Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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No pain no gain

WARMUP: 1 mile mosey through the mean streets and rolling hills of downtown Fort Mill, followed by a 1 mile Indian run
THE THANG: 11’s at the Monroe White hill with burpees at the bottom and bomb jacks at the top
MARY: Hello dolly, American hammers, merkins, and flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUP, Blood drive at Forest Hills 7/14
COT: prayers for a friend of Kermit’s that just lost a young child
Prayers for fire marshal Bill as his business struggles through employee turnover during a period of high demand
Prayers for Gekko as he tackles a 100 mile run 💪

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Respect Bday Q

YHC was honored to Q minnow pond on my actual 50th (RESPECT) birthday. since the theme is 50, the route was a loop with 5 pain stations with 3 exercises of 10reps (to equal 50 reps per exercise and lap). Goal was 5 laps for the gazelles.

The stations were at Main/Tom Hall, Tom Hall/Withers, Withers/Confederate, Withers/Watson, and Railroad/Main.

Unfortunately I scheduled skin cancer surgery 2 days prior without thinking about the implications. Doctor requested I not exercise for 2 weeks but I couldn’t resist. Reason why I mention this is as a Public Service Announcement: use sun screen all year long and always reapply daily to avoid skin cancer.

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Run and Gun Work

THE THANG: Ran to WEP where we ran the loop then ran the loop again stopping at each bench to do 10 merkins and 10 squats…rinse and repeat.
COT: thanks to Jekyl for the opportunity to lead.

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white(snake)ville park

WARMUP: complaints about heat/humidity then pledge and then a slightly below average description of the workout (sorry backdraft and quack)

THE THANG: run to Whiteville Park neighborhood. snake/zipper through neighborhood starting out going left on Leroy to start. 10 wide arm merkins every left intersection/corner, 10 squats every center crossing (springs), 10 diamond merkins every right intersection/corner.

Then mosey back to CoT

average was about 70 reps of each exercise and 3.5miles

MARY: mostly dysfunctional

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Bday Jekyll

COT: praise to #thefort on bringing home the 2022 hog and coyote trophy

Thanks for the opportunity Jekyll, was an honor to lead the men this morning.

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WEP full circle.

WARMUP: 15 SSH and 5 windmills while waiting on NASA.
THE THANG: Mosey over to the WEP loop. 20 squats in the first corner. Then 5 pull-ups at the playground. 20 flutter kicks at the 2nd corner. 10 merkins at the top of the hill corner. 15 monkey jumpers at the bandshell. As many laps as possible.
MARY: none.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel mens shelter tonight. Blood drive.
COT: spud took us out with a beautiful prayer. Very thankful for my last Q here. And overall thankful for the men of F3 the Fort for making me the person I am today.

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Minnow Pond

WARMUP: run .8
THE THANG: golf course 9 holes with Merkins
MARY: took turns, flutters, tie touch, American hammers etc
COT: Funhouse traveling- vacation, Stang praise for young man staying with them , 🙌

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bootcamp with running

6 PAX and a FNG gathered around the flagpole for the Pledge of Allegiance. Disclaimer was mumbled by the nonprofessional.

WARMUP: SSH and Windmills. Mosey to the Town Square

THE THANG: Shamelessly stolen from Grout with some slight modifications.

Round 1
5 Burpees
10 Big Boys
15 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Lunges
25 American Hammers
30 Shoulder Taps
35 Monkee Humpers
40 Flutters
45 Mountain Climbers
50 Squats
Run a Hill leg, North to 160 or South to Patterson, 5 squats then return to Town Sqare for Round 2.

Round 2.
Same as Round 1 but exclude the 50 squats. After the 45 Mountain Climbers are completed, run a Flat leg, East or West on Academy, 5 Merkins, then return to Town Sqare for Round 3.

Round 3, same as Round 1, exclude the 40 Flutters, then run a Hill leg, 5 squats, return to Town Square for Round 4.

Continue working down the ladder to Round 10 with only 5 burpees between each running leg. I finished 5 rounds.

There were a lot of excercises between each run, and the PAX were strongly encouraged to transition quickly between each excercise so we could get our mandatory miles completed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gekko speaking at Hanging with Stang today. Sign up for yardwork at the Fort Mill Care Center. Read your newsletter.

COT: FNG, Gavin, was Eh’d by Stang. Gavin is college student on summer break, and is visiting from OK. Get to know this guy while he is here. He recently completed his diver certification and his F3 name quickly was The Bends. Google it.

Blessed for the opportunity to led at Minnow Pond. Thank you Jeckle for the opportunity. I kicked a dent in this high mileage AO average pace today. It was a bootcamp with running. Should have climbed the ladder to get more distance. I got 3 miles and a complete body workout. I’m not a professional.

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Miles with a side of Murph

Last night I was settling down for bed and decided to get on Slack to see who was Q’ing before deciding where to post this morning… Jekyll had just posted that Minnow Pond was without a Q so I felt the calling to volunteer.

0514 Pledge

Disclaimer then a mosey to WEP playground area – SSH, cherry pickers, IWs, Arm Circles, Merkins all IC

Miles with a side of Murph –
OYO 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats then run WEP loop

rinse and repeat until 0550ish

Fishstix tried to keep up with McGuyver for a while – the rest of us were….. slower. Most got 5 or 6 rounds in before time to head back to COT.

MARY: Got back to CoT with about 4 minutes to spare so got some solid Ab work in – Freddy Mercury’s, flutters, LBCs, Leg Raises, and 6 American Hammers before YHC rudely interrupted Vuvu to declare 0600.

This workout didn’t take a lot of planning or thought – that was kind of the point. Keep it simple was the plan this week. Put in hard work and don’t over-complicate things in life. Do this over and over and good results will come.

Funhouse still accelerating post AKA, knocking out pullups like a BOSS…

Nice to meet FratBoy

Read your newsletter –
Blood Drive needs more sign-ups Apr 12.

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WARMUP: none. This is minnow pond

THE THANG: run to golf course, 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats at each tee box.

Could have gotten in the entire front 9, but got a bit nervous on time. Still hit 8 holes.

MARY: LBC, v-ups, j-lo

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4/30 convergence & invergence at WEP

COT: prayers to be the dad our kids need and the dad we needed when we were kids

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