
– SSH >> Butt kickers
– Windmills >> Toy soldiers
– Imperial Walkers >> High knees
– Squats >> Shuffle left/right
– Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Mountain Climbers

Cones 1-7 set up in a line about 30 yards apart. Do first exercise (in list below) and the number of reps is the cone number – so, do 1 at first cone, 2 at second, and so on. After last cone, run back to first and plank until 6 gets in. Repeat for each exercise.

– Flying Squirrels
– Low Slow Squats
– Bomb Jacks
– Plank Jacks (4 count)
– Run Stance Switch

Broad jump flying squirrels – paxs line up and count their broad jumps across parking lot. All pax do flying squirrels (rep is least number of broad jumps among pax). The number was 12

Wall sits, 2 rounds
– Jack Reacher
– Step out and do 4 count plank jack

– American Hammer
– Freddie Mercury

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That hill was too close not to use….

WARMUP: Run to lot, SSH, squats, etc. good 10 minutes.
THE THANG: Run up hill AMRAP Merkins, run to top of other hill to parking lot for 20 flying squirrels. Do that until told otherwise.
MARY: 18 of us decided to do the difficult thing today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D info. Lots of good stuff.
COT: Prayers for marriages, friends suffering from depression, praise for time spent with kids.

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“Jump Program” and FNGs…what are you talking about?

Go back to when you were told, “say your hospital name, age, FNG” at your first workout. We likely can all recall that exact moment. You were probably like most of us, “now what happens, AND, what just happened”…aside from likely knowing you were going to be sore the next day. Maybe someone was in your ear during the workout encouraging you, maybe asking you questions when you’re just trying your best not to merlot, or maybe no one really said much to you (or you zoned them out) because you were just trying to follow along with the exercises or the lingo. Whatever your experience was, how long was it until you started understanding the small things like: “oh, that’s what an AO is”, or “now I get why I shouldn’t look up merkin on the internet”, or “there’s someone that schedules people to lead a workout?”…or pick your question.

The bigger question is, when did you start to feel like one of the PAX and you belong.

As we continue to pick up FNGs weekly (good work here!), the question this group of 6 that developed the “Jump Program” asked each other is: “how can we get these guys plugged in to F3 faster, how do we answer some of these basic questions we all now take for granted, how do we make them feel welcome and that they belong, how do we not leave this man behind”.

Since none of had the one silver bullet answer to this question, this is where the “stuff worth trying” mindset really came into play and the Jump Program was willing to try, fail, try, fail…rinse and repeat, with a mission to be intentional about making FNGs feel included, drive relationships early, and provide an F3 overview within 1 month of 1st post.

We started with looking at day 1 for an FNG and came up with this acronym SINCK (sounds like sync) which we want to share and have you apply it as best you can. Yes take liberties of course as these aren’t rules or core principles; hence the “worth trying” application.

  • S – Selfless
  • I – Impression
  • N – Naming
  • C – Connection
  • K – Knowing (as in get to know)

Selfless: Todays workout isn’t about you (non-FNG Pax reading this now)

Inclusion: Give some space, but make sure FNG has a guy with him from beginning to end outside of the EH Pax and Site Q – give him a sense of inclusion

Naming: Be mindful of body language as he’s being named – we want him to come back out and his name shouldn’t take away from that (we know names don’t matter but he doesn’t)

Connection: Remember, you’re his first impression of F3 so try and connect with him, or listen for clues on who he may connect and relate to

Knowing: Get to know him and gather some background (who EH’d, how’d you hear about F3, where do you live?)

Once the FNG has been named, this is where the Jump Program kicks off. We have been gathering FNGs and their contact information and have a goal in offering monthly off-the-books (OTB) workouts. We’ve kept this OTB in an effort to remove the intimidation FNGs tend to feel in the beginning when working out with guys who have been working out a lot longer than them and/or they’re still trying to figure out what a Carolina dry dock is. The Jump Program team has been co-Q’ing a 30 minute workout, very Q-school 101’esq, along with a coffeeteria intro to F3 Q&A following the workout. Having co-Qs allows the newer PAX to ask questions, allows the co-Qs to answer questions and/or address basic “when I was new, this is what I remember having questions about, or not finding out about ‘x’ until I was a year into F3”. We all have these stories of course, but the idea is that the new PAX outnumber the co-Qs with the goal that they are surrounded by PAX on the same F3 knowledge base (i.e. they feel like one of the guys b/c the guy standing next to them knows just as much as they do!).

Certainly more to come as this evolves, and would love your help with FNGs encouraging them to attend the monthly OTB Jump Program workouts. If they miss one, they’re invited to come to the next one and more than once if they’d like. If you can help apply the SINCK, maybe this is something that makes the FNG think “I could see myself working out with this group”, which we all know is the first bite of the apple we all took when someone pulled us aside and said, “remember, you need to say your hospital name, age, FNG”.

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Clemson mumble chatter

WARMUP: Lots of compliments about my Clemson hoodie especially from Assassin and Pusher. I think Backdraft wanted to punch me. JK. A little mosey after a few DIAs don’t ask. We did some dips, derkins, SSHs and various movements to get warmed up. All were warm with the hot air flying around from the mumble chatter.
THE THANG: pulled out the orange signs from the Yeti a while back. Lots of compliments on the visibility of them. NOT! 5 stations with 5 exercises at each stop. Stop 1. 25 reps – American hammers, mtn. Climbers, squats, SS hops, Rosalitas. Stop 2. 15 reps – merkins, big boy sit-ups, squats, LBCs, plank jacks. Stop 3 20 reps – monkey humpers, calf raises, sumo squats, seal jacks, weezy jeffersons. Stop 4. Reps 10 – flutters, SS hops, mtn. Climbers, American hammers, shoulder taps. Stop 5. Reps 30 – imperial walkers, Peter Parker’s, Parker peters, gas pumpers, hello dolly. Noted that @backdraft was concerned that the rep count didn’t increase as the stops progressed.
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, newsletter.
COT: very open personal prayers shared. We will leave it at that. Good transparency. Love my F3 brothers

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Pink Mangoes and Root Beers Dum Dum Pops

2 went on a run.
2 brought extra weight to the bootcamp.
Being a moderate, I gave it everything I had to match to intensity of those who showed.

Warm up:
ran to the top of “the” hill and alternated types of exercises: standing, on your 6, standing, plank. Various exercises, 3 times, count about 10-15.
Back down the hill and a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
The main event:
different exercises with a run in between, utilizing the stairs, all the stairs.
Again, a few monkey humpers for our friends from Minnow Pond.
One round of Assassin suicides (repeat instructions to Bandcamp as needed).
back near COT for the crowd favorite Mahktar N’Diayes
Finish up with Jack Webb, very near a full JW
Various exercises through out included:
imp walker, hillbilly walker, toy soldier, freddie mercury, gas pumpers, LL Squat, side squat, jump squat, travolta, merkins, SSH, flying squirrels, shoulder taps, crunches, O/H claps, BB sits.
Thanks to DOJO for the nod and all of those who participated at 80% or more.

Looks like we made it,
Barry Manilow

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DORA Ready with an unexpected whistle

Disclaimer: when you hear a whistle you owe 10 burpees; intermittent whistles throughout (maybe 10 times)

WARMUP: 50 SSH, of course, and a few others warmup type stuff

– Dora #1
— 200 Merk’s
— 200 Dips
— 100 Derkins
— 100 Wide grip merks
* Partner did a 50’ish yd Bear Crawl [lots of mummblechatter here?!? Some preferring the bear crawl over merks?, guessing the holidays make some of the pax soft?? 🙂 ]

– DORA #2
— 100 squats
— 150 Monkey humpers
— whatever was next nobody got to…
* Partner did a 40ish yd Duck walk

MESSAGE: we do dumb stuff in the gloom to prepare for the unexpected; the whistle, the burpees represents the unexpected in life; continue your preparedness

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Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Coming in Hot on a cold Tuesday morning

WARMUP: laps until Q showed up
Mosey to front of school
3 rounds of 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 10 squats
Mosey towards elementary school entrance
Run to 5 light poles and perform exercises
Round 1: 10 lunges each pole
Round 2: 10 Carolina dry dock
Round 3: 5 Weezy Jefferson’s
Round 4: 10 calf raises
Round 5: 10 diamond merkins
Round 6: 10 flutters

Mosey to back of school
Partner 1 runs across bridge and back Partner 2 exercise
1) LBCs
2) Merkins
3) Sumo Squats

Wall sit
PAX bear crawl
Wall sit
PAX 5 Merkins

Indian mosey back to COT
Christmas Eve Clave Boss and Convergence Saturday 0630 wheels up

Dam2Dam- look it up

Lots of prayers and praises
Enjoy the moments and don’t get fought up in the complaints
Peace Joy and Love men!!

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12 days of painmas

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot across the street for a circle and warm up exercises.

THE THANG: mosey more over to medical building and get going on the 12 days.  

Not moderate.  Good work put in. Fellowship was pretty quiet by about day 5.

Do day one, run around building.

Plank for 6.  

Do day two, day one then around the building, etc

1 Donkey Kick


3 Jumping Lunges

4 Merkins

5 Squats

6 Burpees

7 Bombjacks

8 Sumo Squats


10 Flutters IC

11 Monkey Humpers

12 Diamond Merkins

During Plank we got to hear about Pax fav Christmas gift memory as a kid.  Sounded like a lot of our folks were hitting the Sears catalog or the local KB Toy in the mall for the best stuff.  

Outside of Old Bay who got a dot matrix printer.  Prob from Radio Shack.  We are renaming him Tandy.

MARY:  no time for her.  It took all 45 to wrap the 12 days.  Site q was nervous we’d be late during run back.


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Oldie but goodie @ pantheon

WARMUP: mosey to dumpster. SSH Merkins Moroccan night clubs plank stretching mosey back to front of school
THE THANG: 3 min of 3 exercises(10,15,20 reps) with burpee stack. Look it up. Merkins mtn climbers and shoulder taps then run to the little green boy. Round 2 squats monkey humpers and calf raises run again. Round 3 big boys American hammers flutters and reverse LBCs (ask Maximus)
Lastly a Dora with 100 merkins 200 squats and 300 reverse LBCs since everyone liked them.
MARY: not necessary when doing reverse LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers for marriages and those dealing with lost loved ones. 🙏

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