F3 The Fort Anniversary Party

Get ready to celebrate the Anniversary of The Fort. Location will be next to The Springfield neighborhood pool under the pavilion. but the date is set Sept. 17th, 2021. 1830-2130 or 630pm- 930pm for anyone that dosn’t know how to do military time. Cant wait to see you all. It will be the same as last year and bring your own dinner and drinks. We will have a few people speaking.

Look forward to seeing everyone.

location- Springfield Neighborhood Pavilion, next to pool

time- 630pm- 930pm

what to bring- whatever you want to eat and drink.

TClap |


Fourteen pax attended the Second Annual Harry Carry Memorial Minnow Pond Q (SAHCMMPQ).  By mandate, YHC gets to Q Minnow Pond once per year.

Brief disclaimer and launch/run to stop “A” which was the new parking spots on Ardrey St. alongside WEP near 160.

The routine was described: board of pain with pairs of exercises.  Pax need to do a total of 100 of the pair and can split it up any way they want (i.e. 15 Merkins and 85 squats).  I called it a mix/match routine.

Then run to stop “B” which is the big parking lot behind Pike.  Get there by running this route: southwest down Ardrey to Harris, run east to Massey, then up/northeast on Massey to Pike’s big parking lot.  Distance is 0.7 miles between A and B.

There is a board at point B; different pairs of exercises, but same routine, mix/match to a count of 100.

Then run back to point A following the same route. Rinse/repeat the routine.  Exercise details:

Stop “A” exercises (mix/match to count of 100):
Started with: Merkins/Squats
At second visit do: Dips/Monkey Humpers
At third visit do: SSH/American Hammers
Stop “B” exercises (mix/match to count of 100):
First visit do: CCD/Bobby Hurley’s
Second visit do: Shoulder Taps/Freddie Mercuries
Third visit do: Calf Raises/ LBC’s

At 5:50 the front runners began collecting everyone on the run back to point B.  We got everyone back to COT and then did the pledge of allegiance (because I forgot to start off with it).

Approximately 4 miles ran.

Fini, COT

Prayers for those effected by COVID and for schools: kids and teachers.

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Three the Hard Way

Three men showed up on a windy morning at Minnow pond.  After the Pledge, we started up the hill on Massey toward the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene.  We stopped for a few exercises (Merkins, Squats, and LBCs – 10 of each).  Next, we headed down Harris to Harris street park for a brief stop and completed the same exercises as above.

We then ran up to Fort Mill High School to converge with Laces In.  Trucker was on Q so we met at his favorite place, the pull-up bars.  We split into teams and did a Dora mash-up with various exercises:  Pull-ups, merkins, LBCs, V-ups, and more running.  Once we finished up, we headed back on the road.  We took Jackson Street back to Walter Elisha to tour the changes.  Back to COT.


Great job everyone..thanks for the opportunity.


TClap |

Primed at Minnow Pond

Minnow Pond….

Prime numbers today:
2 burpees,
3 bombjacks,
5 merkins,
7 squats,
11 wildcard reps every time we stopped.

We stopped around 11 times?

Total of 3.5 miles.

Luke 5:31 (both prime numbers)
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
Make sure you’re seeking out the “sick” (sad clowns?). Don’t spend all your time with the healthy. That may mean posting with a newer PAX at a moderate to support them.


Band Camp Dismissed


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Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

11 guys got after it this morning. We promptly headed to Hardee’s for some straightforward instructions, burpees, run, merkins after the pledge.  Block suicides were the name of the game. 5 burpees at Hardee’s (each time) run to the next block for 5 merkins. Merkins increased by 5 each block. However simple, this was not easy by any means. YHC didn’t all finish the route; most ended up with around 4 miles, 45 burpees, and 180 merkins. This was my first Q at the minnow pond. Thanks to Jekyll for the opportunity.

TClap |

Embrace the low point…now get up.

It’s Minnow Pond. It’s a 3mi minimum with a few push-ups as we now like to say.
Jekyll asked the question. I answered in the affirmative.
The day before, marketing for competing regional AO’s began and man, it was hot.
The weather was great and I’m hoping these other 15 PAX would’ve still posted in the 35deg rain. But…time will tell. Remember, durability and stories are best formed in adverse conditions.

There you have it, the setup is complete.
0500…A few pre-runners. Remember when guys did that at Minnow Pond? Isn’t the intent to push yourself?
0514 Pledge of Allegiance
0515 Disclaimer for the 16 of us

As a group, run to the FMCOG parking lot at the corner of Withers &  Academy.
Warmup consisting of windmills, SSH & Burpees

The plan…Run each leg then 10 Merkins, 10ea leg Jumping Lunges, 20 American Hammers in the parking lot upon the return.
Leg 1: Run up to Tom Hall & back.
Leg 2: Run up to Banks & back.
Leg 3: Run up to Meacham & back.
Leg 4: Run to Main St & back.

All were able to complete this at least 1 time and some completed it twice for a total distance of 3-4mi.
Run it back to COT for some final closing exercises.

Great Harlan’s Heroes fundraising update from Jekyll. Stay tuned for the next opportunity.
Yeti is coming next weekend. Partner up or do the full thing.

Hey Jekyll. Thanks for the nod.


TClap |

Cupid’s Cup 5k at Minnow Pond

The date on Thursday marked 6 years since YHC found himself in a non-siren, precautionary ambulance ride to Atrium Pineville with some annoying chest pain. Turns out my LAD needed 3 stents and I needed some cardiac rehab. Ever since then, about this time every year, I support that program by running in The Cupid’s Cup 5K put on by Atrium Health. The donations and support from F3 have always been overwhelming.

Well, 2020-2021 being what it is, the event was virtual this year. Not only that, but the cardiac rehab program added another Pax to its list of graduates. Bonsai, as you know, had a hiccup in his LAD this past summer. While both of us know that program is awesome, the F3 brotherhood plays an even more important role.

And it was on full display Thursday 2/11/2021. 25 of you came out to support us. You ran hard with us. You prayed with us and you supported the cause with you donations. It was truly humbling to be surrounded by so many Pax giving so much of themselves.

Congrats to Scalp for 1st overall and Long Duck for 1st of the respectables.

And please remember, if you’re experiencing any sort of chest discomfort, arm pain or unexplained nausea/vomiting, don’t brush it off. Get to the doctor/ER/Urgent Care. Time is precious when it comes to treatment and care. The time afterwards when you’re surrounded by the love and support of F3 is priceless.



P.S. – Still time to donate/run virtually through Sunday 2/14

TClap |

Cupids’ Cup Virtual 5K at Minnow Pond

For those of you that have been in The Fort for a while, you may remember I had a heart attack on February 11, 2015. To say I was lucky compared to other victims is an understatement. My fitness is probably stronger now than it was before it happened. But the foundation that I built THROUGH F-3 no doubt helped in my episode being mild and allowed a smooth road to recovery.

Another part of my recovery was cardiac rehab through Atrium Health. Every year I run in the Cupid’s Cup 5K. Some of you have run with me. Many more were supportive through generous donations. Since the event is virtual this year, I decided to take the Q at Minnow Pond on 2/11/2021, 6 years to the day and host a mini live event to assist the virtual efforts of the cardiac rehab team.

Last July 2nd, another Pax became a “student” and then a graduate of the Cardiac Rehab program. Bonsai had his own event after a double down. Again, when you see him now, you’d have no idea. He also attributes his good fortune to F3 and his care through Atrium’s program.


(1) So come out on Thursday if you can. OR run 3.1 miles on your own between now and (through)Sunday. You can register here to send in an official time and be part of the F3 – The Fort team.

(2) You can also donate without running by using this link.

Besides being lucky that we could overcome our heart attacks, Bonsai and I could go to cardiac rehab with no financial strain. This event is a way to make sure everybody has access to the care they need.

This is a great way to get in a regular post and give back to the community.


TClap |

Minnow Pond 12.17.2020

The promo:

The route:

10 stops along the way
5 burpees/10 merkins/15 squats each time

16 PAX. It was hard. Had to average 10min/mile with the exercises to finish at COT by 0600. We did.

Strava Stats: https://twitter.com/jisenhour/status/1339542289048285184

Today was a workout where I tried harder because I was on Q. Being a leader isn’t just about exhorting acceleration in others or the group; it also forces you to accelerate individually. That was pretty evident to me this morning from my heart rate monitor. All the guys that came out today pushed me to be better. When you’re a follower, are you following in a way that is helping your leaders be better?

Band Camp dismissed

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Swimming Upstream

6 men showed up on a cold morning at Minnow Pond.  The theme of the day was hills, lots of hills.

We first ran up Massey to the gas station.  At each stop, we did a set of 10 merkins, squats, and LBCs.  Next stop, the Christmas tree  at Massey Park.  I consider this the warm-up portion of the workout.

Next, we ran to the warehouse parking lot on Wither street.  If you haven’t been there, it is at the top of a hill.  We ran down the hill and at each right turn, we performed the exercises above, ran back to the warehouse parking lot for another set of the exercises.  Rinse and repeat until we reached Tom Hall.  Once complete, we ran the course in reverse.  We were all chasing Sir Topham Hat as he cruised up and down the hills.


Back of COT

Great job by all!

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