Let’s Make the Fort Sore again

WARMUP: yes. you’d be crazy not to


(most finished in 35ish)

(got in 1.5ish rounds, only 8.5 left to go…)

Was hard today. YHC is especially struck by 1st Lt. Clovis Ray leaving a job in investment banking at age 32 for an Army commission.

Prayers for those that still miss 1st Lt. Clovis Ray and SFC Daniel Crabtree at their Thanksgiving table every year.

TClap |

My hero gave me life!!

WARMUP: grab a block and get to pain station

7mins of burpees


With cinderblocks
đź’Ą mom was 84 so that was our count
💥 6 exercises for each of her kids all with Cindy’s
đź’Ą đź’Ą Tri-extension, Man Makers, Curls, WWII Sit ups, Dips, Block Squats
đź’Ą đź’Ą Every 5 mins run 84 yards and do 11 Derkins run back

Thanks for opportunity and honor your heroes today!! 👏🏻 🔥 🙌🏻

2 mins of Mary with Clickbait and Mark Twain
Slash’s fund raiser for beetos

Prayers and praises around COT

TClap |

Let’s try to keep up non IronPax

YHC started with a mosey, that was long. PAX were wondering if they ended up in a running AO.

We stopped by the Pre-K, school for Warm-O-Rama. The usual that included,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Hillbilly Walkers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers

Then for the main course below routine to the opposite end of parking lot with a sprint back,
Lunge Walk
Toy Soldiers
Butt Kickers
High Knees
Bear Crawl

Next was some 11’s,
Burpees with Lunges
Merkins with Squats

Mountain Climbers (1 set of 13)

Run back to CoT for some Pax choice Marys,
Box cutter
Hello Dollys
Flutter Kicks
Freddie Mercury

Ended the workout with,
Prayers and Praises

TClap |

Spanish Invasion comes to The Fort

@Cohiba ran on Puerto Rican time today at #ao-varsity. This also explains why @Bobber chronically pushes past 0515 arrivals. There were a lot of words; many of us understood very few. Let’s not allow cultural differences to impede F3 being OPEN to ALL men.

@Cohiba likes Big Boys
@Bobber understands more than he says, but when he’s in cadence it’s sweetly melodic
@Jazz Hands has invisible Big Boys
@Bitcoin counts well in many languages, and also likes Big Boys
@Boogie Down didn’t translate much for us, but could have
@Saw Dust apparently went of some kind of rant in name-o-rama
@Cousin Eddie spent the entire time confused (as did YHC)
@Mark Twain said something like: “Me da cólera” about the DORA. I just hope it doesn’t turn into dysentery
@Retiree wondered what he’d stumbled upon, but his buddy @chickenhawk was there to guide the way
@SouptoNuts put his Criminal Justice degree to work. Just like he does every other day, by being a more educated human
@HarryCarry was there early for “Ironing Pants,” but I might have misheard that. @CakeBoss and @Shield were helping. When you have to carry something that harry (hairy?), I suppose you need help ironing your pants? :man-shrugging:

You could spend the whole day wondering if you’ll fit within a new environment, read up on the lexicon, ask guys about procedure, examine backblasts, and consider where your priorities really are. But if you don’t set that alarm and get out of the fart sack…well: “too mah-leh-teen!”

This report is subject to verificación by @Punch List….if he ever opens slack again to check all these notifications
The names should be above

***********Bandcamp’s Version************

@Cohiba ran on Puerto Rican time today at #ao-varsity. This also explains why @Bobber chronically pushes past 0515 arrivals. There were a lot of words; many of us understood very few. Let’s not allow cultural differences to impede F3 being OPEN to ALL men.

@Cohiba likes Big Boys
@Bobber understands more than he says, but when he’s in cadence it’s sweetly melodic
@Jazz Hands has invisible Big Boys
@Bitcoin counts well in many languages, and also likes Big Boys
@Boogie Down didn’t translate much for us, but could have
@Saw Dust apparently went of some kind of rant in name-o-rama
@Cousin Eddie spent the entire time confused (as did YHC)
@Mark Twain said something like: “Me da cólera” about the DORA. I just hope it doesn’t turn into dysentery
@Retiree wondered what he’d stumbled upon, but his buddy @chickenhawk was there to guide the way
@SouptoNuts put his Criminal Justice degree to work. Just like he does every other day, by being a more educated human
@HarryCarry was there early for “Ironing Pants,” but I might have misheard that. @CakeBoss and @Shield were helping. When you have to carry something that harry (hairy?), I suppose you need help ironing your pants? :man-shrugging:

You could spend the whole day wondering if you’ll fit within a new environment, read up on the lexicon, ask guys about procedure, examine backblasts, and consider where your priorities really are. But if you don’t set that alarm and get out of the fart sack…well: “too mah-leh-teen!”

This report is subject to verificación by @Punch List….if he ever opens slack again to check all these notifications
The names should be above

TClap |

Cinder Bells

Arrived early to count cinder blocks. We were in luck, one for everyone.

Mosey down the hill, grabbing a cindy on the way

warm up: imp walk, LSS, LBC, Gas pumper, hillbilly walker, shoulder taps, jump squats, calf raise, merkin clock, SSH, dy cockroach, freddie, windmill, jogged it out a bit, from jog to 100

cindy work, triceps, curls, bench press

plank curb walk, bear crawl indian run type deal .. fan favorite

twice half ran up the hill while the others worked, once BB sits, once heels to heaven

We did a jonah hill, 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7 times

we did more cindy work, maybe like 3 times total, calf raises were included

Probably some other stuff

closed with Mahktar N’Diayes

Took the cindy’s home

I was gassed, this group kicked my a$$. Effort level from the group 100%+

Looks like we made it (barely),

Barry Manilow

TClap |

IronPax ’23 Week 0

IT’S IRON PAX SEASON!!!! Week 0 was a great reminder of what’s expected and how hard you will be pushed this month.

Week 0 was in honor of Gary R Wieneke, SP4, who served in the United States Army as an X-ray Spec with the 128th Evac Hospital in Germany from September 1955 to 1958. Mr Wieneke is the father of one of F3Greenwood’s own, Michael Wieneke, F3Brut. Mr. Wieneke passed away at the age of 83 and Brut created this workout in honor of him.
Aside from serving his country, Mr. Wieneke was a renowned track and field coach in the US. He coached the US Junior National Team. He was the head coach at the University of Illinois from 1967 until his retirement after the 2002-2003 season. Wieneke was a nine0time NCAA District IV Coach of the year, was named the NCAA National Indoor Track and Field Coach of the Year in 1987 and garnered three Big Ten Outdoor Coach of the Year. He has been inducted into numerous different Halls of Fame, among them are the US Track and Field and Cross Country and University of Illinois Athletic Halls of Fame.
Behind the numbers
800 meters was his best event. He coached 11 different student-athletes to 27 Big Ten titles in this event
13 reps for the warm-up exercises represents the number of Big Ten Conference Championships his teams won
5 warm-up exercises represent 1 for each Olympic athlete that he coached
7 different exercises and the 8 burpees after each exercise represent the date he passed away – 7/8/2021
Complete the workout for time
Need a 400-meter track or path marked out
Coupon is needed for this workout
Start the timer when the warm-up starts.
The Thang
Warm-up (performed in cadence)
13 reps of each exercise (all 4 count)
Imperial Walkers
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jacks
800-meter run
85 reps of each of the following exercise. Perform 8 burpees after completing 85 reps of each exercise, including the KB Swings.
Hand Release Merkins
Big Boy Sit-ups
Goblet Squats
Overhead Press
4 count flutter kicks
KB Swings
800-meter run

The encouragement that happened throughout the workout was top notch. While this was terrible, we all finished. Seeing the list of things that has to get done, is daunting, we all made it to the other side. Don’t let the daunting task stop you in your tracks. You can preserver and overcome.

Great job gents!

TClap |

Ring of Fire – Q 3.6

– Dynamic warm up, 15 min of movement exercises and motion
– Merkinfest Dora, 15 min
– Up on the bar Dora, 15 min
Close with Q 3.6 Persuasion discussion

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Perseverance requires unwavering determination, resilience in the face of challenges, and a refusal to succumb to setbacks.

Pulled up discussed what are we struggling with and what holding us back.

Imperial walkers
Standing toy soldiers
The church clap

Mosey over to the pull up bars and grab Cinderblocks

The task: complete the exercise then complete run to the bottom of the hill preform 10 plank tucks for the first 2 exercises the the next two sets Peter Parker’s, shoulder taps. Last but not least 50 monkey humpers after the pull ups

10 Cindy Blocker’s
20 Each Leg Fire Hydrants
25 Burpees
30 Cinderblock Curls – return the Cinderblocks
40 Pull ups

Next mosey to the parking lot on the way we discussed what is it is that is holding us back.
Push ups at every end cap median.
Start at 5 and increase by 5 for every Median. We made it to 30 the fatigue was real and so was getting attacked by fire ant.

Announcements, prayers and praises.

TClap |