Misty Morning Mahem

WARMUP: 25 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Windmills, 10 Mountain Climbers

THE THANG: start at COT, mosey to last island with a tree,
cut across to front island, mosey back to island by the bus loop, finish the box with a mosey back to COT. At each station:
• 10 burpees
• 20 lunges
• 30 merkins
• 40 squats
Repeat x4

Mosey to the wall
• Wall sits – each person does 5 Mike Tysons 2x
• 20 Calf Raises OYO
• 10 Derkins against the wall
• lunge walk back to COT

Covered Entry
• Steps ups
• Dips
• Derkins
• Wide arm Merkins

MARY: 30 LBCs, 10 Shoulder Taps, 15 peter parkers, 20 flutters

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of great feedback on my 2nd Q, all the stuff from the news letter

COT: prayers for family and jobs

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Pearl Harbor day

WARMUP: 10 of each: windmills, LSS, IW, Moroccan Nightclubs, SSH

Round 1 for the actual day of Pearl Harbor – 12 rounds of 7 toe touches, 1 pull up, 9merkins, 4 squats, 1 pull up (12 7, 1941 – see what I did there?)

23 CCD run to bottom and complete 35 flutters and run back to top of hill for 2,335 servicemen who died

24 LBCs run to bottom and complete 3 burpees and run back to top of hill for 2,403 total people killed

20 wide arm merkins run to bottom hill and complete 26 WW2 sit ups and run back to top of hill for 2,026 sailors/marines killed

16 diamond merkins run to bottom hill and compete 6 burpees and run back to top of hill for 1,606 sailors who died aboard the ships

11 ranger merkins run to bottom hill and complete 78 hello dollys and run back to top of hill for 1,178 wounded Americans

6 burpees run to bottom of hill and complete 8 burpees and run back to top of hill for 68 ships destroyed

3 pull ups, 5 squats and 3 LBCs at the pull up bars for 353 aircraft destroyed

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter!!
COT: prayers for marriages and Truckers cousins new born in hospital

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The Del & Davidson

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Moroccan NC
THE THANG: The Del & The Davidson

The Del:
25 Burpees
400 meter Run
25 Weighted Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Handstand Push-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
400 meter Run
25 Burpees

The Davidson:
800 meter Run
10 Thrusters
600 meter Run
20 Cindy on your Back Squats
400 meter Run
30 Goblet Squats
200 meter Run
40 Bentover Rows

MARY: Chest Presses, Curls, Flutters, Hello Dollys, American Hammers, Freddie Mecurys
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethal Men’s Shelter on Wednesday. No items need, just show up to serve. Register for the Christmas Party. Site Q Handoffs on Wednesday
COT: Prayers and Praises from all PAX.

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2022 Thanksgiving Day Convergence

Warmup: SSH (I/C 15x), Windmills (I/C 10x). Imperial walkers (I/C 15x), Moroccan Nightclubs (I/C 10x), Mountain Climbers (I/C 15x), right arm high, left arm high
Ruckers dismissed with Olaf. Pax count off by threes; pax split up and will rotate between
Partner up for a Jack Webb. Mode of transportation is a partner push across the field (crowd pleaser).
1 Big Boy Sit-Up – Partner 1 pushes partner 2 across the field
4 Merkins – Partner 2 pushed partner 1 across the field
The goal was to get to 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups and 40 Merkins.

Grout Q:
1. 5 EA Burpee
2. 10 EA LBC
3. 15 EA CDD
4. 20 EA Lunges
5. 25 EA American Hammers
6. 30 EA Shoulder Taps
7. 35 EA Flutters
8. 40 EA Mountain Climbers
9. 45 EA Squats
Run to top of hill and back.
Complete # 1 thru # 8 and run to top of hill Ann’s back.
Continue dropping the last exercise.

HarryCarry Q:
At the middle school’s loop, start at the bottom of the loop and do exercise noted (listed below). Run to the short brick wall at other end of loop, jump the wall, continue running up the loop. Stop at flag poles and do Bobby Hurleys (15 oyo). The proceed to run back to bottom of the loop; do the noted exercise there and repeat with the run/wall jump/run/bobby’s etc.
Smurf jacks (20 OYO)
Squats (20 OYO)
Monkey Humpers (20 OYO)
Lunges (20 OYO)
Lunges (10 each leg OYO)
Sumo Squats (20 OYO)
At 07:25 Pax reconvened at field.
Six-count burpees (I/C 6x)
End. COT

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Rinse and Repeat

Quick jaunt to just inside the gate of the football stadium
Keep it simple …..SWIMS
4-count, 15-20 reps, of each
* Windmills
* Imperial Walkers
* Moroccan night clubs
* Strawberry pickers
Then to the track….

Keep it simple yet effective
Perform the string of exercises…..
* 10 burpees
* 20 box cutters
* 30 hand-release merkins
* 40 LS squats
* 50 mountain climbers (2ct)
* Then run a lap (400m)
>> Repeat until time’s up

Everyone got in 4 complete rounds. We could have started on a 5th but took the final 5-6 minutes to work in some yoga to focus on legs, lower back, and hips.

GREAT mumblechatter!! Rainmaker, in his 2nd week of F3, mumblechattered into what became job networking with Splinter that may hopefully lead to a new job. More than a workout!! Awesome!!

* A LOT going on! Read the newsletter and try to get involved.
* Pulled a CSPAN an went to each PAX asking for a P&P. Alot lifted up to and laid at His feet.

Thank you Bodywash for the opportunity to lead.

Thankful and blessed,

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SL Challenge Friendly

WARMUP: Mosey to the track. Did 10 bomb jacks while we waited for the gate to open.

Moseyed to the goaline and did a 100yrd bearcrawl. Jogged back to the start.

5 windmills IC

Simple workout design for miles and merkins.

1 lap
10 Merkins
10 Werkins
10 LBCs
10 HR Merkins

2 Laps

20 Reps of all the exercises

3 Laps

30 Reps of all the exercises

4 Laps

40 Reps of all the Exercises

Back to 1

I also used a whistle that when blown meant 5 bomb jacks.

Solid effort by everyone as we all got plenty of miles and merkins.

Thanks to all who came out!

TClap |

“The Loredo”

WARMUP: 1 Lap Mosey with high knee, but kickers, and toy soldiers, 24 SSH, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Moroccan Nightclubs
#1 “The Loredo” (6 rounds)
24 EA – Squats
24 EA – Merkins
24 EA – Walking Lunges
#2 we moseyed to the bars
(6 rounds)
5 EA – Pullups
10 EA – Merkins
15 EA – Squats
20 EA – LBC’s
Once the 6 was done we did a lap around the parking lot
MARY: Gas Pumpers (not fun!) Flutters, American Hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your news letter
COT: Prayers for patience, health, and Punch Lists wife during her pregnancy.

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