Truck Nuts

WARMUP: Mosey, SSH, Cherry Pickers. Windmills, etc.
THE THANG: We celebrated 3/26/25 by hitting every light pole with 3 burpees/26 SSH/25 Flutters.
We ended up at the benches for a 50/50/50 Dora. 50 Derkins/50 Irkins/ 50 Step Ups.
Jail Break back up the hill to COT with 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 CDDs at every 5 light poles.


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Board of Pain

Imperial Walkers
Stretchy Things

We moseyed down to the parking lot next to the float spa.
Thang 1 – 600 Rep Circuit
– 20 Mtn. Climbers
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Shoulder taps (total)
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Commandos (high to low plank)
– 10 Merkins
– 20 Squat Thrusts
– 10 Merkins
Exercises performed back to back with minimal to no rest in between for 5 rounds.

We definitely could have used the spa after that but they were not open yet.

Thang 2 – Starfish
I asked the Pax for a number between 1 and 5. Tomb Raider(@Damien Croft) called out 4 and this became the number of burpees in the center of our 4 corners.

We started with the 4 Burpees then ran to each corner for a set of exercises returning to the center for 4 burpees.
– Corner 1 – 10 CDDs
– Corner 2 – 20 Lunges
– Corner 3 – 30 Squats
– Corner 4 – 40 LBCs

Moseyed back to COT.

Box cutters
Freddy Mercury’s
Big Boys

Announcements and Prayers were made.

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4-Square fun at The Yard

WARMUP: SSH, ImpWalk, Windmills, yoga-Merkins


• Buy-in: 10 Lt. Dan (IC)
◦ OYO after this
• To end of lot: “Cocaine Bear crawl“
◦ Every powder-lines x 1-2 merkin each…
• Cash out: 10 Lt. Dan OYO

First course:

Dribble Sprints Fun
• PAX in a circle.
• 1 PAX dribbles 2 basketballs ? around the circle while everyone else performs the following exercises:
◦ SSH, LBC, WM, IW, HW, etc.

Second course:

Caterpillar-Relay” –  -ball-pass Indian runs: pax lay head-to-foot in long line, using only feet, pass ball over head, then jump up, run to join end of line.

Main course 4-square (Basket-Ballz); sidewalk chalk to seal & # 2 spaces, timer. 1 min. On/20 sec. Off. [alt: “Triangle of Doom” if fewer PAX]
• 4 pax play ES/MS style 4-square.
• Whoever is out moseys a lap before joining end of Queue
• Extra pax in Queue doing pain during 1-min & resting / shifting up during 20 seconds
• Queue stations go easiest to hardest (I.e. #1 in line does MNC)
• 1-MNC, 2-windmills,3-Imp.Walkers, 4-LSSquats….

MARY: one legged LBC complex, Shakira

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Luca 5K, cannoli run in May, other newsletter items

COT: held… Praises for youth sports victories and 2.0 birthdays

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Pending Bandcamp Approval

WARMUP: Thank you <@U061P7HUFRR> warming up the Pax. YHC came flying in hot and managed to get a little additional warm up. Downward dog, honeymooner, windmills, and quad stretches
THE THANG: simple but hard…5 rounds which included 20 reps of overhead presses, curls, bent over rows, and squats – all with hardware then complete a run around the parking lot. Round 5 the rep count was max out until muscle failure. We then moved into partner exercises that involved running and shoulder shrugs.
MARY: Mary will bell…a large number of “Bell”BCs in addition to flutter kicks all while keeping the bell positioned high above the chest.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel men’s shelter, discussion surrounding the need to communicate to PAX on IR to come out for light ruck option and fellowship. Also, shovel flag handoff Saturday at Alcatraz.
COT: YHC shared testimony about how Christs fingerprints are all over our lives and our need to look up when we are experiencing dark times – he is there in it with us and carrying us through even when it doesn’t seem so.

Guys on IR and coming out of IR. Bubba Gumps son and uncle. Travel mercies for <@U061A5NHBT3>

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Movie Theatre Shenanigans

Low slow squats
Mosey to movie theater parking lot
Round 1:
Sprint 100 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 squat jumps
13 lunges each leg
13 monkey humpers
Repeat 3x starting with run

Round 2:
Sprint 50 yards, do 10 burpees, sprint back
13 hand release merkins
13 CDD
13 diamond merkins
Repeat 3x

Round 3:
Bear crawl 20ish yards, bear crawl back
13 big boy sit-ups
13 flutters each leg
13 Freddy mercury each leg
Repeat 3x

Mosey back to COT

MARY: 5 mins of Mary

Pizza tonight at Emilio’s
Luka 5K

COT: prayers up for Luka, aging parents/grandparents


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Catawba de Tour

Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker peters; plank stretches

–mosey Run–

Thang 1: Burpee relays, did 5 then 10, then 15
Thang 2: Mtn climber relays, did 20, then 25, then 30

–Short walk—

Thang 3: wall work
Wall sit,
Muscle ups, 10x
Wall tar jais in cadence
Thang 4: Fish Tracker: do transportation, then the exercise called.
Toy soldiers walk – called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – smurf jacks

–mosey Run–

Thang 5: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 100 leg lifts
–Run to shovel flag
Some Mary

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One Shining Moment

American Jackal 3/17/2025

One Shining Moment

Imperial Walkers
Peter Parker
Plank, L arm high, R arm high
Hillbilly Walkers
Cherry Pickers

The Thang:
PAX got ready for March Madness during the Hoops themed Bootcamp

– 2 X Hands Up defense – Shuffle: shuffled along the court perimeter with hands above shoulders. When whistle was blown, 10 plank jacks in place, then continue with shuffle.
– 3 X Defensive Drill – Eyes forward so PAX ran a route of Sprint, Shuffle, Nur, Shuffle, Sprint, Shuffle, Nur. When you get to a cone, shuffle around once then continue.
– 2 X Suicides – Gotta touch the lines, boys!
– Layup Line DORA
– 100 merkins
– 200 squats
– 300 CDDs
– 400 LBC (only got in 200)
– Two teams: first team does exercises above, go by highest/fastest PAX
– Other team must complete 4 layups in a row. If not, try again. Switch with first team.
– Backboard Taps – PAX bounced ball off backboard 50 times in a circuit
– Knockout: when you lose, do leg lifts on sideline

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