36 degrees, Frosty and Warm

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 10/20/15
  • Pax: Good Neighbor, Sgt York, Toro, Smiley Face, Geppetto, The Riddler, Apache, River Rat
  • Posted In: The Fort

Rolling out of the #Fartsack this morning YHC checked the temp on his phone and it read a frosty 36 degrees. Thinking due to the near freezing temperatures, and having to scrape front off the windshield of my car, there was no way there would be a big group of PAX for the #EaglesNest today.  I was wrongo-bongo.  NINE! Count them NINE, brave Non-#Cantore’s braved the cold for a Popeye Q.  The goal today was to keep all PAX warm versus thinking about the cold, I hope YHC delivered.



Merkin X10 – (It was good to start off with this. Shocked a few PAX that I chose not to start off w/ the normal SSH)

  • WM X10
  • SSH X10
  • MNC X10
  • Seal Jacks X10


4 Corners

1st & 3rd Corners

  • 20 Squats
  • 15 Monkey Humpers

Lunge walk the short ends

2nd & 4th Corners

  • 20 Merkins
  • 10 SSH

Rinse & Repeat

Mosey to Diggs Field aka. The F3 Playground

Grab a cupon rock

We started at the bottom of the hill between the stair cases

Round 1 –

At the bottom of the hill w/ rock

  1. 30 squats w/ rock

drop rock run up the hill do one merkin which really was sort of a burpee – run down hill

  1. 20 rock curls

drop rock run up, one merkin, run down hill

  1. 10 – Over head rock press

drop rock run up, one merkin, run down hill

Rinse & repeat but Rounds 2 and 3 #Omaha

  1. 20 squats

drop rock run up the hill do one merkin which really was sort of a burpee – run down hill

  1. 10 rock curls

drop rock run up, one merkin, run down hill

  1. 10 – Over head rock press

drop rock run up, one merkin, run down hill

Mosey to picnic tables in front of the West Center – OYO

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Irkins

Mosey back to the COT for a short AB lab

  • 10 (In cadence) LBC’s
  • 10 Flutters
  • 10 I like to call Gut Busters (Plank Twists)



  • Christmas Party Dec. 19 Dairy Barn check the newsletter for details
  • Toro is having a bible study for men. (Sorry bro I wasn’t recording to remember the details) So if you are interested get up with him on the Twitter-verse.
  • PHOP on Wednesday is River Rat’s VQ – Only hint he and Riddler gave us was make sure you wear gloves.
  • 545 tonight at Winthrop Coliseum #ExtraCredit run with Popeye & more than likely Walker 3-ish miles

Prayer & Praise

  • Families – be better Leaders, Fathers, & Husbands
  • Praise to the PAX for coming to the #EaglesNest in the cold to get better
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The Fort – The comparisons stop here!!

  • QIC: Rebel / Cake Boss
  • When: 10/17/2015
  • Pax: Welcome FNG - Shania! - Santini, Gump, Galloping Ghost and 2 - 2.0s, Ginsu, Bigglesworth, Mile High, Dark Helmet, Barry Manilow, Peabody, Rebel, Cake Boss, missing 1----my video died on me!! my bad!
  • Posted In: The Fort

14 PAX came to the HQ of The Fort at Walter Elisha Park for their Daily Red Pill. Weather was perfect as the fall coolness settled in and the sun rose over the wide open range……No idea what I’m talking about, but Rebel took the Q and I got real lightheaded after that!

The Thang:

Mosey around track with 2 stops for warm up -SSH, Imp Walker, Seal jacks, wind mill. High knees, butt kickers

Reg mosey to small Springs lot. More warm up- merkin, MC, Peter Parker.

Mosey up big hill to top lot and partner up.

Combine for 100 merkins while partner runs hill – Then 150 squats – Series of sprints across parking lot. Hand off

We discussed the importance of not falling into the trap of comparison and the many pitfalls. It leads us down empty roads and distracts us from what God really has planned for each of us. Bottom line is we all fall short….every single one of us…..so comparing to earthy treasures and fortunes that fade or give false hope only leave us empty inside. Focus on being what God made you to be and give that 100% of your attention.

Hand Off………..


Cake Boss emptied out the back of the truck for markers in the wet dewy grass. Some cones and a gas tank was all we needed to mark the “STAR of DEATH”…..unlike the “Death Star” that was not even in the shape of a star and was lame because wimpy Luke Skywalker blew it up. Santini and Gump tried to break this “STAR of DEATH” up but it was futile!!

The Thang:

Start in the middle (Gas Can), do 5 6inch/ab crunches (lift legs six inches and do 5 crunches). Start at 1 of 4 columns of cones and do each exercise written on cone. At the end of the line, sprint to center and do 5 6inch/ab crunches again and move to next set of exercises. First Round, bear crawl to each cone (6-10feet apart). Second Round, crab walk to each cone

First Column

10 –  inch worm merkins

Around the world plank crawl

20 – leg lifts 

Second Column

10 – Apollo Ono

15 – lunge Hops

20 – sumo squats

Third Column

10 – CDDs

15 – merkins

20 – wide arm merkins

Fourth Column

10 – Peter Parkers

15 – plank ski hops

20 – donkey kicks

Rinse and repeat and swap Bear Crawls for Crab Walks. This was a crowd pleaser because the grass was about a foot deep and we might as well be in a pool since the dew was laying thick. We were wet!!

Rebel talked about the issues with comparing ourselves to others and the roads that can lead us down. YHC added that when we are more focused on the others around us and the paths they seem to be on compared to ours, we are not giving God our 100% focus and attention. God laid a path for each one of us, some rough and bumpy and some smooth as a baby’s bottom, but whatever it is we need to stay focused on HIS will and HIS plan for our lives and not worry or focus on those around us. How do we do this?? Be in the Word, Prayer and community in a church/lifegroup and F3 PAX!! Play to an audience of ONE and not to others around us.

Mosey to Springs Parking lot for few more Mountain climbers, ab exercises and the off to COT

Was a great PAX and morning working our bodies, souls and minds!! FNG ‘Shania” from Nashville will probably be looking for some new friends, since the ones he was visiting have a weird definition to hospitality. Hope Shania meets up with our F3 brothers in the Music City, thanks for coming out!


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Deer Gate 2015

  • QIC: Double D, Italian Job
  • When: 10/17/15
  • Pax: Catfish, Pepperoni, Bandit, Peach, Twister, Double D, Italian Job
  • Posted In: The Fort

This morning, 7 of the area’s finest woke up, got up, showed up, and manned up for a football themed Saturday morning beatdown. We even had a guest appearance (see below for details).

The Thang

Double D on the Q:

Warm up run around school parking lot

COP — SSH x20, Mtn climber x15, IW x15, Moroccan night clubs x15, Slow sumo squat x15, Merkins x15, Monkey Humpers x15

Run to back of school

People’s chair followed by 5 burpees OYO (rinse & repeat 2x)

Mosey to back parking lot and circle up

Plank series, Peter Parker x10, Parker Peter x10, plank series

Run to picnic tables on side of school

  • 30 dips / 15 derkins
  • 30 dips / 10 derkins
  • 30 dips / 5 derkins
  • Box jumps x10 on wall

6 Minutes o Mary — Freddie Mercury x15, Rosalita x10, Flutter x10, Dollies x10, Freddie Mercury x15, Superman x2

Hand off to YHC:

Mosey to the Sullivan Middle football field to relive our football glory days.

Line up next to your QB. When he says go, go out for a pass, catch it, then race the other team to the other sideline and back. Winner calls the next exercise:

  • Winners chose 20 MNC, 20 LBC, 20 SSH, 10 Burpees OYO, and two more exercises I cannot remember.

After a brief 10 count – we played a little Blackjack.

  • 20 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 1 LBC
  • 19 Merkins, run to the other sideline for 2 LBCs
  • All the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 LBCs
  • 231 of each

This is where it got strange. A young buck (literally) decided to be LIFO (last in first out). This deer ran in through the open gate, full on pranced around the track, got spooked by our presence, stutter stepped, then ran directly into the fence. He got up, shook it off and sprinted down the straightaway on the track, rounded turn three and cleared the fence.

Naked Moleskin

It seems opening week of deer season and a Cub Scout camping event dwindled our numbers this morning. No worries though, the Pax this morning worked hard and had fun. So next time you want to consider going up the tree stand, perhaps you’d be better suited to just come to the Patriot. Thanks to Double D for the Celebrity Q. You are always welcome across the river.


Oct 24 (Saturday) @1600-1700 – Children’s Attention Home – Join other Pax, M’s and 2.0s in providing some of the CAH kids with fun and interactive exercises and games.  An OCR is planned, if the weather is good.  Contact Chicken Hawk for more details.

F3 Dads – Middle and High School Age 2.0’s

Oct 31 (Saturday) @0700-0800 – Gold Hill Middle School – Workout specifically for Middle and High School age kids and their fathers. Check out the pre-blast or contact White Lightning for more info.

Christmas Party – Pre-Blast and RSVP

Dec 19 (Saturday) @1800 – Dairy Barn – This year’s bash will be nothing short of epic.  Read the pre-blast for details and to buy your tickets.

FallFest 5k for CAH

Nov 7 @0800 – Baxter Village – This local race is another great way we can show support for the Children’s Attention Home.  Read more and sign-up here.

Support F3 Leap Efforts

As you think about how F3 has helped transform you from a #sadclown, consider how you can give it away to others through F3 “Leap”.  The Fort will be supporting the start of F3 in Savannah and Augusta in November.  Contact @CSPAN  to SC/HC or for clowncar logistics.

  • 11/14 – Augusta
  • 11/21 – Savannah
  • 11/28 – Savannah
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Word of the day… NUR

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 10/12/15
  • Pax: Italian Job, Sgt York, The Riddler, Burgundy, Apache, Schrute, River Rat, Geppetto
  • Posted In: The Fort
Nine #HighImpactMen made the decision to not #fartsack a slightly chilly Monday morning to #GetBetter by the very non-professional YHC.
Today’s word of the day is “Nur” & this Q is sponsored by the number 10.
Warm Up:
  • IW X10
  • WindMill X10
  • MNC X10
  • Merkins X10
  • MNC X10
  • Merkins X10
  • MNC X10 (Shoulders were getting real warm.)
  • Chinooks X10
  • SSH X10
Mosey to the parking deck
Each ramp –
  • Run ramp – 10 squats (at the ramp turns)
  • NUR ramp – 10 squats (Nur is run spelled backwards thus we ran the ramp back wards… Nur. add it to the Exercise list)
  • All the way to the top run down the steps
  • wait for the 6 10 count
Rise & Repeat
  • Run ramp – 10 CDD
  • NUR ramp – 10 CDD
  • run down the steps
  • Run ramp – 10 calf raises
  • Nur Ramp – 10 calf raises
  • run down steps
Mosey to fountain park
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Irkins
  • 10 dips
Rinse & Repeat
Stop at Freedom Temple steps
  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Irkins
  • 10 Merkins
Mosey to Cotton Alley
Peoples Chair with a Loooong 10 count
  • 10 LBC’s
  • 10 flutters
  • 10 Hello Dolly
  • 10 plank jacks
  • 10 Gut Busters (Plank twists)
Mosey lap around the parking lot to make the morning jog an even 2 miles
Done right on time.
Fast 5K this Saturday. Time: 1600 Location: Fort Mill High School. If you didn’t sign up with a team still try to come out to watch this #CSAUP event.
The Patriot Shirt order is open – See Italian Job or watch the F3RockHill Twitter for info. Thursday is the last day to order this round.  The next round will happen in about 6 months… maybe.
North Rock Hill Church is collecting “Mud Buckets” from Home Depot to send to the folks in Columbia.
All the MIA PAX to get back out to the Gloom
Apache’s M – FiA Chili Bean fight home from Chicago after the Chicago Marathon.
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Columbia Drop #2

  • QIC: Dark Helmet
  • When: 10/6/15
  • Pax: Menthol, Maximus, Crab Cakes, Catfish, Italian Job, and all the Pax that donated to the cause
  • Posted In: Alcatraz, The Fort, The Reservation

With 12 hours notice, the guys from Rock Hill, Tega Cay, Indian Land, and Fort Mill gathered 9,000 bottles of water, several bags of clothes and towels, food, shoes, toiletry items, and blankets for those in need in Columbia. Today, YHC and four of my brothers delivered five truckloads of supplies to a retirement community and a donation drop off location. I am so blessed to call these men my brothers in Christ and to see their example of His love in this world.

When there is a need, these men give their time, money, and energy to be the arms, hands, and feet of Christ to those in need. We’ve said it before: F3 is more than a fitness group, we’re a band of brothers.

Thank you men for humbling yourselves and doing what you know is needed in a broken and hurt world. You all exemplify what a High Impact Man is and your leadership in our community shows our children what it’s like to be a true man of God. I am blessed to be associated with F3 and the men that step up when the world steps out. At F3, we don’t sit on the sidelines and watch; we jump in the game and make things happen.

Now I challenge you. Step up and be a #HIM. Gather more donations and contact Dark Helmet to coordinate taking them down to our brothers in need. Also remember, there is still a need for financial contributions. Some lost everything, so anything you can spare is appreciated https://www.gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Finally, pray for all those affected. Lift up the families of those in need. Pray for strength, courage, and guidance. Ask for healing and peace. Our God can do anything. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to take action. Do it. Listen when our Father calls you. Do what you know is right.

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Loaves and Fishes… PAX please keep helping Columbia.

Loads, nay, tons of support has been poured out on the Columbia PAX, but we are far from out of the woods. Spiderman is trying to garner support for a Columbus day trip to help folks start the clean up process. There will be A LOT to do. If you’ve been following the news, twitter, etc., then you’ve seen the devastation. It’s not widespread like Katrina, but for those folks affected, it’s close to that level of devastation. We are also still taking donations.

SO DONATE! Bring supplies to your AOs tomorrow and the rest of the week: Dry food, water (LOTS OF WATER), toiletries, clothes, and especially blankets or other bedding. EVERYTHING and anything helps. If you can’t make that, then drop supplies by my house: 7183 Meyer Rd. (near The Coop) We will be taking more loads down tomorrow and all week long.

Thank you for your generosity thus far. Let’s keep it going.

Someone tonight as they were dropping supplies by said, “It’s not much, but it’s what we could do.” I said that a lot of “not muches” makes a whole pile of “somethings”.

It made me think of the stories of Christ feeding the 5,000; or the account of the Widow’s Mite. Men, let’s cast in what we have, add it to the growing stacks, and make a dent in the suffering of another human being. The little we can do WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE. We are promised it is so…

Additionally, if you have the means and are so inclined, here’s the link to the GoFundMe site: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Helmet out…

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Columbus Day in Columbia


As you know Columbia was hit very hard over the past weekend by severe weather.  Many of our F3 brothers, their families, and friends have been impacted.  Daily trips are already in motion to deliver water and other necessary items.  As the waters subside the clean up will begin.  Let’s converge on Columbia to help our brothers dig out and clean up.


Plan to cut limbs, shovel mud, carry furniture, etc.  We will coordinate with those in Columbia and refine the details as we get closer.

When: Columbus Day, Monday, October 12th.

  • Meet at 6:00 – 7:00 to collect donations
  • Depart 7:30am

Where:  Lowes by Baxter Parking Lot (Slo Burn)

  • 1640 Highway 160 West, Fort Mill, SC 29708

What to bring:

  • At least one case of water
  • Sawzall (battery powered)
  • trash bags
  • Face mask
  • Chainsaws
  • Loppers
  • Gloves
  • Rope
  • Hacksaws
  • Water
  • Shovels – (snow shovels and regular)

What to wear:

  • Solid Shoes or Boots
  • Jeans
  • F3 shirt
  • Gloves – I know you have some smelly ones somewhere that have seen their day in the gloom


A tetanus shot is highly advised for cleaning up a flood area.  You can get this taken care of at a CVS or Walgreens so please get this done.  Get this done in NC so you can complete it without a prescription.  Check your insurance coverage, I was able to get this done at no charge.

Please help us make an impact!

Count so far:


  • Spider-Man
  • Dark Helmet
  • Chicken Hawk
  • Deacon
  • Cerrano
  • Jekyll
  • Barry Manilow
  • Fish Sticks
  • Senator Tressel
  • Rebel
  • Smuggler
  • Boeheim
  • Jennifer Cameron – BAC
  • Hank Chou – BAC


Thank you!


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Be a #HIM and help out the Columbia Community

As you may (or may not) be aware, Columbia has been hit hard be storms and has gotten over 2 FEET of rain in the last couple of days. It’s a pretty bad situation for a good number of folks have had to evacuate and some have lost homes and other property.

There isn’t a ton we can do from this end until it stops raining, but we are mobilizing to collect supplies to deliver to our F3 PAX down there, so they can help Red Cross and others distribute to those in need.

Bring the following to AO’s where you post tomorrow and Tuesday: Food (dry), water, clothes, blankets, toiletries. Anything you’d need if you were suddenly rendered homeless. We are asking Site Q’s and Q for the day to collect and I will be in touch to collect it all to take it down to Columbia. We’ve been in touch with folks down there and he and I will be working out the delivery of goods.

If you want to donate go here: http://gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8

Please step up and help.

Helmet, out.

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PRE-BLAST Race for the Cure – F3 Nation Turkey Punchers

  • QIC: Popeye
  • When: 09/28/15
  • Pax: So far: Sgt. York, Italian Job, Burgundy, Fusion + M, Apache + M, Turbine + M, OPEN TO ALL PAX, M's and 2.0's
  • Posted In: Pre-Blast, The Fort

This is it… time to Punch the Turkey out of Cancer & Turkey Punch a whole lot of people to what F3 & FiA is about.  That’s right, there is a PAX combo of F3 & FiA currently registered with the F3 Nation Turkey Punchers team to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this Saturday October 3rd.


If anyone would like to #ClownCar up to Charlotte we will meet at Sullivan Middle School at 0515. Wheels up at 0530.

TIME: Here’s the race day schedule CLICK HERE or just read it here.

  • Registration/Packet Pickup – 0600
  • Teams Village Opens – 0600
  • Timed 5K Run –  0715
  • Recreational 5K Walk/Run (un-timed) – 0750

RALLY POINT in Charlotte will be near the Start line along E. 3rd St between Davidson St & S. McDowell in the team village.  Look for a shovel flag. With that said, If anyone has a shovel flag(s) for this event please bring it.  See Map .

PARKING is all over the place.  If you use one of the preferred parking sites I believe it is free parking during the event.  Just have some form of payment ready just in case.

PRE-RACE: Time permitting there will be a little pre-race warm up.  There will be a lot of walkers in the un-timed race so we will need to try and get to the front near the start line so we wont have to dodge a bunch of people once the race starts.

UNIFORM OF THE DAY: F3 or FiA shirt if you have one. Also this is a breast cancer awareness run so wearing pink is also in order.

POST RACE: Either meet up at COT around shovel flag until the 6 finishes and/or wait at the finish line cheering on our team mates as they finish. REQUIRED: Team photo pre or post race. so don’t leave unless we’ve taken a team picture.

All AO’s are still open SaturdayThe Patriot has the honor of having Deacon and Peach beat you down. The Fort you should have some fun with Dark Helmet.

In closing, thanks to all PAX and their M’s for signing up for this race.  In 2003 I lost my sister to breast cancer at the age of 31. I’ve participated in the RFTC in some form or fashion since then.  I’m sure there are those of you who have been affected or know someone who has been affected by breast cancer or any form of cancer.  Before her death I shared with my sister JoAnna the verse John 11:4 after Jesus was told of Lazarus’ death. Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that the son may be glorified through it.”  It really opened her eyes to her condition that even though cancer was eating her away from the inside out, that Jesus would be glorified through her pain.  Thus the team name “F3 Nation Turkey Punchers“… So lets go out there Punch the Turkey out of Cancer so #SkyQ will be glorified & hopefully one day through your efforts a cure for cancer will be discovered.

It’s still not too late to sign up – even if you don’t sign up come out and support your F3 Bros. See you Saturday.

Popeye out!

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You vs You

  • QIC: Jekyll and Double D
  • When: 09/26/15
  • Pax: Ginsu, Menthol, Package, WWL, Longshanks, Mini Me, Galloping Ghost, Cena, Sechreast, Mainframe, Quack Attack, Rooney, Santini, Bubba Gump, Flat Tire, Javert, MacGyver, FNG/Bigglesworth
  • Posted In: The Fort

20 pax posted on a soggy morning to pushback the rainy day blues and launch their weekend with pain and purpose.

The Thang (Jekyll on Q)

Warm up run on path around park with miscellaneous moves along the route

Mosey to Stairway to Heaven

BLIMPS up the hill w/5 reps at each light post (6 rounds total):
Round 1 = Burpees
Round 2 = Lunges
Round 3 = Imperial Walkers
Round 4 = Merkins
Round 5 = Plank jacks
Round 6 = Squats
Extra credit = bear crawl between lamp posts

Circle up for Lt Dan’s = 1 Squat + 4 lunges
(increase like Jack Webbs up to 5)

6 MoM = LBCs, Heels to Heaven, Rosalita, Protractor

Hand off to Double D

Run to end line on soccer field

Circle up for Tabata series (8 rounds 20 secs amrap/10 secs rest)
Round 1 = Makhtar N’Dyae
lap around the playground
Round 2 = Knee Tar Jai
lap around the playground
Round 3 = Monkey Humpers
Run down to park
Round 4 = Bear crawl

Run home


Naked man moleskin

Tclaps to the pax for enduring a full throttle day in soggy conditions.  No complaints at all, at least  about the weather.

Welcome to FNG Bigglesworth!  Tclaps to Ginsu for the EH.

The theme today was “you vs you” meant in the context of not getting caught up in our culture’s mission of comparison, keeping up with the Joneses, building expectations around what others have or don’t have or what makes each of us better or lesser than another person.  It is a highly contagious and dangerous disease propagated by our culture with a smile and a message intended to keep us in a state of discontent.  Not only is it toxic to us, we often tolerate it or even impose it on our spouses or children.  Measuring ourselves and each other in a spirit of accountability is a necessary and healthy activity.  But when it grows out of a sense of envy, jealousy or pride, it is certainly headed down a sinful path.


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