Movie Theatre Shenanigans

Low slow squats
Mosey to movie theater parking lot
Round 1:
Sprint 100 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 squat jumps
13 lunges each leg
13 monkey humpers
Repeat 3x starting with run

Round 2:
Sprint 50 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 hand release merkins
13 CDD
13 diamond merkins
Repeat 3x

Round 3:
Bear crawl 20ish yards, bear crawl back
13 big boy sit-ups
13 flutters each leg
13 Freddy mercury each leg
Repeat 3x

Mosey back to COT

MARY: 5 mins of Mary

Pizza tonight at Emilio’s
Luka 5K

COT: prayers up for Luka, aging parents/grandparents


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Fire Hydrant

WARMUP: Yea, of course. Warm up is important

4 corners at the Tide place
Bomb Jacks
changed mode of transport around

Mosey to Red Ventures
Stopped for Kracken Burpees
additive merkins for the first 9 light poles on the right (45 total merkins)
Stopped for leg raises on all fours at the fire hydrants, cause when was the last time you did that?

Got past the parking deck and found a nice set of curbs

Mike Tysons and Curb Alberts
kinda did 11s for a while until I felt like we should head back

Did additive lunges at the light poles on the way back (45)

MARY: No time. Quack Attack always tells me I don’t have enough core work in my weinke’s. he’s probably right. Wish he’d post more.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 3/14 at the Hive
Jaegar 3/15 GHMS
Luka Fast 5 4/12 PKMS

COT: Was held. Prayers lifted.

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Down the Stretch

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: the following exercises were done in cadence with a mode of transportation between each working our way back to COT after the Mosey:
Big Boy
Flutter Kick
Mountain Climber
Monkey Humper
Freddie Mercury
Plank Jack
Hello Dolly
Moroccan Nightclub
Transport between was Toy Soldier, Lunge Walk, or Bear Crawl
This list was completed twice
MARY: Low Slow Squat, Penguin, SuperMan, Burpee
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vuvu and Newsletter
COT: Love others, Serve others, Seek help when needed

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Big bucket of suck-it

Moroccan night club
Mosey to the football field

PAX draw a card from the bucket which specifies the exercise and # of reps and mode of transport. PAX do exercise every 5 yards to the 50 yard line with mode of transport in between. Once at 50, run back to bucket for next round. Made it through 5 rounds including lots of merkins, crawl bears, shoulder taps, burpees and other fun activities. Lots of complaining by all!
Convergence Friday at the hive
Jaeger on Saturday
Ass kicking April
Luka 5K

COT: Welcome FNG Chum!

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Ruck and the Rosie

WARMUP: Imperial Walkers and Low slow squats
THE THANG: Walk to Walter Elisha Park, walk to Harris Park, 20 Squats with rucks, Backward walk 300m, Walk to Illumination Wines, 20 Squats, Walk to COT, 20 squats
MARY: 5 Minutes of stretching
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence 3/14, Jaeger 3/15
COT: These men keep me accountable

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My version of pendulum of pain

WARMUP: Side straddle hops, Smurf Jacks, Windmill, Mosey
Split the exercises, repetition with your partner
Up hill:
Station 1 – 20 – Burpees
Station 2 40 – Merkins

Circle of pain: Both partners execute 4 cardio/legs exercises in cadence quickly without a break
20 – Side straddle hops
20 – Smurf Jacks
20 – Squats
20 – Bobby Harley

Station 3 – 80 – LBC
Station 4 – 100 – Freddie Mercury
Repeat the sequence downhill

Transportation mode: alternate between Bear crawl and walk when moving stations
American Hummer
Hello darling

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DORA in the Parks

8 started their day off strong with a chilly Dora in the Parks at Block Party. Here’s what we did:
Warm Up
– 10 SSHs (IC)
– 10 Seal Claps (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Windmills (IC)

The Thang
Mosey to Millstone Park
– 20 Merkins
– 40 LBCs
– 60 Squats

Mosey to Confederate Park (repeat above)
Mosey to WEP (repeat)
Mosey to Harris Street Park (repeat)
Mosey to Veterans Park (repeat)

Totals: 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats, 3 miles

When you Q Block Party, Cubbie likes you to share your “why” because a man who has a “why” to live can bear almost any “how.”

My why is my desire to be reliable for those I love. I want to be able to carry the heavy things and the heavy burdens of my family and friends. F3 strengthens me physically, emotionally, and spiritually – making me resilient in the face of adversity.

Last month at Disney, my son and I were rushing to catch a bus from Hollywood Studios to Magic Kingdom. We had plans to meet my wife and daughter and this bus was the only way to get there on time. I could see it in the distance, loaded and ready to leave. I knew my 5-year-old’s legs couldn’t get there in time after a full day of walking, so I picked him up and ran to catch the bus (notching a couple kills on the way). Without F3, I’m not certain I would have made that move. This physical endurance is built by the Daily Red Pill.

To me, the COT is the best part of the workout. What we share is so valuable. We have the antidote to male loneliness in the form of genuine care and concern with a heavy dose of sophomoric humor and dynamic shame goading. It’s the perfect recipe for a man to feel included. Sharing our struggles lessens their effect and celebrating our wins doubles their impact. This is the mental and spiritual catalyst for impact and improvement.

So, what’s my “why?” You are. You make me a better man. You make me a better husband, father, friend, and leader. And that’s why I’ll keep coming for another 11+ years.


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Touchdown! … Or not

– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Hillbilly walker
Mosey down the hill to the football stadium. Stop at curb and 10 inclined merkins on curb in cadence, mosey, 10 calf raises on curb in cadence, mosey

Head to the football field parking for 4 corners:
– 2 burpees every time you make it back to the center
– Run to boards:
Board 1 – 40 American Hammers in single count, then bear crawl back to center
Board 2 – 15 bomb jacks, then run back to center
Board 3 – 20 squats, then karaoke back to center
Board 4 – 15 Mike Tyson’s, then Nur back to center

Head to football field for some 10 yard intervals
– run forward to 10 yard line and do one burpee, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Run forward to 20 yard line and do 2 burpees, then nur to start and complete exercise
– Repeat for 100 yards

Exercises per 10 yards :
– 10 Mike Tysons
– 20 leg raises
– 30 low slow squats
– 40 diamond merkins
– 50 American hammers – single count
– 60 Carolina Dry Docks
– 70 squats
– 80 merkins
– 90 LBC’s – proper form – per <@UGU3XR5RP>
– 100 calf raises

MARY: flutters and LBC’s

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Pyramid of Pain

Moroccan night club
Pyramid of Pain:

With a partner:
Partner A does the movement
Partner B holds a plank, then switch after each movement
Complete each round plus all rounds before it
Run up the hill after each roubd

R1: Burpee to Overhead x5
R2: Merlin’s x20
R3: Overhead press x10 each arm
R4: Curls x20
R5: Thrusters x20

500 (ish) swings between you and your partner. Partner not swinging can recover.

COT: prayers of gratitude and healing

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