Being Present

It was an honor to spend this morning with so many leaders in our community. 16 was the count for 4.65 miles. The route was as follows: R on 160 towards downtown, L on Main, Cross over Clebourne to Springs, R on Summersby where Springs ends, R on Unity, R on Tom Hall, Cross over Main to Clebourne, R on 160, L into parking lot.

Today’s COT was a reminder of the value in posting each morning. We have the opportunity to live life with High Impact Men that make us better. We discussed fatherhood, health challenges, stress, and being the leaders our community needs. Keep a lookout for upcoming challenges from The Fort’s SLT. We are needed now more than ever.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, Anchorman. And thanks to the PAX for helping me start my day off on the right foot!

Italian Job

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“The Hip Thing” By Airborne

WARMUP: What Warmup?
THE THANG: Run… far….
Head from COT to Munn. South on Munn to Harris St. East on Harris St. to the Godfather of hills in The Fort. Depending on the distance desired, take Spratt or Massey to 160 and back to COT for a total of ~4 miles.
MARY: Not necessarily Mary but Airborne brought out a 5 minute Hip workout to help with strength, tone and maintain the swim bod for the summer. It was a burner!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Convergence on July 4.
COT: Prayers for calm minds and patience, Cakeboss’s family after losing his step-father and the Cox family who lost their father leaving behind two young children and a wife.

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Old Kingsley Loops

Suggestion was for Pax to run counterclockwise around old Kingsley business park loop, with the upgrade option of running an increased-paced segment around the pond within.
82% runners (14)
18% ruckers (3)
100% started their day up 1-0

Thanks Anchorman for the opportunity to lead.

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1st Time For Everything

WARMUP: NONE….this is Clydesdales
THE THANG: a nice 4 mile loop: Down to Spratt…..Right on Harris……Back up on Munn rd….Bonus if you want.
1st time Q for the Clydesdales…..1st time I have Q’d and didn’t do the actual workout. Opted for the Ruck option.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Kenya Convergence. Boss Hogg’s going away party (although he already left?)
COT: Prayers for Luca/Vuvu family. Anchorman’s new business.

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Runny thingy doing on

Ready… set…

160 to Massey to spratt to Leonidas, and repeat the loop then return to COT


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Warming up the Canollis


Run to kingsley. do one mile loop as many times as you can before time runs out. every half mile increase speed to 5k pace for about 60 seconds.

read newsletter for important announcements.

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Sir run a lot

WARMUP: none
Route included a Little Ceaser drive by then over and around FM, back up Jackson to COT. Most got 4, some got 5.

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