Jackson, Harris and Smith Oh My!

THE THANG: Out and back- 2 miles out. Depart from Veterans Park after the Pledge of Allegiance- head toward WEP: left on Jackson; Right on Harris : Turn-around at Sam Smith (first right after I77 overpass). Pain stations Top and Bottom of Jackson & Sam Smith.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA coming -this is a event not to miss! Nice work Funhouse!
COT: RainMaker open discussion with possible new AO w a later start time : Freed to lead and Opportunity to EH a half a dozen men. Thank you for the opportunity to Q.

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Teen Mental Health Awareness Weinke

Run to WEP

Approx 14% of teens suffer with mental health issues. That number is probably higher.

Split into 3 groups. 1 group ran clockwise around WEP twice, another ran counter, and the 3rd ran the trail down to Harris Street and back. All groups had to run their routes shuffle run style. ~mileage 1.4. Once we returned to the start, 14 burpees then switched routes.
This time each team did 7 burpees after either 1 lap around WEP, or once they got to Harris St. then 7 more after the second lap.

Only had enough time to do 1 more lap with burpees before heading back to COT.


COT: gratitude all around.

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What’s the fun in tapering

WARMUP: pledge and then ran to WEP. The run is your warmup.
THE THANG: Partner up and run opposite directions around WEP. We started out with when you meet you partner, you drop and do 10 merkins slapping hands as you come up from the merkin. With the resounding “that’s it” after initial instructions, we took off in our opposite directions.

After meeting our partners for the second time, and essentially completing 1 full lap around the park, additional exercises were included. On top of the merkins, 10 LBCs were added.

1 more full lap, 1 additional exercise…now added in 10 squats. As my partner, old bay, was responsible for telling people he passed about the new exercises, he may have told some teams the new exercises were burpees. It happens.

Last lap added in 10 flutters.
MARY: no, made it back with no time remaining.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: jaeger on 3/11, dam to dam coming up
COT: How many times do you allow ego to get in the way of potentially “good ideas”? Or how do you let ego drive decisions just because people make comments that trigger competitive tendencies? Or how do you walk into a situation thinking one thing, and then realize someone changed something you didn’t expect (every time you passed them in a big WEP circle)?

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Reverse Webb- Minnow Pond

7 Pax (6 runners 1 walker) gathered at Vets park this morning. After a welcome reminder from Backdraft we said the pledge and got going.

The Thang:

Reverse Webb.

I had 10 cones split .05 apart along 160 , Clebourne, Main Street and then looped back past Vets park on 160.
Essentially we would run to cone 10, run back to Vets parking lot do 40 reps (split between LBC’s and Merkins) and repeat with Cone 9 (36 reps) Cone 8 (32 reps) etc…etc..

Cone 10 and back to COT 1 Mile 40 reps (20 merkins/20 Lbcs)
Cone 9 and back to COT .9 Mile 36 reps (18 merkins/18 Lbcs)
Cone 8 and back to COT .8 Mile 32 reps (16 merkins/16Lbcs)
Cone 7 and back to COT .7 Mile 28 reps (14 merkins/14 Lbcs)
Cone 6 and back to COT . 6 Miles 24 reps (12 merkins/12 Lbcs)
Cone 5 and back to COT . 5 Miles. 20reps (10 merkins/10 Lbcs)

(This is as far as anyone got)

Things I learned: My Under Armor App and my Apple App do not agree. I measured out the cones using my Under Armor app, but ran the course with my Apple watch. Apparently, I underestimated the mileage on the cones and as a result we all got at least 4 miles in. Two of us got 5 in.

Always honored to lead and was thankful for the men that showed up this morning.

Take care…until next time!

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“I’m sorry Mrs Jackson Street (woo!), Minnow Pond is fo real!!” – OutKast, 2001


Run to Harris St Park via paved trail behind WEP Amphitheater.

3 strong PAX split 30 pull-ups, 100 merkins, 100 squats.

Run up Jackson St
– Every intersection, do a 20 Rep abs workout
1. American Hammers
2. Box Cutters
3. LBC’s
4. Hello Dollys
5. Penguins
6. V-ups

Run to WEP playground.

Planking relay races – pAX to 12, 4, and 8 o’clock locations on perimeter of playground. 1 person runs to the next. Others are planking and waiting for the runner to tap them out to run.

3x circuits running
3x circuits NUR

Took a 1/2 mile lap around WEP, then headed back to COT.

Total miles-3.1 miles

Dam to Dam bar
6 at 6 on Saturday is back.

Seasons of change for various PAX. Prayers for times of transition, patience, and presence.

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Arms and Run

WARMUP: SSH, Merkins
THE THANG: 3 stations Arms concentration.
Station 1 at the top of the hill of Massey, 25 Merkins
Station 2 at back parking lot of Pike Eng, 35 yard Bear Crawl.
Station 3 at tye WEP playground, 10 pull ups.
Run back to Massey through 160 to complete a 0.75 mile loop.
Rinse and repeat.
Total of 3 to 4 miles with the exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D Bar package pick up on Saturday at Amor between 2 and 6PM. CSAP coming up by March.
COT: prayers for families.

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Cardinal Run

WARMUP: Pledge @ 5:15
THE THANG: Ran a figure 8 route with a pain station in the middle to honor Cardinal. 1/2 mile fast pace then slowed down the second half.
Round 1:
5 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 15 Heels to Heaven
Round 2:
5 Burpees, 10 LBC’s, 15 Mt. Climbers
Round 3:
5 Burpees, 10 Squats, 15 Freedy Mercury’s
(Rinse & Repeat)
MARY: Band Camp took us out with some flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the news letter

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Carowind’s blast from the past….the Frenziod

Mosey to Fort Mill Church of God
Slow Low Squats
Downward Dog/Honeymooner
Mountain climbers
Quick recap of Frenzoid ride at Carowinds: simple but terrifying, goes in both directions, and we all move as a group.
(Using Williamson St. & Monroe White St.) Starting at the “bottom” of the hill we NUR halfway up. Stop and wait on the 6. 10 Merkins. run the rest of the way up to next street. 10 Flutters in cadence. Run back down the hill to “bottom” and perform Burpees (in ascending manner). NUR up the other side until parking lot. 10 Merkins. Run to next street. 10 Flutters in Cadence. Rinse and repeat. Burpee count got to 6 at the bottom.
Flutters, Dying Cockroach
Bethel Men’s. New AO
COT: Prayers for healing, our teachers and children, elderly parents, to be consistent.

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