75mins, a little complexity, a lot of effort

The image of the board will be used as the workout details but in case others want to use this, here are a few notes to consider:
– Split the group if needed.
– Predetermine a good distance for the Mode of Transportation (M.O.T.) and ensure it’s clearly articulated.
– Keep repeating the “Thang” section until every PAX completes 1 time on the M.O.T.
– Give example of the exercise before that “Thang” section, not all examples in the beginning.
– Open to other feedback
THE THANG: See image.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter content.
COT: 5th Core Principle

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Adjusted Loredo Hero WOD

SSH x12
plank kick throughs x12
Low slow squats x12

Loredo inspired WOD
At top of car loop over at the middle school
12 squats
12 merkins
12 supermans
Run to bottom of the loop
12 squats
12 merkins
12 supermans
Run to top of loop

50-40-30-20-10 reps
Big boys


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VQ Running AO Q – Spectre

Got at it
Munn Rd. To Harris To White To 160 – 4ish miles
12 year convergence
Iron Pax
Acceleration Project
Show To Know

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Miles and Smiles and

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 10 WM, 10 CP
THE THANG: Miles and Smiles with sandbags.
Stops along the way: Dips, Urkins, Merkins, Flurter with Press, upright Row, manmakers, shoulder press, curls.
MARY: box cutters, Americans and LBC
COT: yes

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Pull thru day

Started with some basic warm-ups then grabbed bags and headed over to baseball field. 2 cone workout. Cone 1 exercises: 10 over the shoulders, 20 pull thru, 10 clean and squats, 20 LBCs w/bag overhead, 10 walk over merkins. Cone 2 exercises: 10 curls, 20 pull thru, 10 diaper changers, 20 bent over rows, 10 squats w/bag. Did all exercises at cone 1 then bear hug carry bag to other cone. Do everything at cone 2 then bear crawl and drag bag back to 1. Do cone 1 again over head carry to c2. Do c2 then front rack carry back to 1.
Split up into 2 teams. Each team gets in plank and has to pass thru 2 sandbags. When you’re done run to end of line in order to move across entire field. Repeat in opposite direction. Next relay is one bag per team. Guy in back has bag and runs serpentine thru tram to front. Then pass bag from front to back. If bag drops whole team does 5 burpees. Next relay is in seated position and team is flipping bag from one end to the other. When done PAX runs to end to keep line going. Last relay was football snap the bag between the legs to next PAX. Run and repeat. Always fun to have some team competition and seeing guys try to figure out how to accomplish things together. Times up, back to COT. Thx for opportunity Farmers!

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Tabata for 4

WARMUP: jog to Ace Hardware. SSH, Merkens, MNC, Wind mills, Cherry pickers, jog back to COT
THE THANG: Tabata workout. 1 minute of the following planking for 10 seconds between exercises.
Merkens, Big Boys, squats, CDD, Flutters, Burpees, Dips, lunges, Bobby Hurleys, Jump Squats,

Run to Hill. 11’s. Squat at top burpee at bottom
MARY: abb work
COT: what’s said at cot stays at cot

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11 years and still counting…..

WARMUP: YHC on Q. Circle up.
SSHx22, the following were in counts of 11.
Windmill, Squats, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial walkers, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, Plank Jacks, Peter Parker, HillBilly Walker, Low Slow Squats. ends with SSHx22
THE THANG: 10 minutes of Merkins, then Wheel O Pain.
hand off to Senator. Longest Indian Run in The Fort. Stop and try to do some pull ups. Many others actually did them. Keep going to bottom of hill. 10 Bomb Jacks and then to COT.
MARY: Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf, Fundraiser, Care Center, Bethel Men’s shelter
COT: Prayers for healing, saying goodbye to loved ones, safety of our children and community.

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Not Much Running Wild At The Ranch

WARMUP: Run over to the middle school, around the loop to the flag. Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Dead Lifts, Plank, Downward Dog, Up Dog, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Merkins
THE THANG: With just about everything in cadence…
Run down the right side of the school to the corner
Low Slow Squat, Sumo Squat, Stationary Lunges (forward & reverse), Side Lunges
Run the next parking lot to the front door of the school
Again, in cadence…
Boats & Canoes, Grave Diggers, Freddy Mercury, American Hammers, Gas Pumpers
Partner Catch Me If You Can
P1: Bear Crawl around the perimeter
P2: 10 LBCs and catch P1
Complete the loop
25 Pull-Ups at the playground
Picnic Benches:
Bulgarian Split Squats, Dips
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes (Hi Bandcamp)
COT: Indeed

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