Hill Street Nlues

The hills were alive with sound of Pax making a downpainment for the day.

Two options were given:

Hill repeats on Harris Street


Run the length of Harris Street and add more as wanted

All Pax leveraged this moment to “accelerate” into their day as directed by Band Camp.

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Soggy Primes

WARMUP: A lap around the parking lot with SSH, windmills, tappy taps, MNC, and LBAC
THE THANG: Started with 7s in front of the Indian restaurant. We used the dry patch under the trees by the pet groomer with one BBSU and 6 burpees in the cloud of curry and garam masala. Mostly running but bear crawls were mandatory for 1/2 of the way back to the trees.
We then hoofed it to the fountain for 11s. On the bottom we started with 1 CDD. We ran up the hill to the second driveway of the fire station for 10 dips. Everyone finished!
Time was running short so after a walking 10-count or two “All Out” was called to the traffic circle on the other end of the apartment complex. Plank until the 6 and 10-count when everyone was in position. Mosey back to CoT and DONE!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Things are happening all over the Fort. Do them.
COT: When we got back to the flag the rain was pouring harder than during the workout. Senator Tressel had to skedaddle as is often the case and we bid him adieu. For the rest of us, YHC expounded on the 2nd core principle, that we are open to all men, and ended in a prayer that the men we had there would go out and make the world a better place without agenda.

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BAOPS Ladder Fun

When a shieldlock brother sends the late night text that he needs a sub, you gotta answer the call.

WARMUP: lap on the paved trail and circled up for IC warm-a-rama Goofballs (except for the liver eaters who are too cool to do those), various plank based stretching, mtn climbers, shoulder taps, MNCs

BAOPS Ladder
Accumulating bear crawl/crawl bear ladder with exercises at every tier (took about 30 minutes)

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise and crawl bear back to start line – SSH for the 6

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise then bear crawl to 20 yard mark and do exercise then crawl bear back to the start – SSH for the 6

Continue accumulating adding 10 more yards each time until you finish the 50 yard ladder.

B for Burpees – 10x at 10 yard mark
A for American Hammers – 20x at 20 yard mark
O for Overhead Claps – 30x at 30 yard mark
P for Plank – 40second hold at 40 yard mark
S for Squats – 50x at 50 yard mark

10 count recovery

Mosey around path to left field corner (top of the road with the long hill.

Partner up for classic DORA – 100x merkins, 200x squats, 300x LBCs – partner runs about 2/3 down hill to the 3rd rock and back as the timer

Mosey back to basketball courts and do a 50 yard lunge walk

MARY: circled back up on basketball courts and did IC core work – flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, dying cockroaches and finished off with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: mothers day

COT: yup

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We was rollin

WARMUP: moseyed over to side by Persis and did a warmup with

Strawberry pickers
Overhead Claps
Low and slow squats
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Runners stretch

THE THANG: back towards COT where I had a shoebox with two sets of dice and 12 exercises listed for respective dice combinations
We did three iterations with partners of 3, one person rolls, then runs a lap while two ppl do the exercise, then we did person that rolls and both other ppl run while they do the work and then finally one partner rolls and does does exercise with one partner while third runs.

MARY: no time

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Does this seem familiar?


Parking lot to Munn make left
Down to Harris St. make left
Up hill to Ardrey make left
Down to White make left
Back to Founders
Gazelles add a loop at WEP or loop around old Kingsley to add

ANNOUNCEMENTS: something on 5/18 with EYE-talians
COT: yup!

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Run Forrest, Run!

We ran.
Down Munn to Harris, left on Harris, left on Audrey (to WEP), left on Hwy 160, back to COT.
Extra mileage option: Down Munn to Harris, left on Harris, left on Audrey (to WEP), left on Hwy 160, left on Jackson, right on Harris, right on Munn back to COT.

Nobody got lost! At least I don’t think so.

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Burpees for Breakfast

Light jog around the Harris Teeter lot and circle up in front of Red Bowl for COP:

All in cadence: SSH x 25, merkin x 10, windmill x 10, squat x 20, Peter Parker Peter (10 and 10), IW x 25, Freddie Merc x 25
Line up in front of the store for 70 yard dashes/burpee ladder with ab exercises for recovery:

1. Run to end of lot, do 10 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 flutters in cadence
2. Run to end of lot, do 15 burpees OYO, run back, plank until everyone is home, 20 dying cockroach in cadence
3. Run to end of lot, do 20 burpees OYO…20 pretzel crunch in cadence
4. Run to end of lot, do 25 burpees OYO…20 ?? in cadence

Mosey to the long wall along Harris Teeter:
Lunge walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall at the end, and wait until everyone seated, hold for 30 sec.
Bear crawl the full length of the wall back to the start, have a seat along the wall…hold for 30 sec
Crab walk the full length of the wall, have a seat along the wall…hold for 30 sec
Partner carry ½ the length of the wall, flapjack, finish to the end of the wall and mosey back for COT

Box cutter x 20, superman hold x 2

Q Source today, Jaeger coming up in 2 weeks, read your newsletter
Praises for families and family time; prayers for kids making poor decisions, Char-Meck police officers killed yesterday, Isreal/Gaza/Palestinian suffering.

This is another workout I pulled from the archives (GC, June 30, 2015). Back then we had 11 at the workout and it looks like only about 4 are still active in F3 – too bad. Today’s group included some of the core Golden Corralers who I see week after week so I expect to see them in the next 9 years. We had a dedicated group who worked hard this morning and it’s always a pleasure to lead them. Thanks for the invite Half Shell!

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Moderate Manion

Found out this morning that there are some differing opinions of what a moderate AO means…

WARMUP: Disclaim and mosey between Vape shop and Empire. Circle up for SSH, shoulder taps, merkins, mtn climbers all in cadence.

Manion memorial WOD
(moderate version =slick)

7 rounds
29 LSS (IC)
1/4 mile run

Finished and had about 15 minutes left.

Merkins and overhead clap progression

MARY: assortment of exercises called and led by PAX around the circle

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Canoli Run, trash pick up, rock 10 yr, Jaeger

COT: yup

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Armory 15APR2024 – Mog Mile

WARMUP: Not really. We lived.

THE THANG: Mogadishu Mile
– 4 Rounds for Time
– 19 Kettlebell Ground-to-Overheads (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Front Squats (53/35 lb)
– 19 Kettlebell Push-Ups (each hand)
– 400-meter Kettlebell Run

– If you lose physical contact with your Kettlebell, you must start that round over.

MARY: No chicks

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Fountain of Youth

WARMUP: SSH, IW, merkins and other
THE THANG: Dora 2x. First Merkins, LBC, Squat
2nd round – CDD, calf raises, flutter

Run down to bus pick up area and did Merkins and Big Boy start with 1 merkin rollover do 1 BB, then 2 – 11. Run back for COT.

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