circles up

WARMUP: run to stop light at entrance to Baxter and do monkey humpers and goofballs in-cadence until all traffic passes

THE THANG: Berkshire heights loops with 10 jump squats, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs every stop sign
All got 2 loops, some got 3

MARY: 13 American Hammers IC and 3 big boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff – check newsletter

COT: yup

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Bubbles Everywhere

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey
THE THANG: Mosey to A: 11s with Merkins & Big Boys; Mosey to B: Wall Sit while each PAX runs a lap including 3 Burpees; Mosey to C: Partner for a Mosey/Squat/Al Gore DORA; Mosey to COT
MARY: A few to add reps
COT: Life shared, prayers lifted

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Hard Core

WARMUP: Disclaimed the group and we started to Mosey around the COT parking lot. While moseying we did some buttkickers, high knees, & karaoke. Made it to the 1/8 mile track area and circled up. Performed SSHx7inCadence, 1 burpee oyo, WindMillsx7inCadence, 2 burpees oyo, CherryPickersx7inCadence, 3 burpees oyo, HillbillyWalkersx7inCadence, 4 burpees oyo, & ImperialWalkersx7inCadence. Group was ready to roll.

100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters
80 – Freddy Ms
70 – American Hs
60 – Mountain Climbers
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – BigBoySitups
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Ups
1 minute plank

Starting at the top of the list PAX were asked to take a lap around the 1/8mile track after completing the 1st exercise. While running the lap PAX started with 1 burpee and then half way around completed 1 burpee. Burpee counts increased by 1 for every lap. 10 Exercises = 520 total reps, 10 laps = 110 total burpees. Add in the warmup mosey and we covered 1.5miles.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for Autism, Mike Doty Memorial Run, 427 burpees on 4/27, Rock Hill 10yr Anniversary, Trash Pick Up o 4/27, Jaegar on 5/11.

COT: Show to know.

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There was a Frog

Disclaimer Disclaimed
Mosey to Theatre for Warm Up

Socratic – Are some men born to be lone wolves?
Spur – Man hunts best in a pack.
We see best from 9 through 12 to 3 o’clock, but we cannot see our 6. We are blind to our 6. We need others to help cover our 6. This horizontal relationship helps all the members of the pack.
10 Windmills IC
10 Hill Billy Walkers IC

Socratic – Do communities benefit when men combine?
Spur – Men recognize the Advantage of mutual defense.
Men recognize the benefit of community. A HIM locks his shield with other HIMs to protect the people behind the wall.

The Thang – Ladder Work across parking lot with Bear Crawls in between. Eliminated the last exercise each round. All Reps were completed.
5 Burpees
10 Bomb Jax
20 Merkins
30 Squats
40 LBCs
50 Monkey Humpers

Socratic – Can a man begin the fight against adversity before he encounters it?
Spur – Acceleration of the Shield Lock requires Preparedness

7s of Carolina Dry Docks and Big Boys

Mosey to back of Theatre – Wall Sits and Burpee Waterfall
MARY: American hammers til 0600
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Waxhaw CSAUP and The Jaeger coming up!
COT: Stays in COT.

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Play time is over

WARMUP: it’s sweep the leg. We did a burpee ladder instead on way to school drive. Starting with 1 worked our way up to 5 then back down performing the burpees at each light pole on way down Dave gibson, we also stopped every so often to perform exercises IC waiting for 6

THE THANG: short version of longest mile with using light poles, lunge walk to 1st pole, then bear crawl to 2nd then crab walk to 3rd.
We all picked up 6 before moseying to back of school by bottom of hill where YHC did not provide very clear instructions at start so had to run around and update pax as we went. but we started 11s with HR Merkins (10) and BombJacks (1) at last pole top of hill. Plan was to drop a pole each lap so it would get progressively shorter think the gazelles got up to round 6 or 7 but we still ran out of time, and a couple PAX got back a min or two late

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, lots of Saturday CSAUPS coming up, PnP tomorrow, HIM camp. We named hashbrowns

COT: yep!

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Golf training & conditioning

WARMUP: mosey, static stretching, cherry pickers, SSH, merkins, plank
THE THANG: Dora partner board of pain
100 each:
Man makers, OH Press, Merkins, Big Boy SU, KB Swings
MARY: n/a
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q vs Q Finals/ Rock vs Fort, 2nd annual HIM Camp, Jaeger CSAUP

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All About the Ass Kicking Benjamins


Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Honeymooner/Downward Dog

Mosey to Grace

Dora at Grace
100 Merkins
5 Burpees with partner
100 Squats
5 Burpees with partner
100 Dry Docks
5 Burpees with partner
100 Lunges
5 Burpees with partner
100 LBCs
5 Burpees with partner

Serpentine Run with 5 merkins

Mosey to COT

Mary was completed

Bethel Men’s Shelter
AMRAP for Autism


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AO The Fort Shovel Flag Handoff

WARMUP: Motivators, Windmills, Cherry Pickers
1. 1 round at the stage: Partner 1 bear crawl to playground and mosey back while partner 2 cycles through 10x burpees & 10x donkey kicks. Switch.
2. Crawl bear up Massey St & 10x burpees at the bottom. Al Gore for the 6.
3. Mosey to the Print Shop. 10x Pull-ups
JWOW:Dora @ Fort Mill Church of God
1. 100x Merkins
2. 200x Heels to Heaven
3. 300x Squats
4. Mosey back to COT
MARY: Included
COT: Surviving children of domestic tragedy

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