- QIC: Maximus
- When: 02/26/2025
- Pax: Band Camp, Brawny, Farmers Only, fishstix, Italian Job, Maximus, Punch List, Tesh, Vuvuzela, Wegmans, Wooden Leg
- Posted In: backblasts
Straight from the email inbox, delivered from GoRuck’s Tribe workouts, we performed The Valentine’s Day Massacre-Post Mortem (or most of it, at least)
WARMUP: Carry all sand bags to our starting point for a few of the typical warmup exercises.
Buy-In: 100 Sandbag Back Squats
Then, 4 Rounds:
200m Sandbag Shuffle
20 Sandbag Clean & Front Toss
20 Bear Crawl Sandbag Drags (each drag=1)
20 Sandbag Shoulder-to-Shoulders (each side=1)
Cash-Out: 100 Sandbag Front Squats (Punchlist did finish, I did not)
2 Things happened this morning that I greatly appreciate:
1. When starting round 4, it appeared that I had enough time to complete so I made a comment about taking my foot off the gas. Band Camp then said he’d murder me if I let up, I’m paraphrasing. I appreciate the reminder that just because I’ve done good work before, it’s not a hall pass to coast into the perceived finish line.
2. While executing the Cash-Out Squats, I was nearing squat #20 and my form was beginning to suffer. I was leaning forward at the waist and compromising form. Seeing this, Punchlist called me out by name stating my error noting this was not the proper way to perform a squat, especially with the added weight of a sandbag. This means a ton to me because that translates to someone caring enough about me to not let me live incorrectly. You may roll your eyes at the connection but I could have easily continued my incorrect squats and have nothing happen. Or, I could’ve easily injured myself. Regardless, I wasn’t realizing the benefit of doing the hard work and PL saw that. I appreciate that.
MARY: Assumed it was included in the above.
COT: 5th Core Principle