WARMUP: Balls to the wall
TClap |
WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!
WARMUP: Mozy, Side straddle hops, tie fighters
THE THANG: two pain stations set up 50yds apart, two rounds…almost 3. Mozy to tables for step ups and dips
MARY: round robin
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Donations to ship remaining shoes
COT: prayers for Peabody, prayers for Family!
Nice and warm for a Colosseum WO and a Flag Handoff.
With a FNG present we included the 5 core principles and the F3 mission. I started the “clock” which meant that every 4 minutes throughout the course of the workout each PAX would do 5 Kraken Burpees. With that I got into the warmup.
100 SSH (IC)
15 Merkins (IC)
So for the majority of this workout we ran to separate spots from the Colosseum Shovel Flag to the Carolina Eye Center Parking Lot. We would stop along the way where I would call different exercises in Cadence in this order.
5 Merkins (IC)
10 LBC’s (IC)
15 (Flutters IC)
20 HD (IC)
25 (Squats Low Slow IC)
As we ran back towards COT we stopped briefly into the “purple light” near the Tega Cay Coffee Truck. Everyone wondered where the glow sticks and foam pit was. Good questions obviously but it was not a rave or a college basement party so we did more Kraken Burpees.
As we approached the final few minutes Backdraft complained there were not enough squats so I obliged with 50 low slow squats that segwayed nicely into 5 more Kraken Burpees.
Got back to COT where we executed a Flag handoff to Rebound and named a FNG Blacklight.
All in all it was a good workout where we ended up with about 50 Kraken Burpees and around 150 Merkins, 180 LBC’s and just about 2 miles (slightly over or under depending on the watch)
Always honored for the lead and for the opportunity.
Thank you!
WARMUP: Into and Disclaimer. Started mosey to the back lot and it was ripe this morning! Did a warm up at the back of the parking lot near the apartments.
MNC, Hillbilly Walkers, Produce pickers, Windmills, Plank, down and up dog.
THE THANG: Mosey to the hill to begin Tge Pendulum Work. Run up to the neighborhood and do 1 rep Wide Arm Merkin. Then back down the hil and up to tge Fire Station for 1 rep Plank Jack. Back down the hill and repeat to complete 7 rounds. End back down by the foundation for 7 Burpees OYO.
Mosey yo the apartments to the middle for 15 Monkey Humpers and continued up to the round about. Bear Crawl the curb stopping in middle for 5 Diamond merkins then finish the crawl. More of a side to side hand shuffle.
Finally, Mosey back to COT for some Ab work.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jagger and Rooster coming up. Bethel Shelter and blood drive.
COT: Prayers for a neighbors son and praise for a family helping out. Praise and pray for travel mercies for BW and prayers for Grassy’s M.
THE THANG: Part 1: Partner cinder block work 2 reps each – alternating run and work. Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, Upright rows Part 2: elevens at the pullup bars and V-ups at the bottom of the hill, maybe 2 miles and lots of shoulder work.
MARY: no Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaeger and more
COT: Prayers, for Drop Thrill health, friends with Cancer and recovery .
SSH, Merkins, stretching
Moseyed over to the basketball hoops
Template goes as follows
Run to the end of the court and back (~150m)
Activities in order
20 burpees
50 squats
50 merkins
50 lunges (SC)
25 merkins
25 squats
10 burpees
Total of 60 burpees, 150 squats, 150 merkins, 100 lunges.
Ended with some flutters and LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster and Jaeger
Warmed up with mosey, toy soldiers, karaoke, shuffles and high knees.
Went to the asphalt parking lot: every 10 yards we bear crawled to next exercise in cadence. Count of said exercises was ascending from 5 CT to 50ct increasing by 5 every 10 yds.
1/4 mosey followed by 10 burps.
Back to asphalt field and go in reverse.
THE THANG: PAX joined YHC in hitting each Bank from the AO to Tega Cay (South State, TD Bank, First Horizon & First National) ~ 2 mi away and hit ‘em again on the way back. PT withdraw at ea: 3-burpees, 6-squats, 9–merkins, 12-4 Ct flutters). Jailbreak back!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanks Flounder for reminder that Valentines Day is tomorrow
COT: Prayers spoken and unspoken, marriages, health and safe travel for the PAX.
WARMUP: Mosey (.40)
THE THANG: 50 SSH, (run.40) 45 Merkins, (run .40) 40 Flutters (run .40) 35 Squats, (run.40) 30 CDD (run.40) 25 Bomb Jacks (run.40) 20 Big Boys (run.40) 15 Diamonds(run.40) ran out of time 3.5 Miles.
MARY: No Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam to Dam etc.
COT: Prayers for Ltrains wife’s grandparents, DD parents, Ld Prayed us out!