The 700 Club Returns

This morning we reminisced on an oldie but goodie brought to us by Cheddah two short years ago. The fabled 700 Club isn’t what you think it is, and golly it hurts.

The PAX showed up one by one and two by two as YHC greeted each. The question of the morning was: have you done a GORUCK event? If so, what events? For the two with the least experience, today they learned a few things. Two Ferns and Dinghy were chosen as the Team Leader (TL) and Assistant Team Leader (ATL).

We rucked/shuffled to our destination in the Home Depot lot, and the weinke was laid out. The TL and ATL were to lead the PAX in completing 7 exercises at 100 repetitions each, in any manner they pleased. If counts were mixed up or time ran out before finishing, a penalty was due.

The seven movements were:

Hand Release Ruck Merkins

Ruck Squats

Ruck Curls

Ruck Swings

4-Count Flutters w/Press

Big Boy Sit Ups

Overhead Ruck Press

Two Ferns and Dinghy got us to working, and somehow we had finished 100 squats before doing half of the other movements. The veterans jumped in to help the TL and ATL get better, and it was a solid showing of how a team can execute a goal during a GORUCK event. We finished all except for 25 Flutters and 40 Hand Release Merkins before time ran out.

As a result of the lack of completion, strap privileges for the rucks were taken away for the ruck back to COT. At about the halfway point the rucks were to be held overhead. That wasn’t pleasant.


In all, the PAX did work and everybody learned a thing or two about leading a team. Solid work, men.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Acceleration Through Consistency

COP/Warm Up

Lap around lot to warm up. YHC played Christmas tunes today.


Moroccan Night Clubs

Low Slow Squats

Slow Windmills

Round 1

20 KB Swings

20 Shoulder Press

20 Around the World

Method of Travel: Bear Crawl/KB Drag to next line of spaces, rinse/repeat out and back

Round 2

10 Merkins w/Hand on Bell

10 Halos

10 Skull Crushers (The halo/tricep combo got real hard real quick)

Method of Travel: Lunge Walk w/Bell to next line of spaces, rinse/repeat out and back 

Round 3 

5 Burpee Snatches

5 One Arm Curls (Both sides)

5 One Legged RDL’s (Both Sides)

Method of Travel: Crab Walk w/Bell to next line of spaces, rinse/repeat out and back


High Plank/Drag Bell Left/Right 10 times.

Mosey back to COT, 18 flutter kicks w/press as the boot campers rolled back in.




YHC gave a quick message to the PAX about how this weinke was mostly copied by a Fishsticks burner in October. The idea was that we as a group constantly focus on the next big thing or the hardest movement combo to spice things up. While that makes us better in a way, getting stronger at things we’ve done in the past is another way to accelerate. Focus on what you’re good at and master it. We won’t always benefit from doing the next big thing.

YHC played a song this morning during the warmup by Straight No Chaser (which as Wegmans put it is like “Music ADHD”). This song is a fantastic medley, but it shows what putting too much into something can do to the flow of things and the overall effectiveness.



Dam to Damn Bar 10K Jan 30th. Sign up!

Slash will be buying rounds at Amor Artis after Stangs Fort Mill Golf Tournament this weekend.



Mills’ family via Drop Thrill

Splinter is donating a kidney to a friend in need

3D’s surgery

Praises for health 

Praises for our kids and their joy that is so visible


Thanks for the opportunity to lead, 3D. YHC is always ready.

Punch List out.


TClap |

Pantheon Pyramid

Prior to posting, YHC was requested to wear the shortest of shorts by our 1st F Q – Gears. YHC was happy to comply. 

A chilly 38 degrees made for a nice leggy start to the morning… in the height of the current political drama (that YHC is so wrapped up in), a bible verse was spoken prior to the disclaimer. 

Hebrews 13:8 – 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” 

YHC spoke said verse because the focus shouldn’t be so much on earthly things as it has been. 

Disclaimer was stated, and we were off. Lap Around to Back of School, jump onto the playground/turf.




15 Tappy Taps IC

15 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Yoga Flow/Stretch Out

Line up facing Basketball Court (watch out for the ropes!)



Each round added an exercise to the mix, starting with 5 burpees. Once we reach 30 SSH, we worked our way back down by removing the exercise with the most reps. Between each round we ran about 50 yards total. 

5 Burpees

10 Big Boys

15 Merkins

20 Squats

25 CDD’s

30 SSH


Mosey to Basketball Court

Line up on base line. Crab Walk to Half Court, feet first. Flip and crab walk head first to other base line.

Suicide foul line, half court, foul line, base line. 

Bear Crawl to half court, craw bear to other base line. 

Suicide from this base line. 

Inch worm to half court, on your six.

Windshield Wipers with legs per YHC’s count (left/right).


Begin Mosey back toward COT, stopping on the way for some Fifer Scissors x 25.

Reach COT, flutter in wait for six. 

Rosalitas x 20

WWI Sit Ups x 10



A great showing by all. YHC was gassed after Honey Badger and Block Party. Divac apparently loves suicides. Who knew?? 


Announcements – 

The Fort is traveling to Rock Hill this Friday, and Metro next Thursday. Hit up Shady for info/clown cars. 


Prayers/Praises – 

Prayers for Fish Sticks’ MIL – Flu like symptoms developing.

Prayers for MR. T and his family.

Prayers for Short Sale’s family with multiple people battling illness/pneumonia.

Prayers for Opie’s FIL – bad car accident causing 6 cracked ribs and now pneumonia. He is out of the ICU thankfully.


Thanks 38 Special for the opportunity to lead.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

Shield Lock 2020.1

Bobber and YHC were tossing around an idea of doing a Shield Lock focused month at his AO over the Summer – and we were finally able to land on the month of November. Today was part one of YHC’s shield lock taking over Block Party for the month to discuss the SL and inflict pain.

So, what is a Shield Lock (SL)? 

If you click the link above, you’ll read about it in a manner much better articulated than YHC could. A Shield Lock is a metaphor of men who “lock shields” together to form a stronger barrier against those powers actively trying to bring us back to sad clown status. If you’ve seen the movie 300, you’ve seen a Shield Lock (Phalanx) in action and how effective it can be against an attacking force.

YHC led with a quick message about the SL being a group of 3-5 men with a common goal of getting better. YHC highlighted the three P’s (3P) of the SL being Proximate, Purposeful, and Periodic. Two of YHC’s SL were in attendance this morning, World Wide Leader (WWL) and Wegmans.

With that, we moseyed to the spot of our first iteration. Today’s Weinke was designed to focus on the ups/downs and how the men to your left and right can motivate you through the differing paces of life.



“Proximity requires physical nearness. The Shield Lock will not function if its Members are geographically disparate. While men no longer literally interlock their shields to fight, the metaphorical battle still requires physical contact. Teams are founded upon Trust , and Trust waxes and wanes in direct proportion to physical distance. Trust is hard to build and maintain, and the farther away another man is the harder it is to Trust him.”


Slow/Pulse Circuit

Low Slow Squats x 20

Hold 60 Seconds at end of last squat

Pulse 20 times


Forward Lunges x 15 (one side at a time)

Hold 60 Seconds at end of last lunge 

Pulse 20 times

Flap Jack


PAX get into Forward Leaning Rest Position – 

Merkins x 10 IC

Plank Hold – 30 Seconds

Lift one leg at a time, pulse 20 times up and down


Mosey to Upper Pike Lot



“By locking shields with other men, the HIM hedges his brother’s peak against his own valley, and vice-versa. He knows that his valleys will tempt him to the Flux, and that he will need the strength of his brother’s peak to maintain Acceleration. Likewise, he knows that it will be his peak that provides his brother the bulwark he will need when a valley draws him toward the Flux. This, not companionship, is the ultimate Purpose of the Shield Lock and its primary distinction from a Club.”

WWL is a man of discipline. So much so that every evening at promptly 8:34 a text comes through from him highlighting four items, as a daily AAR.

  1. Daily Weight
  2. Daily Red Pill (DRP)
  3. Completion of our SL Bible Plan
  4. One extracurricular activity to better one’s self (reading a book, spending time with M/2.0, community service, etc).

This purposeful communication allows YHC to better fight the Flux and stay out of the valleys that are inevitable, and to return the favor to WWL and other members of the SL when they are down in valleys.


Build Up/Bearpee Circuit 


8 CT Body Builders:Bear Crawls

Many breaks were taken during this iteration, as it sucked terribly. During one of said breaks, YHC took time to talk about a hero (or anti hero, if you so perceive it) in the Bible – Samson. He was a man of great strength but he had many weaknesses. Instead of surrounding himself with strong, like minded men, he decided to take the solo path and “do it himself.” On many occasions, he made decisions that were unbecoming of his path as a Nazarite, and it led to his ultimate destruction. Ultimately Samson came back to God and was given strength to perform one more time for God’s glory – but YHC regularly wonders how Samson would have ended up if he had solid counsel and strong men to his left and right.


Now, my man Wegmans has it all going on in the SL. He uses a perfect combination of sass and positive language to really drive home a point of when YHC is veering off the Path. A true linguistic HIM that doesn’t let you give a BS answer when push comes to shove. He is not bashful in his correction of YHC and others in the SL. Every man needs someone to speak to them like this from time to time – especially in a horizontal relationship such as the SL.



“Periodic is the final element of the 3P. The Shield Lock must come together periodically to be Effective. For the HIM, this is a form of preventive maintenance. The Amateur waits until the needle is on empty before he stops for gas, but the Pro fills his tank periodically–regardless of where his needle is pointing at any given moment. By meeting periodically, the Members of the Shield Lock recognize each other’s incipient valleys and proactively initiate the fight against the Flux as a Team. In this way, the Shield Lock parcels out the pain felt by the man in the valley and bears it together as a team.”

Every Tuesday at 0445, YHC’s SL comes together for an hour ruck followed by an additional DRP to strengthen one another. We takes turns switching out who Q’s.


Fast/Hill DORA Circuit

Because what good is a message about the Shield Lock without some DORA?

Partner up, P1 runs down Massey St Hill and back while P2 works on reps of:


CDD’s/Curb Dips/Seal Jacks

Head back to COT.


What has my SL done for me?

It has kept me away from bad habits, kept my head up in challenging times, it has allowed me to tap into wisdom that I would have otherwise been blind to if I were doing this thing alone. It has stretched and challenged me to be a better man. It has given me life long friends. 

At the end of the work out, YHC asked by show of hands who was in a Shield Lock. About 75% of the PAX raised their hands. Good.

If you’re not in a SL, look to your left and your right. Who do you post with regularly? Who’s in a similar stage of life? It doesn’t have to be some magical connection reminiscent of a Hallmark movie. We are men who (for the most part) all have the same struggles. This is important. Take the step!


Dirty Harry and Repeat are the other two in YHC’s shield lock. They could not be in attendance due to illness today, but they have impacted YHC in many ways.

DH is the kind of friend who will do dumb things with you because you want to do them. By dumb, YHC means ridiculous GORUCK training and marathon rucks – for fun. He has impacted YHC in many ways beyond taking a DRP, as he has served our country and he proudly serves his M and 2.0’s above all others.

Repeat is the quiet one in the group, but he has stepped up when hitting the peaks to pull YHC out of the valleys. He is a solid member of the group and has walked alongside YHC recently in life challenges that we both are facing. YHC is happy to have him in the group.



FiA LKW Marathon this weekend – hit up Slow Jamz for more info!

Fort Mill Golf Tournament Dec 12 – hit up Stang for more info.

Christmas Party up and coming. 

Read your newsletter.


Rebel’s 2.0 is 23 today! 

Praise for YHC’s Shield Lock

Prayers for our country.

Prayers for One Niner looking for a job. 


Bobber – thank you for tapping our SL to lead on such an important topic. We men cannot do this alone.

Punch List out.

TClap |

Hive 10.23.20

7 Pax arrived at Fort Mill High School for the Kettle Bell workout this morning.


1 lap around the parking lot

SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches, Arm Circles

Main Event

3 rounds, 5 sets, 3 exercises, and 1 mode of transportation across the parking lot

Rd 1

20 Shoulder Presses

20 Squats

20 Around the Worlds

Lunge walk with KB to the next parking space, rinse and repeat exercises above

Rd 2

10 KB Swings

10 Halos

10 Flutters

Bear crawl with KB to the next parking space, rinse and repeat exercises above

Rd 3

10 Curls

10 LBCs

10 Chest Presses

Crab walk with KB to the next parking space, rinse and repeat exercises above


Great job everyone!

TClap |

Stay Hard

I’ve been reading a handful of books these days, and one phrase that has stuck within my mind (as well as my SL) is #StayHard. It has pushed me through the mindset of “I can’t do this” or “I shouldn’t do this.” How many times have we told ourselves that? My question for the PAX today was this: will you stay hard?

And with that, we moseyed.


Iteration 1 – Bus Loop Hill Elevens

Nur up grass hill

Run down grass hill 

Bobby Hurleys at the top, CDD’s at the bottom.

Mosey around back of school to playground, switchbacking through the parking lot as we travel.


Iteration 2 – Playground Circuit

10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 

Pull Ups

20 – 15 – 10 – 5

Burpees – Merkins – Squats – Lunge Walk – Dips 

Do one round of pull-ups, then one round of the BMSLD’s. Drop the count, repeat. Work your way down to the end.

Low plank in wait for the six between each round.

Mosey to front soccer field in a roundabout fashion.


Iteration 3 – Soccer Field Bear Crawl CMIYC

P1 Bear Crawls while partner Bomb Jacks, mosey to partner and flap jack. 

5 Bomb jacks each round, 5 rounds total. It was just enough for a full out and back between goals.



20 x WWI Sit Up

10 x Gas Pumpers w/arms raised

10 x Crunchy Frog


‘Twas a wonderful beatdown that encouraged heavy breathing and sore body parts. 2.4 miles traveled in total. The men put in the work, and it was good. Remember when you’re feeling weak or sore, you can still push through your mental barriers. Stay hard.



FIA Marathon – Support them any way you can!

Chikin N Wizdom Zoom tomorrow morning, 0630 – 0715 w/Straight Up!


Prayer Requests

Ruby Slippers’ co-coaches son, Levi, having seizures more often than usual – pray for this bout of his epilepsy to subside.

Those who are isolated due to COVID, in and out of medical facilities.

Cake Boss’ injury and being on IR.

Geronimo’s job search.


Thanks Ruby Slippers for scheduling me literally three months ago! Felt like forever, but YHC still didn’t have the weinke built until last night… hope y’all enjoyed it.


Punch List out.

TClap |

Army Captain John D. Hortman

Frequently Asked Questions - CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness


Can’t remember the last time YHC Q’ed HB. Happy to be back to what was the normal Monday AO for about a year. Refugee pulled up looking patriotic as ever and YHC was pleased. 0500 hit and we got to work.


Short Mosey around the parking lot. 


10 x Windmill

10 x Tappy Tap

20 x SSH

Runner’s Stretch/Yoga Flow 


Today we honored Army Capt. John D. Hortman, 30, from Inman, SC; who died in a helicopter crash at Fort Benning, GA. His light attack helicopter crashed on a live-fire range during an exercise with the Army Rangers and other special operations troops. Also killed in the crash was Chief Warrant Officer Steven B. Redd. Both were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Campbell, KY. They were both part of the highly trained Night Stalker aviators. Hortman graduated from West Point in 2004. He was a combat veteran with three deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He is survived by his mother, Brenda Jones; sister, Jill; and brother, Andy Pierce.


Mosey over to pull up bars to layout the iteration. Trucker was pleased to head in said direction. 


AMRAP in 45 minutes

800 Meter Run 

80 Air Squats

8 Muscle Ups (Subbed Pull Ups/Dips ILO Muscle Ups)

Most completed 5 rounds. Our “400M stop sign out and back” was more of a 600M so we all ran about a 5K in the midst of the WOD. Solid work by all. Sasquatch arrived at 0518 and still did the same amount of work as all of us.

We finished the 45 minutes of the WOD and had some time to focus on the core.


Six Minutes of Mary in Cadence

In & Outs

Forward Bicycle

Reverse Bicycle

Crunchy Frog

Fifer Scissors

Freddie Mercuries 


Mosey back to COT. 



Great work today, we were all pretty winded so mumble chatter fell by the wayside – but that means it was difficult. That’s what it should be – as we honored Hortman can no longer fight for our country. This is what I love about this AO. We suffer because they no longer can. Knowing they paid the ultimate sacrifice prompts YHC to fight harder for more reps and faster runs. 



Anniversary Party coming up this Friday night. Read your newsletter or hit up Backdraft for details!

Shovel Flag hand off happening at RPG this Friday. 


Sasquatch’s SIL is having a planned C-Section this Thursday. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mom/baby. 


Thank you, Shield, for the chance to lead these men.


Punch List out.

TClap |

The site formally known as The COOP.

Let me start off by saying cancer sucks. It took one of our PAX last week and I am still mad about it. Jay Griggs known in the gloom as Cash, 51 battled this aweful disease on and off for about two years. He left behind his wife Christine and two kids Katie (14) and Will (12). We came together today to do a workout for him and also to rename this AO in his honor. We wanted to give a name that if someone who didnt know Cash would ask we could explain that the name was in his honor and keep Jays legacy in The Fort going. More on the name at the end.
We statrted with a disclaimer and quick dynamic warmup.
51 SSHs in cadence.
Mosey down the hill for some instructions.
3 cones at bottom of hill. do the first cone run up hill to nafo crosswalk do 10 bombjacks, run back to pull up bars do 5 pull ups, run down to bottom of hill for the next cone, keep repeating until YHC stops the group.
Cone 1- Merkins and Squats
Cone 2- CDDs and American Hammers
Cone 3- Alternating lunges and Alternating Shoulder taps
At each of the cones we did a total between the two exercises 51 reps.
Mosey back to Cot.
We took this time to let the Pax know the AO formally known as The Coop was now to be known as Ring of Fire. One of Jonny Cashs greatest hits. So when someone says how did this palce get the name we can explain.
Announcements and naming of FNG.
FNG- Sappin Patel- Spam
reach out to funhouse to help with at risk middle school kids on their off days from school_ takes palce at forest hill church.
8th annual anniversary party of the Fort. held Oct 2nd 630-930 at 3399 Pleasant Rd. Convergence the following morning at 0630 first baptist fort mill.
for the family of Cash.
marriages and keeping real with raising shorties.
Backdraft Out.

TClap |

ISI DORA at The Armory

It has been 1 year and 5 days since YHC last Q’ed at The Armory. Quite a few fond memories of the AO… including almost splashing merlot under the leadership of Assassin. Always a privilege to be asked to lead such a fine establishment. The cars just kept rolling in this morning… and luck would have it that an even number of PAX showed up. A few newer faces appeared and YHC was happy to be introduced. 



Proverbs 27:17 –

Mosey to Concrete Benches w/bells.

COP in Cadence

10 x Diamond Merkins on Bells

10 x KB Swings

5 x Burpees

10 x OH Press

20 x SSH

Overhead Hold KB while YHC explains weinke. 


Tell PAX to partner up with someone of equal “shape” or “fitness.” PAX 1 does exercise, PAX 2 moseys out and back to a determined point. Both PAX keep number of reps secret from one another. Once the specific movement is completed, disclose number of reps. PAX with lower number of reps does a penalty exercise to make up the difference. Other partner planks in the meantime. The goal of this is to push your partner to do more reps than you. To run faster than you. To push them to push you. To sharpen each other. 

Round 1 – Lower


Goblet Squat/Bomb Jacks

KB Swings/Bomb Jacks

Alternating Lunges/Bomb Jacks

Step Ups w/Bell/Bomb Jacks

Round 2 – Upper

Straightaway Sprints Three Islands Out + Back


Strict OH Press/Halos



Skull Crushers/Halos

Round 3 – Full Body/Hybrid Movements


Turkish Get UPS/Man makers

Burpee Snatch/Man makers

1 Arm Clean and Press/Man makers

Z Press/Man makers (American Hammer body position with OH Press)


Five minutes left – head back to COT to knock out some Mary.

American Hammers w/KB x 20

Flutters w/press x 20

Hello Dolly w/extended hold x 20

KB 3 Count Sit Ups x 5 (as Dirty Harry put it – it’s like the Big Boy Sit up and the American Hammer got together and had a baby). 



The Fort has a birthday coming up! Look out for info on Slack.

Alcatraz will have the most mumble chatter ever as Stang and Trucker co-Q this Saturday.


Truckers 2.0 – injured and cannot play football at the moment – pray for his spirits to remain high as he navigates a tough situation. 

Pray for our children – especially those who are most impressionable right now by every message being thrown at them. Nature Boy said it well that he’s at a point in his life where he and his peers are most susceptible to influence from outside sources. 

Prayers for we as fathers to lead our children on the right path while they navigate their daily challenges. Prayers that we can push them on toward Christ. 

Today was fun. It involved much sharpening and the group in attendance was quite encouraging. Props to Band Camp for keeping up with Tesh, to Dirty Harry for not splashing merlot, and to Singlet & Nature Boy for literally sprinting every time I saw them running. Oh to be young…

Thanks UHAUL for the privilege to lead.

Punch List out. 

TClap |

A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath

With the new boot camp option East of the Peach Stand, YHC quickly volunteered to Q. Very exciting to see the new AO up and running under the leadership of L Train. After asking to Q, he mentioned that he wants a message at this AO every week, so YHC was challenged as well. The message is built into the work, stopping and holding a static movement prior to each iteration of a workout.

0515 struck and the boot campers broke off from the kettlebell crew. We hit the pavement and toured parts of CRHS that have seemingly been untouched by the Snake Pit!

Movement 1/COP – Mosey around back of school to parking lot near baseball fields (.5 miles).

Circle Up


Tappy Taps

SLOW Moroccans

1:5, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, Burpees:SSH


Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Exasperate – To irritate or frustrate intensely.

Let’s face it. Parenting is hard. When I’ve given it all of I’ve got and I know that my child needs to be loved… love is the last thing I want to show them with the way that they respond to my attempted disciplines. This commonly leads to me either raising my voice louder and being shorter with them, or taking away privileges and toys – much to their chagrin. It’s a lose/lose – and this is because it doesn’t show the training and instruction of the Lord. 

Last night was one of those nights. My M was out with friends and I was in charge of the four of them. I put my toddler down, and had my 4 month old in my arms as I was putting my 3 & 5 year old to bed. Things went south quickly as they began to deviate from my “plan” – and I lost my temper. I screamed louder than I can remember in order to prove a point. Much to my dismay – it only worsened the situation. 


3 space lunge walk, 10 squats. Mosey back.

6 space lunge walk, 20 squats. Mosey back.

9 space lunge walk, 30 squats. Mosey back.

12 space lunge walk, 40 squats. Mosey back.

15 space lunge walk, 50 squats. Mosey back.


Movement 2 – Mosey to Band Practice Field (.3 miles)

Low Plank.

How does one show love to their children while training them up in the ways of the Lord?

Proverbs 15:1

“A gentle answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

No matter how frustrating it can be. No matter how annoyed I grow. No matter how much I am not getting what I want from my 3 and 5 year olds in the way of behavior… I cannot respond with a harsh word. I cannot yell. I cannot lose my temper because my kids are not giving me what I want. Think about it. Parenting and marriage are some of the greatest sanctification tools we’ll ever come to know. If we can keep our head on straight as Jesus did with the Pharisees, we can turn away wrath in our children and lead them in the proper direction. If we lose our temper due to a low boiling point… we only make our children more angry.

After the incident of yelling at my daughters, I spent some time downstairs putting my youngest to sleep. My oldest then came downstairs and did the most amazing thing: she showed me grace by asking to cuddle with me. My heart immediately melted and I was deeply challenged by what I was experiencing. A lesson from my five year old – how to respond gently. I immediately jumped at the opportunity to partake of a precious moment with her. It changed the course of the rest of the evening.


Bear Crawl four steps, do one six count burpee in cadence. Bear crawl eight, do two burpees. It grows to forty:ten. 

4:1 – 40:10

This iteration was a crowd pleaser… and was particularly difficult.


Movement 3 – Mosey to Stadium Ticket Booth/Booster Building (.3 miles)

People’s Chair.

How do we respond if we’re feeling discouraged and not offered grace by our 2.0’s?

Lamentations 3:22-23

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new each morning; great is your faithfulness.”

If you’re feeling like I’m feeling right now – discouraged and feeling like a failure with regard to being a parent. Remember that there is grace and always another chance. The LORD will always offer another chance if you are willing to take it. Do not lose heart; The Lord’s compassions are new each morning. Keep your head up. Love your families. Do your best. 

How do we identify strengths in our children? Maybe the things we perceive as needing correction maybe just need direction? Strength, resilience, organization. All can read their head in a way that we could perceive as a problem – but maybe it’s something we need to hone within our 2.0’s. 


While holding People’s Chair – PAX step off and do 5 reps of a movement, one at a time:


Bomb Jacks

Mosey back to COT to link up with the Snake Pit. Solid work, men.



Invergence – Friday – Forest Hill Fort Mill – 0515



Pray for Drop Thrill’s brother with a head injury, currently in ATL

Praise for Drop Thrill becoming a Great Uncle for the third time! 

Prayers for relationships. UHAUL’s neighbors are moving away. “Take advantage of the relationships you have while you have them.”

Prayers for our jobs as husbands, fathers, friends. How do we respond when we don’t get our way?


Thanks, L Train, for the second Q at Bushwood! Welcome FNG Gilligan!

Punch List out.

TClap |