Run or ruck

THE THANG: run 4 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS:was a lot of fun running this morning. Did learn about OldBay new health monitor to tell him if he has had enough sleep, if h he is in his target heart rate, and a lot of other really cool stuff. He and I might differ on State schools but both like technology. Twister and Cakeboss are really getting after the runs and sprocket likes to double down. Delorean gets his in even if at the wrong location.

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Running after late night is bad

We ran, some ran 6 miles, some ran more, some ran less, but we all got it done.

Word of advice- don’t agree to Q the morning after a wine tasting event.

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Countdown from 50 + Bear Crawls

Run behind strip mall to parking lot next to Indian restaurant.
– Imperial Walkers
– Windmills
– Peter Parkers
– Shoulder Taps
– Flutters
– little bit of stretching

Run behind Lowes for exercise reps counting down from 50. Between each exercise, pax ran to opposite side of the back of Lowes, bear crawling for a small section of the run.

Start on west side: 50 Merkins
Run (with short bear crawl) to east side – 45 squats
Run (with short bear crawl) back to west side – 40 LBCs
East side – 35 CCDs
West side – 30 Lunges
East side – 25 big boy sit-ups
West side – 20 wide-arm merkins
East side – 15 bomb jacks
West side – 10 American Hammers
East side – 5 burpees

Run back to west side for a round of Guantanamo Bay.

Head back to COT for quick Mary.

– Flutters
– Chopsticks

Great work, men!

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gone postal

THE THANG: COT to Ft mill usps to the hill at 1st Baptist to Print Shop and back. Started with 22 ended with 25. Several freelancers for extra miles. The rain did not come.

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Minimal complaining kinda

WARMUP: mosey to Lowe’s for SSH, IW, HW, Peach Pickers, Baby Arm Circles
45 seconds of PAIN
Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Dips
Hand Release, LBC’s, Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks
Wide Arm Merkins, Flutters, Bobby Hurleys, Arm Lifts
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: a couple abs and Trucker finishing with the TREE. (Just stand there waiting for 6). LOL
Praises and Prayers were shared and delivered and sent to the
Thanks PEACH. Your a hell of a site Q

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Rip Curl, Brah

This week’s Dawn Patrol Tuesday installment was a run with 3, 4, and 5 mile options.

-Launch to Harris Street to Harris x Munn then return: 3 mile
-Launch to Harris to Munn to 160 to Startex: 4 mile
-Launch to Harris to Munn to 160 to Harris to Ardrey to Startex: 5 miles

We had 5 for 4 with a Doubledown and 1 Code Brown.

Come join at 0615 and tell your friends who need it!

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8 Guys at the Ballroom

Mosey to the backlot, line up and do some walk stretches: knees to chest, toy soldiers, arm circles, and lunge twists.

Mosey to the side of the school for COP (all in cadence):
SSH x 20, windmill x 10, merkin x 10, squat x 20, Imperial/Hillbilly walker x 10 x 2, Carolina dry dock x 10, Rosalita x 15, Boat/Canoe x 5, Downward/Upward dog, Cat/Cow.
Mosey to the entrance to the steel bridge and partner up: Inchworm/merkin 3/4 of the length of the bridge, mosey to the opposite end. Lunge walk/squat the full length back to the start.
Classic Jack Webb: 1:4 to 10 merkins

Freddie Merc x 15, Hello Dolly x 15, LBC x 15, Box cutter x 10. Finish up with Body Destroyer

Dam to Damn Bar this Saturday. Amor Artis fundraiser tonight for one their employees. Read your newsletter

Prayers for Airborne’s family

YHC is coming off of a 2 week illness and was thankful to be well enough to Q today. The workout was truly moderate which provided ample opportunity for mumble chatter and the Pax didn’t disappoint. It’s always a good time with these guys and perfect F3 weather this morning was icing on the cake. @CakeBoss and @BarryManilow rolled in from their run at exactly the right time. Well done, gentlemen! Thanks for the Q spot, @Boogie!

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A borrowed borrowed backblast Q

WARMUP: ran around parking lot then had COP with usual suspect exercises
THE THANG: Do exercise then take a lap
100 merkins
90 squats
80 LBC
70 CDD
60 squat jumps
50 hammers

MARY: LBC, flutter

Was a great morning to be out. Thanks for the opportunity @boogiedown

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OTB Acceleration project…you get the idea

WARMUP: ran over to footloose lot for warmup and introduced first 2 q source foundations. 1. Disruption 2. Language
THE THANG: Ran to church parking lot at the bottom of the hill where we talked about foundation #3: group (which is what our little workout group is).

Crab cakes was then nice enough to relive the glory days with his infamous rugby sprints (which he led) and exercises. So an oldie but a goodie. He led this for about 10 min and then as if this was tee’d up transitioned the lead to Libbity Bibbity. YHC took the opportunity to talk about foundation #4: LDP. LDP is about great leaders developing new leaders.

LB took a few rounds, then handed off to Sprocket for the same lead on a few rounds.

YHC took the q back and led the group to every set of stairs he could find in a 1/4 mile radius, give or take, which is 3 different sets. A little bit of Mary and stretching as we waited for the 6, then headed back to COT.
MARY: Twister broke out his gas pumper.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: yes, but kept this short
COT: YHC covered foundation #5: Preparedness. Remember that we are an organization OF leaders rather than an organization WITH leaders.

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Morris is in the hunt

WARMUP: Nope. That’s frowned upon here.
THE THANG: Toward the river district, turn R on Gardenia (with a litte extra before), R on Morris Hunt to the cul-du-sac and back, L on Dowing, R on Birkshire, take it back to COT.
MARY: Nope. But some guys got back with time to stretch

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