrior 1–>warrior 2–>extended side angle–>half moon–>warrior 2–>chaturanga (चतुरङ्ग) and repeat on other side

We walked through it a little modified to keep everyone together….lots of impressive half moons in the PAX today (take that however you like).

A little more wind sprinting and the leg series. To keep the moderate approach, but still push….we went to a 10-count frequently, but the next exercise was just a repeat. Similar to how YHC put a lot of SSH into the warmup.

Prayers – the impermanence of life, illness, managing our aging and the aging of our parents


My word of the year, INPUT, comes from jazz writer, Ted Gioia:

I think the most important skill anyone can develop is time management skills. How you use your day. But there is one principle I want to stress because this is very important to me. When people ask me for advice — and once again, this cuts across all fields — but this is the advice I give:

In your life, you will be evaluated on your output. Your boss will evaluate you on your output. If you’re a writer like me, the audience will evaluate you on your output.

But your input is just as important. If you don’t have good input, you cannot maintain good output.

The problem is no one manages your input. The boss never cares about your input. The boss doesn’t care about what books you read. Your boss doesn’t ask you what newspapers you read. The boss doesn’t ask you what movies you saw or what TV shows or what ideas you consume.

But I know for a fact I could not do what I do if I was not zealous in managing high-quality inputs into my mind every day of my life. That’s why I spend maybe two hours a day writing. I’m a writer. I spend two hours a day writing, but I spend three to four hours a day reading and two to three hours a day listening to music.

People think that that’s creating a problem in my schedule, but in fact, I say, “No, no, this is the reason why I’m able to do this. Because I have constant good-quality input.” That is the only reason why I can maintain the output.

Think about where you want to be better and then just take one step in that direction. If another step doesn’t come until tomorrow, it’s still progress. Always an honor to lead.

-Band Camp dismissed

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Self Scouting and Kotter Fest @ THE Ballroom

17 (or 18) hearty Fort Pax unpartook of the fartsack to join their brothers at Ballroom. Amazed to see some Kotters (like Free Bird and Deep Dish) as I pulled in. Always exciting to see some of the boys come back to the Gloom just like it’s exciting when new faces show up. Bro hugs ensued.

At the appointed hour, Disclaimer was given and we were off to the other side of PKMS for:

Warm-O-Rama ; Seal Jacks, Merkins/Plank series/Imperial walker, Squats, LBCs. MNCs. Then a nice mosey to the football field for:

The Thang;

7 of diamonds – 7 Plank Jacks in each corner of the field, Bear Crawl to Goal Post then Lunge Walk. Run Length of field 2nd Lap- 7 Plank Jacks & 14 Squats- Got some of the newer Pax to call the cadence, getting ’em ready.

To the track – Partner up, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN -3 BURPEES/PARTNER. RUN BACKWARDS AROUND TRACK. Round 2-5 Bombjacks, but run forwards.

Some Words ON Self Scouting in the New Year- Take to time to look back at your year with an eye towards improving in some area in 2020. Learn form your past mistakes but don’t let them define your trajectory. Your History is not your Destiny.

Back to FIELD – Captain Thor Lite – 1 Weezy, 4 Am Hammers then Jack Webb (6 rounds). Mosey to COT. Announcements- One Word Convergence, Grapevine Takeover. Prayers for healing Pax, Lost loved ones, marriages.

Great group this morning, Honored to Serve these fine men.

Shortest Of All Sales.


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