A gear WO broke out @ The Stockade

WARMUP: Arrived early and set-up the Harris Teeter parking lot as a battleground to deliver pain. Gave the disclaimer and we moseyed from COT to the battleground where I had 5 stations set-up. We moseyed to 4of the stations and completed SSH/IC/x20 and then made sure the PAX understood each exercise to be performed at that station. Last mosey was to the 5th station, where exercises were explained, enough talk, time to get to work!
THE THANG: Broke the PAX into 4 groups. Groups were dispersed to each of the 4 perimeter stations. At each of the 4 perimeter stations there were 4 exercises. Each PAX had to complete the reps for all 4 exercises before their group could mosey to the 5th station located somewhat in the middle of the 4 perimeter stations. The 5th station was a list of ab exercises. Here’s the flow: Group 1 performs the workout at Station #1, once completed the group goes to the middle Ab Station and completes the reps for the 1st exercise listed. Once the group finishes the ab exercise they travel to Station #2. Once the exercises are completed by all PAX at Station #2 the group travels back to the middle Ab Station and completes the reps for the 2nd exercise listed. So forth and so on, you get the idea.
All perimeter stations were set-up utilizing the grocery cart storage areas in the parking lot.

Station #1
10 – Pullups ( use grocery cart storage equipment, there is a place to modify to inverted rows as well )
20 – Overhead Presses w/ Cindy
20 – KB swings with 45lb. KB
30 – Unilateral Waves w/ Heavy Rope ( just count how many times you throw an arm up for reps )

Station #2
10 – Chin-ups
20 – 10ea arm – bent over rows with 45lb DB
20 – Lat Pulls w/Cindy
20 – Curls w/ Cindy

Station #3
10 – Switch Grip Pull-ups
10 – Overhead Sandbag Toss w/ 45lb sandbag
20 – CDDs with feet on the rail of the grocery cart storage equipment
20 – Tricep Extensions w/Cindy

Station #4
10 – Switch Grip Pull-ups
20 – Bent over rows w/Cindy
10 – Slam Ball throws w/ 30lb slam ball
10 – Man Makers w/Cindy

Station #5 ( Abs )
100 – LBCs
90 – Flutters ( single count )
80 – Freddy Mercury’s ( single count )
70 – American Hammers ( single count )
60 – Mountain Climbers ( single count )
50 – Reverse Crunches
40 – Big Boys
30 – Straight Lower Leg Lifts
20 – V-Sits
1 minute Plank
The group who tolerated my presence almost made 2 complete trips around the battleground, so it’s safe to say PAX completed 6-8 perimeter stations and made 5-7 trips to the Ab station. Great work fellas!!!

MARY: No time left for Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2DB10K, D2D, Rooster, upcoming CSAUPs, Bethel Men’s shelter
COT: Prayers were lifted up! God bless!

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Four Corners of Fun at Golden Corral

WARMUP: 4 Plank Jacks/Merkins/Shoulder Taps/Supermans. Repeat with 8 count. Repeat with 16 count. Repeat with 32 count.
THE THANG: Four corners with four exercises (20 count each) at each corner. After exercises completed at the corner, run one full lap + 1/4 to get to the next station. Exercises grouped as “Upper”, “Lower”, “Abs”, “All”. Once completed all corners we did the warmup all over again.
MARY: Nope
COT: Grassy’s son

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Back to the basics

Dirty dozen went back to basics this morning at Alcatraz. Here what we did:

10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
15 Side Straddle Hops (IC)
15 Seal Jacks (IC)
10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
String of Pearls around the park

DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs
Mosey to “Breather Hill”

10 Burpees
Down the hill and back
20 Wide Arm Merkins
Down the hill and back
30 Calf Raises
Down the hill and back
40 MNCs
Down the hill and back
40 Overhead Press
Down the hill and back
30 Jump Ropes
Down the hill and back
20 Diamond Merkins
Down the hill and back
10 Prison Cells
Down the hill and back

Mosey back to AO
10 Flutters (IC)
10 American Hammers (IC)
10 Freddies (IC)
10 Hello Dollies (IC)
3.16 miles total

The Mission of F3 Nation is to “plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Fitness brings the guys in, but fellowship keeps them coming back. I know I can count on my brothers in the best and worst of times. Through F3, I found what so many lack: true friends. Faith and living third through service unlocks our leadership capabilities. I’m a better man when I serve others.

Our core principles are simple:
It’s free. All it costs is your effort.
It’s open to all men. Full stop. All means all.
It’s outdoors, rain or shine. The elements make you durable.
It’s led on a rotating fashion by your peers. No certifications necessary. When you lead, we follow.
Finally, it ends in a COT. The COT is what separates us from workout groups. In the COT, it doesn’t matter if you were the fastest or if you had the best form, all that matters is that you care for the guy next to you. I think our world could use a lot more COT.

The Credo of F3 is “leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him.” We pick up the six at every workout, but it doesn’t stop there. These men will walk beside you when you’re high on the mountain or low in the valley. We are there for each other physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. These men are there when it matter – always.

The mission, credo, and core principles are simple and if we follow them, we can change the world, one man at a time. So strap in, hold on, and enjoy the ride. If you stick with it, you’ll be the man your family and community deserves. And you might have a little fun on the ride!

Italian Job

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Road Warrior Visits Mr Smith

We ran
Munn to Harris, R on Harris, R on Sam Smith (enjoyed that long steady hill), R on Sutton, R on Sixth Baxter Crossing, L on Drayton, R onto paved path around the pond thru the woods to Baxter YMCA, Out of Baxter Y onto Shady Grove Crossing, R onto Market, R onto 160 back to start.

Great crew out there! We all pushed thru the hills and ran strong. We all got at least 5 miles, some got more.

Next week we will be in Tega Cay running to Windjammer Park and back.


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So Funhouse can stop crying…

WARMUP: Very little
– To the pull up bars where we performed an idiot sequence of pullups one by one and some other exercises. Note for later, that didn’t really work.
– To the hill we all use entirely too much, but it’s a great hill, so why stop?
– Partner carries, wheelbarrows, running, bear crawling, all kinds of dumb stuff while we also ran around the back end through the neighborhood streets.
– One fake 10-count was involved
– Back to the parking lot for a fake Dora and then it was over…

MARY: No chicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

COT: The 5th Core Principle

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Four Freedoms

Stockade Four Freedoms January 6th 2023 (1941)

Started with a run behind Harris Teeter and up to Grace Presb Church.
SSH (20x I/C)
Windmills (8x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (10x I/C)
Moroccan Nightclubs (10x I/C)
Low slow squats (10x I/C)
Big Arm Circles (6 forward, 6 backwards)
Peter Parkers (10x I/C)
Plank Stretches (Downward dog, upward dog)

Short mosey run

Fish tracks routine:
Pax do the transportation and stop when instructed and do the exercise called.
Toy soldiers…stop and do Bobby Hurleys,
Lunge walk…stop and do squats,
Bear crawl…stop and do merkins,

Short mosey run back over to the shopping plaza.
Bench work: Incline Merkins, step ups, dips, squats, derkins, calf raises

Short run over to the wall nearby Dollar Tree:
Wall sits, BTW, and wall-tar-jai’s
Four Freedoms background/info delivered during wall sits. See summary at end of BB.

Short run to adjacent parking lot: found the cinder block and did:
Pass the ammunition: Pax do a curb plank, drag/pass the cinder block to the guy next to you, and so until the last guy then sends the block back to starting guy. Then all pax do curb merkins (3 I/C). repeat.

Run back to Grace church: Find the four cones in the parking lot.
Cone 1 “Freedom of Speech”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 2 “Freedom of Worship”: did 4 burpees,
run to Cone 3 “Freedom from Want”: did 4 burpees,
run to cone 4 “Freedom from Fear”: did 4 burpees.

Run back to shopping plaza.
Global running routine: Pax circle up, wrestling stance, side shuffle, stop and do: Smurf jacks, squats, monkey humpers.

Run to COT.
BURPEE-QUIZ time: Pax were asked, and correctly answered, what the Four Freedoms were, which President delivered the speech, and when was it delivered. Therefore, pax had to do only 8 burpees.
Mary: Freddies, flutters, box cutters.


Four Freedoms:
Context/background: by December 1940, Nazi Germany had taken over most of Europe and Britain/London was getting pummeled with the nightly blitz bombings. Japan was also making conquests in China and Korea. The US was separated from all of this, and many folks thought the isolationist stance should continue (people were still remembering the pain of WW One).
But FDR (newly elected to his third term as President) knew the US was basically the only nation capable of saving the democracies of the world.
In his State of the Union address on January 6th 1941, FDR laid out why the US should get more involved…the four basic freedoms of democracy was under attack:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom to Worship God in the manner that a man wants to.
Freedom from Want…economic security
Freedom from Fear…aggression of one nation to another

Eighty-two years later, we have Ukraine being attacked and their basic Freedoms under attack. Prayers for ClickBait, MarkTwian, and their crews in the work they are doing over there in Ukraine.

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Circle up for windmill x 15 and SSH x 20. Form a line and do toy soldiers and arm circles on the way to an area in front of HT. Circle up again.

After the disclaimer and a short warm up, we were greeted by two additional pax who joined the circle for a Tabata workout.

8 exercises, 8 reps each, 20 sec work, 10 sec rest.
The exercises we did today were:
1. CCD
2. Box cutters (tough)
3. Mountain climbers
4. Squats
5. Merkins (crowd pleaser)
6. Superman hold
7. Alternating lunges
8. Burpees
Finish with 90 sec body destroyer


I’ve done this workout several times and it’s very easy to plan, but a little tricky to execute. Keeping track of the exercises and the number of sets requires some concentration. With no cadence counting, it encourages a lot of mumble chatter and we had plenty of that today. Noteworthy was Slapshot, who welcomed our FNG with steady conversation for the entire workout. I tip my hat to him because while the rest of us were groaning on sets 7 and 8 of merkins, he kept the chatter going with little sign of fatigue or O2 deprivation. Well done!

Welcome Pongo who comes to us from North Charlotte (I believe). He brought along an FNG who we dubbed Gremlin. Welcome, gentlemen! Love getting FNG’s on the weekday workouts. It was a great morning with the fine gentlemen of the Fort and a pleasure to lead the group as always. Thanks for the Q nod, Slow Jams!

Dam2Dam race/fundraiser for Ft. Mill Schools in Feb. Read your newsletter.
Prayers: Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin, Pongo’s grandfather Warren, kids returning to school.

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After Christmas burn

WARMUP: Ran to The Learning Academy for sets of 12 for a warmup. maracas night club, Phelps, produce pickers, wind mill, down and up dog, mountain climbers.
THE THANG: Ran to Sonic for a DORA with 100 AH, 200 reverse lung and 300 lbc. Then Ran down to the fountain by the apartments for a curb shuffle. Stopped for some monkey humpers halfway. Ended with a message about reaching out to 1 person to check in with them. Ran up to the next circle for sets of 12 CDD, WAM, then offset CDD. Ran to the wall behind Teeter for a wall sit with burpees.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Blood Drive and D2D in January.
COT: prayers for family, patience, jobs and travel mercies.

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