Luce-Jared at HB

F3 HoneyBadger 20240415
Luce p.146
Three rounds
1 km run (from pullup bars run back behind NaFo, run across the front of the school, run down the center aisle of the parking lot, then back to the pull up bars)
10 Manmakers with cindy
100 squats

Jared p.150
Four rounds [but only got one round in due to time]
800 meter run (from pullup bars run to the bottom of the hill, then back up and all the way to AO Jones road, then back to the pull up bars)
40 pull ups (modify 40 curls w/ cindy)
70 push ups

Prayers for CakeBoss on the Marathon.

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Test Run

WARMUP: yea, we did that
THE THANG: test run for QvQ on Wednesday
15 manmakers
Flip 12 sandbags
Bear crawl back

Modified a little to try to space guys out

4 Rows
3 Cleans
2 Snatches
1 Thruster

MARY: lunge hold with halo

Don’t look at the sun during the eclipse

COT: was held

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AKA meets BOP

17 men showed up at The Stockade this morning for AKA Friday. Quick disclaimer and warm-ups consisted of SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, and Plank Stretches. Mosey around the parking lot for the main event, Board of Pain. Men have laughed, men have cried, but no man has ever completed all exercises within a 45-minute period.
Today, we would tackle the board as a two-man team, split the reps into two rounds. Once the team completed the exercise, we ran a lap. Exercises listed below:

Round 1

Burpees – 50
Calf Raises – 75
Ski Abs – 50
Merkins – 50
Deep Squats – 50
LBCs – 100
Carolina Dry Docks – 50
Russian Twists – 50
Mac Tar Jai– 50
Jump Squats – 50
Mountain Climbers – 50
Shoulder Raises – 100
Mary Catherines – 50
Hello Dolly – 100
Wide Arm Merkins – 50
Squat Jacks – 50
Flutters– 50
Burpees – 50

Round 2

Repeat Round 1

Some of the team made it to the second round complaining about the burpee count. Farthest team made it to Ski Abs. Great work men!

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Fun with buckets

Everyone loved my Q this past Friday. We had 3 buckets placed around the parking lot with various exercises to pick from each bucket. Many of you have struggled through it before. If you haven’t it truly is one of the more inventive and talked about workouts in the Fort. Just ask me about it next time. Really.

Somehow Anchorman was the hero as he managed to pick the one ticket that had only 2 burpees. Winner.

We had a great COT, with Spectre bringing his heart after the very long few weeks that he and his family have been through. If you’ve given them a thought or a prayer recently he is grateful.

Boogie Down can use some prayers dealing with some “Senioritis” (as we have been there) and props to Double D for this weekend’s wedding festivities. Sprocket’s excited about a 2.0 baptism and I’m traveling this weekend for the death of my stepfather. I’m sure there were others I’m missing. Safe travels for Peach Stand.


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Ass Kickin’ Suicides

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry picker
Moroccan nightclub

Mosey w/out bell
20 merkins on curb in cadence, mosey
Lunge walk to front of church
Count off by 4, set up for suicides

Board 1
10 man makers, run
15 goblet squats, run
20 lawn mower pulls – 10 each arm, run
25 American hammers – single count

Board 2
10 curls, run
15 low slow squats, run
20 halos, run
25 big boys, run

Board 3
10 upright rows, run
15 figure 8’s, run
20 overhead press – 10 each arm
25 lbc, run

Board 4
10 snatches, run
15 kettle bell swings, run
20 lunges – 10 each leg, run
25 box cutters, run


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No talking = leadership opportunities…and a shovel flag handoff!

WARMUP: started things up with very little voice and the voice lasted about 2 min before going out.

Got things going with SSH, low slow squat, merkins. I think that was about it because talking and calling cadence was not happening.

Mosey over to the front of the school for some additional warm up.

Ran over to the corner for some partner work.
THE THANG: Dora is game so we partnered up.

Shower curtain helped call out the exercise.
100 diamonds
200 lunges
300 flutters (4 count)

Partner 1 runs back to the front of school, partner 2 does exercises until back

We then ran over to all the benches by the R wing and did some 7s using the benches running back and forth between benches.

Exercises were dips and derkins.
MARY: some stretching, some core, and some burpees??
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jester was our Q source point today so this was covered throughout the workout thanks to JWOW, shower curtain, and Esso.

Also a big shovel flag transfer! Thanks to Cyclops and congrats to Warning Track!
COT: of course!

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Let’s get those 3 miles

A little over three miles were enjoyed.
We started at exactly 5 with a thorough disclaimer from YHC.
Destination The Coach’s Box to see the PAX in action under the leadership of new site Q there.
Lots of cars were found, but no PAX.

Perfect time and location for some,
Head press
Flutter kicks

We headed back to Kingsley, completed a little over three miles and then it was time for COT.


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Good Cop ,Bad Cop

WARMUP: Morrocan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills and Low Slow Squats
THE THANG: We did 5 rounds of :
40 SSH
All exercises completed is a round and after each round we ran the busloop in front of Springfield Middle School.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel shelter and read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and praises

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Moderate Mobility

WARMUP: yes, of course!

THE THANG: carry a sandbag from Clickbait’s collection while partner does some exercises.
Also did a cumulative merkin & squat series parking space to parking space

MARY: flutter and side plank

ANNOUNCEMENTS: read your newsletter. There’s a link on the homepage

COT: prayers for aging parents

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