Deck of Pain with a Lake Wylie Bowl and Bounce crooked deck of cards

WARMUP: traditional – SSH , hillbil & imp walkers, broga
THE THANG: deck of pain / splint cards in half for 2 rounds. Rd 1) upper body R2) lower body and Mary
MARY: included in workout
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 200 pound sand bags are on sale
COT: message was preparation

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Death by 1000 reps

WARMUP: Spectre led us out in a slight warm up as YHC was a couple minutes late


Squat press
KB Swings
KB Swings
WW2 sit-ups w/ KB
KB Swings
Clean Pulls
KB Swings
Bicep curl to tricep extensions
KB Swings

10 reps for each exercise

Repeat for 10 rounds


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IPC Week 3 without Cindy

WARMUP: Short Mosey, 5 core principles were recited followed by a burpee for each one, cherry pickers, SSH
THE THANG: Went to the short track to show everyone the board. Liked the IPC week 3 format so much decided to use it. Increased the number of rounds since our run distance was shorter and Cindy didn’t participate. Here’s the run down:

RD1 – 10xMerkins, 16xStep-Ups, 20xMerkins, 26xStep-Ups, 30xMerkins, Run a Lap

RD2- 10xStep-Ups, 16xCDDsw/FeetOnCurb, 20xStep-Ups, 26xCDDswFOC, 30xStep-Ups, Run a Lap

RD3 – 10xCDDswFOC, 16xBulgarianSplitSquats, 20xCDDswFOC, 26xBSSs, 30xCDDswFOC, Run a Lap

RD4 – 10xBSSs, 16xV-Ups, 20xBSSs, 26xV-Ups, 30xBSSs, Run a Lap

RD5 – 10xV-Ups, 16xDerkinswFOCurborBench, 20xV-Ups, 26xDerkinswFOCorB, 30xV-Ups, Run a Lap

RD6 – 10xDerkinswFOCorB, 16xFreddyMs, 20xDerkinswFOCorB, 26xFreddyMs, 30xDerkinswFOCorB, Run a Lap

RD7 – 10xFreddyMs, 16xBurpees, 20xFreddyMs, 26xBurpees, 30xFreddyMs, Run a Lap

Most of us made it into rounds 6 & 7 and I believe we had a couple of finishers. Lots of mumble chatter, great fellowship.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: What is said in COT stays in COT. This should give freedom to vulnerability. I encourage you to speak up at COT with anything on your mind/heart. This is your opportunity to ask/receive help with your burdens! You do not have to carry them alone!

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Buffet at the Yard

Six pax at the Yard on a beautiful morning.

Began with a mosey run around the bball courts.

Warmup: SWIMLAPPs: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan N/C, Low slow squats, big arm circles, Peter Parkers (all I/C to 10), followed with some plank stretches.

Mosey run.

Fish Tacks: do movement until told to halt, then do exercise yelled out, we did: Toy soldiers – Bobby Hurleys; bear crawls – merkins; lunge walk – smurf jacks.

Mosey run.

Bench work: step ups, incline merkins, dips, calf raises, butt touch squats (all I/C to 10)

Mosey run.

Munitions work: bear crawl to the factory (30 feet away) and then do:

Burpees (5x); OH claps (10X); Merkins (10x); big boy sit ups (10x); Squats (10x). then bear crawl back home.

Mosey run.

Wall work, with 15lb slam ball: all pax wall sit, then one by one pax hold out slam ball for a ten count. Recover then all pax back on the wall, then wall-toss slam ball; recover then back on the wall, pax to triceps extension of slam ball (10x). recover.

Mosey run to COT area.

Light mary: LBC, pickle pointers, stretches.


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Kingsley Loops just for fun

WARMUP: Review of the Loops
THE THANG: 2 loops: 1.5 miles or 1 mile
MARY: Stretch
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam and Men’s Shelter needs help
COT: Prayers for sick family members and friends. Prayers for Sprocket!

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Pleasing Others

WARMUP: SSH, Windmill, MNC
3 sets of wall sit while partner does 3 sets of 10 merkins
3 sets of wall sits while partner does 3 sets of 10 squats

Burpees at the top & side straddle hop at the bottom

4 corners at the coutyard

Corner 1: 10 Merkins
Transportation: run
Corner 2: 10 Merkins, 20 (4ct) mountain climbers
Transportation: skip
Corner 3: 10 Merkins, 20 (4ct) mountain climbers, 30 LBCs
Transportation: run
Corner 4: 10 Merkins, 20 (4ct) mountain climbers, 30 LBCs, 40 flutter kicks
Transportation: lunge walk

COT: Closed in prayer

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I thought this was a party. LET’S DANCE!

Leg Day – Dancing in the streets.
Squat variety including Pistols and Cossacks. Leg powered modes of transportation. There was a low wall in there somewhere. And a plank set at the end with mountain climbers, Peter Parker’s and Parker peters.

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Boogie’s Birthday Bash Beatdown

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Deep stretches, Side straddle Hops,
THE THANG: Mosey to Bridge near Gym entrance. Wall sit, bear crawls, burpees. Mosey to football field. Dora on the Football Field, Pax paired up in end zone. One runs to the 30, 40 or 50 yard line while fellow Pax completes 100 Merlins, 200 American Hammers, 300 Sumo Squats. Indian Rin back to COT.
MARY: Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Leg lifts for last 30 seconds.
COT:Prayers & praises for those returning to school.

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