Cinder Fella workout

THE THANG: Part 1: Partner cinder block work 2 reps each – alternating run and work. Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, Upright rows Part 2: elevens at the pullup bars and V-ups at the bottom of the hill, maybe 2 miles and lots of shoulder work.
MARY: no Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaeger and more
COT: Prayers, for Drop Thrill health, friends with Cancer and recovery .

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Litter pick up – Community Svc

March 18th is tentatively set as our first pick-up for the US21 adopt-a-Highway litter pickup! We will have 4 opportunities in 2023. Once a quarter is the plan.  All supplies provided ( bags, gloves, safety vests, pick up sticks, eye-wear, and fellowship) All that remains is YOU.
Plan for about 1 hour and 30 mins – 2 hours maximum. We will meet at the Harris street park around 7:45am.
We will walk up the hill to US21 and split up into 2 groups.  One group will head north to the Peachstand and back and the other group will head south to Sutton Rd and back.  (1 mile each direction)

We could use 10-12 guys to keep this an efficient and timely process. 2.0s and Ms are welcome as well as anyone who would like to participate in our community svc event.

Thank you to all who participated in 2022. Looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the HIM who assisted last year.

US 21 from the Peachstand south to Sutton Rd ( Circle K – gas station) is the road that we adopted!!

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Asphalt Football Field

Warmed up with mosey, toy soldiers, karaoke, shuffles and high knees.

Went to the asphalt parking lot: every 10 yards we bear crawled to next exercise in cadence. Count of said exercises was ascending from 5 CT to 50ct increasing by 5 every 10 yds.

1/4 mosey followed by 10 burps.

Back to asphalt field and go in reverse.

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Honoring Battan Death March Survivors

WARMUP: The usual
THE THANG: Honoring Col Ben Skardon. Clemson University Class of 1938. Col. Skardon, U.S. Army (Ret.), passed away on Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, at the age of 104, days after being informed of the approval of his honorary promotion to the rank of Brigadier General.
Following his graduation from Clemson in 1938, he served in World War II as the commander of Company A of the 92nd Infantry Regiment PA (Philippine Army), a battalion of Filipino Army recruits on the Bataan Peninsula in the Philippines. He led his troops through some of the fiercest fighting of the conflict, earning the Combat Infantryman Badge, two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star with “V” device, and a Purple Heart during the first four months of the war.

On April 9, 1942, he became a prisoner of war when American troops were forced to surrender to the Japanese. He then endured one of the most notorious war crimes in history: The Bataan Death March.

Skardon survived the march and more than three years as a POW, despite becoming deathly ill. Two fellow Clemson alumni, Henry Leitner and Otis Morgan, kept him alive by spoon-feeding him and eventually trading his gold Clemson ring — which he had managed to keep hidden — for food. Leitner and Morgan did not survive the war. Their story is now told at every Clemson Ring Ceremony.

As WWII came to an end, Skardon also survived the sinking of two unmarked Japanese transport ships carrying him and other POWs to mainland Japan. Russian units finally freed him in August 1945. He went on to serve in Korea from 1951-52 and retired from the Army at the rank of colonel in 1962.

In 1964 he returned to his alma mater, joining the Clemson faculty in the Department of English, where he taught for more than 20 years until his retirement in 1985.

In 2006, at the age of 88, Skardon became the only survivor to walk in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. He walked more than eight miles and returned to walk 12 more times, the last when he was 101. He came to consider it a pilgrimage, and his duty to walk in honor of his brothers-in-arms who did not return from the war. When the COVID pandemic forced the cancelation of the New Mexico event in 2020, a team of students, veterans, alumni and friends created the Clemson 8 Challenge to honor eight Clemson alumni who survived the Bataan Death March and carry on Skardon’s mission of honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Skardon, then 103, walked more than three miles for the event, which raises money for ROTC scholarships.
Among his numerous accolades, Skardon received the Clemson Medallion, the Alumni Distinguished Service Award, the Alumni Master Teacher Award, the Order of the Palmetto, and a Congressional Gold Medal.

In 2006 the Col. Beverly N. Skardon ’38 Clemson Corps Endowment was established to benefit ROTC cadets, and in 2013 the Col. Beverly N. “Ben” Skardon Clemson Ring Endowment was established to fund the Clemson Ring Ceremony. The flagpole in Memorial Stadium was dedicated to him in 2016.

The workout to Honor Col. Skardon was as follows:
104 Hand-release Merkins
800mm Run
104 Squats with Block
400mm Block Carry
104 LBCs
800mm Run
104 Curls
400mm Block Carry
104 Flutters with Block Overhead
800mm Run
104 Shoulder Taps
400mm Block Carry
MARY: Take the block back to it’s home behind the ROTC buidling.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sign up for the Clemosn 8 Challenge to honor those that survived the Batan Death March.
Great work D2D teams. Jaeger coming up.
COT: What’s said in COT stays in COT, but this is where you need to talk about what’s happening in your life that you need others to listen to. Be open and be there to listen to your brothers.

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Well, this workout was anything other than
C.A.L.M. for the first 20 minutes. Comments were flying all over the place for my early incoherent 5:15 a.m. speech and demonstrations patterns. Rough start. It never let up after @Fishstix chided me with my beautiful description of Moroccan Night Clubs.
WARMUP: So we warmed up with a few of those and two other exercises.
3 sections:
1. 15 minute workout with a partner; timer is the one person in the larger group doing 12 manmakers with a 30 lb sandbag
Partner rotate exercises based on timer listed above:
Dips/Reverse Lunges
One arm Shoulder Presses with KB/Squat high jumps
We rotated through about twice.

2. Ab practice time. I will admit there was a lot of chatter in the first 15 minutes, less in the next 6.5 minutes of abs and quite a bit more of groaning and complaining.
1 minutes each:
Figure 8’s
Parker Peters
X-man Crunch
Rest for 30 secs
Starfish Crunch
21 Crunch
Twisted T-planks

3. Broga: 25 minutes with a focus on shoulders

ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D is tomorrow.
COT: Lots of praises but also some serious prayer requests. Thank you men for sharing!
Thank you for the opportunity @headspin and @bodywash!

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Seven Minute Burpees and Leg Day

WARMUP: Army Warm Up
THE THANG: 7 Min Burpees, 100, 200, 300 ladder, 100 Yd Plyometric Jumps, 200 Squats, 400 Lunges, Mile Run
COT: General Health and Wealth to all Monday Morning Heros.

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I Stole Boss Hogg’s Q

WARMUP: 5 Merkins, SSH and 7 Windmills
THE THANG: I stole Boss Hogg’s 10
Station Workout- cumulative 10 reps Flying Squirrel, Merkins, Big Boy, Squat, Shoulder Taps, LBC, Flutters, Plank Jack and Lunges, running a lap after each station

MARY: None

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Varsity Shovel Flag handoff

YHC Gave the Disclaimer then got going with the warm up.
A little broga – sun salutations (basically bending at your waist and breathing), then some up/down dog, and some hip stretches.

Then did a short jog around part of the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers and shuffles.
Moseyed over to the football field and lined up on the goal line.  Did windmills IC and SSH.

Next we were onto the real work.  It was some speed work that involved :
Jog to 40 yard line , sprint 10, 40/10, in end zone do 25 merkins
Jog 30, sprint 20, 30/20; 25 merkins
Jog 20, sprint 30, 20/30; 25 squats
Jog 10, sprint 40, 10/40; 25 squats
Finished with a nur to the 50, 10 merkins and a sprint back to the goal line.  From there I handed it over to the new Site Q, Headspin…

The THANG, part 2:
Mosey to the ROTC building and grab a cinder block
Exercise In cadence –  Cindy OYO 10 counts
1. Burpees (OYO)
2. Cindy – Overhead Squats
3. Diamond Merkins
4. Cindy – CurltoCleantoPress
Run around the bus loop
1. LBC
2. Cindy – Goblet Squats
3. Mike Tyson Merkins
4. Cindy – Swings w/ Cindy
Run down the hill and back
1. Derkins ( feet on the curb )
2. Cindy – Man Makers
3. Peter Parkers ( count 1 leg only )
4. Cindy – Thrusters
Run to the street and back
Put blocks back and headed to COT

– J-los

Announcement…New Site Q!  Headspin!!!, Yeager CSAUP, read newsletter

Prayers/praises: heath of Pax/Sawdust’s elbow, Grassy’s M, others I’m forgetting

YHC Started this journey as a site Q on September 30, 2020 at RPG.  Took over at Varsity October 22, 2021.  It has been an honor and a blessing to carry the shovel flag at both sites and I’m privileged to find a new site Q for Varsity.  
I think the lineage for the site started with Skate, then Kielbasa, Harry Carry (I’ve been told) made it great again and Splinter was who handed it to me.  
I’m looking forward to whatever Headspin wants to do at the site in the future!

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The stairs of Grout

– yes!
– Grout’s stairs of pain (contact Grout for details)
– Jack Webb (Merkins + OH claps): 10-40
– read your newsletter
– was held

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The Badges rides the Coaster

– SSH / WM / IW / CP / mosey
– Rollercoaster: 10/20/30/40/50 with 10x Burpees every 5 min
– squats / MC / Plank Jacks / LBC
– mosey to dry spot and benches, some dips and various core exercises plus Airborne’s hip exercise, mosey to COT
– read your newsletter
– was held

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