Take More Risk

National Trail Day begged for trails run. So did Pusher’s trail shoes he hadn’t used. Glorious morning in the Gloom, with lively pax and a virgin trail journey by Assassin.

For those keeping score, we covered 5.5-6 miles by cruising down 160 to horse barn Greenway entrance, right down no name trail to the service rd to Cantrell to Lake Haigler for a pause at Badger Memorial bench/tree to pay respects to loop around Lake back to Timberline trail on far side to Kingsley trail to back entrance to Kingsley taking us home.

along the way there were stops to “water” the foliage, hydrate via normal ingestion or a swim (Olaf) and plenty of mumblechatter.

COT: Message today honored Badger and Pusher together. Badger’s early passing proves we aren’t guaranteed anything. Pusher’s desire to take on trails along with many late age humans wishing they’d played the game of life more aggressively as they come to the end teaches us to #TakeMoreRisk as we live each day

thanks for the Q stick Pusher!

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Golfin at the Pond

The Q “came in hot” to the AO and thanks to Backdraft the Pledge of Allegiance was completed.


At each green:
5 Burpees
10 Merkins
15 Squats
20 Mtn Climbers

Back to COT

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Board & Broga

WARMUP: Light & Moderate

THE THANG: Board of Fortune

MARY: Broga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Upcoming 6/10 events (Kenya & Boss Hogg)

COT: Prayers & Praises

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Indian Jog

WARMUP: 10 Each- SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, cherry pickers, 10 Merkins OYO, 5 Burpee’s OYO
Indian run to 160 with 2 pain stations:
Pain station #1
2 rounds of 4 corners 10-squats, 20-lunges, 30-Monkey Humpers, 40- Bomb jacks
Pain station#2
11’s- Diamond Merkins, HR Merkins
Indian Jog back to COT
MARY: 2-Minutes
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q-Source, Kenya awareness convergence, Care Center Volunteers
COT: Yes

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What do all these numbers mean?!?

WARMUP: SSH, slooooow windmills, produce pickers, imp walkers, hillbilly walkers, mountain climbers – generally a bakers dozen of each

We also ran around lowes for some dips
THE THANG: AMRAP: one minute of work with 30 secs of recovery of the following: shoulder taps, big bois, squats, hand release merkins, American hammers, monkey humpers – record your count with chalk


Added 10 secs to each exercise for third round with goal of pushing to beat your highest count from the previous 2 rounds
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph, konvergence for Kenya, boss Hogg send off – possibly others – see news letter
COT: prayers and praises for grads

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Farewell Repeat Farewell

CakeBoss led mosey down trail towards Harris Street
Stop every 100 yards for exercise
Tap out (head spin 2.0) assisted 1st time with leading
Get to Harris street park and get partner. (Can’t do life without others in your life) partner 1 suicides
Partner 2 exercise (Merkin, leg lifts, CDDs)
Flip flop

Partner 1 bear crawl path full circle
Partner 2 5 burpees then chase #1

Mosey up Harris Street
Every 2nd light pole do 10 calf raises

Hand off to Pusher
DORA 1-2-3
Partner 1 runs around church
Partner 2 Merkins, big boys, squats

Mosey down street to spring’s old office park for some Mary

Jailbreak to COT

Repeat moving to Chucktown and will be missed as a leader in The Fort but we will pray for him and his growing family and know he will always be with us.

Pusher says take your vitamins and say your prayers and you’ll be strong like him👏🏻🥓🎸🔥

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Rock buddy

Ran around and did some wheelbarrows up a hill then pull up bars and another hill and sprint and squat and merkin and laugh and more squat and Mary and pray. Twas glorious!

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We ran

We had 9 on a beautiful morning at Flight Plan.

Praises for kids getting engaged, kids taking learners permit tests, coming home safely from school.

Prayers for Jay (Bass-O’s Dad)

Thankful for the Lord holding us close and blessing us with much to praise Him for.

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Triple-Check Balcony Runs in Baxter

– Plank Jacks
– Windmills
– Moroccan Squats
– Mountain Climbers
– Seal Jacks

Mosey across 160 to back side of “The Exchange” building in Baxter
Get into groups of 3 for Triple-Check

1 person in people chair
1 person doing exercise (below)
1 person running the balcony

Rotate when person running balcony gets back.

1. Merkins
2. Heels to heaven
3. Seal jacks
4. Box Cutters
5. Shoulder Taps
6. Freddie Mercurys

Out of time – head back toward COT

Seniors Choice:
Flounder – the hurdler (each leg)
Twister – gas pumper
Triple Indy – LBCs (I think)

Great work men!

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From the Archives

WARMUP: Disclaimer and Pledge were pronounced. Nothing else is allowed at MP if there’s no FNG.

THE THANG: pax ran to WEP and mustered at the far end along path near 160 and Sidney Johnson St (who is that guy?).

3 rounds of running and pain as follows:

round 1: Run (not a mosey!) across park to hill, bear crawl to top, 20 squats, bear crawl down, run back to start, 20 shoulder taps, plank for the six.

round 2: repeat, adding 20 monkey humpers after squats

round 3: repeat adding 20 side lunges after humpers

mosey to WEP parking lot

AMRAP session (AKA Free MacGyver)

run to top of stairway to heaven 10 merkins, run to parking lot at entrance from Ardrey St, 10 Freddy’s

repeat sequence adding 10 to each exercise on each end until time is called

mosey home

COT: solid work by all pax today — 100% veteran HIMs, good push, average mumble chatter, solid reminders of GetTo, no plateaus, no finish lines. stay close to your brothers and keep posting.

veteran pray out by 3rd F Q Emeritus Short Sale.

Thanks for the invite Funhouse and for keeping the Pond spicy!

appreciate the much needed recharge from you men! long live The Fort!

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