Leg Day at Laces In

We had nine at Laces In on Thursday morning.  After a quick disclaimer, we circled up for the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).  Next, we ran to the hill near the stadium.

I explained to the Pax it was “Leg day” so we partnered up for a round of Dora. The exercises:  100 Monkey Humpers, 200 Lunges, and 300 Calf Raises.  Partner 1 began the exercises while partner 2 ran backwards up the hill to the third light post.  As we started the exercises, are newest FNG pulled into the parking lot, jumped out of his car, and quickly joined into the fun.

Once we completed the Dora exercises, we shuffled up the hill using our hands to the third light post.  Next, we crawl beared down the the new parking lot, took a break by doing some Ab exercises, and bear crawled back up the hill.  We took a couple minutes to review the five core principles of F3 with King Pin before we ran to the main parking lot near the gym.

For the final ten minutes, we ran down each aisle and performed the following exercises (10 hand released merkins, 10 squats, and 10 LBCs).

Back to COT.

Great job by all!

TClap |

You good with a shoulder workout…good

Man, it’s a good day when I get to Q with Spiderman and our full Shieldlock posts. It was steamy, the bugs were active, we worked a lot, struggled to breathe a little and I have to believe, we’re all better for it. I’m writing from memory and that means the details are fuzzy. If you feel slighted, you should’ve been there.

More or less, it went like this…

Spiderman on Q with a few warmup exercises.
Run out the back of WEP, down the never-ending path to the bottom of Harris St…you know what’s coming. Spiderman marked chalk lines up the major hill to our left.

At the bottom, 2 alternating V-Ups (like a killer dying cockroach)
Run up to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins…how fitting
Run down to the bottom, for 4 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 8 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 12 alternating V-Ups

Run up to the fourth chalk line, 8 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the third chalk line, 6 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the second chalk line, 4 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the first chalk line, 2 Spiderman Merkins
Run down to the bottom for 16 alternating V-Ups

Yeah, that was a smoker which covered about 2miles total. Hand off to Maximus:

Make our way back on the trail with a few stops for exercises as a group, along the way.
Line up on one end of the park.
Bear crawl until I call out Carolina Dry Docks or someone takes a break from the bear crawl, at which point we’d do a burpee (so much better).
After a few stops, we made it almost 1/2 way across the park then circled up in the grass.

Full set of Jack Webb using the traditional exercises. You know, since we didn’t do much with shoulders.

Afterward, we made our way to the playground.
Grab a spot to do pull-ups and do 1 burpee into 5 pull-ups, starting from a dead hang. Do this set 3 times.

A few ab exercises then COT.

Read your newsletter & check in on Tinsel.

Spiderman & Maximus

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June FNG Jamboree

Prepare yourself to get uncomfortable for the greater good of the community. We always brag about how tough we are and how we are not afraid to do “Hard Things” with our bodies to strengthen our 1stF; but how about we challenge ourselves to get uncomfortable by asking dudes to come out and join us in the gloom. Official rules and scoring will be presented in the near future.

In summary, we are challenged with the task of giving this thing we call F3 away in order to invigorate male community leadership. We need to get guys out and in shape, so they can help other men to better our community.

WHO: All Pax

WHAT: FNG drive!

WHEN: Month of June 2021

WHERE: We will be competing between AO’s located within the Fort region to see who can bring out the most FNG’s in the month of June.

WHY: What we have in F3 is amazing and there is a pandemic of sad clowns that need to be unshackled. We will not get to 250,000 men by 2025 if we don’t add them one at a time starting now.

Again Official rules and scoring will be presented in the near future.

YHC has gotten his matrix on and made a fancy little workbook to keep track of the points per AO and it should even give a visual plot if everything works out as planned. But as Iron Mike says the plan is probably going to change once someone punches me in the face. So the format is simple. Every AO for himself. This makes the siteQ’s in charge of their site’s performance. I know some of you know that it’s not fair that some locations have more pax than others. Well, that’s true and life ain’t fair princess so get over it. But in an effort to encourage more participation we will have two winners, the outright winner, and the normalized winner. The normalized winner will be the site that has the highest point total after being normalized for the average attendance compared to the average attendance for an AO for that day of the week. Don’t worry Trucker its just math for all of us to try and catch up to you.

So here is the point breakdown:
FNG 1st time posting: 1000 points
FNG 2nd time posting: 1500 points
Cotter : 500 points
VQ : 250 points
Downrange Post : 200 points

To start this party off I will post the spreadsheet on google drive and share the link but if we run into issues I am prepared to put the data into the sheet myself for the first week. If the site Q’s will make sure I am informed of the FNG’s that will help get you credit for your site.
Sample worksheet and chart shown below, hopefully.


*New Kids for F3 dads don’t count for the F3 FNG but its a great introduction to getting them to post kidless later on in the week. Spam the crap out of those classroom email lists before the school year ends fellas. Whats the worst that can happen….don’t answer that.

I will be challenging siteQ’s to encourage PAX to get outside that bubble of friends you normally hang with and give this gift away. Imagine where you would be if you were still a sad clown.

Stay frosty my friends,
Build those guardrails out of bricks!

TClap |

Burpee Bizarre

We had 11 men show up on Wednesday at Pantheon.  After the disclaimer, we ran around the parking lot to get the blood flowing.  Next, we circled up for some warm-up exercises (SSH, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches).

We began the difficult part of the workout.  For the next 10 minutes, we would do 10 burpees each minute with a five second rest in between each set.  After completion, we ran around the big loop to the front of the school.  We did a series of exercises in cadence (Squats, LBCs, Lunges, Flutters) running between the cross walks after each one.

Next, we returned to the top of the parking lot and repeated the 10 minute burpee exercise.  It was difficult, but most completed the burpees, a total of 200.

Great job by everyone.  Today we showed how much we can do when you are surrounded by others who want to improve themselves.

TClap |

Answering the Call

It started off with the shovel flag blowing in the wind and a warmup with imperial walkers, hill billy walkers, Moroccan night clubs, Cherry pickers, and a mosey around the big loop.

The workout:

Upper Body 4 Corners

4 corners:
1st – 10 merkins

2nd – 10 diamond merkins

3rd – 10 wide grip merkins

4th – 10 merkins

4 laps (parking lot loop)

Before each lap:

5 burpees

10 tricep dips

10 CDDs

10 shoulder taps

25 LBCs

25 Superman’s

Leg Day Pyramid:

5 Jump Squats

10 lunges

15 squats

20 sumo squats

25 calf raises

30 SSHs

Run to light pole

Ended with COT.

TClap |

Sandbags and a few tests at Currahee

Currahee (April 13, 2021)

The term Currahee, as suggested by Site Q, Divac, references a Cherokee word meaning “Stand alone together.” This is the motto of the 506th Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division made known to most of us civilians through the HBO series, Band of Brothers. Over the last few months, Currahee has become synonymous with more difficult and become an AO where you come to be tested. With that understanding, it was now my responsibility as the Q for this morning to bring it.

Earlier in the week, I put the call out for this rendition to be a “heavy” version meaning, if you had a sandbag, bring it. Whether it was a 40lb, 120lb or a log, bring it. The PAX didn’t disappoint. This picture is before Site Q Divac dropped his 2 onto the pile.

Disclaimer for the 13 PAX: Check

Move ourselves and the coupons over to the turn in the drop-off lane.

Slick: SSH, Mountain Climbers, Windmills, 8ct Burpees, ½ the PAX sprint one way and back while the other ½ sprint the other way and back.

Explanation that during events, the Cadre’s will be yelling at you, testing you and giving you difficult time hacks to test the team. Utilizing a common test, the PAX had 10 seconds to empty their ruck of its contents. Penalty, 5 burpees. PAX then had 20 seconds to fill it back up…pass.
Do it again. 10 seconds to empty = fail, penalty. 15 seconds to fill = fail, penalty.

Ruck up and move all sandbags to the back of the school, drop in the center of the group.

10 Merkins / 20 Peter Parkers / 30 Slow Squats

Sandbags to the front of the school

10 Merkins / 20 Curls / 30 Flutters w/ Press

10 seconds to empty the ruck / 15 seconds to fill the ruck…penalty

Sandbags to the back of the school

10 Merkins / 20 OH Press / 30 High Pulls

Sandbags to the front of the school

Heels to Heaven

Man Makers

American Hammers

Groups of 3 run 30yds, slick while rest of the PAX plank. Complete till everyone goes through.


TClap |

Scaling Walls

Today’s workout was simple.  But simple doesn’t mean easy.

5 Men, 1 Wall.

The Thang

Mosey to the Basketball Area for COP.  All Exercises were IC for 30.

  • SSH
  • MNC
  • IW
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • CDD

Partner up (one group of 3) for the remainder of the workout.

Start at the benches, 3 running segments alternating between partners:

  • To the Light at the end of the lot and back
  • To the next Light and back
  • To the 3rd Light and back

We did this three rounds.  While partner 1 was running, partner two was doing the below exercise per round.  Flapjack between rounds.

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins

Between those sets, we did some wall work.

Partner 1 runs to the wall, scales it to the other side, 3x Burpees.  Partner two is doing the below exercises and they flapjack between for three sets each

  • Flutter
  • Dying Cockroach

Mosey back to COT for 5 more Merkins.

Announcements: Read your newsletter

Honor to Serve.

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Sloppy Joe, Slop, Sloppy Joe

A soggy beatdown at Laces In for 8 men.

The Thang:

Light COP

  • Windmills
  • Tappy Taps
  • Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to Parking Lot to “Bone the Fish”

5 Burpees OYO

Quarter Pounder in the Lot:

  • Run to first light, 25 Merkins, Run back
  • Run to second light, 50 Squats, Run back
  • Run to third light, 75 Mountain Climbers, Run back
  • Run to end, 100 SSH, Run back

5 Burpees OYO

Apple Turnover across the lot with increasing (+3) Merkins per parking row

5 Burpees OYO

4 Corners

  • 5x Around The World Squats OYO
  • 10x HB Squats IC
  • 10x Squat Jacks OYO
  • 10x Monkey Humpers IC

Repeat Doubling Rep Count

Mosey back to shovel flag for 3 min of Mary focusing on Abs

Announcements: Read your Newsletter

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

11 guys got after it this morning. We promptly headed to Hardee’s for some straightforward instructions, burpees, run, merkins after the pledge.  Block suicides were the name of the game. 5 burpees at Hardee’s (each time) run to the next block for 5 merkins. Merkins increased by 5 each block. However simple, this was not easy by any means. YHC didn’t all finish the route; most ended up with around 4 miles, 45 burpees, and 180 merkins. This was my first Q at the minnow pond. Thanks to Jekyll for the opportunity.

TClap |


Today we decided to choose our own adventure at Footloose.  Because the men chose the harder thing, it evolved into Mini-Pond.

The Thang:

Very simple:  You have two loop options and two exercise options.  One loop is shorter (.5 miles) and one loop is longer (.6 miles).  One exercise is less difficult and one is more.  Choose your level on each loop and regroup for short sets in cadence.  We did 5 laps, which means we got 2.5-3 miles in depending on your choices.

Lap options:

  • Merkins/Diamonds – 10
  • Squats/IW – 15
  • Burpees/Flying Squirrel – 7
  • BBS/LBC – 15
  • Bomb jacks/Monkey Humpers – 10

After every lap we did a few things to regroup In Cadence where appropriate:

  • Bear Crawl one of the 3 lanes in the circle (again, pax choice)
  • Tappy Taps
  • Imperial Walkers
  • MNC


I am not a professional.  I don’t know how to Q a moderate workout and keep everyone aligned.  Today was a good experiment, not because we somehow managed to keep everyone aligned across the “easier” and the “harder” aspects, but because the guys that showed up almost exclusively chose the harder loop and the harder exercise.  I don’t know the reason (peer pressure?), but they all did it and I am fairly certain all of them are glad they did.

Read your Newsletter.

Honor to Serve.

TClap |