So it is almost a week later as I write this.  Better late than never I guess. Hopefully I can recollect most of what happened!

It all started with the usual disclaimer and then a quick lap around the parking lot.

I’m not much for warm ups, but did to some this morning.  Certainly some windmills, merkins, squats, SSH’s.

I then got my speaker out for  a little fun.  Since I have been working my way through the Exicon and we would be doing the letter C today I play a song called Alphabet Aerobics, and made everyone go from Merkins to 6″ holds every time he began rapping a new letter.  The song is just over 2 minutes, but you felt it!

1st routine: The Cycle

We moseyed to the baseball field and started at home plate

  • bear crawl to 1st, 3 burpees, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to 2nd, 6 burpees, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to 3rd base, 9 burpess, crawl bear to home
  • bear crawl to home, 12 burpees, crawl bear to home

This one always sucks.

2nd routine: C.L.I.M.B.

We went to the hill and did the following exercises:

  • Ran down the hill
  • Crab Cakes, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Monkey Humpers, Bombjacks
  • NUR up the hill
  • The increments were x2 so it started with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then 2, 4,6,8,10, etc.
  • We did this 4 times and x2 on the exercise count each time.

3rd routine: Catch me if you can

Mosey back to main lot and partnered up.  You all know how this one goes.  I called out various exercises and Partner A did them, then caught their partner who was NUR’ing, rinse and repeat.  We did 4 reps of this and I called out a new exercise each time.

I can’t remember what we announced or prayed for, but we did!

Thanks for the Q O’Reilly!  It is always a great time Q’ing here!

Until next time,



TClap |

Block Party

It was a lovely morning at The Abyss. Light Rain falling and 8 men showed up to the Block Party. It was a simple workout, but a tough one.

We started with a mosey around the parking lot to warmup and stretch out a bit. Along the way we did some toy soldiers, butt kickers, and high knees. After that we made it to the back of the school where we started COP.


15 Side Straddle Hops

5 Burpees

10 Temp Merkins

5 Burpees

12 Produce Pickers

5 Burpees

Now that is out of the way it’s time to party!

For the Main Event we moseyed around the corner where a long hill and 12 cinder block greeted us.  ( I wanted to use the grass hill which was steeper but because of the light rain I switched it up so no one busted their face slipping). The paved hill isn’t as steep, but it is longer so it evened out in the long run.

Main Event 

11’s with Block Snatches and Flying Squirrels with a  press…don’t forget to carry the block with you up the hill!

Once we completed the 11’s we moseyed with the blocks to the basketball court where things got real…In the spirit of Iron Pax season I wanted to do some friendly competition.

Block Relays– Heres how it went down. Two teams of four competed in three rounds. Each member of the team will run one by one relay style.  The losing team is punished with 10 bomb jacks while the winners got to laugh while holding a plank.

Team 1: Flux, Copyright, Whitesnake. Survey Says

Team 2: Royale, Grout, Homebrew, Bones

Round 1: Sprint down about 50-75 yards, do 3 burpees and sprint back. While you are not running you were still doing work! While the first team member runs the non runners where doing Jumping Spiders, 2nd runner runs non runners are doing IN and Out abs, 3 runner runs non runners are doing gorilla squats and last runner runs while the non runners are doing merkins. ( I admit this round was close. Me and Bones where neck and neck sprinting down; we finished burpees at the same time and started our sprint back to see which team would win round 1. Simply put I lost. He beat me by about 3 feet and I am still not over it). Because of that L our team did 10 bomb jacks.

Round 2: Each team member in relay format holds the cinder block over their head and runs/fast walks down the designated spot. While not running you did Peter Parkers, Lunges, Plank Jacks and Merkins. For all those wondering our team lost again. 0-2…but I was the Q so we split the bomb jacks between the teams 5 and 5.

Round 3: Each team member in relay format farmer carries 2 blocks while running/fast walking down to the designed spot. While not running you did Flutters, Crunchy Frogs, Box Cutters and Merkins…spoiler alert this round was not any different. We lost again 0-3. But yet again since I was the Q we split the bomb jacks between the teams 5 and 5.

After that the time was about up and the Pax insisted on helping me out by carrying the blocks back to my car. By the time we did that the clock hit 6am.

It was party but we did not have cake.


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Concentrica Cornhole… with Kettlebells!

Today was my opportunity to lead the men at Cannonball.  This place has become a PAX favorite.  Many of the men enjoy the Peg Leg pre-run before the standard start at 5:15am, so I was setting up with plenty of men gathering early.  Great to see Trench out there pre walking to get his miles in too! RESPECT.

We got the PAX circled up with the normal disclaimer.  Elmer Fudd joined us for his 2nd Day in a row, and Airwolf seems to having posted everyday for the last two weeks!  Got some new guys ready to go all in…

Disclaimer and we left our kettlebells for a little warmup.  One short lap around the parking lot to get the blood flowing then COP.

I don’t recall all, mostly just make up what feels good on COP nowadays.

IWs – Merkins – Producer Pickers – CDDs – LS Squats – Peter Parkers – Parker Peters – Mountain Climbers

Time to get to work, so we grabbed our kettlebells for a small walk back into the parking lot to circle up.

I started the 1st evolution getting all the men used to the 12 exercises (below).  We completed an “in cadence” round of 10 reps of each of the kettlebell exercises below.  Once complete we moved to our game.

My goal today was to share a man’s Concentrica.  I’ve set up this game before a few times, but with so many newer guys around and with our discussions around Q source and how to become a HIM, a refresher seemed welcome.

I drew a large bullseye on the ground with the 5 Concentrica rings.  From Center –> Out the rings are M — Shorties — Shieldlock — Whetstone — Mammon.  I gave a brief summary of each circle and how a man needs to focus his “shots” toward the center to stay in relational rhythm.  We’re not always accurate, but the goal should be the same…you want more of your attempts in the center than the outside!

The PAX would stand about 20 yards away and throw cornhole bags at the target.  Wherever the bag landed, we would rotate between the 2 exercises in each category.

They were:

M = Center

  1. 20 KB Swings
  2. Overhead Carry with a walk


  1. 20 America Hammers DC
  2. 20 Flutters w/ Press DC


  1. 25 Curls
  2. 25 Tricep Presses


  1. 25 Goblet Squats
  2. 20 Bent Rows each arm


  1. 20 KB Pistol Squats each leg
  2. 25 KB Thrusters


  1. 5 Turkish Getups each side
  2. 10 KB Snatch each arm

Everyone got a turn, some a 2nd chance…I think the total attempts and workouts were 17-18.

There were two highlights to the event.

  1. Two Ferns went 1st, and proceeded to miss the target completely.  We started with 5 Turkish Getups, which set the mood perfectly. When he got the chance to redeem himself later he threw the beanbag as far as he could… clearly determined to show his distain for the heckling!
  2. Our 2nd Day PAXer Elmer Fudd was the ONLY PAX to hit the bullseye “M”. Today’s hero for sure.

We finished right on time, put the bells away and finished in COT.

Lots of Announcements – plenty to do… start with the Invergence next week!

Prayers for Costanza’s co-worker Nikki going through health and addiction issues.  And for YHC’s old friend Katie McCloud who lost her Mother to pancreatic cancer in a month.

A honor to lead,


TClap |

Tinsel’s Utensils rolled in the Deep

Great morning to bring all the props out, we had 17 PAX (4×2.0’s) kids have become “regulars” at the deep, we also had the visit from EZ rider from the Gas House Region.

We started with a slow mossey around the parking lot followed by the warm up exercises led in part by 2.0 Sonic:

Side Straddle Hops

Moroccan night clubs


Weed pickers

Low Slow Squats

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Merkin

As with most of my regular Q’s I had setup stations with different exercises on each station, in this case they were about 40-5- yards apart, we divided the group into 4 teams to conquer the 4 stations:



-> 10 man makers

-> 20 biceps curls

-> 20 bent over row

-> 25 overhead press

-> 30 triceps extension

Bear crawl to station 2


-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 20 wide arm merkins

-> 20 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

-> 40 plank jacks

Crawl Bear to station 3


-> 10 burpees

-> 10  Tire flips

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 20 lunges SC

-> 30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)

Bear crawl to station 4


-> 30 LBC’s

-> 30 Rosalitas

-> 30 Sledgehammer swings  (15 each side)

-> 40 Dying Roach SC

-> 20 slam ball to ground

Crawl bear to station 1

Once all teams have finished all station we circled up for Royale to pick one of 3 cards that will give us the next exercise which consisted of a modified jack webb, I have used this webb twice and it’s best known to some of Lake Wylie’s pax as the Vin Diesel webb :

1 KneeKhtar N’Diaye (kneel down on both legs and get up, alternating legs) – 4 squats

Progressive to

10 KKND – 40 squats

It works your quadriceps on every single move, lots of whining during this set of exercises, next time I’ll bring extra smoked Gouda cheese for the whine.

We couldn’t  finish one of my workouts without the visit of the famous Captain Thor:

1 Big Boy Sit Up- 4 American Hammers

Progressive to

10 BBSU – 40 AH

Again lots of chatter during this one and one complained about his only Ab muscle being ripped apart after we finished,  but he certainly got better at ABS. We followed it with some stretching superman’s for about 1 minute.

With all the FiA ladies rolling in we had to go back to COT but we still had 5 minutes to spare so we finished our bootcamp with some Mary.


We talked about the invergence and convergence coming up on September 6th and 7th.

Prayers for injured PAX, friends and family that are going through a difficult situation with their health and our families in general.

Great morning and great group of PAX, everyone got better!!

Thanks O’reilly for the opportunity to lead.

Tinsel Out



TClap |

Clutch at the Crows Nest

Had 16 HIM this morning at the Crow’s Nest

We started out with a typical warm up consisting of:

SSH, 5 Bur-pees, Windmills, 4 Bur-pees, Moroccan Night Clubs, 3 Bur-pees, Produce Pickers, 2 Bur-pees, Hillbilly Walkers, and yes you guessed it, one last Bur-pee

We took the long Mosey to the back to get started on the THANG:

DORA 1,2,3,2,1


Bulgarian split squats




Next on the agenda was going to be MONSTER 11’s on the “Green Monster” (Hill for those that may not know) BUT we were getting close to time so we went with the MINI MONSTER 11’s instead on the, less steep although just as long, hill nearer to the parking lot.

The 11’s consisted of CDDs at the top and Bur-pees at the bottom, but due to time constraints (and a few gassed PAX, namely me) I called an audible halfway through and we finished the 11’s with CDDs top and bottom.

Final mosey back to beginning for a refreshing round of stretches then we called it done.

Announcements: Invergence-Convergence , Block and Bears 5k

Prayers / Praises: Radars son turned 16 over the weekend, prayers for students and teachers starting back to school

Welcome FNG Dough Boy!

Thanks Ice for the oppertunity to lead!

TClap |

I love Wednesday’s NOW!

Today was a Good Day at Shipwrecked! 20 Strong (14 Mod and 6 HIT) Wolverine and I were on Q. I was leading my First Mod Workout at the Newly named AO Shipwrecked and Wolverine was leading the High Intense (HIT) portion. We split up and I took the Mod group for a short mosey and circled up for some basic COP exercises. Started off with SSH’s with the intention to show the Mod version for those wanting a little less impact on there joints but forgot (my bad) but they handled it perfectly. Lots of new faces in the crowd so I talked a little about the 5 Core Principles and about my thoughts on why we modify. Some people have different thoughts on how and why or when to modify and that is fine but I shared my thoughts (I don’t know your injuries, basically do the best you can, better yourself, don’t hurt yourself and you don’t have to impress me!)

We then began the Thang: I set up 4 corner stations with Cones on the track. Each corner station had a list of 3 low to non-impact stations such as Squats, Lunges, Flutters, Leg Lifts, Big Boys, Calf Raises and even a Kettlebell Station to Promote Cannonball of course! After 3 laps we were cutting it close on time due to the workout being 30 min so we mosey’d to the upper parking lot and finished with some Planks and Al Gore’s till the HIT group came back. I squeezed in a quick plug for my Marriage Class I am leading before they HIT group filled in place. Wolverine yelled at me lol.

Welcome FNG Chimichanga! he finally came out.

Rest of Announcements (Invergence – Royal said to GO!, Convergence the day after it, C2 Race)
Prayers and Praises (Mr. Belding praised the F3 School Prayer)

Like I said earlier—–Today was a Good Day!

Coffeeteria was on point also and the Nitro is for REAL!

Two Ferns, always a Pleasure to Lead!

TClap |

Mile High Special at Quagmire

This was a Q I was looking forward to.  It marked my 1 year anniversary with F3 and it was at the A/O that I started at.  Not only was it my 1 year anniversary but some #HIM by the name of Jedi offered me to be the site Q.  This is an offer I could not turn down as this is one of the hardest A/O’s in the region and is in the middle of The Fort and Lake Wylie.

My F3 journey so far has been one of the best journey’s of my life.  I dropped a ton of weight (I am below 200 LBS for the first time in 20 years), I am in MUCH better shape than I was a year ago and I can kinda sorta hang with all the beasts in our region.  My life is far from perfect nor will it ever be but F3 has introduced me to a plethora of men that I am happy to call brothers and friends.


I pulled up into the parking lot with Lutefisk only to notice there were 20 men there ready to go! If you have Q’d a workout before you know all about the Qdrenaline and that kicked in right away for me.  After saying the disclaimer we were off.

Mosey from Chick Fil A to behind Home depot (0.4 – 0.5 miles).  Circle up.

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins in cadence
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Merkins in Cadence

Mosey to the alley

  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Balls to the wall 60 seconds

Mosey over to the parking lot by the stairs.  There I instructed the PAX to partner up.

The next set was inspired from a Cha Ching BB.  We were going to do 11’s but the one we usually do is both exercises have to add up to 11’s, in this case we did one rep of each exercise and climbed up to 11.

The exercises were Burpees & Merkins.  Method of transportation was bear crawls there and crab walk back. 

Round 1

  • Start with 1 Burpee
  • Bear Crawl to the end of the parking lot
  • 1 Merkin
  • Crab Walk back to starting point

Round 2

  • 2 Burpees
  • Bear Crawl to the end of the parking lot
  • 2 Merkins
  • Crab Walk back to starting point

You get the gist…. all the way up to 11.  Rounds 8, 9, 10 & 11 is where the partners came into play and the method of transportation changes from bear crawls and crab walks to wheelbarrows.  By about round 6 or 7 I never imagined 23 men could be that quiet in a workout.  The plan was working.  A few groups finished early so we did a few laps around the parking lot and then some squats.  With about 3 minutes left and all groups finishing the thang we moseyed back to COT.  

Router lead us of with a 40 or 50 count of American Hammers and I finished it off with a 20 count of Flutters all in cadence.

We named our FNG – Mighty Mouse.

Jedi handed off the shovel flag and I thanked him for the opportunity and his leadership at Quagmire for the last 14 months.

Went through announcements, prayers, praises and I asked Jedi to take us out with a prayer.

Needless to say, everyone got their money’s worth and went home better men.



TClap |


There are not many more exciting things to do in F3 than to launch a new AO so I was very honored to be able to lead the High Intensity portion of our new AO…..ShipWrecked! One group of Pax goes and does a 30 minute Moderate Bootcamp and another group of Pax does a 30 minute High Intensity Bootcamp. We then go to Starbucks for cafeteria afterwards. I have no idea what the moderate boot camper’s did but here is my rundown.

Right off the bat…10 Burpees. Ran across the street to the High School where we did a High Intensity COP.  2 rounds of Circle Burps(16 more Burpees ) and 10xSSH IC.

Main Event

Super Crazy 8’s

8 Kraken Burpees/8 Ski Abs/8 Donkey Kicks/8 Big Boy Sit Ups/8 Jump Knee Tucks/8 Scorpion CDD’s Left Leg/8 Scorpion CDD’s Right Leg/ 8 Jump Lunges (count both legs as one rep)-run in a figure 8 pattern around the parking lot-rinse and repeat.  We completed 5 rounds before I had to get us back over to the elementary school for COT.

Finished with another round of Circle Burps(got 9 more Burpees in).


We voted on the name ShipWrecked for the new AO.  Prayer Walk this Sunday at the local schools-see Two-Ferns for details! Thanks to the leadership of Lake Wylie for the opportunity to lead!!! Peace!

TClap |

Highly Intense with a Dose of Moderate

Today was the “soft launch” for a new workout coming to Lake Wylie.  We meet at the usual time of 5:15, but have a couple of options.  The PAX can choose between a 30 minute moderate workout that is great for some of our respectables or guys who are needing a little rest or healing from an injury.  The site-to-be-named-later is held at Oakridge Elementary school, the school opposite from The Deep where we have our Saturday workouts.  At the end of the workout we would finish up in typical F3 fashion and then meet up at Starbucks for some 2nd F coffeeteria.

In any case, this morning I took the “high intensity” workout and decided to throw some traditions (no Warm-a-rama) out the door since we only at 30 minutes to get our WORK done.  I notified the PAX arriving a few minutes early to get their stretching in while they can.

At exactly 5:15 we took off for a fast mosey to the right side of the school.  I had a speaker with 8 rounds of a HIIT routine laid out to some music.  30 seconds of AYG burpees followed by 20 seconds of flutters.  All in all, I think most of us were between 75-100 burpees to start the morning.  A great way to warm up.

Upon completion we took off for another fast mosey to the back of the school where the playground was.  The workout was simple, run a lap around the playground and then do 15 dips and 3 “good” pull ups. I wanted the PAX to focus on form and getting them done right so I kept the reps low on purpose.

After that I gave the option to do some hill work across the street or whatever nastiness I can come up with on the fly due to only having about 10 minutes left.  Most were on board with the hill work and I was all for it until I heard Wolverine mutter that he picked that because most of the remaining minutes would be spent running to and from the hill.  He was right, so I scratched that immediately and we did the harder thing.

Back to the parking lot where we did the HIIT “warm-up”, we would start at one side of the lot, at the curb, and do 1 squat, bear crawl across the lot and do 1 merkin and then repeat going back and forth incrementing +1 each time #zimacount.  Some of us completed 7 rounds of this so do the math.

We quickly ran back and circled up for CoT.  I burned about 450 calories and we covered 1.5 miles, not too bad for 30 minutes!


20 in all showed up today including 4 FNG’s!  A great turnout!

The Deep is closed this Saturday for the Invergence.  Also, August 11th we are praying for Clover Schools (Contact Two Ferns for info).

We closed out in typical fashion and prayed for those in need.  One of our FNG’s M’s is having wrist surgery and another’s friend reached out with suicidal thoughts and needs help.

Until next time,




TClap |