Tour de BackYard Shenanigans

WARMUP: SSHs followed by Windmills – it is F3. Picked some cherries, did some walkers, visited a night club, ground work.
THE THANG: did a tour de Yard – ain’t never been there before. Worked some stations with a defunct timer…
Man Makers, slam ball, rows, kettlebell snatch, curls, press flutters, merkins, shoulder press, we were going to do some hockey stick extensions, but said hockey sicks were forgotten
MARY: lots of Mary – pax choice – squat Mary was a new one to me – must be a Yard thing.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: viva la Murder Bunnies

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The Beast has Awakened

The Tomahawk was awaked and is not pleased with what it sees. This fabled AO is riddled with mystic and lore. Did it ever exist? Was there ever really an F3-Indian Land? Where did it go?

YHC is here to tell you Tomahawk was too much for this modern world. It was a place where men wore weight vests for the 5-mile pre-runs, then did kettlebell work outs for cool downs. I can assure you, the worst stories you have ever heard are watered down at best.

We are getting soft, and mushy. We talk too much. We lift things that weigh under 30LBS. We video stuff and talk about trendy topics.  It’s time for a rebirth by fire. Tomahawk is coming back to take teeth and kick names. There will be no fluff. Leave your Lululemon at home.

Launching 2-22-23 we will begin a Legends series where you can expect to see the royalty of AO pasted. YHC has an abundance of devilish delights for the coming months…so stay tuned.

There seems to be a vacancy at Catawba Ridge so we will plant our flag there and reclaim what is rightfully ours. You got what it takes?

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Varsity Shovel Flag handoff

YHC Gave the Disclaimer then got going with the warm up.
A little broga – sun salutations (basically bending at your waist and breathing), then some up/down dog, and some hip stretches.

Then did a short jog around part of the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers and shuffles.
Moseyed over to the football field and lined up on the goal line.  Did windmills IC and SSH.

Next we were onto the real work.  It was some speed work that involved :
Jog to 40 yard line , sprint 10, 40/10, in end zone do 25 merkins
Jog 30, sprint 20, 30/20; 25 merkins
Jog 20, sprint 30, 20/30; 25 squats
Jog 10, sprint 40, 10/40; 25 squats
Finished with a nur to the 50, 10 merkins and a sprint back to the goal line.  From there I handed it over to the new Site Q, Headspin…

The THANG, part 2:
Mosey to the ROTC building and grab a cinder block
Exercise In cadence –  Cindy OYO 10 counts
1. Burpees (OYO)
2. Cindy – Overhead Squats
3. Diamond Merkins
4. Cindy – CurltoCleantoPress
Run around the bus loop
1. LBC
2. Cindy – Goblet Squats
3. Mike Tyson Merkins
4. Cindy – Swings w/ Cindy
Run down the hill and back
1. Derkins ( feet on the curb )
2. Cindy – Man Makers
3. Peter Parkers ( count 1 leg only )
4. Cindy – Thrusters
Run to the street and back
Put blocks back and headed to COT

– J-los

Announcement…New Site Q!  Headspin!!!, Yeager CSAUP, read newsletter

Prayers/praises: heath of Pax/Sawdust’s elbow, Grassy’s M, others I’m forgetting

YHC Started this journey as a site Q on September 30, 2020 at RPG.  Took over at Varsity October 22, 2021.  It has been an honor and a blessing to carry the shovel flag at both sites and I’m privileged to find a new site Q for Varsity.  
I think the lineage for the site started with Skate, then Kielbasa, Harry Carry (I’ve been told) made it great again and Splinter was who handed it to me.  
I’m looking forward to whatever Headspin wants to do at the site in the future!

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8 enjoyed a beat down on the football field at Ballroom. The buckets of running pain were back and the pax selected random runs from the assortment of options available such as 20 yard sprints, 50 yard runs, 100 yard runs, and just a few, very few, mall walk options. But mostly an opportunity to get in just under 2 miles worth.

Great fellowship and good to see Who Dat back out clown carring with Cubbie.

Prayers for Triple Lindy and his health concerns as well as some family health issues. Prayers for Poppins family situation, for peace and comfort.

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2023.04 The Ranch

Emphasis on hamstrings and shoulders

Mosey to 4square courts:
Burpee broad jumps in clockwise direction from square to square inside a 4square court (2 pax per court) with sets of 4, 6, 8, and 10. Core exercise between sets.
After first round: people’s chair with shoulder mobility exercises then calf raises while sitting, balls2wall with shoulder taps.
For second round of burpee broadjump set going counterclockwise.

Mosey to parking lot behind school for sprints. 2 teams of 4, 40yd dash relay. Finish when each PAX has 3 sprints complete.

Mosey to picnic tables for step ups.

For those of us that pray before a meal, what do you pray for?
Do you pray in thanksgiving asking your consumption be blessed with nourishment? Did you do your best to provide yourself and others you feed with nourishment? Is the meal a source of comfort and that’s what you are hoping the meal be blessed with? Be intentional.

Thought two: Pick something that you do every day that you can take for granted. Pray before you do it, like you would for a meal. Be thankful and use the resources presented to you with intention.

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Destiny And The Random Rock Playlist


We played a round of Uno with the following guidelines

Blue – Merkins
Green – LBC
Yellow – Squats
Red – lunges

Skip – Run
+2 – pick 2 exercises, 2 reps
+4 – 4 reps all 4 exercise
Reverse – Repeat last exercise
Wild – Change color

We stretched a bit abs called it. Thanks Triple Lindy for letting me lead.

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MLK Tribute

5 men showed up at The Yard on a cold ,breezy morning. Warm-ups started at the basketball courts with SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, and MNCs.
Next, we honored MLK with 15 burpees for his age when he entered college. He was only 39 years old when he passed away. I read his heart was in the condition of a 60 year old, mostly due to stress (he was also a smoker). Next, we moseyed to the back parking lot for a round of DORA (Merkins, Squats, LBCs). More MLK facts, over 700 streets, parks are named after this great man. He also made over 1500 speeches over his lifetime. Back to the basketball courts, dips on the wall, lunge walk to the basketball goal, reverse lunge walk to the foul line for 10 Bobby Hurleys (NC State graduate according to Boogie Down). We completed three round before time was up.
Back to COT.
MLK was an amazing man. We each have an opportunity to make an impact in this world, more importantly, in our community. We just need to take a step forward and act.

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Abide in me, and I in you!

WARMUP: Shared with the group some of my life experiences when trusting in something greater than myself vs. just trusting in myself. Show to know the details!
Mosey to the track
Completed 1 lap warm up with high knees, karaoke, & butt kickers.
Next phase of warm up routine had us standing on the goal line of the football field for sprints.
1st Sprint – 50 yard runway ( building up to top speed ) and then 50 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – merkins, big boys, squats
2nd Sprint – 25 yard runway and then 75 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Shoulder Taps, V-Sits, Lunges
3rd Sprint – 20 yard runway and then 80 yard sprint followed by 10 reps of each – Alternating toe touches from plank position, Straight lower leg lifts, Jump Squats.
Group was adequately warmed.

THE THANG: As with the warm-up the theme was 100, as I need to be constantly reminded to completely trust ( 100% ).

1st Routine; 100 yard Bear Crawl with 100 merkins
Start on goal line of football field, bear crawl 25 yards and then perform 25 merkins, continue down the field until reaching the other goal line.

2nd Routine: 100 Burpee Mile
Complete 40 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 30 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 20 Burpees and then run a lap around the track
Complete 10 Burpees and then run a lap around the track

MARY: While others were finishing the main event routines, those that finished a little earlier did the following:
Choose 2 ab exercises that are easy to transition into
1st exercise conduct reps of 30
Go right into the 2nd exercise and keep going until time is called. Chose time interval of 90 seconds. Only had time to do 1 round – LBCs -> Flutters
Next rounds would have included Gas Pumpers -> Penguins and then Heels to Heaven -> Xs&Os

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter!!!
COT: Shared a few more tid bits of my story, prayers & praises!!!

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All of the Lights

mosey around the school to the picnic tables. Two rounds of step ups and dips.
Mosey to the front of the school. At each light, alternate, merkins, squats, and LBCs, set of 10.
Follow the light pole to the football field, across the bridge, and back to the picnic tables for more step ups and dips.
Back to COT.

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