The Fort- Custom Goruck Challenge 2017-UPDATE

  • QIC: WWL & Cobra Kai
  • When: Spring 2017
  • Pax: Fort Mill and surrounding areas
  • Posted In: The Fort

The call went out on May 1, 2016 for this ultimate CSAUP event known as a Goruck Challenge. We said it would be 10-12+ hours, said you would need to wear a ruck sac filled with 20 or 30 lbs (depending upon your weight), said you would carry heavy awkward items (like logs, ammo cans filled with concrete, etc), said you would cover some 10-20 miles, said it would be among the hardest thing you would do and said here’s your opportunity to do it shoulder to shoulder with the men you’ve been called to do life with.

And in 5 weeks OVER 35 pax said AYE, I want in on that!! Said I’m crazy enough to say yes. Said I want a challenge. Said I don’t want to miss out. Said I want to support my brothers. Said I want to find out what I’m made of. Said yes sir, may I have another.

So with over 35 pax HC and paid the $50 deposit, The Fort Goruck Custom Challenge 2017 is a GO! We will coordinate with Goruck to lock-in the date, find a sweet Cadre(s), patches and determine the location. Some of those details will be finalized here shortly, like the date, others may take a little time. And yes there will be patches there are only certain ways to earn the GRT and F3 patches, and that’s by completing a Goruck Challenge.

The date will either be 4/28/17 or 5/5/17 and your event Qs will be WorldWide Leader and Cobra Kai.

So where do we go from here?

1) More HCs! The way Goruck structures the Custom Challenge is as follows, for $5k you get 35 spots (we have secured our first 35 pax), another 35 spots costs you an additional $3k (there is no in-between or prorated pricing). SO at 35 pax, the cost is $143/person ($5k/35), at 36 pax the cost $222/person ($8k/36), at 37 pax the cost per person is $216/person ($8k/37), you see how the math progresses. Thus we will have two options, either we have 35 pax OR we have 56+ pax (so that the cost is no more than $143/person). If we have more than 56 pax, the price per person will be less than $143.

We currently have 4 pax on the wait list, again we need 21+ in order for the wait list pax to make it to the event.

Let’s keep recruiting pax, other Regions are welcome, we’ve had interest from Lexington, Raleigh, and Isotope.

To HC for the wait list, contact WorldWide Leader (@JcLaRoche2, or Cobra Kai (@F3_CobraKai) AND pay the $50 deposit via PayPal, its free to use, use send to friend (, also need to provide your email address (for future communications). Please note that we need ALL things: HC, $50 and an email address to secure your spot!

2) Start rucking, or preparing to ruck. Start talking to Goruck veterans (referred to as Goruck Tough or GRT) about past events, experience with rucks, bricks, ruck plates, other gear. NOTE you do NOT have to buy a Goruck ruck, they are nice, but there are plenty of options out there, start practicing with your ruck, figure out what works and what does.

We will expand the rucking specific workout options starting in the fall and training will ramp up at the start of the new year. There will be options to talk about what to expect at the Challenge, how to train, how to pack your ruck, what to pack, etc. There will be rucking 101. And there will be plenty of fellowship.

Below is the list of the first 35 HCs along with the wait list, all of which is also maintained and updated here:

First 35 HCs:
Crab Cakes
Cobra Kai
Private Ryan
Dark Helmet
Bear Grylls
Witch Hunt
White Lightning
Lil E

Current wait list as of 6/12/16:
Tony Bauldin
Bounty Hunter

Pax are encourage to ask questions and reach out to WWL or Cobra Kai.

The adventure starts here gentlemen.


WWL/Cobra Kai

TClap |

Jugs weigh How Much…

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 06/11/2016
  • Pax: Cspan, Cakeboss, rebel, Chickenhawk, Beackon, Barry Mannilow, Hasselhoff, Twister, Rock Thrill, Trucker, Jean Claude (FNG), Assasin, Cotton Eye, Cross Check, Corruption, Change Order, Shelby, Mission Impossible, Cheddah, Magnum, Marylou, Old Bay, BackDraft
  • Posted In: Millllkshake, The Fort

A hot and humid Saturday morning didn’t stop the cars from rolling in one after another. The Q started wondering how 13 milk jugs were going to have to de distributed. Its the fun part of bring the Q that when you come up with what you think is a great idea that idea gets a kick to the.. Well you know what. So after counting the number I figured we would only need to double up. This also got me to come up with a message that I had not added to my workout.

Here goes the thang. Good disclaimer since we had an FNG with us today. Welcome Jean Claude.

Mosey around parking area and basketball courts. Circle up for the following exercises all were done in cadence and 15 of them.

SSH, windmill, IW’s, Low Slow squats, CDD’s, LBC’s

Partner up- Size does not matter. Mosey to Qs truck and get 1 milk jug per group. After you have milk jug mosey to end of basketball courts. Q gave a quiz to see who knew what the weight of a gallon of water was. 8.3 might not seem like a lot but from now on either you or your partner had to have the jug. Don’t let them touch the ground.

First exercise right arm curls while partner karaoke’s to end of court and back. Switch.

2nd left arm curls karaoke opposite way.

3rd right arm tricep extensions partner high knees.

4th left arm tricep extensions partner butt kickers.

5th low slow squats partner karaoke’s

6th shoulder presses partner butt kickers.

7th CROUD PLEASER American Hammers while partner high knees.

Since I Don’t do 10 counts we take a little time to discuss teamwork. Life does not just happen you have a team everywhere at workouts. At home with M and 2.0s at work but most importantly with the Sky Q.

Mosey to old playground. take it back to boxing practice but instead of medicine ball turns we use the milk jug. 50 to the right and 50 to the left. 2 jugs were dropped so between the partners 30 strict merkins were performed. Don’t let jug touch the ground.

Mosey to football field. 25 Big Boy sit ups handing jug back and forth.

Q then surprises pax with 10 minutes of ultimate Frisbee. The game ended a lot how America has become and all got a participation medal score1-1.


Hog and Coyote next week. read your news letter.

Prayers for marriages, injured pax, kids in summer and those taking tests for college. The kids in our community are putting tons of stress on themselves.

Welcome FNG Jean Claude.

Backdraft out.

TClap |

Padre’s House of PAIN-theon…

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 06/08/16
  • Pax: Amphibious (GSO Pax), Hot Sauce, Gandalf, Schrute, Tinker Toy, Kelvin, Little Bear, Swampfox, Captain Kangaroo, Opie, Bloody Knuckles, Washout, Bill Nye, Mailman, Sgt York, Dark Helmet (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Fort

I had a huge conundrum on my hands this AM… I wanted desperately to participate in the PAIN-theon Games that Zima had cooked up for the one year anniversary of The Pantheon being an AO in The Fort.
BUT (!) I had the Q at PHOP… So I figured that I would just bring the CSAUP foolishness to my Rock Hill brothers.

We disclaimed, had a brief warmup and then got to it. We weren’t able to complete all of the events because we didn’t start the extra 15 minute earlier like our cohorts at The Pantheon did, but here’s what we did do, and who won what…

The PAIN-theon games consisted of the following, in order:
Merkins – 2 minutes AMRAP
SitUps – 2 minutes AMRAP
Burpees – 2 minutes AMRAP
100 yard Bear Crawl Dash for time
1 mile run for time
BTTW hold for 2 minutes or until no one is left (WE DIDN’T GET THIS FAR)
6 inch hold for 2 minutes or until no one is left (NOT COMPLETED)
Burpee Chase (NOT COMPLETED)

The Leaderboard:
1. TInker Toy = 123
2. Kelvin = 97
3. Dark Helmet = 85

1. Kelvin = 73
2. TInker Toy = 72
3. Schrute = 66

1. Kelvin = 37
2. Tinker Toy = 34
3. Dark Helmet = 31

100 Yard Bear Crawl Dash:
1. Bill Nye = :40
2. Dark Helmet = :46
3. Opie = :50

1 Mile Run:
1. Tinker Toy = 7:00
2. Schrute = 7:01
3. Kelvin = 7:02

BTTW: (only 2 Pax competed)
1. Dark Helmet = 1:26
2. Amphibious = :45


PAX Name Merkins Sit-Ups Burpees 100 Yd BC Dash 1 Mile BTTW Time 6 Inch Time Burpee Chase
Amphibious (GSO Pax) 52 59 22 1:45 7:59 :45 N/A N/A
Bill Nye 46 53 23 :40 DNF N/A N/A  N/A
Bloody Knuckles 40 50 15 1:45 9:09 N/A N/A N/A
Captain Kangaroo 50 11 11 DNF 13:40 N/A N/A N/A
Dark Helmet 85 50 31 :46 9:24 1:26 N/A N/A
Gandalf 21 37 14 2:23 9:30 N/A N/A N/A
Hot Sauce 60 50 20 1:30 DNF N/A N/A N/A
Kelvin 97 73 37 1:01 7:02 N/A N/A N/A
Little Bear 65 66 20 2:22 10:46 N/A N/A N/A
Mailman (ran only) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8:05 N/A N/A N/A
Opie 60 57 10 :50 8:20 N/A N/A N/A
Schrute 41 66 22 1:26 7:01 N/A N/A N/A
Sgt York (ran only) N/A N/A N/A N/A 8:05 N/A N/A N/A
Swampfox 50 50 10 DNF 11:30 N/A N/A N/A
Tinker Toy 123 72 34 :55 7:00 N/A N/A N/A
Washout 24 8 12 DNF 13:20  N/A N/A N/A

So, Tinker Toy is a monster. We all kind of knew that…
Turns out Bill Nye has bionic knees and just crushed the Bear Crawl Dash.
We all agree that Zima is the master of the CSAUP. Something ain’t right in that boy’s brain… Thank goodness.
This was a LOT of fun. I look forward to it again soon…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

Sally Brings Her Starfish for Playtime at The Deep

  • When: 6/11/16
  • Where:  The Deep
  • QIC:  Apache and Walker
  • The PAX:  Dark Helmet, Royale, Sweeper, Short Sale (Respect), Lug Nut (Respect), Cable Guy, Tater (Respect), Black Hawk, Iron Sight, War Bucks, Zima, Spitz (Respect), Apache, Walker (Respect)

12 HIM came out on a very warm morning to have a little fun at the Deep with Apache and YHC.  Apache and me did not determine beforehand what we would bring to the workout so when he broke out the stereo equipment, I knew it would get interesting.  Apache took the first half.

The Thang:

Apache on Q

Warm up:  SSH (single count), stretches, and merkins

Mosey to grassy area on the side of the school where the real work is about to begin.  Apache took the time to bring an important message concerning our influence on others.  F3 has changed this man’s life and anyone that knows him knows that he is passionate about F3, the mission, and the brotherhood.   He reminded us that we can be a positive influence on others as well as a negative influence.  We are a band of brothers and we need to encourage and support each other as we move forward in life – his message was well received by the PAX.


Sally Up and Sally Down:  Well, things got interesting here.  We counted off in 1s and 2s with 1s performing merkins while 2s performed squats. I’ve tried many different workouts over the years but this particular one has escaped me until today.  Sally is a tough old broad especially when it comes to merkins and she’s a nag when it comes to squats.  Of course, we had to flapjack so we got our fill of the old hag and finally moved on to another jewel of a workout.

BurpeeStruck Side Straddle Hops:   Apache kicked ol’ Sally to the curb and cranked up AC/DC’s Thunderstruck.  We had to perform SSHs until we heard the words “thunder” or thunderstruck”.  Whenever we heard either of those two words, we had to perform a burpee.  Apache got this little beat down from our pal Bing (thanks brother) who also happened to Q this same routine at Alcatraz.  I actually liked this routine and even played some air guitar with a few Pete Townsend jumps thrown in for good measure.  By the way, if you didn’t know, Brian Johnson really likes to sing those two words ALOT.

Apache Q’d a great 1st half and now it was time to mosey to the front parking lot for one of my favorite routines.

Walker on Q

Before we got started, I brought the same message that I brought to the Patriot last week.  I reminded the PAX about the message given in Romans 15:1-7.  In these verses, Paul basically speaks about the importance of building up you neighbor – in other words, building a community.  We in F3 have a calling to do such a thing.  We are not just passive members of a community. Part of the F3 mission is to build a community and it starts with the Sad Clown that you come across in your everyday life. As you go about your day to day, look for opportunities to build the F3 nation which in the end builds and impacts our communities in a very profound and Biblical manner.

Starfish Routine: 

Cones are laid out with one cone in the middle of a 4 corner array (cones at each corner).

Exercises:  Middle cone – 10 burpees, run to 1st cone – 100 merkins, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees, run to 2nd cone – 100 LBCs, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees,, run to 3rd cone – 100 squats, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees,, run to 4th cone – 50 pike presses, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees

Total:  50 burpees, 100 merkins, 100, LBCs, 100 squats, 50 pike presses


20 merkins in cadence , heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, 17 diamond merkins in cadence, heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, 20 single count  Lalanne merkins , heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, finished up with 20 single count merkins and a short mosey until time elapsed.

This was my first time working out at the Deep and it’s a very nice venue.  I highly urge the PAX to make a visit and support Royale in his effort to get thist AO going strong.

Naked Man:  Read the newsletter for F3 happenings in the area. I think most of the AOs will be shut down next weekend for the Hog and Coyote so be sure to check with your site Q before posting. I hope to see many of the PAX at the H & C next weekend.

It was an honor and a privilege to lead and serve such a great group of guys today. Thanks to Apache for helping me out today (I was originally going to Q solo) and thanks to Royale for the invite.

Walker Out!

TClap |

Step up and put out

  • QIC: Ginsu, Backdraft, Short Sale
  • When: 06/07/2016
  • Pax: sorry but lost recording yall know who you were great work by all.
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Colosseum, The Fort

On a humid Tuesday morning. 18 HIMs converged in a circle to get the day started. When the site Q announced that the Q for the day was MIA and we needed someone to step up and take it over Three ended up taking it. Hope all is ok with you DawgPound. We also had a great disclaimer since we were fortunate to have 2 FNGs.

We started with extending a warm up welcome to Short Sale who knocked a light mosey out and then we hit SSH x 15, Merkins X 10, IWs x 20, and LBCs I believe. Great job on the cadence and you are definitely ready to jump into the rotation of Qs.

It was then handed off to Ginsu. He started with a set of 20 yard bear crawls followed by 5 merkins and than 20 yard walking lunges. Do it 3 times. We moseyed towards the playground and to our surprise Houdini showed up and the playground was gone so an audible on an already q audible we lined up on the basketball court for 20 merkins followed by a suicide sprint to the wall than 10 wall muscleups. times that by 3 and you are sucking wind.

Mosey over to the other side of the parking lot and partner up run down the steps 10 merkins 20 squats than partner carry up and around the walking path. Once at top down stairs 10 merkins 20 squats and flip flop on the partner carry. Plank it up till the 6 is in.

Hand off to Backdraft who keeps the party rolling with the partner theme. Head over to the strategically places conex box. Partner 1 BTTW while partner 2 does merkins until partner 1 drops off the wall. Flip flop and do the same. 2nd set is a lot alike but instead of merkins do burpees, and lets go 1 more set with jumping lunges. Q heard someone request a 10 count so we modified that and did 10 SSHs in cadence and 10 LSSs in cadence. We thankfully still had some time so we partnered up for a lite DORA 1-2-3. 100 squats, 200 merkins, 300 LBCs. Mosey back to COT on the way grab some wall for wall sits.

Back at COT we had a namearama in which we were able to meet and give a couple of names out #1 goes to Richard Simmons and #2 to Snaphook. Look forward to seeing you both again real soon.

Announcement were Hog and Coyote, Spitz Army, and a few others I cant remember.

Prayers for jobs, new 2.0s, and to teach all those around us love and humility.

Backdraft Out


TClap |

Pre-Blast “The Fort Picnic” 7/23/16

  • QIC: Zima
  • When: 07/23/2016
  • Pax: All Region Pax
  • Posted In: The Fort

**UPDATE: Date of the picnic has been moved to 07/23/16**
**UPDATE 2: Read Details below for more information**

Summer is here and with the unbearable heat and humidity, I think of things American! Maybe because it’s grilling time, maybe it’s Memorial Day in the rear view mirror with Independence Day a month ahead. But I got to thinking (dangerous), the PAX of The Fort need to get together with the Ms and 2.0s and have a good ole ‘Merican picnic. I’m talking burgers and dogs, water balloon tosses, 3-legged races and shovel flags flying! No #CSAUP this time! I promise! Sorta!

Our good man Spitz has offered up his property for us to have this event. Bring everything you would to a picnic. Food, drinks, chairs, blankets, etc. Spitz will have his grill available if you’d like to grill something up and I believe he’ll also have some hot dogs and hamburgers for the 2.0s. This is really just an excuse for us to get together for some quality 2nd F. So don’t miss out!

The Fort Picnic
Date: Saturday, July 23
Time: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Where: 2303 Whites Road, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Our good man Spitz will be smoking some meats for the Pax to enjoy and all that we ask is that you bring your own utensils, sides and beverages. He will also have a grill available for Pax to cook burgers and hot dogs for the 2.0s. Some other items to consider:

  • Bring a canopy if you have one, it’s going to be hot!!!
  • Bring some chairs to hang out in
  • Bring sunscreen (I know, I’m not your mother)
  • If you have yard games, feel free to bring those, for example:
    • Corn Hole
    • Ladder Ball
    • Bocce Ball
    • Horse Shoes
  • We’ll organize some fun games for the 2.0s and adults
    • Kickball
    • Water Balloon Toss
    • 3 Legged Race
    • Golf Ball Relay

Just bring yourself and your family for a wonderful time of 2ndF with the PAX of The Fort


TClap |

Playing Cards & Betting on Burpees

  • QIC: Maximus & Cable Guy
  • When: 06/04/16
  • Pax: Snookie, Witch Hunt, Royale, Baby Connan, Kenyan, Villa, Warbucks
  • Posted In: The Deep, The Fort

So what happens when your number is called to Q at an AO and in a region you’ve not posted to yet? What happens when you’re paired with Cable Guy as your Q partner? What do you do? What do I do? I grab a deck of cards and show my appreciation at The Deep in Lake Wylie. We almost hit double digits and once the final car pulled in, I was surrounded by 8 other men ready to play cards. Cable Guy and I decided that I would take the first half of this party so after a brief disclaimer and an explanation, we were off.

Mosey to an adjacent lot for a quick warm-up consisting of:
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
20yd Walking Lunges

Circle up around the deck for 1 cycle through:
Hearts: Carolina Dry Docks
Spades: Mountain Skiers
Diamonds: Diamond Merkins
Clubs: Butt Kickers
Jokers/Ads: 10 Burpees

Once we went through 1 time, we had 2mins left so we filled that with box cutters then revers box cutters. I will tell you, it’s been a long time since I’ve played cards but this is a workout that never disappoints. Sweat was pooling all around us and it was hard to catch my breath. So this was the perfect time to hand off to Cable Guy.

With that, he led us on a mosey to the field where we’d pick a partner.
First partner back peddles the 100yds while the other partner forward with him. Bring it back in reverse and repeat the whole thing.
Ditch the partner for some burpicides:
Run to the 1st line for 1 Burpee then back to the start for 1 Burpee. Do this until you get to 6 Burpees.
Partner up again and while the first partner starts with single count American Hammers going to 500, the other partner hits the 3 lines on the field with 2 Burpees at the first then back, 4 at mid-field then back, 6 at the third line then back. Swap with your partner and do this until 500 American Hammers are in the books.
Finish up with more 3-tiered burpicides of 7, 8 & 9 Burpees at the three lines. To say this crowd pleaser gassed the PAX is a massive understatement. It was one of those times and you seriously think you’re hallucinating b/c surely, the Q didn’t just say what I heard, did he? Oh yes. Oh yes he did. How I didn’t splash merlot at the end of this was amazing.

That is what it’s like to Q The Deep in Lake Wylie with Cable Guy. Brutally awful yet awesome. Welcome to F3. Great words by Royale at COT this morning. T-Claps to this man as he brings the energy, the emphasis and the opportunity to share the leadership. He has a great sales pitch and challenges other men to step forward.

Announcements: Hog & Coyote has several options…choose 1 and sign up, F3 Dads workout every Saturday in June 10am at WEP, SpitzArmy this Summer, read the newsletter.

Prayer Requests: Son’s birthday and upcoming vacation. Warbuck’s job and what he faces everyday. Patience with family in town and being the example that is needed.

TClap |

The Hills of Pain Come to the Patriot

  • When: 6/4/16
  • Where:  The Patriot
  • QIC:  Winchester and Walker
  • The PAX: Lucky Charms, Van Gogh, Choir Boy, Flounder (FNG), Pistol (Respect), Captain Kangaroo (Respect), Tony Hawk, Pale Rider (FNG), Limp Biscuit, Cornerstone, Peach (Respect), Utah, Bogey, The Flash. Hot Sauce, Sling Shot, Fusion, Dream House, Dawg Pound, Mayhem, Turbine, Reborn, Italian Job, Winchester, Walker (Respect)


25 strong men from Rock Hill came out for a hot and muggy morning beat down this morning by Winchester and YHC.  Winchester, Cheeto, and YHC run on Sunday mornings at the Hills of Pain and rarely have any of the Rock Hill/Ft. Mill Pax join us so we thought we might bring a portion of the Sunday morning pain to the Patriot this morning.  After the usual disclaimer, Winchester started us out of the gate.

The Thang:

Winchester of Q

Before we got into the workout, Winchester reminded us about the message of Romans 8 and how God is with us wherever we go and is our hope no matter what we are confronted with in life. For those that love God, he works all things for good even though from our perspective it may not seem so. Let us not lose sight of this as we move forward in our lives.


In cadence:  SSH – 15, Merkins – 10, Carolina dry docks – 10, Squats – 10, Moroccan night club – 10, Reverse Moroccan night club – 10, Merkins – 10

Mosey to hill near Sullivan Middle School for some “Hills of Pain” work:

Sprint up hill – Sprint down hill; Bear crawl up hill – crab walk down hill; Burpee broad jump up hill – sprint down hill.  Repeat all exercises

Walker on Q

Mosey to center of cone array for a Starfish routine.  Before we got started, I reminded the PAX about the message given in Romans 15:1-7.  In these verses, Paul basically speaks about the importance of building up you neighbor – in other words, building a community.  We in F3 have a calling to do such a thing.  We are not just passive members of a community. Part of the F3 mission is to build a community and it starts with the Sad Clown that you come across in your everyday life. As you go about your day to day, look for opportunities to build the F3 nation which in the end builds and impacts our communities in a very profound and Biblical manner.

Starfish Routine:

Cones are laid out with one cone in the middle of a 4 corner array (cones at each corner).

Exercises:  Middle cone – 10 burpees, run to 1st cone – 100 merkins, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees, run to 2nd cone – 100 LBCs, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees,, run to 3rd cone – 100 squats, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees,, run to 4th cone – 50 pike presses, run back to middle cone – 10 burpees

Total:  50 burpees, 100 merkins, 100, LBCs, 100 squats, 50 pike presses


20 merkins in cadence , heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, 15 diamond merkins in cadence, heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, 20 wide arm merkins in cadence, heels 6 inches off ground for 1 minute, finished up with 5 burpees.

Mosey back to COT:

Naked Man:  Read the newsletter for F3 happenings in the area.  Prayers for Nancy who has tumors (Cornerstone’s neighbor), Cornerstone’s daughter, Limp Biscuit’s niece, F3 Olive and his family.  May we accept God’s will in all of these circumstances

The guys worked hard today and they gutted it out like true men of character do.  It’s an honor to lead and serve such great F3 brothers.

Walker Out!



TClap |

Hog & Coyote 2016 – Ruck Option

There has been a movement (not that kind and not that kind of group) within the Fort where quite a few PAX have been introduced to, and embraced the Ruck. AOs across the Fort are starting to offer a rucking option. If you don’t know what rucking is, don’t worry. I didn’t until about a year ago.

Here is the best explanation -> RUCKING

That said, rucking events are a different type of CSAUP, but CSAUP nonetheless. So, some of us in the Fort are going rogue and are introducing a rucking option for the Hog & Coyote. Due to the nature of rucking (slower pace than running), we’ll need to start a little earlier and bypass one AO (Run N Gun). But don’t kid yourself, 12+ miles with a 30 lb rucksack along with 4 bootcamp workouts (ruck included) will be considered a #beatdown!

I’ll be the first to HC!

If you’re up for the challenge, please join me. Unlike running a race, rucking is about starting and finishing together (never leave the 6). So this group will start and finish together, even if we have to carry some PAX across the finish line.

Start – Colosseum (Maximus – Warm up Q) – 3.75 miles to WEP
The Fort (WEP) (Anchorman on Q) – 2.75 miles to HoG (6.5 miles total)
Hills of Gloom (Popeye on Q) – 3 miles to Patriot (9.5 miles total)
Patriot (Peach on Q) – 3 miles to Old Town (12.5 miles total)
Old Town (to the top of the parking garage)

Since we haven’t asked permission, we may need to conduct the first few bootcamps on our own, unless the Qs don’t mind showing up a bit early. We’ll leave that to them and modify as needed.

To view the rucking route option, click HERE

We’ll start the rucking option at 5:00 AM and plan on finishing with the rest of the PAX between 9:30-10:00 AM. All that is required is that you commit and show up with a weighted rucksack. Who’s with me?


TClap |

Recon our Region – Spitz’s Army

Disclaimer: YHC did not come up with this idea. Spitz has led the charge on this for the last 2 years and deserves full credit hence the name.

As many of you know, F3 the Fort has seen tremendous growth over the past 3.5 years. In 2016 alone, we have welcomed 180 FNGs, expanded our numbers to ~700 PAX and added several AOs.

What has been consistent and a hallmark of F3 the Fort has been several key characteristics:

  1. Living the mission and core principles of F3
  2. A commitment to accountability and brotherhood amongst the PAX
  3. A strong desire to give back to the community where we serve
  4. A constant helping hand to members of the PAX who are struggling or in need

With all of this growth, the one thing that has been stretched is who you post regularly with. Even if you post 5+ times a week (CSPAN, Dark Helmet, etc.) you just don’t get to see all of the guys. This is particularly true of those PAX who started and built F3 the Fort back in 2012. In addition, the Fort boasts a tremendous amount of #HIMs throughout the region. These PAX continue to inspire me and quite frankly have some really tough workouts too! This is an opportunity to connect with these men and I guarantee all 3 Fs across the region.

So I asked myself, “what’s the best way to fix this? How about a challenge to all members of F3 the Fort? The Fort loves challenges!” My good friend Spitz had the idea to post at all of the workouts in our region and away we went.

So here is the challenge:

Your goal, should you choose to accept it, is to post at all 45 over the summer. YHC will create a list of those who HC and document the process each week. Here is the link for tracking your attendance:  Spitz Army Tracking

Except thats not all! Any man can do that! A real Fort Pax would also post at all of the 3rd F sites this summer too. So add (5) more AOs to the list for an even 50!

One of the lessons learned at the Fort is there is strength in numbers. HC to join Spitz’s Army via Twitter or the F3 Nation website. I look forward to seeing you in the Gloom!

TClap |