The Recipe at Block Party

15 hard chargers embraced the recipe of pain at Block Party this AM and started the day 1-0.

Run to WEP Amphitheater

SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
Hillbilly x 10
Mtn climber x 20
CDD x 10

Pearls on a string at each swing in WEP
10 Big Boys
20 Hello Dollies

Lazy Dora – Partner up
100 Merkins/Hold Plank
200 LBCs/6 inches
300 Squats/Al Gore

Partner 1 does 25 reps while Partner 2 does other exercise. Flip flop to reach the desired count

2 Minutes of Broga

Run back to COT

2 Minutes of Mary

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Oklahoma at STL

Warmup: None

The Thang:

BLIMP inspired workout
Burpees x 10
Lunges x 10
IWs x 10
Merkins x 10
Plank Jacks x 10

Route looked a lot like the state outline of Oklahoma. Tesla was the King with 4.25 miles. All others had 3+ including a minimum of 5 laps.

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Mosey to fire station, then:
10 Windmills IC – the mumblechatter began.
10 HIllBilly Walkers IC – the PAX thought this might bother me.
10 LSS IC – Block Party is way worse.
10 Shoulder Taps IC
10 Merkins IC
Broga – mumblechatter significant here.

Moseyed to the pullup bars. All planked while we two waterfalls of 5 pull ups each. The weather had been nice, but all of the hot air spilling out of the PAX had changed the local conditions. Shirts became optional.

Moseyed around the ball fields and down Tara Tea Drive. Partnered up and did a DORA, with NUR up the hill for the first half and then running the second half. Exercises were:
100 Merkins
200 Overhead Claps
300 LBCs
One last run up the hill. Toy Soldiers and slow Lunges down Windward Drive. Mosey to ball fields.
A series of Webbs, starting with Core.
Captain Thor, 1 big boy sit-up – 4 American hammers, progress up to 10 BBSU and 40 Am Hams.
Total: 55 BBSU and 220 AH

1 squat – 4 calf raises, progress up to 10 squats – 40 calf raises.
Total: 55 squats – 220 calf raises

Upper Body
1 merkin – 4 shoulder taps; progress up to 10 merkins – 40 shoulder taps.
Total: 62 merkins – 248 shoulder taps

The mumblechatter was off the charts through the 2nd Half. I can’t recall all of it, but the laughter hurt as much as the 220 American Hammers…. and the ant bites.

Flutters, Hello Dollys, Box Cutters, Xs & Os… just for Decibel!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Highway Clean Up, Convergence, Sweetwaters Coffee on 7/30

COT: Stays in CoT.
6 of us made it to Dunkin Donuts for some Coffeeteria. It was a great morning for 1st-F and 2nd-F, thoroughly enjoyed it fellas!

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Running Street Jackson

Tried to make a pun on an Outkast song lyric “I’m sorry Ms. Jackson” by saying “We’re running street Jackson.” But much like running Jackson Street, it wasn’t funny. (Although I laughed)

Ran for a mile
Core work for the 6
5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
16 split squats (8 each leg)

Rinse and Repeat

Keep after it. Awesome to see guys that don’t typically run 3+ miles in the gloom crush it today.

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Old stomping grounds

WARMUP: started out with Barry and Wegs bailing to go do some hard core running for some hard core miles.

The rest of us started down the road and the. Doubled back to up the hill. In the big parking lot we did: windmills, 1 burpee, 51 Moroccan night clubs, 2 burpees, cherry pickers, merkins, 3 burpees, squats, 4 burpees, back and hip stretches.
THE THANG: ran over to the steps in front of Pike engineering where we partnered up for a DORA.
– 100 derkins
– 200 jump squats
– 300 hammers
– partner 2 as timer ran down the path and did a loop in the parking lot

Next up was Jacobs ladder and 7s. At the wall we did hand release merkins at the bottom and donkey kicks at the top after jumping the wall.

Ran back to COT.
MARY: round robin while we approached 0600
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes…newsletter
COT: prayers for families and kids, and summer busy

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7-17-2023 Simple

All veterans so quick disclaimer, run to back for 7 HR merkins, 17 morracan night clubs, and 23 SSHs. I decided last night to just keep it simple and use the date. Run to gravel lot, 7 squats, 17 overhead claps, and 23 seal jacks. Run to Toastery, 7 HR merkins, 17 MNCs, and 23 SSHs. Run to bank lot in front of Walmart.

I wanted to keep everyone somewhat together before turning loose the speedsters (Tesla, Fishy). Keeping with the date, did 7 bombjacks in bank lot, run down to traffic circle, 7 merkins, back up to bank lot. Repeat with 17, 20, and 23 reps. Pick up the 6 since time was almost up. Make our way back to COT with the same stops on the way back.

Pretty hot out in the gloom right now but I appreciate all the guys coming out and pushing it this morning. Thanks Badlands for the opportunity!

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Just another manic monday

THE THANG: Brayden hill repeats:


intersection  1 burpee

5 merkins, 10 Parker peters, 20 CDDS


5 squats,  10 calf raises, 20 monkey jumpers

Next round

intersection 2 burpees
Reduce jumping squats by 1 each time

Rinse and repeat

MARY: no time
COT: was held

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Laps around WEP

WARMUP: Pledge…run around WEP to parking lot. Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs, Slow Low Squats, Merkins, Knees to chest, Seal Jacks.
THE THANG: Run lab around WEP. Merkin ladder: start at one side of parking lot with 1 Merkien….Bear crawl accross….2 Merkins…..Bear Crawl back….3 Merkins….etc. until 10 Merkins. Run a Lap. Lt. Dan’s around parking lot (4 lunges w/1 squat). Ab work (flutters, LBCs, Hello Dolly) 10 diamond Merkins. Run back around WEP to COT.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Dad’s camp, F3 men’s camp
COT: Praises for 2.0s

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LIV vs PGA Tour at the Hive

Uhaul was spinning the tunes by request which meant 80s and 90s rap hits. It is clearly a spiritual gift for him and the Pax appreciate it.


Mosey around the parking lot
Windmills x 10
MNC x 15


Separate into two groups (LIV tour and PGA Tour). Focus today would be KB exercises to improve golf swing accuracy and distance. Tours would do 3 sets of each exercise with 12 reps followed by a lap and then switch tours.

Hand Plank Reach
Mtn Climbers

PGA Tour
KB Swings

Lap then switch

Round 2
LIV Tour
Floor press
Russian Twist
Skull crushers

PGA Tour
Lateral swings
Slalom jumps

Lap then switch

All Tours
Goblet Squats
Big Boys

Mosey back to COT

COT: YHC had not Q’ed in some time and while I laid out a clear disclaimer, I failed to recognize that we had an FNG brought to us by Cohiba. Thanks to the pax, we were able to remedy this and provide him with a good name and explanation of F3 and the core principles.

I left the Pax with a question…what times in your life have truly brought you joy? Its a question that I was journaling about last night. What stands out to me is my wedding, the birth of my girls, seeing my girls succeed at something and the fellowship of the Pax

What has truly brought you joy?

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Smelly Stockade

WARMUP: Lap around the parking lot. SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Plank Stretches
The Accumulator:

Do the exercise and take a lap around the parking lot. Rinse and Repeat, accumulating each exercise.

10 Merkins – 20 Flutter Kicks – 20 Squats – 30 Plank Punches – 20 LBC’s – 20 Carolina Dry Docks – 10 Burpees
We had addition time to do two more rounds, dropped the burpees and Carolina Dry Docks.

Great Job Everyone!

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