Ring of Jellystone Fire

WARMUP: MNC, Imp Squat Walkers, ChPickers, SSH, Mosey to Cinderblocks
THE THANG: (structure based on Beakers beatdown from 7/10/24- thank you bro!)

Each round, Home to base(s) & back
Home: Cind-urpees (AKA Man-Makers) R1-12 reps, R2-8 reps, R3-4 reps

OUT: A) M.Bunnies, B) OH carries, C) W. Lunges
HOME: Farmers carry

A) curls & OH triceps
R1- 10 each, R2-15 each, R3-20 each

B) flutter Presses (4ct)
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

C) clean & press
R1-10, R2-15, R3-20

End of each round Plank until 6 is up before starting next round
Pax Completed 2 rounds before running out of time

MARY: Box Cutters, Hello Weazy, Freddy Mercury
ANNOUNCEMENTS: T&H, Road cleanup, others forgotten
COT: Prayers for those coping with Loss, family with failing health

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Rasslin’ Endorsed

WARMUP: Clam Chowder x5, Cherry Pickers, CC x4, Hillbilly Walkers, CC x 3, SSH, CC x 2, Imperial Squat Walkers, CC x 1, Bomb-Jacks
most IC

THE THANG: mix of solo & partner work
R1: Fireman’s Drag end zone to end zone
R2: lap— shuffle 20m, mosey 100m, shuffle 20 m, Nur 100m
R3: Double Backed Beasts – 50 Dora
R4: repeat R2, but with Carioca on 20’s
R5: Partner Bent Rows— x 40 Dora
R6: repeat R2
R7: “Dirty Dog” series (21 count)

MARY: box cutters, Hello Dolly, other Pax call outs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: stuff the bus, T&H

COT: yup

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Do the Shuffle

WARMUP: Gave the usual intro and then we got after it.

THE THANG: We toured the longer Kingsley loop and the rucks stayed on the whole time. Starting from COT we had our first 10min ruck interval, 5min rucking followed by 5min of ruckshuffling.
Stopped by a group of benches for our first pain station.
25 – Step-Ups
25 – Alt. Lunges
25 – Incline Merkin w/ 2 shoulder touches at the top = 1 rep

Onto the next 10min ruck interval. This time we rucked for 4min. and then ruckshuffled for 6 min.
Stopped at the round-a-bout towards the back entrance for our next pain station.
150 total reps – Squats and Calf Raises (PAX chose how they wanted to split up the reps )
Then completed 1 lap via BearCrawl around the round-a-bout

Marched right into our next ruck interval – 3min ruck followed by 7min of ruckshuffling.

Ended up at the amphitheater area for our next pain station where there were plenty of more benches to utilize.
20 – ButttouchSquat followed by 2 alt lunges = 1 rep
15 – Incline Merkin followed by 2 Grave Diggers = 1 rep

From that pain station we moved into our final ruck interval – 2min ruck followed by 8min ruckshuffle which we completed in the parking lot behind Panera. Last call was at 1min as PAX were asked to ruckshuffle back to COT.

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Serve, Blood drive, Trash pick-up, T&H, read your newsletter


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(Insert something creative)

DISCLAIMER: disclaimed
WARMUP: Mosey loop around parking lot, circle up near ROTC
– 10 Windmills IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

And since we were so close to the pull up bars, we partnered up for 3 rounds of 5 pull ups. Partner does wall sits while other PAX does pull ups.

Mosey to football field.
THE THANG: Figure 8 on football field with 6 pain stations. Always face the clock that is always wrong for mental toughness, but also because your mode of transportation will vary from run, nur and shuffle.
– Freddie Mercury on goaline – shuffle across goal line to opposite sideline
– Flying squirrel on goal line – nur back to 50 yard line
– Squats at 50 yard line – shuffle across 50 to opposite sideline
– Merkins at 50 on opposite sideline – nur to other goaline
– Big Boys at goal line – shuffle across goaline
– Grave Diggers on goal line opposite side line – run to 50
– Back to 50 for Squats – shuffle across 50
– opposite sideline for Merkins – run to original goaline
– back to original goal line to start Round 2.
1. Round 1 – 10 reps
2. Round 2 – 15 reps
3. Round 3 – 20 reps
Strong push at end to get it all in. Moseyed to CoT.

MARY: No girls allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of 3rd F ops – Bethel, Blood Drive, Stock the Bus, Fort Mill Care Center, Hwy Clean Up.

COT: Stays in CoT

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Back at it #MakeSkateGreatAgain

If being truly honest, this was my 1st BC Q in quite some time (definitely over 6 months and probably closer to a year or more) and the nerves of would I remember what to do or the exercise names was real this morning…

Which reminds me of my favorite quotes:

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action” ~Walter Anderson

No matter what you are anxious about, take a step… then a second… and then the next… and so on… before long you’ll turn around and see just how far you’ve come…

Funny, once we got started it was like riding a bike and all of the anxiety went away…

WARMUP: a few minutes of Broga to stretch it out a bit followed by some dynamic warmups

THE THANG: mosey to behind the JROTC building to pick up a Cindy. 5 rounds (10 reps down to 6 reps) completing each of the exercises before slow mosey to bottom of hill followed by accelerating run back to top.

Exercises w/ Cindy:
– Swings
– Overhead press
– Overhead Tricep extension
– Curls
– Upright row
– Bent over row
– Merkins
– Lunges
– Squats
– Calf raises

MARY: Shield had to bounce, so HC and I finished up our last set, returned the Cindy’s, and finished up at COT with some Mary…


COT: ya gotta show to know!

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Killer B’s plus

WARMUP: IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Killer B’s on the football field —
End zone:
5 burpees –> Bear Crawl 10 yards to 10 yard line
10 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 Bomb jacks —> Broad jump 10 yards to 20 yard line
20 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s —> Bear crawl 10 yards to 30 yard mark
30 Yard Line:
5 Burpees / 10 bomb jacks / 15 Bonnie Blair’s / 20 Big Boy Sit Ups —> Bear crawl 30 yards back to Endzone
All run a lap, repeat
Run 2 laps then we all ran to the end of the bleachers and followed up and down the stairs to the other end.
MARY: stretching for the last couple mins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: sweaty Barry Thursday, Jaegar upcoming, tortoise and the hare upcoming, stuff the bus upcoming- sign ups open
COT: prayers for the Shook family, prayers for the FMHS 10th grader’s family, prayers for marriages, prayers for kids back to school soon

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300% humidity and 80 degrees

Cherry pickers
Low slow squat
Maraca nightclub
Arm circles

Mosey to the track where shield and his 2.0 were already putting in the work. Great job!

Run a mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .75 mile
100 merkins
110 yd bear crawl
Run .50 mile
100 squats
100 LBCs
Run .25
100 squats
100 LBCs

Run stadium steps till time

Finished off workout with Airborne hip exercises. Dark Helmet is not a fan so he didn’t participate.

Great work by all Pax. It was extremely hot and humid but they all pushed to get through at least the last round of bear crawl. Leaders were running stadium steps when time was called.

This was a workout created to honor DEA Special Agent Terry Watson. Who was killed in Bogota Colombia June 20, 2013.

Workout was modified, but it still sucked.

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Bringing Fire at ROF


Mosey to the ROTC building for Warmaroma
SSH x 30
MNC x 15
Mtn Climbers x 20
Peter Parker x 15
Windmills x 10
Smurfjacks x 10

Head over and grab a Cindy then mosey to football stadium


5 Manmakers
10 Goblet Squats
15 Curls
20 Triceps
25 Flutters

All with Cindy

Indian Run a lap

Overhead Marches (from Youtbube) to concession stand and back

Rinse and Repeat adding 1 each time (YHC missed this the first time)

Mosey back to put Cindy up


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Battle of Midway

June 4, 5, 6, and 7 in 1942 was the battle of Midway.
Started with a mosey run to parking spot #19 and did: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan N/C.

Then ran to spot #42 and did Low slow squats, arm circles, perter parkers
Talked about Pearl Harbor and how the IJN missed the carriers and they missed the cryptography offices.

Ran to the pull up bars, pax placed a cindy near the pull up bar and then did: 3 pull ups, 4 toes to bar, 5 manmakers. Plank for the six. Repeat. Plank for the six, repeat.

Talked about how the IJN code was partially broken by the US and knew that Midway island was the ‘bait’ to lure the USN carriers to fight and get sunk by the IJN.

Run relays: run to cone #1 (200 feet away) and do 20 bobby hurleys. Run back to start line. Run to cone #2 (400 feet away) and do 20 bobbies. Run back to start line. Run to cone #3 (600 feet away) and do 20 bobbies.
Noted in chalk was: Cone 1 = Enterprise, cone 2 = Hornet, cone 3 = Yorktown. These are the three USN carriers.

Pass the ammo: Pax curb plank, pass a cindy down the line, do three curb merkins, pass the block back, rinse repeat.

Noted how the IJN was stunned that the Yorktown was still afloat; they truly thought it was sunk a few weeks earlier at the battle of Coral Sea. But the Yorktown was patched up at Pearl (a miracle of manpower and materials) and made its way to Midway.

Blocks: Curls, OH press, KB swings, Squats.

Noted how a group of USN dive bombers (from the Enterprise) were searching for the IJN Carriers and were extremely low on fuel. Their leader, McClusky, had a choice: Return to the Enterprise for fuel and try again, or continue with the grid search pattern…McClusky does neither and on gut feel heads Northwest and finds three IJN carriers. Then, another miracle, a dive bomber wing from the Yorktown show up at the nearly the exact same spot a few minutes later. Result: Within three minutes three IJN carriers were on fire and badly hit. They sunk.

Mentioned how the fourth IJN carrier decided to steam ahead right into the USN fleet with the hubris to believe they could take them out themselves. This carrier was hit and sunk. Mentioned that USN carrier Yorktown got badly hit and sunk on June 7th. US lost 1 carrier, IJN lost four.

Ran to COT, did burpee quiz: Name the USN carriers. (correctly answered and subtraction of 3 burpees), Name the USN carrier sunk (correctly answered Yorktown and subtraction of 3 burpees). Pax still had to do 6 burpees.


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WOD: Zachary Tellier

25 EA – SSH
10 EA – Cherry Pickers
10 EA – Imperial Walkers
10 EA – Hillbilly Walkers
Mosey around NAFO to front of school

WOD: Zachary Tellier
10 Burpees
Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
100 Sit-Ups
– Run to and around the traffic circle

10 Burpees
25 Pushups
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
100 Sit-Ups
150 Air Squats
– Run to and around the traffic circle

Mosey to bars
5 Pullups
5 V-Ups
5 LBC’s
5 Freddy Mercury’s
(4 rounds)

Zackary Tellier Story – Background: Dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

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