Old Man Playlist

This morning I brought a little double trouble to The Hive. Each exercise perform 15x first round and 20x the second with a run half way and at the reset.

It was a great sweat fest and I was feeling the humidity.

Great job fellas

Kb swings
Shoulder shrugs

goblet squats



tricep extensions

Sumo squat

skull crusher
Rosa lita

Dead lift
calf raises

American hammer

One arm dead lifts

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This one is for Halfway…

WARMUP: We lifted rocks and stuff
THE THANG: We ran to Sonic the long way and did a Dee WOD
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

My name is Band Camp and I read backblasts for fun and enlightenment.

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Smokin Frat Party

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC, Strawberry Pickers, and Broga
Phase 1: Cheese Shredder
Phase 2: Ladder:
Round 1 – Burpees from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Bear Crawl.
Round 2 – Burpees + Merkins from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Lunges.
Round 3 – Burpees + Merkins + Bomb Jacks from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Crab Walks.
Round 4 – Burpees + Merkins + Bomb Jacks + Peter Parkers from Goal Line to 50 Yard line with reps at every 10 yard line starting at 1 rep at the 10 until 5 reps at the 50. Mode of transportation is Crawl Bear.
Phase 3: Indian Run for 1/4 of a mile
MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Around the Lake Stroll with Pain Stations

The Q arrived 5 minutes late and took lead.
WARMUP: laps around the lot waiting for a
Mosey around the Kingsley lake with pain stations
5 Stops in all with the following exercises
Rucks used for workouts

Steps ups
Moroccan Night Clubs
Over head carry
Shoulder Shrugs
Calf Raises

MARY: Never found!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUPS & Read the Newsletter

COT: We shared and leaned on each other.

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Killer B’s plus

WARMUP: IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Killer B’s on the football field —
End zone:
5 burpees –> Bear Crawl 10 yards to 10 yard line
10 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 Bomb jacks —> Broad jump 10 yards to 20 yard line
20 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s —> Bear crawl 10 yards to 30 yard mark
30 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s / 20 Big Boy Sit Ups —> Bear crawl 30 yards back to Endzone
All run a lap, repeat
Run 2 laps then we all ran to the end of the bleachers and followed up and down the stairs to the other end.
MARY: stretching for the last couple mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sweaty Barry Thursday, Jaegar upcoming, tortoise and the hare upcoming, stuff the bus upcoming- sign ups open
COT: prayers for the Shook family, prayers for the FMHS 10th grader’s family, prayers for marriages, prayers for kids back to school soon

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How much does a cinderblock (coupon) weigh?

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Mozy
THE THANG: partner Dora. One farmer carry two coupons from pull up bars to stop sign down the hill, other partner does reps.
100 Pull Overs
150 Dead Lift
200 Bench Press
150 Curls
100 Swings

Winners get to do 11’s Manmakers to OH press

ANNOUNCEMENTS: csaups, convergence
COT: Prayers for the health of loved ones. Prayers for those who have lost loved ones.

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Searching the Trails for T-shirts

WARMUP: Rucks ON and HeadLamps ON

Headed out towards the hospital and into the trails. Back out towards Kingsley and around back to COT.
Mid Stop Exercises were called with 10 reps each:
Cherry Pickers
Morrocan Night Clubs
Ruck Curls

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Slow Burn 10yr Anniversary, Acceleration Project, Bethel Church Mens Shelter, CSAUPs
COT: Stays in COT

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A million reps

WARMUP: side straddle hops, tappy taps, imperial walker
THE THANG: partner workout:
Alternate MOT between Mozy, Farmers Carry, and Overhead Carry while partner does reps.

50 – 1.5 squats
50 – pull through
100 – deadlift
100 – halo
150 – overhead press (right)
150 – overhead press (left)
200 – row (right)
200 – row (left)
250 – chest press
250 – lying lat pullover
300 – flutters

COT: Prayers for family members health and mental health, prayers for sick and suffering from alcoholism, praise for the PAX for helping us get better

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Choose your own fate card ruck

Rick through Kingsley

3 mile ruck with 2 pain stations
Ranger merkins
Hand release merkins
American Hammers

Ended with flutters


Happy hour at Emilio’s
7/4 Convergence

Family health fellowship

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